Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 149: Send! Men and women on stone beams

Chen Ruicai knows why Tim has stayed in the underground world for two years. He is trying to learn more about the elements and the information about the magic fly. He only listens to a syrup and screams: "The Queen orders you, immediately before. See you there!"

From the mouth of Tim, Chen Rui learned that the Queen’s suspicions and hostility were so deep. At the moment, she took Athena’s hand and followed Medusa to the small lake.

In front of the open space, Queen Medusa stood in the middle, with a row of Medusa on each side, Liaosha and Lusa were among them.

Chen Rui came to the Queen of Medusa and bowed with Athena: "Respected Your Highness, as a sign of friendship, I have basically cured your people."

Queen Medusa nodded slightly, but the words she said were rather unfriendly: "It is a pity that your performance can only barely keep your life, but you can't get rid of the identity of the prisoner. You must continue to provide treatment items to maintain your life and your companions." ""

Chen Rui was taken aback, this face is too fast, the standard wipes the mouth and does not recognize people!

Tim, who followed, could barely understand the meaning of Queen Medusa, and quickly explained that Chen Rui and Athena were not malicious. They were partners with the Earth Elemental and the Magic Fly. They also saved Lusa’s life. Liao Sha and Lu Sha also came out to plead.

"Tim!" There was some anger in the voice of Queen Medusa: "Don't think I don't know, what did you let Lusa do today, and sacrificed several people!"

Tim bowed his head, Liao Sha said: "Mother, don't blame Tim, I let him do it, everything is for the child to be born!"

"Don't let go!" Queen Medusa angered: "You think you can go to the ground, you and your child can live peacefully? The creatures on the ground are more cunning and evil, seeing us as enemies, even if you and Lusa are out. And can't survive! If you attract a large number of foreigners related to Tim, then even the entire Medusa tribe may be destroyed!"

Liao Sha has to plead again, and the Queen of Medusa’s golden sè has a murderous murder: "Liao Sha, take your husband back! Otherwise I will kill you! I am not only your mother. It is also the queen of the Medusa tribe!"

Chen Rui had to admit that as the leader of a tribe, Queen Medusa’s concerns were not unreasonable, but for him and Athena, it was not very good, and quickly said: “The dear Queen, perhaps You still don't know that the passage to the ground has been destroyed by my enemies. It can only go down and can't go up. This should be proved by Lusa. My companion and me are now part of the underground world. We are willing to help Medusa against the earth elements and the magic fly, and ask His Highness to believe us. ”

"Your insignificant power can help Medusa?" Queen Medusa had a scornful expression. "You guys are very incomparable. Tim is now my daughter's husband, and must rely on the spring of life to survive. I can barely trust him. As for you, you kill the woman next to prove your loyalty, but as a man of Medusa, I can spare your life and even give you the same privileges of Tim."

Kill the woman next to you? Chen Rui looked at Athena and held her hand tightly. "The Dark Will" has appeared on the ring finger of the left hand. He asked: "His Royal Highness, do you think that a guy who can save his woman for life?" More trustworthy? ”

Queen Medusa sneered and spit out the snake tongue and shouted: "Guards" grabbed them! ”

Here is Medusa's nest xué, to deal with this little horn, Queen Medusa does not think that she needs to take it herself.

"Take care! Tim, I will try to help you." Chen Ruichang sighed, and Athena's figure began to become distorted and blurred.

The Queen of Medusa saw the situation, and it appeared in front of Chen Rui. The snakes of Jin Sè radiated a strange light, and they had a pair with Chen Rui’s eyes. However, it was already a step later, Chen Rui and Athena. There is also the shoulder, the "rope" disappears in sight.

The Queen of Medusa did not expect this, "1 卜 sè" could actually slip away under her own eyes, and screamed angrily. "Looking at the body of Tim, it seems that there is a plan for the disaster." Shah hurriedly guarded Tim in front of him, l screaming for sè, Queen Medusa's gaze gradually softened, dissatisfied with a "snap", turned away.

Somewhere in the underground world, there was a strange twist in the space. Two figures appeared on the ground out of thin air. It was Athena and Chen Rui.

Athena just felt that the line of sight was blurred, the body seemed to be repelled, and the moment of waking time, Medusa had disappeared completely, surrounded by a completely strange environment.

When she was about to open her mouth, she felt that Chen Rui was different from her side. She saw that his body maintained a strange rigidity. The skin, hair and clothes on his body turned into a light gray sè. A lifeless atmosphere.

"Petrochemical!" Athena was shocked, thinking of Medusa's most famous talent, the whole person is like a hail.

Now I can't return to the ground. Unless I kill the Queen of Medusa, I can't save Chen Rui. The source of all this is because she shouldn't enter the main mine! In an instant, Athena passed a thought in her heart. If the man lost her life, she would not want to survive any more.

Fortunately, this state of rigidity has only lasted for a while, and the dead gray ash gradually fades away and restores its original vitality.

Chen Rui gasped and gasped, and there was a feeling of uncertainty. The chemical petrochemical ability of Medusa was really terrible, especially the strength, and the "unable to judge" Queen Medusa personally displayed. The moment just now, not only the consciousness, but also the blood flow of the whole body was solidified. Fortunately, there was a super system that only digested this kind of force. Otherwise, even if the transmission is successful, it will definitely become a stone statue that has lost its life.

Athena grew a sigh of relief, Chen Rui found her cold sweat in her hand and gave her a peace of mind.

The two are located on a stone sarcophagus near the stone wall. The ground is high and the light is dim. It can be better observed to see the clear lighting in the vicinity.

"This place should be temporarily safe." Chen Rui took a thick cushion from the storage space and took Athena to sit down. "First take a break. You fought last night, and you just experienced that." Kind of battle, it must be very tired."

When a lot of outsiders were there, Athena was held by him. He felt that he was not so nervous. Now they are alone, but they feel very special. But they did not recover the hand they were holding.

, "Athena..." ("Chen Rui...")




The two were almost asking questions and responding at the same time.

"You said first..." ("You say...")

Again, it’s the same voice.

"You can say it first, Athena."

Athena responded with a cry, but she was silent and only said three words.

,"I am sorry."

"Well, it doesn't matter..."

After a long while.

,"I am sorry……"

,"it's OK."

After a while.

,"I am sorry……"


,"I am sorry……"

"I have nothing to say, don't worry about it."

Athena shook her head and flattened again: "I didn't listen to you, I entered the main pit..."

"This can't blame you, it's Connor's yīn murder." He told the miners to sneak into the mining, lead you to save people, and then destroy the enchantment of the entrance, can not enter. ”

Athena trembled and her head hangs lower: "You know that you can't get in, why should you come in?"

Chen Rui knows that she is sad and smiles easily: "I said that stupid things are contagious, I have been infected by you."

It's a pity that this kind of relaxation can't alleviate the heavy weight of Athena's heart, but it intensifies." Her shoulders shook slightly, and a drop of tears fell.

"I am too stupid, I am in the middle of it!"

"I am letting you fall into desperation!"

"I am hurting you, you just lost your life!"

"I didn't listen to you..." "Sorry! It's me..."

,"I am sorry!"

,"I am sorry……"

Athena’s words stopped abruptly, as if they were blocked by something, but there was a small animal-like sound, and gradually, even this voice was gone.

Almost at the same time, in a circle, the translucent "rope" of "inconvenient" was thrown away far and fell somewhere.


The "rope" screamed and gradually turned into the shape of an onion. The big eyes stared curiously at the two overlapping figures on the stone sarcophagus, and the face looked like a gossip.

Although the amoeba had the heart to look at it in the past, but when he thought of the threat of consciousness in the consciousness of an unscrupulous master, he shuddered and finally did not dare to get close to the past.


This is the strongest feeling of Athena now. The whole body seems to have lost weight, and it floats in the beautiful space. The rest of the vision and hearing disappear.

Just when the man came close, her heartbeat became more intense than ever. There were a lot of deadly killings that could be used. Elbows and locks were suddenly felt as if they were amnesia. I couldn’t even use a trick. Even I avoided Now, I can only watch this guy with a strong male xìng breath close to the face" and then impressed on her chún.

For the first time in his life, Athena had such close contact with a man.

Too hateful, even in the absence of any mental preparation, she is like this to her!

However, if you are mentally prepared, you can quickly, and this little whimsy is drowned in that wonderful vertigo.

The vertigo finally ended slowly, replaced by a red tide. Athena ōng mouth slightly undulating, feeling the rhythm of breathing has become a bit confusing, correspondingly, is, "咚咚"

The rush of heartbeat. The warmth and moisture in the mouth of the chún made her feel a bit uncomfortable.

In the clear vision, it is the bright eyes of men, and even a glimpse of the narrowness.

"I still dare to say "I'm sorry, three words, then wěn one. ”

Damn man! Is this a bad excuse to seize Athena Wells?

The man's eyes became a little bit hot The face was close again, and he could already feel his hot breath, and she began to panic again.

Unsurprisingly, I forgot the attack moves again.

Undoubtedly, the double chún who just lost the first wěn was once again captured.

Then, it was the kind of faint stun that was almost breathless.

For a long time, the two chún were separated.

Mí Li's red dragonfly recovered some clarity, and slammed through a trace of anger. This time, I didn't say "I'm sorry". He was still wěn, and there wasn't even a bad excuse!

The man seems to see through her mind, with a clear smile in his eyes: "Although you didn't say "I'm sorry", I suddenly felt that if you don't continue to kiss you, you are really sorry."

Bastard! Rogue! Athena's eyes were a bit round. @.

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