Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 151: Doug! Not a kind of earth element

"Doug, you see it too, I can kill you now. But I don't want to do this. I have the ability to communicate with the elements, I really want to help you return these elements, but before that, you need You answer some questions. Are you willing to accept?"

Doug was silent for a while, and finally nodded, Chen Rui gestured to lose the loose bond, the earth element returned to the people did not really start again, so that several Tauren people were surprised to see.

At this time, a few Taurens came back, and the head was the Watt that was helped by Chen Rui at the beginning. Watt saw Chen Rui, l took a surprise sè, hurriedly rushed over, a ng mouth: "Chen Rui! Friends!"

"Watt! Friends!" Chen Rui also slammed his mouth, and counted it, many times have passed.

Looking at Doug in a corrugated manner, I was amazed at the unnaturalness of this earth element, but I didn’t ask much, just said to Chen Rui: "Friends! Go to the Tauren's Nest xué! Welcome!"

At present, the situation in the underground world is very unclear. According to Tim, the magic fly is almost all over the entire underground world. The number is extremely large, and there are crises everywhere. It is difficult to find a place to live. Although the Tauren nest xué is in danger of being attacked, it is currently fighting off the enemy and should be a relatively safe place in a short time.

However, there is a book of the Queen of Medusa, and now the dark will has more than 20 hours to use. The Tauren and Medusa are also alliances. In case the Tauren leader also turned his face, even the hope of fleeing is gone.

Chen Rui thought about it and said what happened to Queen Medusa and showed his doubts.

Watt screamed dissatisfiedly: "Friend! The Tauren is not Medusa! Watt is guaranteed with life!"

To be cautious, Chen Rui consulted Athena's opinion. Athena said: "The Tauren are fierce and belligerent, but they are very cool. In history, there was a Tauren ethnic group who participated in the battle as a joint race of the Mozu. Look for you to be a friend and should not hurt us."

Chen Rui secretly nodded. The communication of the Tauren seems to be easier than that of Medusa. From the experience that Tim explained earlier, it seems that he can also hear something. Immediately said to Watt: "Friends, let's go to the Tauren Nest xué, please allow me to bring Take this prisoner."

"Go!" Watt l took a happy god, and brought the bulls to the nest xué.

This place was not far from the Tauren's nest xué. After a while, the group arrived at the Tauren's Nest xué. Here, Chen Rui saw the Tauren who was able to issue a double halo. Like Watt, Torre showed great enthusiasm after seeing Chen Rui and Athena, and he was relieved.

Torre’s position in the Tauren’s Nest seems to be very high. In addition to having an auxiliary aura, it also has a certain healing power. It is helping some Tauren to treat the injury, but this treatment is very laborious, and the speed and effect are not. Satisfactory.

Judging from Torre's exhaustion, there was no rest after the previous war, and it has been treating the same kind.

In the heart of Chen Rui’s heart, he gave Torre a bottle of recovery medicine, and exchanged a batch of healing agents, and began to take the initiative to help treat the Tauren’s injuries. The exchange price of the cure is not high, and it is all master level. With the healing power of Torre, the wounded Tauren's healing speed is suddenly accelerated, and the curative effect is very obvious.

This kind of move immediately won the favor of all the Tauren present, and they all pulled out the friendly gods.

Chen Rui is helping a tauren to bandage. Suddenly, there is a display in the eyes of the analysis. He quickly looks back and sees it. The Tauren leader appears behind him, next to Watt who is going to sue. The sailing update group Tianhuo Longjun provided the Tauren leader to look around the Tauren, and his eyes fell on Chen Rui. When someone was a little embarrassed, the Tauren leader slammed a ng mouth: "Friend! Thank you. Help the Tauren!"

Chen Rui’s heart is determined, and the same return, in the eyes of the analysis, said: "The respected king, I am called Chen Rui, this is my friend Athena and lost, we are in an accidental situation to the underground world, hope Can help Tauren friends before leaving."

"Chen Rui, your strength is very amazing, you can communicate with the Tauren so smoothly." The Tauren leader nodded hard: "Wat told me about Medusa's attitude towards you, I repeat his words. Tauren People, not Medusa!"

The Tauren leader expressed a considerable degree of emphasis on Chen Rui. Of course, all this was achieved by his own ability and hard work.

Although the Tauren are straightforward, it is not negligible that they are also fierce and powerful World of Warcraft, which once jeopardized the mine. In the self-centered concept of the Mozu, even the Wisdom of Warcraft is just "Warcraft", even if it is The most powerful dragons are no exception. In fact, the dragon, the demon, the tauren are all intelligent lives.

If it is not the eye of analysis, if it is not a decisive help to the Tauren, I am afraid that he can only carry Athena and lost in this underground world full of terrible World of Warcraft.

"Thank you, the respected king. I captured a soil element on the road, but this earth element is somewhat different from others. Please allow me to interrogate him, perhaps get more information before the enemy's next attack. ”

"You have the right to dispose of your captives. Thank you again, my friend." The Tauren leader nodded and gestured to Watt to arrange a temporary break for Chen Rui to return to xué and turn away.

Chen Rui gave Torre a few bottles of pharmacy, took Athena, lost and the earth element back to Doug and followed Watt to a quiet hole back to xué.

The Tauren's mastery of architecture is well-known in the world. Due to limited conditions, there is no special life building in this nest, but some seemingly simple holes return to xué, but space utilization and design are unique, showing a kind of A sleek charm.

This hole back to xué has a large space, and it is dry and warm, much more comfortable than the outside. Chen Rui knows that Athena's physical strength and power loss are very large. She used to add some food when she was in the Medusa nest, but from last night to now, she has almost no rest, and immediately takes it out of the storage warehouse. Tents, sleeping bags and other items.

"Athena, you have to sleep, your body is too tired."

Athena had wanted to talk to him. When she heard the proposal, her brow wrinkled slightly.

Chen Rui knows her mind and smiles slightly: "There are a lot of words between us. We can't finish it for a while, maybe... we can't finish it all our lives. In the future, we have time. Before that, you must let yourself The body is well restored, so that I don’t have the strength to even have a meal."

Athena faintly heard the concealed expression in his words, the face suddenly red, more of a sneak peek in the heart, deliberately "snapped" and entered the tent. She was really tired in the battle, and experienced the spirit of the first jīwěn. After relaxing, she quickly entered a sweet dream.

Chen Rui gave a few pieces of food and let it rest for a while. The amoeba was worried that he was once passive and that the union was abandoned by his master. The clever amoeba knows that the master must take care of the stone. The guys have to deal with it. They didn’t praise the aunt as usual. They took the food consciously and chose a more comfortable corner to enjoy.

"Doug, let's sit down and talk."

The earth element returned to the man and sat down. Chen Rui said: "Dow, my name is Chen Rui. I have to ask you a few questions first. You must answer it truthfully, then I will consider how to help you."

The earth element nodded and Chen Rui asked: "As far as I know, the elements return to people have their own criteria. Why do the earth elements return to kill the rest of the creatures, why do they become companions with those flies?"

Doug's facial features are vague, unable to see the specific expression, but revealing doubts from the voice: "I don't know. For many years, we have been living in the land of the earth, never invading other creatures. But one day, When the earth element king changed a certain kind, many things changed. As for the magic flies, in my memory, I have never appeared in the underground world before, it seems that these hundred years have suddenly appeared."

Chen Rui thought about the micro-motion and asked: "Is the magic fly appearing after the variation of the earth element king?"

Doug seems to be remembering, and finally nodded: "Yes."

"What is the variation of the earth element king?"

"Unclear, but the people who have accepted the mutation will have strange changes. The previous memories have all disappeared, but they are absolutely obedient to the earth element kings. Those who are unwilling to accept the mutation will be destroyed, so Tag will lead us from the earth. The domain fled."

This variation should be a kind of control! It’s just that the earth element king originally had the natural pressure to control all the earth elements back, why should we do more? What is the relationship with that kind of magic fly? Chen Rui thought about it and asked: "The power of the earth element king is very strong. You should not be difficult to destroy the opposing creatures or the defectors. Why didn't he personally shoot?"

Doug shook his head: "Before fleeing the land of the earth, the great king had been meditating in the court for hundreds of years, and has never come out. I heard that it seems to be related to getting something. The specific situation may only be known by Tag. He is the elite. The earth elements are back, and they have strong strength. They were the first of the three elites that the king trusted the most."

The earth element king gets "something"... meditation for hundreds of years... the subsequent emergence of the magic fly... "mutation" of other earth elements back to people... began to destroy other creatures... the underground of the mine is Warcraft...

Chen Rui faintly thinks that these clues can be connected in series to become the key to solve the mystery, but there seems to be a few key links in the middle. Maybe you can get the answer from the element of the earth to return to the "rebel" leader Tag.

Because the earth elements return and the magic fly madly kill other creatures, the uncontrolled soil elements of Tagge are both to be wary of the magic fly and the controlled companions, and are hated by other creatures, only in the cracks. It’s very difficult to survive. Today, Doug was ordered by Tage, and came to inquire about the fighting situation between the Tauren and the Magic Fly. He was accidentally discovered by the Tauren and happened to meet Chen Rui when he fled.

Chen Rui is thinking about one thing. For the underground world, he is just an outsider. Even if the earth element king system has treated the entire underground world, it has nothing to do with him. The most important thing is how to safely return to the ground. .

If there is no other way out, it is only to move the brain back to the only channel, relying on the power of the emperor to forcibly open the channel. Even if he has a super system, it is impossible to become a strong emperor in a short period of time, and he must rely on external forces. The Tauren leader and Queen Medusa are considered to be the top powerhouses in the underground world, but I do not know whether they can meet the requirements of breaking the enchantment.

If the Tauren lord and Queen Medusa can't do it, then there is only one person left... Earth Elemental King. @.

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