Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 155: mask! Elemental king's secret

"Amount, nothing...

Chen Rui was half-played and returned to normal. "Torre, what are you looking at?"

Torre replied: "The one who left the earth brought their leader, and the Deron leader invited you to go."

Chen Rui asked: "How much has the earth element come?"

"There are only these two."

Chen Rui nodded. It seems that things are going very well. Otherwise, the rebel leaders of the Earth Elemental People will not come alone to the "enemy" nest.

Athena saw that he seemed to leave and asked: "What happened?"

Chen Rui said the things of the earth elements, Athena said: "Let's go together, sleep, my strength has recovered almost."

Chen Ruisi said that there should be no danger this time, and he agreed to come down. The three men walked out of the hole together.

Doug brings a soil element of a light green sè, and the two elements of the earth elements that have played against the Queen of Medusa and the head of the Tauren are similar. It should be the leader of the Doug mouth and the three major elements of the earth element king. The first element of the elite element is Tag.

Chen Rui went to the front, and the comprehensive strength shown by the analytical eye really could not be judged.

Tagge's figure is smaller than Doug's, slightly shorter than the Tauren, the **** and the body are closer to the human form, and the eyes are flashing like the Doug's white sè, not the "variation" after the yellow Sè ray.

Because the Tauren can't communicate with the earth elements, even though only two earth elements are coming, Deron and others have shown considerable vigilance, and the surrounding Tauren are all waiting for it. After all, the power of the people is very strong. Strong, can compete with the Tauren leader.

The light green sè earth element people saw Chen Rui, and actively greeted him: "Hello, I am Tag, thank you for putting the Doug."

The exchange of consciousness of the eyes of the analysis can be divided into scope and unit. Chen Rui does not want to cause misunderstanding of the Tauren, and expands the scope of the eye consciousness of the analysis, so that the surrounding Tauren can understand his meaning.

"Hello, I am Chen Rui, the best friend of the Tauren. Today, the leader of Tagge came here with sincerity? Or is it with war?"

"You really have the magical power to communicate with the elemental people." Tagge solemnly nodded to Chen Rui, and did not despise his strength because of his strength. "I only came here with Doug, which is enough to prove sincerity, but at the same time I still have a doubt."

Others could not understand Tag's language, and Chen Rui listened to it while translating to Tauren and Athena.

"The earth element king of the land of the earth is always the supreme ruler of our earth elements. Although I have led some people who are unwilling to accept the change, they are not willing to be hostile to the great king, but even more unwilling. In this case, I don’t think that the Tauren or Medusa will be willing to accept the land elements of our defectors, but in order to show the friendliness of the earth elements, I still come with sincerity, I Don't want to be your enemy."

After listening to Chen Rui’s translation, the Tauren leader mused, but waved his hand and let the guarded Tauren retreat. Regardless of whether it is accepted or not, Tagg’s sincerity is still worthy of recognition. There is no need to make such a arrogant situation. It seems that the Tauren is weak.

Chen Rui can see that Tag is not the kind of self-respecting and unreasonable guy. He said: "Tag, first of all, thank you for your frankness. I want to ask you a question before you are forced to leave the land with your companions. Are people of the earth often killing other creatures?"

Tagg shook his head: "Our elements have their own rules. Unless the territory is violated, it will never attack the survival of the rest of the creatures."

"So now?" Chen Rui said in a sentence that Tagg’s underground head, Chen Rui did not give him the opportunity to explain, followed by: "Now, in addition to the Tauren and Medusa who struggled to resist, all the creatures on the ground are covered by those The mutated earth elements are extinct. Not only that, but you who are also elemental people are not immune. I heard Doug say that because of the unwillingness to accept the mutated relationship, many earth elements were cruelly destroyed. At the time, where are the criteria that elemental people call?"

Tage’s head is lower, and Chen Rui goes on to say: “The union between you and the Tauren and Medusa is not to kill the people of the earth, but to survive for themselves! Even if you don’t help each other, once the Tauren And Medusa is destroyed, then there are only those of you who have defected. Do you think that you can escape the killing of your own family?"

Chún is cold, this is obvious.

Tagg pondered for a while and suddenly looked up and said firmly: "The great king is only in doubt for some special reasons." I believe that with his powerful strength, he will be able to lift the doubts in his heart and restore it to the original. The normal state. ”

Chen Rui’s heart moved and asked: “I have been very strange about this matter. Why is there such a huge change in the earth element king? What do you mean by “suspicious huò?” Please tell me what you know, not only for the survival of all of us, but also for the great kings of your earth elements. Perhaps, we can find a way to help him get back to normal as soon as possible, and you don't want to die in the hands of your companions unclearly? ”

When I heard the last sentence, the white light in the eyes of Tag’s eyes brightened and he pondered for a while. He finally said: "This matter has to be said a long time ago, probably, about four hundred years ago."

All along, the underground world has always been a balance, although thousands of years ago, the top was dug up, for various reasons, most of the creatures are reluctant to leave the ground, especially relying on the spring of life to survive Large ethnic groups, and later the passage was sealed. This is just a small episode. It is the most powerful earth element. Even though the newly born great king has the power to easily break the seal, the elemental people have their own survival criteria. It is easy to interfere with the rest of the civilization, so it did not unravel the seal, but continued to live a peaceful and leisurely life in the land of the earth.

However, one day, the sudden change occurred, and a strange outsider broke through the powerful seal. He came to the bottom of the earth and killed many creatures all the way. Originally, this has nothing to do with the domain of the earth, but this outsider is indiscriminate. While killing the underground creatures, they killed several earth elements. The rule of the earth element is that people don’t commit me, I don’t commit crimes, and the earth element king can no longer sit still and go to annihilate this dare to kill earth elements. The enemy of man.

The power of this enemy is far beyond imagination. With the power of the earth element king, it can not be taken for a while. The amazing battle continues to the land of the earth elements. It lasts for one day and one night, and the earth element king relies on the land of the earth. The home court advantage finally won the victory and eliminated this enemy.

According to the earth element king, the strength of this enemy is quite horrible. It was already seriously injured before the war. Otherwise, even in the land of the earth, it may not be the opponent of this person.

Chen Rui’s heart was shocked: the earth elemental people have the strongest fighting power in the earth, and the earth element king is the same. This person can actually fight with the earth element king in the case of serious injury, which is absolutely the strength of the devil. emperor. How could such a strong man come to the ground inexplicably, killing underground creatures, and even clashed with the earth elements?

Tagg went on and said that although the enemy was destroyed, the matter did not end. The man was broken by the king, leaving only one thing, and sending out strange powers, which caused a strong force on the earth elements of the entire land. The disturbing earth element king had to personally press this thing in the palace of the earth, the strongest earth element in the earth.

This thing is probably the key! Chen Rui’s thoughts turned quickly and stopped the translation. The socket asked: “What kind of thing is it?”

"This is a mask! It's terrible! The mask looks a little crippled. It doesn't seem to be complete, but it has a very strange power. People close to it feel that the spirit hún must be attracted to the past!"

Chen Rui translated the mask thing to the Tauren and Athena. The Tauren l sighed out, but Athena was faint.

"In the beginning, the king just took the mask in his hand and pressed it with strength." The five senses of Tagg could not express too much expression but the voice was a little scared: "But one day, the mask turned out to be Somehow worn on the face of the king!"

The masked earth element king began to become strange and strange, sitting in Wang Tingzhong all day long, and previously exchanged a few words with the three elite elements of his men, and later it was silent, and no one was allowed. The force of the earth elements that are close to the entire land has also undergone some changes. This is what the earth elements feel.

In this way, more than a hundred years have passed since the land of the earth began to appear a strange flying creature, like a fly, this kind of sharp object has never appeared in the underground world. At first, the earth element people did not care, then this kind of "Flies" gradually increased, and the silent elemental king suddenly spoke up and ordered that no earth elements would harm these magic flies.

The emergence of the magic fly has made more and more strange things. The most obvious thing is that the long-lasting life spring has gradually dried up. After many years, the silent elemental king once again issued an order: attacking the earth. Underground creatures near the domain! Those creatures clearly did not invade the land of the earth, and the elements were very puzzled by this command of violating the rules, but they still faithfully executed the will of the king.

Curiously, the number of magic flies has increased significantly after the elimination of those creatures.

Since then, the earth element king has become more eccentric. In the past year, there has been very little talk. One opening is the order of killing, and the number of magical flies has also increased. Many people of the earth began to have doubts. The three elites, Tag, Taoge, and Soge, went to the king of the earth several times to enter the king, but they were reprimanded without responding.

For a while, the earth element king once again spoke, claiming that he had gained a strong revelation before, and he has been studying this revelation. Now he has finally succeeded and mastered the variation method that makes the earth element people stronger, but needs Earth elements accept variation without any resistance. The most loyal elite of the earth, Tao Te, took the initiative to accept the secret law, and the strength has indeed increased. But strangely, Tao Ge seems to have lost the memory of the past. Even Tag and Soge do not know each other, and they also lead his cronies. All accepted the variation.

All the mutated earth elements lost their memory, and the command of the king was more enforced. They began to kill more underground creatures and eliminated the most populous xué.

Tag and Soge, the "variation" became suspicious, and placed the most important doubts on the mask. Soge sneaked to the earth, Wang Ting, wanted to find out the truth, was inadvertently perceived by the elemental king, waiting for Soge from After Wang Ting came out, he also became the same as Tao Ge. The mutated earth elements were not even let go of their own companions, and many of the rebellious earth elements were destroyed. In this case, Tagg determined that the earth element king was affected by the mask, and he had to escape from Wang Ting with some soil elements who were unwilling to accept the variation. I was looking forward to the day when the earth element king could wake up and return to himself.

After listening to Tag, Chen Rui only felt that many of the doubts in his mind were solved one by one. In the past, some hidden key points could be concatenated together, and the whole truth has a tendency to be white.

The abnormal change of the earth element king is definitely related to the mask. The same is true of the magic fly. The magic fly is only a small amount at first, and the number increases with the elimination of the enemy. It seems that it can rely on life and flesh and blood to grow itself. This can also be interpreted as attacking the rest. Biological reasons.

The "mutation" of the earth element is certainly not simple. It should be a special means for the earth element king to manipulate these subjects that have already produced doubts. According to common sense, it is not difficult to destroy the underground creatures or suppress the skeptics by the strength of the earth element kings. This only illustrates an important issue: the earth element king is unable to exert power for some reason! I can't even leave Wang Ting!

The number of magic flies is already quite So what is the purpose of the earth element king to continue to control the earth elements and the magic flies attacking the underground creatures? Unifying the underground world?

Chen Rui took the assumptions and doubts of the full stomach, and after the translation of Tagger’s words, Athena opened her face cautiously: “Chen Rui, you are sure that the names of those magic flies are bloodthirsty flies and poisonous demons. Fly and heartworm?"

Since the arrival of the bottom of the main mine pit, Athena has been fighting, and has hardly stopped. After being transferred from the Medusa nest to the stone sarcophagus, the two were immersed in the warm relatives, but they did not mention this. thing.

Just at the time of Chen Rui’s translation, Athena began to pay attention to these details, and her eyes changed constantly, which seemed to be related to something.

"I am sure." Chen Rui nodded, and the data displayed by the analytical eye should be correct.

After getting a positive answer, Athena blurted out: "I know what the mask is! There are four hundred years ago!"


"The mask is one of the seven devils in the devil world, the **** mask! That person, Geoffin Besib four hundred years ago!" @.

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