Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 162: Devil level! Unmatched Grofin

All the way forward, Chen Rui and others finally approached the Tauren tribe. What caught the eye was the shocking sight.

There are tauren, earth elements and Medusa everywhere along the way, but these creatures all become a statue of a stiff, not a petrified talent of Medusa, but a statue of a crystal. Appearance, just a thin layer of light yellow sè crystal on their surface, but it seems that this film-like crystal shell, but isolated all vitality.

There are still many broken statues. From the perspective of the fracture, it is not only the surface of the surface, but the whole flesh and blood is crystallized! It seems that it is still a step later, and Geoffen’s claws have reached the Tauren tribe. So, what about Athena?

Chen Rui was shocked and stunned, and an ominous harbinger rushed into his heart and quickly accelerated his pace.

Finally, before the Tauren's nest xué, I saw a broken palace, which was the land of the king. Around the palace is an almost impenetrable magic fly, which is covered with sparkling crystals on the ground and walks on it, feeling that the loss of power has almost doubled.

Looking far away, there is no resistance in the surrounding area. Almost all the Tauren, Medusa and normal earth elements have been turned into crystals. Only in the Emperor’s court, the fighting sounds are mixed with screams. Sound, it is the voice of the Tauren leader Deron.

Chen Rui’s spirit was revival, and together with two elite elements, he rushed toward the earth, Wang Ding, and the magical flies and earth elements along the way were supposed to be besieged, but it seemed that they accepted the order, and even let the road open, let the three people rush into In the palace.

In the land of the king, the Queen of Medusa and the head of the Tauren were surrounded by a few magical creatures composed of crystals. It was Chen Rui who saw the devil fly in the spring of life, not far behind them, it was Asi. Na, Tim, Torre, and Liaosha, about a dozen, although still alive, seem to have lost their ability to act.

In the middle of the palace, it is a standing figure, this is a tall earth element, wearing a strange armor, and muscles are integrated, just wearing a strange mask on his face.

This mask looks ordinary, and the part of the forehead 〗 〖Central seems to be missing a piece, it should be the earth element king who is possessed by Grophy. When the three entered the palace, it was just facing the king of earth elements, and the eyes of the mask suddenly lit up, sparkling with cold and strange light.

Chen Rui and the gaze pair, the heart suddenly twitched for a moment. "The whole body is controlled by the invisible restraint, and suddenly lost the ability to act.

It’s these eyes! Filled with trepidation, Chen Rui felt the horror of these eyes in the seeds of the power of life and the controlled elements of the earth. However, nowadays, when faced, the horror is ten times better than before! Just look at this eye, the blood of the whole body is solidified under the cold and evil eyes, and there is no power to display.

Tag and Sog are at the level of the Big Devil. They don't seem to be affected too much, and they don't hesitate to rush toward the Devil. This, the Tauren leader and Queen Medusa's pressure is greatly reduced. But this demon fly has the same immortal characteristics, even if it is destroyed into pieces, it can be quickly restored, and the power is not weakened. Instead, Medusa The attack power of the Queen and others in the palace is much weaker than usual, but the power consumed is doubled. Now, with the help of two elite elements, it is still in absolute disadvantage.

At this time, after throwing away the abnormality of devouring the devil flies under the suppression, "has fallen into a strange sleep, can no longer function, and it is judged from the strange crystals everywhere, this should be a special environment. In this environment, the resurrection of the devil fly should be endless, and it is not affected by the spring of life.

Or, you can call this a kind, the power of the "domain", the "domain" of the emperor!

The strange thing is that according to the level of power of Grover, it is easy to kill the Tauren leader. Why is it just using the Devouring Magic Fly? Is it still impossible to use power? Then, what is the "domain"?

In the hands of Chen Rui, the "Dark Will" ring is ringing. With the help of bō玟, the originally stagnant star force began to circulate again. “I only feel the looseness of the body and loose the ability to move, but it is obvious that the “dark will” resists spiritual intrusion. Bō玟 seems to have been greatly suppressed, and the power is not as good as before.

Chen Rui did not dare to look at the eyes again and went directly to Athena’s side.

"Chen Rui! Run away!" As soon as Athena saw him, the first reaction was not happy, and it was anxious. Originally in the face of such a terrible enemy, I still want to be fortunate that Chen Rui is not there, so I know that I have come back at this time!

Chen Rui shook his head firmly, although there was no opening, but Athena understood what he meant in his eyes: Go and walk together! Die to die together!

Chen Rui broke away from the power of spiritual restraint and made the earth element king's eyes yellow and stunned. The whole body exudes a terrible breath. The sound of the teeth after the mask is squeaky. This sound seems to mix two kinds of accents, one is the language of earth elements. A lingua franca that turned out to be the devil: "The will of the dark! The Lucifer king!"

At that time, Grover was severely wounded by the White Night Emperor. The hand, "The Dark Will" is no stranger to nature. The defeat of the Dark Moon caused the many years of the rise of the Besib royal family to be destroyed. After folding countless people, Grophy himself almost died. The Lucifer family simply hated it.

In the roar of the roar, the devils of the devil flies have shattered into a crystal break, and a huge and incomparable terrorist force suddenly spread, even the Tauren leader, the big devil-level powerhouses, are under this breath. Standing on the ground, he flew backwards and fell to the ground. Chen Rui only had time to hold Athena, and he was blown up by the power until he hit a pillar in the palace. Living in a figure, I only feel as if I am in a hurricane. I have no resistance. I can’t help myself. Is this the power of the emperor? Just release the breath, it’s already...

Although the demon fly is broken, it does not mean that the crisis is lifted. At the moment when the breath subsides, everyone in the palace feels that both feet are coagulated, and has been firmly bound by countless subtle crystals. Fast, "growth" Crystallization has spread from the bottom of the foot, and with a powerful force of swallowing, the power in the body of the people is rushing, not to mention running away, unable to move or resist.

Chen Rui holding Athena, a bite, launched, "Dark of the will" transmission, I know that the two bodies are blurred for a while, when clear, still in place, surrounded by the crystal.

Chen Ruida was shocked and could not think of this. The power of "domain" could limit the transmission of the will of the dark! This last failure of the last means of escape. Last time there was an example of transmission failure under the interference of the nightmare, it seems that the power of the treasure is limited.

"Want to escape?" Grophyn sneered: "Even if it is a demon, you can't use magic items in this field, unless it is an artifact..."

At this moment, the suction suddenly weakened, and only the cracking sound of the earth element king's body was uploaded, and the hard nailed skin appeared a lot of cracks.

"The **** earth element king!" The screaming snoring in the mask, "The Fountain of Life! You will hand it over!"

Hug tightly embraced Athena, and Chen Rui’s heart, which resists the power of the crystal, is really like this! Grover is not yet fully in control of the earth element king, so he dare not use too much power, and the fountain of life can enhance the control of Grover!

At this time, Grover’s mood was extremely angry. He used the power of the devil to take the land of the earth and the spring of life of the xué people to strengthen himself, suppressing the earth element king by little by little. The Tauren and Medusa's nest of life's springs are also sucked by the seeds of Grover, equal to the source of constant power.

Seeing that it is necessary to completely suppress the will of the earth element king, suddenly the "energy" of the tauren nest xué

Disappeared, followed by Medusa's nest xué, although the "seed" contains his power" but not in the real "domain", can't know what happened, can only feel the energy source provided is interrupted It is.

After the failure of the attack on Medusa's nest xué, there was only one elite element in the hand of Glorin, and it was no longer possible to threaten the two tribes. Grofu, who fell short, decided to do it himself. What he didn't expect was that "after the departure of the king's court, the xué home nest xué was completely controlled and the fountain of life disappeared inexplicably. Finally, even the last spring of life in the domain of the nest was gone. .

Grover, who suddenly lost all the power of life, has reached the Tauren's Nest, and he does not do anything, so he eliminates these odious hostile creatures and then tries to find out why the Spring of Life has disappeared.

As the power of the Fountain of Life disappeared, the anti-xìng from the earth element king suddenly increased, almost breaking away from his control. Fortunately, it was suppressed by the power of the field accumulated over the years. It is because of these "small enemies." Can fight with him until now.

The strange thing is that the fountain of life of the Tauren's nest xué seems to disappear from the air. Even if it is the power of the "domain", it can't be searched. "At this moment, two elite elements appeared." One of them also got rid of control.

The most hateful is the demon who wears the dark will! It must be the enemy Lucifer family!

The explosion of the earth element king gradually subsided, and the cracked traces returned to their original state. Chen Rui and others only felt that the force of solidification in the body's crystals suddenly increased. The crystal that had originally been applied to the knee had spread to the waist, not only strength. Even life is flying fast under such terrible engulfing.

"Quickly tell the whereabouts of the fountain of life! Otherwise you all will die!"

"Wait!" Chen Rui knew that this was a moment of life and death, trying to resist the suction of the crystal and shouting.

When the speed of the crystal stops, the eyes in the mask of the gods fall on Chen Rui's body, and the low-pitched sound starts: "Quickly say! Where is the spring of life!"

"Can't tell him!" Tagg also estimated the importance of the fountain of life, shouting: "Otherwise he will completely control the king!"

In the mask, the crystals of the body suddenly began to be extremely fast, and the whole body of the earth element was quickly wrapped up. Tage struggled, but the resistance was in vain, and gradually solidified into a rigid sculpture.

Then, with a burst of image, the statue burst open, and the body was broken, and the Tagg, who had the power of the great devil, was destroyed like this with no resistance! Everyone has sighed out grief and anger, especially Soge, but they can't break free from the constraints of the body.

The Emperor level, even the magician who can't play the true strength, is not the one who can be matched at all, even the strongest big demon.

"If there is no whereabouts of the Fountain of Life, the people here will be crushed one by one!"

"Stop! Geoffin!" Chen Rui gritted his teeth. "You put them, I can tell you!"

"You know me!" Glorin's voice was a bit strange, thinking of the dark will he wore, and then angered: "The **** Lucifer family, actually chased here! Is it that the night has already known my whereabouts?"

Grophy was defeated by White Nights four hundred years ago, and then fled to the bottom of the earth. I don't know that three hundred years ago, the White Night Emperor was already dead in the war of human world.

"The devastating empire of that year was destroyed by your Lucifer family. If this is the case, I can't let you go!" In the voice of Grophyn, there is a hatred of the heavens. "Speaking of the fountain of life, I can give you A happy way to die!"

Chen Ruiyi knew that Grovein misunderstood, and quickly explained: "I don't walk the Western Kings, I am human! And the White Night Emperor was already stranger three hundred years ago!"

"White night is dead?" Grophyn made a crazy laugh, and returned dàng to the entire Tauren tribe.

Chen Rui feels that the true power of the crystal has begun to increase quickly cried: "Grofen! I can give you the fountain of life! But you must let me these friends!"

"Hey!" Glorin was about to speak, feeling that his body began to suppress and shivered, and quickly replied: "Yes!"

In fact, these people already know his origins and secrets, and one can't stay. Just ask the whereabouts of the Fountain of Life and kill all the people immediately!

Chen Rui naturally would not be so convinced that Ge Luofen was about to put forward the conditions for releasing people first. Then he saw the earth element king’s body slamming, and then a clear sound sounded, and it seemed that something fragile was broken.

The eyes in the mask of the gods suddenly turned into white sè, and the light of the white sè spread from the body of the earth element. Under the influence of this light, the crystals of the ground were cracked, and the crystals of Chen Rui and others began to shrink. The power that was swallowed slowly returned to the body.

However, the power of this white light did not last long, the mask's eyes began to tremble, and gradually replaced with the smudge of Glory's sè, Glorin's voice with incomparable fear: "Stupid guy, he actually broke the heart of the element! "@.

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