Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 173: Unexplained misunderstanding

If it is just an ordinary intruder, this six-pointed star array can effectively play a defensive role even if it cannot destroy the offender. However, the defensive array encountered one of the strongest seven artifacts in the devil world. The white gas of the **** mask spread, and the power of the six-pointed star array was swallowed up. Not only that, but the weakened beam of light began to echo. Silky white, mixed with the white spirit of the **** mask, produced a resonance of the fusion, this time is not a feeling of intermittent, but an unprecedented strong resonance.

After a while, the white gas of the **** mask was collected, and the recovery was not only the engulfing of white air, but also a strange light. After the glory received the mask, Chen Rui felt that his face was hot, and the entire beam of light and the six-pointed star array began to flash violently. A mountain shook, it seemed to be a broken sound. He had somehow came outside the fountain. .

Suddenly, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He suddenly looked up and saw a figure in a long skirt suspended in the air. There was a pair of black wings behind him. The cold eyes were staring tightly. He, the beautiful eyes of the purple sè in the bones of the murderous.

It is Chia!

"Long Princess!" Chen Rui shuddered and blurted out, but found that his mouth suddenly lost his voice. It seemed that the voice was blocked by the hotter mask. He tried to communicate with Xia with the eyes of analysis, but the analysis The eyes seem to be ineffective against the Mozu. Chen Ruiyi mō mask on the face, the forehead part has actually recovered intact, that is to say, the current **** mask is a complete artifact!

Although the eyes of the analysis can't communicate, but the display still has race: the arrogant king. Comprehensive strength rating: Hey!

Hey, the peak of the big devil!

The body of Chia instantly ignited the horrible black sè flame, which is not the flame of the big devil family, but the black inflammation of one of the three blood talents of the Western Kings.

"Bishb king!" Frosty voice reveals boundless killing, five fingers and one wave, the flame of black sè is like a giant net, and it is overwhelmingly directed toward Chen Rui. A shot is a killing trick. Although this flame is similar to the inflammation of the nest, it is the opposite of xìng, and the inflammation of the nest represents life."

Black inflammation represents destruction and death!

The face of this person should be the artifact of the gluttony king. The mask of the gods is angered at this moment: the Besib royal family has walked the strongest enemy of the Western law, and the empire of Besib’s empire is destroyed by the sacred angelic empire. Four hundred years ago, the Besib royal family was still working in the dark moon, trying to make a comeback, but fortunately it was wiped out by the White Night Emperor. After disappearing for four hundred years, now it is now appearing again in the dark moon. What makes Shia angry is that this person’s **** mask is already complete. In this way, it must enter the room where the town is crushed! There are not only artifact fragments, but also her biggest secret! Absolutely unforgivable! No matter which reason, you must crush this enemy!

Originally, at this time, if Chen Rui unveiled the mask immediately, confessed everything, and there may be room for change, but the mask of the gods could not be picked up, but now he could not speak.

It can be said that it is difficult to argue.

If Chen Rui is the real Besib king, he will return. He relies on artifacts or can compete with Xia at the level of the big demon, and then tries to explain, but he is only a knockoff, unable to play the real power of the artifact, and the mask now It is getting hotter and hotter, and I don’t know what will happen, except that I have no choice but to escape.

Xia’s black eyes will engulf this sudden emergence of the Besib royal family. I know that the enemy moves like a big demon in a range of flames. The black inflammation hits the ground, and suddenly there is a large area of ​​scorch. The pool water is evaporated and dried.

Chen Rui escaped from black inflammation when he was in a thousand, and felt that the power of horror could not be countered. "Shocked hún undecided, "Dark will" has appeared on the fingers in the sleeve. Only this Lucifer The secret treasure was originally given to him by Xia. If it is used rashly, the possibility of wearing a gang is quite large. There is the secret of Xia in the Chamber of Secrets. Now she is in extreme anger, and if she is identified as an identity, she must have a big trouble.

Xia slightly frowned, when can the Besib king use teleportation skills? However, the telescopic skills of the Great Devils do not play much role in the real battle of the strong. This guy looks only at the middle of the devil's breath (the effect of the concentration), at least the strength of the Devil, certainly Is using some kind of secret method, but the real strength should not exceed the big devil. Otherwise, with the power of artifacts, I have already taken the initiative to attack her.

Black inflammation has a strong restraint on the devouring of the Besib family. Together with the increase and attack effectiveness of the Holy Light Wing, it is necessary to destroy this enemy. When Xia thought about this, the black wings of his body faintly sacred light, mixed with black inflammation, forming a giant shape, and the sound of the amazingly rushed toward Chen Rui. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people can only use one category of talents alone, and Xia can combine the two attack talents and use them at the same time.

The strength of the two is a big difference. Chen Rui has already had a creepy sense of crisis, but he has no time to dodge, but Xia’s attack is faster and less than the speed of consciousness. The giant python hits the bang. A blue sè translucent dome. Chen Rui in the round hood is still moving, the giant python seems to be alive, wrapped around the protective cover, and it is necessary to hoop the entire round hood together with the middle of the operator, even if it is a royal palace with a powerful magical defense array. Also began to tremble, the ground cracked countless.

The protective cover can not withstand the pressure, broken and opened, the shadow of the 〗 〖Central is completely swallowed by the giant snake.

Shia frowned and looked in the other direction. Just a moment when the giant smashed the shield, the figure had once again teleported to safety.

Continuous double teleport! Even the big devil has no such talent, and that defensive skill, unlike some kind of magic, the Besib family reappeared the stage four hundred years later, and it was decided to move forward and carefully prepared.

Although this enemy is of general strength, but the talent is magical, it must be the successor of the Besib royal family. The **** mask should be just restored, unable to display the power. At this time, the person will not be removed, and it will be difficult to succeed in the future!

When Xia was about to launch the serpent again, she felt the ground tremble, and several huge vines broke out and quickly extended. It seemed to be the tentacles of some kind of software Warcraft. She came across the air in all directions, and the power was amazing.

Xia's brow wrinkled, and the punches were vacant. The vines shattered as if they were dying. Just as she was delayed by the vines, the enemy had quickly fled outside. The figure had disappeared after the palace, and the speed was fast. Above imagination.

Xia slammed, the black inflammation of the body, the vines were scorched, and the figure was already appearing above the palace, but the guy did not disappear.

It’s just a moment, I’m gone. Didn’t I hide in the palace? Chia opened all the perceptions in disbelief, and nothing happened. It’s like evaporation from the air. This enemy can’t use the Besib’s royal family because of the restoration of artifacts. Three talents, but the rest of the abilities are endless, just a certain escaping ability.

Once the potential of such a terrible opponent grows up, the consequences are unimaginable. For four hundred years, the fragments of the **** mask have been lost in her hands, and the greatest secret in my heart is likely to have been known by this deadly enemy, as if the other side saw the body of the red ǒ, it is unbearable. Xia did not know that she was actually seen in the rest.)

"Bishb king!" The sound of Shia's anger sounded through the palace. Due to the strength of the inner court ban, the guards of the palace came in at this time, and heard the anger of Xia, face each other, their impression In the middle, the princess has not been so ruined for a long time.

Chen Rui himself couldn’t think of this misunderstanding with Xia. The short-term battle was just a few breaths. He was already working hard, using teleports, protective covers, greedy vines and worms. Almost, he was so poor that he finally managed to use the cover of the building. The "Dark Will" escaped from birth. It seems that the realm of the Big Devil is not what it can now compete with. It feels that it has been turned several times in the ghost gate. After the transfer, he just got a firm foothold. Before he could see the scene in front of him, the temperature of the mask on the face had risen to a peak.

This transmission is like a fuse, igniting the power of the mask to expand. Chen Rui only feels the brain, after a loud bang, countless terrible sounds roar at the same time" as if thousands of grievances The spirit is screaming in the ear, not only that, "the power of terror is rushing toward consciousness, and in this way, after a few seconds, the whole spiritual world will collapse!

The house leaked to the night rain, and the **** mask turned out to be a moth at this time!

Chen Rui opened up without thinking, and the "Stars" mode, the super system's stellar system instantly turned into a black hole with infinite engulfing. The power of simulating the universe is powerful, and countless terrorist forces have flown into the black hole and finally completely Was swallowed up. Chen Rui does not know what these forces, including Geoffen’s consciousness, are, and what effect will it have after the “stars” are swallowed up, but this is the only way to save lives.

After swallowing up these forces, the heat of the **** mask gradually fades away. After the stellar mode returns to the original galaxies, another prompt sounds from the brain: Unknown metadata is found, is depth analysis enabled?

Unknown metadata? It must be related to the mystery of the mask. Chen Rui chose to open it without thinking. This kind of deep analysis is different from the learning of collecting information through sight and hearing. It is automatically carried out in the No need to stay on the target Do not move.

Chen Rui did not delay the time. The battle of the palace will definitely lead to the comprehensive search and arrest of Xia. At present, it is necessary to find a safe place to hide. He is now in a large yard, the building is somewhat similar to a palace, but it is not the royal palace that Chen Rui is familiar with.

Regardless of the size or layout details, this yard is considered a very high grade in Darkmoon City.

After fully opening his mind, he noticed that in the room in the yard, it seemed that there was a faint sh男女n吟 and some kind of collision sound.

It seems that influenced by the mask of sè, even the "dark will" has become the ring of sè, picking such a good place to pass. As a person who came over, Chen Rui is no stranger to this kind of voice, but it was a coincidence that he had a glimpse of the bath in the palace. Now he is not in the mood to peek at other people's couples.

At this time, the man’s voice suddenly became louder. It sounded familiar, and the content was nothing more than the rude language of the “special moment” venting. Chen Rui had already remembered it. This voice was actually Joseph’s! Is this the home base of Joseph?

Not so smart! @.

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