Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 177: Vasasha and Royce! The farthest distance in the world

The next day, early morning.

Chen Rui opened his eyes. He made a strange dream last night. Many things can't be remembered. The most impressive thing is the magic tent in the dream. The woman in the tent will be Christina for a while. Xina, who was replaced by the two sisters of Xia, will seem to be replaced by "everyone come together".

How have you even become so evil in recent dreams? Chen Rui scratched his head, but yesterday's deep analysis was a bit strange. The parsing of the gods mask failed. The light screen in front of the throne was one more. There was a schedule inside, showing that the progress of the depth analysis was 0%.

There are also tips on the side: "The depth resolution can be set automatically according to the mental power. It is recommended to do it once a day."

After Chen Rui confirmed, there was another reminder in consciousness: "There are a lot of unknown energy left in the stellar mode, there is danger of overflow, is it starting the star mode?"

Chen Rui was shocked. Sure enough, the star-splitting mode was not endless. The last time he absorbed the spiritual power of Grovein, he swallowed the power of the mask of God again last night. If the "overflow" consciousness will definitely suffer some kind of terrible reversal, even Lose yourself. So what is the star model? In any case, the big problem of staring must be solved as soon as possible.

Star mode: Decompose and absorb the energy obtained by the phasing star, gradually strengthen the master, the process is irreversible, and can not be interrupted after starting. Condition: Aura costs 10,000 per day.

Chen Rui is overjoyed and turned into his own use! Isn't this the same as the Dagong Dafa or the Bei Ming Shen Gong in the martial arts novels? No, it’s better than these martial arts. It can automatically and gradually enhance itself, without having to “sport”.

The frequency of deep analysis is not high. Although the mask on the face is a bit troublesome, even the problem with Athena is a problem, but the most important thing is to solve the big problem of staring.

The system prompts that the current star mode is expected to start a hundred days, and it is necessary to deduct a million of Aura in advance, and the power after decomposition every day will be automatically absorbed by the body.

This kind of good thing, even if you want a million aura is worth it! Chen Rui confirmed that after the start, Reiki was deducted by one million. On the light screen showing depth analysis, there is another schedule, which is a star model, and is currently 0%.

However, after one hundred days, the enormous power of the star will be digested for your own use. At that time, it may be possible to rely on these forces to become a big devil!

Chen Rui thought of the power shown by Chia, and the heart could not help but burst into a fiery heat. It was already in the morning, and immediately went out of the house in the basement and came to the hall.

Araux is in the hall, seeing Chen Rui, immediately reported the situation last night, and sure enough, it is now the city's martial law, thoroughly check all the masked people. Xia's focus on the cloak meeting is not to doubt "Agulie" but because of the popularity of the cloak, there are too many people dressed in the city.

As a reserve team for the Guards, the cloak will naturally cooperate with this action. After thoroughly reviewing this meeting, it will begin to assist the Guards in carrying out a full-scale carpet search throughout the city. The result is naturally nothing.

Soon, Arrox quickly left after accepting some kind of command. After thinking for a while, Chen Rui called Vasasha out of the house in the basement. Unsurprisingly, she was still waiting for the slaughter.

Rui will completely unfold the power of the devil's level, which seems to mean deterrence.

Vasasha did not know anything about it, as if everything around her could not cause her emotions to sway and sit down like a puppet.

"You seem to be in a bad mood?"


"I ordered you to answer."


"Isn't it better to follow me than Joseph?"


"I command you to answer!"



In addition to answering "yes" in vain, Vassar no longer has a second answer.

This attitude made Chen Rui feel the kind of fist on the cotton huā, very depressed, and asked a few questions, still so, can not achieve the desired temptation.

Chen Rui looked at the room and looked at the room next door. Suddenly he turned around and said, "There is a message that I didn't want to tell you, but looking at your boring look, I am still happy. This is Arau. I only heard it in the morning. When I took you away yesterday, Royce wanted to keep up with us and was killed by Joseph."

Sasha still replied, but Chen Rui clearly felt that the voice was shaking.

Chen Rui added another sentence: "I heard that he had been calling your name before he died."

The tears in the two lines finally fell uncontrollably from the corners of Vasasha, and the whole body trembled slightly.

Chen Rui said in his heart, "I learned your past from the mouth of Aroks, but it is very strange. Since you have no feelings for Royce, if you are not happy now, you should be gloating, why should you Tears of his death?"

Vasasha's body has ended trembling, quietly tears, no answer, his eyes become more dull, as if a body completely lost the spirit hún, even the vitality is annihilated in one minute.

"Interesting, I am more and more interested in you now." Chen Rui is holding his chin. "You should be able to see that I and Joseph are just using each other. When the conditions are ripe, I can kill him. Revenge for Royce, but the premise is that you give everything to me without reservation, are you willing?"

Vasasha's eyes flashed, and he recovered a few faint brilliance. He moved his gaze to Chen Rui's face and nodded silently.

"So first of all, you have to tell me that things happened with Joseph..."

Vasasa hesitated for a moment, looked at the mask and found a strong self-confidence, finally opened...

When the Kunda family patriarch of the Red Sealand refused to surrender a certain treasure, he was killed by the red lord Lord, and the Kunda family was deprived of the surname, and all the members became slaves. Vasasha, who is Royce's fiancée, will not be spared. However, due to one's relationship, Vasasha's fate has changed and accidentally became Joseph's shì woman.

This person is the son of Royce's father, Lado, but this is not a good heart, but a vicious idea. Ledo hated his father and passed on his family business to Royce, secretly relying on the son of the lord, Joseph, and sue to the lord through Joseph, leading to the demise of the entire Kunda family.

Joseph adopted Ledo's suggestion and lied to Vasasha that Royce was under his control, and that his life was awkward, giving Vassar a strange command. This order is to force Vasasha to fall in love with him. He must be wholehearted. Once she discovers that she still has a little affection for Royce, she will immediately kill Royce.

Vasasha is introverted and not good at expressing her feelings, but she always loves Royce in her heart, just as Royce loves her. She did not know that Royce had fled, and in order to keep her fiance's life, she could only force herself to obey Joseph's possession. Later, Royce and Arrows came to look for her. She thought it was Joseph’s temptation. Until the two were defeated by Joseph, Vasasha knew it was right, but Royce had really fallen. Into the hands of Joseph, even more can not help, can only continue to "love" Joseph.

In this way, Vasasha and Royce have become the men of Joseph. For a hundred years, even if Royce is close at hand, she can't express any emotions. She can only reject Royce with a cold attitude. Or called protection Royce.

Joseph had promised Vasasha, and when he became the lord of Red, he gave her and Royce the liberty, which became the only hope for her to live.

Who knows, yesterday's dream was completely broken, and Joseph broke his promise, and as the goods generally transferred her to another person, forced to sign the master servant contract, completely lost the hope of self-improvement.

Last night, the meaning of Joseph’s fierce eyes was quite clear. Without signing the master servant contract, she immediately killed Royce on the side! However, it was only this morning that Royce was actually killed!

With her strength, it is impossible to resist the current master, and it is even more impossible to kill the powerful Joseph. The only thing that can be done is to use his own as a bargaining chip to seek revenge.

Chen Rui knows that he is completely wrong, and Royce is completely wrong, even though Vassasa has always been stunned to Joseph, although Vasasha has always been indifferent to Royce, but from beginning to end, this The woman’s heart has never changed.

Chen Rui remembered the sentence he left in Xia’s thoughts on the wind chimes: the farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. But I am standing in front of you, but you don't know that I love you.

For Vassar, the farthest distance in the world is not only that I stand in front of you, but you don't know that I love you, but that I love you but I can only be strangers to you.

Compared with Royce's attachment, Vasasha's attachment is stronger, and under the indifferent face, he is willing to burn his own fiery heat. One hundred years have passed, just as it used to be.

"As long as you kill Joseph, I will dedicate my body and heart to you, and I will never betray this life." Vasa Shalo's hoarse voice seemed to be sloppy.

"You are wrong, even if I kill Joseph, take possession of your body, your heart is not here." Chen Rui shook his head. "Just like Joseph forced you to fall in love with him, how to distort and force Love can't be changed. If love can be changed like this, then it can't be called love, even if we sign the master servant contract. You and these women are all this kind of dead eye."

When it comes to the words "dead eyes", Chen Rui thinks of another woman who really belongs to him, and his heart rises tenderly.

Vasasha suddenly lowered his head and suddenly felt that the power of the demon king on Chen Rui disappeared.

"Josef must die, because I didn't want him to live! As for you..." Chen Rui suddenly smiled and said: "The **** next door, don't roll me over! You won't come out again." I will give Vasasha to others!"

Just now there is the devil's breath deterrence ~ ~ plus Vasa Shahu if the gray, so did not feel the nearby people, now the breath, she suddenly felt that two people are next door, I do not know when of.

Did not wait for Vasasha to react from the horror, and saw the familiar figure rushed out.

When Vassar saw this person, Rao was indifferent to peacetime, and at the moment he was not exclaimed. He could hardly believe his eyes. The bleak eyes suddenly recovered. Royce heard everything in the next door. It was a moment of confrontation with Vasasha, and there was Chen Rui and Aroks present in the vicinity. In the first two steps, I hugged Vasasha.

Vasasha realized that it was not a dream. The icy shell that had lasted for a hundred years melted under this fiery hug, and also held Royce.

Aroks stood behind and was delighted by the friend and Vassar’s broken mirror. Suddenly a figure flashed around and a low voice came: "Alaux, go out with me, you don’t think Is this room a little crowded?"

"You are very correct, my master." Araux's voice is full of unprecedented respect. @.

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