Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 185: wake up! my lover

Chen Rui was taken aback. The mask of the **** in the super system turned into his face, and what does it mean? Is he going to become a servant of the **** mask?

He subconsciously m licked his face, and suddenly he was surprised to find that the mask on his face was gone!

Is the mask absorbed by the super system? Will it still return to the face? Together with this thought, the mask of the gods appeared on the face again.

Chen Rui suddenly realized that he could finally control the looming of the mask! This should be half the result of deep analysis! If it is completely successful, does it mean that he can completely control the artifact that could only be used by the Besib kings?

If it proves to be successful, then the seven great artifacts of the Devil world may be Chen Rui’s sudden movements. Far away, the Emperor of the Angel Empire has a sword of the angels. This artifact has not recognized the Regent King. ,in case……

Chen Rui took back his thoughts, and now it is meaningless to think so far. He will pass the most dangerous one at the moment.

But count it, today is the tenth day, Chen Rui's eyes are on the side of the platform. On the platform, the red light on Athena has become very thin and may disappear completely at any time.

Every time Chen Rui finishes her training, she will check her situation and know that Athena's body is automatically absorbing the power of Akasaka's heart. When the red light disappears, it means that the heart of Akasaka is completely absorbed, that is, when Athena wakes up.

Chen Rui looked at Athena without moving, waiting for the moment when the red light finally disappeared.

I don't know how long it has been." The red light finally caught into the body of Athena, and the baby's Aishina's face was slightly moving, slowly opening her beautiful eyes.

What caught the eye was a familiar face outline, the outline gradually became clear, and the face was pleasing and joyful.

It was the man who was engraved by her in the spirit hún.

Didn't the spirit hún dissipate because it burned out life?

Is it an illusion now?

"Athena!" The familiar voice.

She rubbed her fingers and felt pain, this is not an illusion!

Really him!

Athena remembers that she was right before she lost consciousness! At that time, I was fighting Geoffin!

"Chen Rui" Athena suddenly jumped from the stone platform. "Grofen?" Are we all dead? Is this between the yīn you said? ”

"Here is the earth king of the earth element." We are not dead, and it is Grovein. ”

Chen Rui smiled slightly. "I know that you have a lot of questions to ask, and I will answer you one by one.

But before that, there is an account to find you first! ”

"What account?" Athena looked at his smile, and there was no panic in his heart. It seemed that the heartbeat was speeding up a bit.

"Now, I will show it to me right away!"


"I want to see how you are transformed!" Chen Rui stepped forward, and Athena fell back at a loss.

There is already a stone pillar behind the "嘭", and there is no way to retreat.


Chen Rui’s urging to make Athena more tense, “Call out”, the flame on his body burned. The head stretched out and curled up the long angle, the hair of the purple sè became red sè, and the skin became red sè, revealing the mysterious light of the mysterious, the red scorpion in the eye has already burned the flame, it was against the groeffen at that time. The transformation of time.

This transformation is no longer the battle form of the ordinary big devil, but a variant of the demon king-level transformation. The power radiated from her body is better than the level when she faced the life of Glover." The expression is like a weak girl with no resistance.

Chen Rui invaded xìng's eyes and looked at each of her unscrupulously. She saw her bowing her head and dared not look at it. She added aloud: "Athina, look at my eyes!"

Athena looked at the eyes of Chen Rui, and their eyes were paired. They seemed to be attracted and could no longer be separated.

"Athena, you look like this, very beautiful." Chen Rui looked at her eyes deeply and said in a sentence: "In fact, no matter what you look like" is my favorite Athena. ”

Athena was slightly shocked, and the flames of the scorpion smashed out the crystal sè, and the heart was filled with an unprecedented happiness. At this moment, all previous doubts and low self-esteem were thrown away. The eyes of the fire and tears were intertwined with Chen Rui’s face approaching, and there was no evasion. Instead, they shivered and offered the double chún.

The two figures are intertwined, and the intense feeling of fiery between the intertwined chún has spread to the heart. Athena did not become a human figure again, just forgot to cooperate with him.

It seems that all the emotions contained in the heart should be released.

In fact, the transformed Athena is taller and taller." So that Chen Rui has to stand up to keep the pro-wěn when the height of the man is **** Arthur, can't grow taller?

Standing still can't, just put it down, can't always pick up a wěn and use the skills of camouflage to increase?

This reason is very full.

Unconsciously, both of them entered a tent. The following is a comfortable mat. Although the earth elements people know that Chen Rui is practicing, he will not enter the earth king court, but the floor is too cold, lying too Uncomfortable, it is still the most convenient storage warehouse. The AxiA feels that Chen Rui’s hand is moving. When he was standing still, he was only the back. Now he is lying flat and actually moved to the ōng department. ,and many more! When was the leather armor and underwear untied by this guy?

"What do you want to do?" This sentence has the suspicion of knowing what to ask.

"I have doubted my feelings about you before, so I have to punish on behalf of love and justice..."

The bastard, come back to such a poor loan. !

This is not the case that Athena just wants to resist. An unscrupulous hand has climbed to the peak before her ōng. The squat feeling that she has never experienced before is suddenly transmitted to the brain, and she loses a little bit of strength in an instant.

Soon the hand added another one, the pair of plump towering in the odious random care constantly changing the shape, the top buds have been raised under the strong thorns. A bōbō more and more intense singular feeling impacted Athena's mind, but the mouth chún was blocked, and only occasionally leaked one or two soft voices, the whole person soft, lost all resistance, can only serve Arguing by the other party.

When a man's hand reached into the secret of the flood under the lower abdomen, Athena, who was in a hurry, finally woke up, clamped tuǐ, and shook and grabbed the hand.

,"Do not……"

Chen Rui felt the strength of her hand. It was not the previous yù refused to welcome. In the eyes, y ù 褪 fainted a lot, slowly retracted her hand and pressed her body to the side.

The atmosphere in the tent was awkward.

Chen Rui blamed himself for a while, and he was too anxious. Athena was not prepared for this step, and could not force her for her own y look.

"I'm sorry." The voices of the two people rang at the same time.

"I can't control it." Chen Rui spoke first.

"No," Athena blushes. "You listen to me first. ”


"In fact, I just had a little bit of Athena, but I still have the courage to say it." "I really want to give you the body now, but can this time be pushed back for half a year?" ”


"This is the case. My family's blood has a special variability. It will happen when I am twenty. This kind of variation is very wonderful. It can make the original level of strength happen again. If it is high, it can still Crossing the big realm. However, there is a restriction that before the age of twenty, can't... can't that..."

Chen Ruicai knew that it was not Athena who was not prepared to accept the final step, but had such a special reason. Athena was afraid that he was not happy, and said apologetically: "I still have twenty years old and I am twenty years old. Can I wait until that time, my current strength is only a little bit away from the Devil's high section..."

Chen Rui opened the eyes of analysis. The strength of Athena is now, that is, the middle of the demon king. According to her, the promotion to the high section of the devil is only one step away, so as long as it breaks through the high section within half a year, at the full twenty. When you are old, you can fly directly into the big devil! This blood pulse is too powerful!

Thinking of this, Chen Rui stayed for a while, he experienced the test of life and death, finally reached the level of the devil level, and then faced the greatest test of the emperor level consciousness, then it was possible to become the big devil. Athena came out from the Darkmoon City or the early stage of the high-order demon. She ate all the way to the devil's fruit and black sè. Then she broke through the ground and absorbed the land of the earth and the heart of Akasaka. I woke up and was close to the devil's high section. The strong, as long as you reach the high section of the devil, after half a year, you can "send" to the big devil level without any sinister!

In an instant, Chen Rui had a feeling. Is it that Athena is the protagonist who passed through, how is the protagonist's aura more powerful than him?

From Athena's eyes, Chen Rui saw the desire for power. He understood with a heart that this desire was not for herself, but for him. It's like the weapon that is named the guardian's she wants to keep guarding him.

"Chen Rui, I am sorry, I really want to be your woman, wait until my birthday..."

"Stupid." Chen Rui's heart y look has completely faded away, only the warm affection, holding Athena leaning on his shoulder, gently licking the long hair of the red sè, kissed her. The forehead "You are already my woman." No one can replace your position.

Athena l took a happy smile and changed back to the human form. Suddenly added a faint sentence: "What about the long princess?"

Only, "consolidated" his position, and began to think again? This is a woman?

"This thing is looking for you to settle accounts! Call this self-righteous little fool!" Chen Rui pretended to be annoyed, took a chance to pinch on the awkward tún "" between me and the princess, nothing ! ”

Athena was taken advantage of by his chance, and his face was red: "Then you said last time."

"You didn't listen to it and guessed it yourself!" Chen Rui squeezed her face gently. "I will tell you the whole thing now." @.

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