Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 199: Punishment and dance

The master of the Camp, who was on the side, gently touched it, and the master of the darkness of the focus suddenly woke up, only to notice the call of Isabella, and said to Xia: "I need a piece of moonstone, if I can find Come to me, I am willing to help you create any three magic items that are not lower than the superior." Although the best moonstone is a very rare material, the master's magic jewelry is the top level in the whole devil world, and promised Magic items are guaranteed to be at least excellent, and they are absolutely worthwhile.

Jewelry is different from weapons or armor. Because of its flexible size, it can better play the magic function. Chen Rui has seen many magical props of Kristina, which are quite amazing.

Xia frowned: "According to the records of the classics, hundreds of years ago, the moon has appeared on the moonstone several times. Among them, there is the existence of the best, but there has been no news for these years. So, can the master be dark? I stayed for a while, and I immediately sent someone to visit the relevant news." "Up to seven days." I thought about it. After saying this sentence, I continued to play with the spar and ignored anyone.

The best moonstone? Chen Rui thought that Ge Luofen sneaked into the underground world. It was precisely to absorb the power of the moonstone to alleviate the anti-phagosis of the **** mask. The earth element that has been sacrificed has also been said. The underground of Xiqiao Mountain is a huge treasure house, except for high-quality iron. In addition to the main veins of the mine, there are also rare mineral deposits such as moonstone, dark star iron, and blood-stained silver. The location of the moonstone deposit is in the area of ​​the earth.

If you want to get three magic items made by Master, it seems that you have to take a trip to the land of the land, but this group of Isabella seems to be preparing to stay in the dark moon, as the most important sheriff, I am afraid It is difficult to get out of the way, and it is probably not enough for seven days to calculate the length of the trip and the time of mining.

Isabella Susan said: "Well, my Royal Highness Princess, we can begin to enter the theme. The appearance of the Besib royal family, the Royal Regency King attaches great importance, and the fragments of the **** mask are lost in the hands of His Royal Highness Princess. As you know, there are quite a lot of things that I have to deal with in the emperor. I can’t stay in the dark moon for too long. Just follow the time of the master, seven days. Within seven days, I hope the princess My Royal Highness can give me a return to the satisfaction of the Regent King. 〖Ami’s eyes are cold and cold, and he said coldly: “Mrs. Isabella, are you here to assist in the investigation? Still asking for sin? If it is to assist in the investigation, I am willing to cooperate with you. If you are asking for a crime, you are not qualified as a financial consultant. Isabella did not care about the contempt in the Qiao question, and shook his head: "His Royal Highness is not only the lord, but also the royal family. It should be known what the complete mask of the gods means, and the name of Besib is against the dark moon, confrontation." What does the angelic empire mean? Not only did His Highness lose the fragments of the gods mask, but he could not find the whereabouts of the Besib royal family. Shouldn’t he accept the punishment he deserved? However, in the event of an accident, His Royal Highness Shea is a member of the royal family, so it is only a punishment that symbolizes xìng, ..... If within seven days, His Royal Highness cannot give me a satisfactory answer, then from the next quarter, The food funding for the Darkmoon will be cut in half by the Red Sea. ”

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the dark moon changed their faces, and they smuggled sī language. The dark moon’s land was poor and it was difficult to grow food. For thousands of years, food shortage has been an unsolvable problem, even in When the dark moon is the most prosperous, the source of food also depends on "into."

The red secret land is precisely this point, so in the name of "funding", firmly slammed the lifeblood of the dark moon, now the black prince has cut off half of the food support in one sentence, then the dark moon was originally Very tight food problems will become more and more prominent, and there is likely to be a large-scale famine. This cruel sanction is also called the punishment of "symbol xìng"?

Xia slowly stood up, and the cold eyes burned with anger. Even the arrogant Sergei felt the horrible chill of Chia’s body and did not dare to move.

Just when the atmosphere was deadlocked, an untimely sound came out: "The lady..............., please ask, if the Princess of the Long Princess can give a satisfactory answer in seven days, will food aid not be reduced?" Chen Rui, who stood up, heard the voice of Chen Rui, and the chill of the release suddenly stopped. Isabella’s gaze moved slightly and looked at the weak human sheriff with interest: "The Sheriff Please accept my kind advice. You should re-learn the etiquette. Your current wording and speech is very presumptuous for a beautiful lady. But I can answer your question, yes."

"I'm sorry, rude, I didn't understand anything shortly after I took office." Chen Rui continued to scratch his head in an unadorned manner. "So the lady said that the princess is now punished. We don't have to do anything else." Managed?"

"Living.!" The old Ford of the Safran family stood up and said coldly: "Chen Rui, you alien, you simply don't understand the importance of food for the dark moon! If the people have a large famine, you pay Can you afford this responsibility?” Chen Rui did not have a good tone for the old Ford: “Ford’s older age seems to be more forgetful. Did Joseph not say it at the meeting? After he was re-elected as a finance officer, it would increase by 30%. The food aid, then there are still 80%, and the food purchased from our yīn shadow empire is almost the same!" "Shut up!" Xia looked back at Chen Rui and seemed to be blaming him for not venting it. The news has become firmer: "Since this is the case, the matter of Besib has been handed over to several emperors. I believe that the eyes of His Royal Highness will definitely eliminate the greatest danger of the empire. As you can see, the work of the Darkmoon is very busy, I can't entertain you for too long. Then after seven days, I am waiting for your answer, Mrs. Isabella. If you can't give me satisfaction, answer~ ,that I have the right to ask for the recovery of the so-called symbolic xìng punishment!" The dark moon is very determined in the hearts of the people, and they have all the expressions of "the original", and only the old Ford with Chen Rui "have a bad faith" is unspeakable. In fact, this is the heart. The sorrow of the sheriff who has a life-saving grace for his son is admired. Even if Joseph really took out more than 30%, the total amount of food was really less than 80%. As for the yīn movie empire, it is purely fictional.

However, the Saifu family has achieved great success in meat breeding over the years. For the food plan of Xia... Old Ford knows part of it. The grain of the dark moon should be unprecedented enough, not afraid of this. Sanctions, but these are "secret weapons" that can't be slammed for the time being.

Chen Rui’s missed mistakes not only stabilized the hearts of the people, but also enabled the long princess to take the initiative.

Isabella's emerald-like eyes passed through the ruthless Chen Rui behind Shia, secretly horrified, she had effectively attacked the morale of the Darkmoon, and had a heavy baggage in the past, knowing nothing about this. The sheriffs who knew the sheriffs were not afraid of boiling water and snoring, but they were seized by Xia, and they were treated by their own way.

"So, I want to be rudely "question, a long princess," Isabella stood up, and when everyone thought she was going to make sharp words, she suddenly burst into a flattering smile: "The smell of dark moon hospitality, Why have we been here for so long, welcome the dance has not yet begun preparation? ”

This sentence made the atmosphere alleviate all of a sudden, everyone has a smile, Chen Rui secretly said that this woman means brilliant, a joke opened the topic, and began a new round without moving.

Shia seems to have forgotten the tit-for-tat, and discussed the events of the dinner and the dance.

After the dinner, it was a routine welcome dance. Athena seemed to have further insights on strength in the past two days. She has been retreating at the lower level of the arena. The guards handed over to Aroux for training, so they did not participate tonight. .

Unlike the last Masters Challenge, although Chen Rui is still a man of no power, it is not a corner person who has no one to care about. There are several women who invite him to dance. The reason is of course the identity of the sheriff. Unfortunately, Chen Rui is really not interested in this kind of activity, so he politely refused.

The dance of the Devil World is much less than the rules of human beings. It is very casual. Chen Rui slowly moved to the inconspicuous corner and picked up a glass of red wine, waiting for the end of this boring activity. The most popular ball in the dance is Isabella, she has put on a black evening gown, elegant temperament exudes the charm of yòu people. After dancing with Sergey, a butterfly-like dance has attracted the attention of most people, and she has been invited to dance.

The contrast is strong, Xia, can be described as nobody cares, in fact, the beauty of Xia is not inferior to Isabella, but everyone knows that she never accepts anyone's invitation, so no one wants to touch nails.

"Hey! The woman who sells the wind sāo!" Chen Rui's voice rang out of Alice's dissatisfaction. It turned out that Xiaolui lì had been paying attention to Chen Rui, and finally walked away from her sister, and finally came to Chen Rui’s side with a wish, and there was a glass of wine that she had secretly taken.

"Alice" Chen Rui grabbed the glass in the hands of Xiaoluo lì "You can't drink."

Alice gave him a look: "Hey..."

This Luo Lì suddenly thought of what "who is burning the cake" expression changed, the big eyes swayed the bright light, said: "Brother, people listen to you, do you dance with others?" ”

Chen Rui quickly shook his head: "I never skipped the dance, I really can't jump."

I didn’t count the last life, I didn’t skip the dance after the rebirth, and this kind of court dance is very complicated, he really won’t.

"I have never skipped?" 1 Xiaoluo lì eyes lit up, close together, whispered: "So my brother's first time, give Alice!"

“噗” Chen Rui’s mouthful of wine has been sprayed out, and the wording is too ambiguous!

Alice screamed and looked at the red sès on the skirt, and she was crying wrongly: "This is the favorite evening dress!"

"I'm sorry," Chen Rui put down the wine glass in a hurry, and sure enough, I saw Alice's yellow sè skirt with a lot of red spots, and the wipes could not be wiped off.

Ten minutes later, Chen Xiaoli, who was crying, won the game, and Chen Rui, who had yielded a loss, appeared on the dance floor with his scalp.

The court dance of the Devil is a bit like the double ballroom dance of the European court in the fifteenth century. There is no cuddly movement, but it is very cumbersome and has a lot of rules. Chen Rui has exchanged a few positions with Alice, and he feels confused. Sabella has already danced the second dance with Sergey.

Sergey is clearly proficient in this, skillfully transforming movements and dance steps, graceful posture and handsome appearance attracting the attention of many Mozu women around, of course, the most attractive is the glamorous Isabella The two stood together, and they were so beautiful, they were definitely the focus of the entire dance.

In contrast, Chen Rui and Alice on the side are the opposite. Originally, Alice jumped well, because it was necessary to cooperate and guide Chen Rui, so it looked very awkward, but Xiaoluo lì was not angry, and has been patiently teaching him.

Chen Rui accidentally bumped into the person behind him when he changed positions, and quickly apologized, and the movements behind him could not keep up. Sergey looked in his eyes and deliberately took Isabella closer and smiled contemptuously: "The country is awkward, go and go, the dance floor is not where you are."

Chen Rui hasn't spoken yet, and Alice has said angrily: "Hate the ghost! Don't take care of you!"

"The Princess of the Darkmoon is just like this. Even a dance can't jump well." Sergey looked at Alice disdainfully, and suddenly added a malicious statement: "It is because of lack of discipline."

Alice’s father, Prince Green, died very early. This touched the wound of Xiaolui, and the eyes suddenly became red, and the hand that was held with Chen Rui was pinched.

Isabella's frown was slightly picked, and she looked at Sergey with a faint look. Chen Rui saw the feeling of Xiaoluo lì sad, the heart of the dark anger Sergei's despicable, immediately anti-chún said: "No wonder the Rus family has not been able to compare with the Wells family, it will only bully girls ~ www. are you talking about!” Sergey’s father, Doronus, has been ranked under General Axi’s father, General George, and is known as the Second General. Sergey is most jealous of others saying this, big. Angry, the eyes of the murderous.

"Now I still want to start with this powerless human being?" Chen Rui is not afraid of sè "Don't forget, here is the dance floor, please don't want to dance, please leave."

"On your hometown, the Bab also said "Dancing, two words?" "Sergei l took out yīn狠's sè, thoughts turned, stopped the dance, and sent out the power, loudly: "Come, please pause!" ”

The crowd stopped the dance and the performance stopped.

"Just now, this sheriff said that let me see the real court dance, I am quite expecting it." Sergey pointed to Chen Rui and said: "Let us come and enjoy it now, the Sheriff and the Darkmoon Princess. Beautiful dance."

Everyone was amazed. Before everyone saw the level of Chen Rui, Sergei was deliberately doing this. Isabella still smiles, neither stopping nor encouraging. Sergey’s means is despicable, but It’s not bad to humiliate the dark moon. @.

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