Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 203: Return to the ground? Isabella's conditions

Watching Isabella's elegant posture leave, Chen Rui frowned! The purpose of this woman’s coming here is not only to send an invitation letter, but the important information of the human being in the devil world still needs to be mastered. Go to the Royal Hotel tomorrow to see what she is doing.

At this time, Ji Ya deliberately hooked the sound of hún's screaming sound: "Who is the woman who the master just made? Is it that you have hooked up on what expensive people?" "Stop! I am afraid of you, you are going to eat." Let's take a break early." Chen Rui is a big man, and it is hard enough to cope with a big demon girl. You don't have to mess with this little demon girl.

Looking at Chen Rui's headache, Ji Yal took out the smile of victory, and I didn't feel the restraint when I first came.

Sure enough, Aldas was greatly eager to see the invitation, not only that, but his current research results have also made great breakthroughs. Although the talent of the Dark Elf Master is not the best, but in the current conditions of the Devil, no pharmacist can be as luxurious as he can, with the ready-made black sè agent to test, under the concentrating research, success is also expected Among them.

On the afternoon of the next day, Chen Rui arrived at the Royal Hotel. According to the information of the Cloak, Sergei and Camp Master went out and accompanied the master to buy the material "Hello Chen, you are on time." Isabella Xìng sense of the short skirt dress, seemingly random, but inadvertently makes the perfect body more prominent, just the contours of the rich and powerful ǐng before the ōng, is enough to make the bloody.

"Mrs. still put the "Lord, get rid of it" Chen Rui shook his head: "I was originally a pharmacy apprentice, just because some coincidences were pushed down the cusp, and the old told me to listen uncomfortable. "Isabella is a little weird: "Is this name too close? Then do you have to call my name directly? Our relationship is still far from this step. Can it be understood that the fraternity of the Sheriff’s official has extended here? "Chen Rui's expression was a stagnation, Isabella suddenly covered her mouth and laughed. When she inadvertently leaned over, the full ōng part trembled with laughter, the middle ditch was more obvious, and I was inadvertently seen by Chen Rui, and my heart could not help. A burst of heat.

"His Sheriff, where is your fun? It's just a little joke." Isabella didn't seem to find the part of his eyes. "If you don't mind, we can call the name directly."

Chen Rui smiled bitterly: "I still want to call Wei, I don't want to be beaten by Athena. In front of her, I have no power to fight back." This sentence is not entirely fiction, now the strength of Athena. It is indeed higher than Chen Rui.

"Your means is really great, actually deceived the hearts of the first general of the empire, and the family also raised a sacred maiden maid." Isabella l curious sè "sees, two Women seem to be able to coexist. I am very curious, how did you do this?" "This is a secret." Chen Rui made a mysterious smile: "Only the parties can understand." "To fully get a woman's heart Not only love, but other aspects are equally important. Perhaps, you still have some special abilities that outsiders don’t know.” Isabella’s words seem to be puns, but the splendour in the eyes makes This sentence is more biased.

In this elegant tone, the words of the sacral bones give a strange psychological thorn.

Isabella does not have the sorcerer's **** talent, and does not use Jiya's grievances or xìng feelings to display yòu, she only needs a casual action, or a sentence with deep meaning, It will make the man **** hún, upside down. This may be the masterland of Mei Hu, and compared with one, Ji Ya undoubtedly fell.

"Mrs. I have won a prize. Can I have a glass of water? My wife's charm is amazing. If I don't drink my mouth and calm down, I am afraid that I will be out of my mind." Chen Rui is really a bit of a feeling of being unable to stand up, and the secret of conscience, the heart is calm, this woman Known as the emperor's huā, reading countless people, pretending to be mí down, but will lend out flaws, it is better to put a gesture of frankness, yīn seek for conspiracy.

Isabella saw that he did not hide the shake in his heart, and his eyes passed over the strange sè: "Although it is inappropriate to describe a man with cute words, I really think you are very cute. So let's say Say the thing about the human world, this should be the most important purpose for you to come here today."

From the seduce of the past, to the current topic of conversion, Isabella has always grasped the initiative. Chen Rui has a lot of heart and sighed: "I don’t want to know, I don’t want to know, after all, I don’t belong to this world. "The devil world does have human existence, and most of them come by initiative. In order to gain more powerful power, they come to the devil world through special methods to find more powerful opponents to fight. The ultimate goal of these people is to return to humanity." The world, so they all have the secret technique of returning to the ground." Chen Rui thought that in the final battle of the underground world, Grofin had surprised that "the devil has such a weak human being". This is the reason, then these human beings who have come to the devil must have Powerful, but also mastered the secret of return.

"The angels of the ancestors have such a human being, the name is Nero, and the regent of the Regent of the Black Skull." Isabella saw his indulgent appearance and added a heavyweight: "If you are willing Returning to the emperor with me, I can introduce you, in my face, Nero should not refuse, then you can return to the ground world with Nero!"

Is Nero not the one to be wary of with Sina? I don’t think it’s human.

Chen Ruil’s expression is not all false. He has already combined all the memory fragments of the original owner of the body, Arthur. Although many things are already blurred, it is certain that Arthur Born into the wealthy aristocracy, has been living a life of worry-free life, if you can return to the ground world in this identity, then at least do not have to struggle and survive in the devil world.

Chen Rui has been silent for a long time, and finally said: "In the devil world, in order to survive, I have changed a lot involuntarily. I don't know if it will suit the world of the ground." "Is this refused?" Idobe Pulling the slight movement "With your wisdom, don't think this is a wrong choice? Is it for Athena?" Chen Rui took a deep breath: "Maybe it.,...

"I understand a little bit now, why Athena will fall in love with you." Isabella looked at Chen Rui deeply and sighed softly: "I even envy her, if I am in two The man I met in a hundred years is like you, so many things will be different now." Chen Rui heard the faint sorrow in her words: "The wife does not have to be sad, life is impermanent, the world is unpredictable, as long as there is hope, Have the confidence to go on."

"People have hope because they can't see their fate." Isabella still shook her head and looked at méng on the upper layer. "And I just saw my destiny, so there is no hope in my heart. It's the only thing left. I sometimes think that what I do is to constantly create memories in a world without hope, perhaps this is the day when a dream that won't wake up is completely annihilated."

"Reminiscence does not mean everything, fate is not impossible to change." Chen Rui gently shook his head: "We humans have a saying, people can because, believe in it. I believe this sentence, and are using their own actions to confirm Its meaning."

Isabella quietly stared at Chen Rui, and suddenly āo smiled: "Interesting man, I am really interested in you now.

Even if you can't give up the woman in your heart, you should see the situation of the dark moon. The destruction of the dark moon is a matter of time. In this way, you can bring Athena and other women to the Imperial Capital. I will recommend you to His Royal Highness, and you will not only have no worries, but also a broader exhibition stage for wisdom and talent. ”

Chen Rui looked at Isabella with surprise: "Is it true?"

"Of course, there is one more thing to forget to tell you. Sergei has sent you and Athena to the Warlock Fortress, where General George is stationed, in order to get Athena, through magical communication and family contact. Take the spleen of General George. Xìng will never agree with your relationship. If you are willing to go to the Imperial Capital, I can persuade the Regent King to personally marry you and Athena, so that even General George can't stop it."

Chen Rui frowned slightly: "Why do you want to help me like this?"

"This is a good opportunity for General George." Isabella is very frank. "Not only that, but I also hope to get your friendship, not modest, you have this qualification. I went to the Princess Square in the morning." The things are very good, I also bought two new clothes. The Princess Square was originally a strange little shop opened by a little princess. There is no business at all. The Princess Square is a famous business after you appear, and the business is hot, and there are many businesses inside. The means are all that the Devils don't have, so even if they don't look at other information, I can judge in the first place that a certain human man is pointing behind."

Chen Rui did not deny, smiled: "I can't accept that adjective. I am a very honest person, a little smart, but not "hey." ”

"Behind the 1 little cleverness is great wisdom." Isabella's eyes are flowing with a hint of charm: "A capable man can win friendship and respect, and more. As a friend, we will have more opportunities in the emperor. Know each other."

understand deeper? Another hint! Chen Rui only felt that his heart was hot and hot, and suddenly he had a strong possession. He wanted to record this seemingly graceful lady to the inviolable shell and become a complaint of how to infringe.

After all, he has the experience of refining his heart, knowing that Isabella is likely to perform some kind of charm, and his own situation is a bit wrong.

One thought of this, Chen Rui did not dare to stay for a long time, immediately stood up: "I need to think carefully about this matter, I will give the lady a reply in a few days?"

Sabella stood up and regained an elegant smile: "I will return to the emperor in a few days, I hope that there will be a more interesting and beautiful man to accompany me."

Chen Rui’s resignation left, Isabella’s smile suddenly became cold: she had already proposed such preferential conditions, and even finally used a little spiritual power to confuse her, and could not think of the power of this human wisdom and will. Unexpectedly, I can resist yòuhuò. If you are sure that you can’t recruit, be sure to save it!

Chen Rui is also thinking about Isabella on the road. This woman’s means is really good. She knows how to use her beauty and the weakness of the human heart. If he goes to the emperor with Athena, then not only Xia’s side There will be a major blow, and even General George will be held back, even to the black side. If I really follow Isabella, it is very likely that he and Athena will be under house arrest. As a hostage to George General, the light and dark lock of Paglio has not been solved yet, even if he does not go to the emperor, he also Will not leave the dark moon.

At this time, it is close to dark, and the light of the two months begins to transform into purple. Chen Rui walked away, and in his mind, Isabella’s bumpy body and hooked eyes appeared again, and the y mourning that was suppressed by the meditation began to sprout again.

He was faintly feeling that he was not good. He was trying to speed up and return to the lab. He suddenly felt that there was someone behind him. The person seemed to have no fear, and he was close to the distance, and he had entered the scope of the analytical eye.

Race: The Great Devil (Variation). Comprehensive strength assessment: ten. High-level demon? It should not be the expected Sergei, the emperor who seems to have no such strength in the people, then it should be the locals of the Darkmoon!

The y ù 心 陈 陈 陈 陈 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心 心

At this time, the demons actually have to attack!

Chen Rui is not good, and wants to get rid of the high-order demon that is quickly tracked. How do you know that the brain has already banged around and it has become a sea of ​​fire.

There are killings and screams everywhere, and the screams of women being invaded. It seems that the city is burned and looted, and the air is filled with a strong **** smell. Is Darkmoon City?

This is the devil! This is an illusion! Chen Rui has always been telling himself, but seeing the familiar heads or bodies of lover and friend, sadness, fear, anger, y look, killing and other thoughts began to grow in madness, killing and killing! Whether it is the dark moon or the invaders, all kill!

For a time, he was incarcerated in hell, and everything in front of him became the target of child killing, Aurora Bomb! Destroy the Yuanxiao! Yanlong kill! There seems to be no limit to the attack here. You can use the tricks of your heart to see the end of life in your hands. The dark side of your heart is magnified infinitely, immersed in all kinds of killing, yín humiliation, destruction...

Another life is annihilated in his hands. This is a very young child. The horrified eyes finally let Chen Rui wake up. Looking at the blood of the corpse and the blood of his hands, he made a roar, right. Your own anger.

Chen Rui’s figure began to change. After a while and shaking, he split into two and became two people. One was in a normal state, and the other was a killing and **** Shura. @.

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