Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 212: Evil and meeting

Chen Rui catches the wine and makes memories: ... I just heard that there seems to be a guy who wants to seduce my woman? ”

"You must have got it wrong." Luo Méng said innocently: "A beautiful and generous girl like Athena, except for our mine officer, who has this ability?"

"The most important thing is that he is not your preferred wife or wi-fi. I opened the bottle and took a sip. I frowned and took a bottle of fine red wine from the storage warehouse and threw it to Luo Méng.

Luo Méng heard it, l ù 喜 è èè, Chen Chen raised the bottle, poured a big mouth, and looked at him for a while, said: "My friend, your strength growth rate really surprised me, last time is still high The devil, now is the middle of the demon class. Could it be that you couldn’t show the power for the last time because of a special situation? But what I admire most is that you got Athena in the hand, from the tone of the moment, it’s not Has she really become your woman? ”

"No comment." Chen Rui thought of the "special service" of A Sina's night before the trip.

"Don't think about me, I am an expert. When you say this, your eyes are laughing!"

Luo Méng smirked and said: "So say "If I kill you, is she becoming ignorant?" ”

"This idea is wonderful, but I think of a more brilliant idea." Chen Rui also made a sly smile: "That is, this sentence will tell me that I will be silently."

"How do you know that Di lìya will come here soon?" Luo Méng frowned.

"I have met Di Li Yaya and I have a lot of research on the magic array. This time I am here to help. If it is not her insistence, Athena will come." Chen Rui did not know Dii Ya’s whereabouts, but listening to the two-legged dragon, Luo Méng has been unable to walk here, so I guess this may be the only way for Dilua.

Luo Méng heard Chen Rui see Di Lì Ya, and specially came to help them, the heart of the good feelings increased, the surface of the momentum is paralyzed: "Chen Rui adult Chen Rui uncle! That idea is not good. My wine Drink mí paste, and when you say the wrong thing, you will be a fart, let go."

Chen Rui greeted the distant place and threw it over. He commanded the Wyvern for a while and let it go back to the nest to inform the Dragon King to start the migration. Of course, he had to tell the route and time. Otherwise, he was found to have such a large scale. Flying dragon action, it is inevitable that there will be extra-budgets.

The two-legged dragon screamed at Chen Ruiqi, and Luo Méng could see that the two-legged dragon was a demon-level, and Chen Rui’s attitude was extremely close and secretly surprised.

For a long time, the amoeba that did not taste the delicious barbecue was hard to take up the task of hunting. With the strength of the demon king, the prey was quickly obtained. Chen Rui and Luo Méng were drinking under the tree while chatting. Throwing was very interested in the liquid with a strange scent in the bottle. I wanted a bottle, and then I couldn’t get out of it. However, the amount of amoeba was not good, and I was drunk on the ground.

The empty bottles in the underground gradually increased. Fortunately, there are a lot of stocks in the Chen Rui storage warehouse, enough for several people to drink enough.

"Thank you." Luo Méng heard Chen Rui said after the encounter with Di Lìya, suddenly said, although seemingly random, but Chen Rui can tell that this guy is serious.

Suffering from the truth, the night and the wetland is not a place for holiday entertainment. Three years ago, Luo Méng and Di Lìya were seriously injured. This Chen Rui can come to help, even if there is no Aisina's relationship, it is also a friend and friend worthy of paying, not just relying on the mouth.

"I want to thank you for not being able to thank you." Chen Rui shrugged his shoulders. "Don't underestimate the greed of human beings. There must be a lot of good things in it. Except for the secret treasure of Di Lìya, the rest belong to me. ”

Luo Méng laughed and said with a match: "It really is a greedy guy."

"Right" Chen Rui took out the purple Yanxin ring "" This "jī love, the ring seems to be related to an ancient treasure, and Naliyi gave you, I can not."

Luo Méng has already heard Chen Rui say that Naliyi’s encounter has passed a trace of sadness. She shook her head and laughed and laughed at herself: “I’m a frivolous guy with no sense of responsibility, can’t afford her heart. Her, so still hold it."

Chen Rui did not have the feelings, and collected Ziyan.

Everyone has his own story. He didn't ask Luo Méng more. The man had a man's comfort. He just touched the bottle and Luo Méng, and he saw the bottom. Although Chen Rui did not drink much, he did not mean that he did not have this amount of alcohol.

"Happy!" Luo Méng looked at Chen Rui's eyes and saw a little more appreciation. "Yes, I just saw you feel a bit strange, what is the evil in your body?" ”

"Evil?" Chen Ruiyi, thinking of Isabella's "seeds" is "by a woman, this woman is called Isabella, it should be your family, it seems to be the peak of the devil." ”

"Isabela? The woman of the Big Devil? Are you sure she is a Belier?" Luo Méngl swears suspicion of hu sè" "The evil is a special skill of the eyes of the evil king, able to put a special The evil species are buried in the body of the subject. The evil spirits can slowly absorb the strength of the other's spirit, and the strength of the evil spirits will be swallowed up and eventually die. Some of these death symptoms are similar to the heart's exhaustion, and the appearance is almost unspeakable, except for the Beil family, who has the eye of the evil king.

If you need it, I can help you with it now. With your strength, you can solve it yourself. ”

It turned out that Isabella showed this vicious means of not killing people! Chen Rui slightly thought, l smiled: "This evil is good, keep it for the time being."

"Don't underestimate evil spirits. If you keep doing this, even if you are a demon king, the power of the spirit hún will continue to be weakened." Luo Méng took a sip of alcohol: "Unless you have any secrets to offset this power."

Chen Rui smiled slightly. He didn't have any secret techniques to counteract evil spirits. However, the power of the demon emperor's spirit, which was swallowed up, was so hard to digest. At that time, there was also a great danger of being obscured by consciousness. Isabella’s calculation The means can be regarded as self-defeating, but it also helped him a favor.

Luo Méng sees Chen Rui don't care, no more jealousy, anyway, he also has the eyes of evil kings. If you really need it, you can help to lift it at any time, but it takes more effort.

The two men were drinking and chatting, and they felt very speculative. Luo Méng was very interested in Isabella, who is also a Beli royal family. When asked about the West, Chen Rui was very contemptuous in the heart of the label of this guy. Moved to the front of the "Alcoholic" and "Gambling".

As he said, Luo Méng suddenly stopped his mouth and stared at the front. Chen Rui followed his gaze and saw that there was a woman in the distance.

Because of the distance and the fog on the lake, I only saw that the woman seemed to wear a cloak and couldn't see the face. Chen Rui had not yet determined whether Di Lìya, Luo Méng had stood up in disappointment, and her eyes fixed on the figure. , muttered a sentence: "Di lì 娅"

Chen Rui has already determined that the woman is Dilu, because no one is more impressed with her than M. Méng.

"Tell it, if you dare to tear me through, I will tell you all the bad things, including the fight for Athena's idea, and you will get up on the face, and the face has become the appearance of "Li Cha", he has decided Always use this face outside to avoid being recognized as extra-budget.

"Di lì 娅!" Chen Rui shouted, and waved to the woman, the woman did not expect that in this place, this distance was called out by the name, a glimpse, then came to this side.

Di lìya's figure approached, still the last time she met Chen Rui's méng face costume, only a pair of blue sè's eyes, wearing a cloak outside, covering the slender figure.

Di lìya gaze over Chen Rui's Luo Méng, a slight condensate, and then fell on the smiling Chen Rui.

"You are Richard! How come you are here?" Di lì娅 l surprised and surprised.

Chen Rui smiled and said: "The beautiful lady of the poisonous spider, we met again. I said, after three months, I will swear... and divide your treasure."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. Three years ago, I didn't even have a treasure on the side of the treasure. I almost died inside. If you still insist on going to death, you can also casually." Di Lìya said coldly: "I am dead anyway." Now, Athena can find a better man."

"This curse is too vicious!" Chen Rui shook his head. "First declare, I am a very greedy guy. How much do you intend to give me? ”

Di lìya sneered: "Although I don't know what other treasures there are." But as long as I have a secret treasure, as for the rest, as long as you have a life to eat, it doesn't matter if you take it all. ”

"That's the way to say it." Chen Rui shrugged and saw Luo Méng who said nothing behind him. "Hey, I said, you just didn't tǐng blow?" How dumb is this time? ”

Luo Méng smiled and said nothing, Di Lìya said coldly: "Who is this person? How did you bring an irrelevant nasty guy here?"

Luo méng suddenly smashed no more talking, just desperately drinking.

Chen Rui shook his head secretly, and his mind turned and said: "It’s annoying. This guy is a wretched cargo. I don’t know him, but I met this when I was outside the wet night. People, said that they are going to see a beautiful woman who has been separated from him for three years, seven days and four hours. Because he is a road idiot, he begged me to bring him here. I thought he was a burden and refused to agree, but this The man cried and shouted and rolled in the ground, then he was going to be my follower, and he was willing to do everything he could to help, and he was willing to work to earn money to buy wine for me. I thought for a long time and finally agreed with the kind heart. His request. When I go to the treasure, there is a trap for the guy to step on, there is a pit for the guy to fill, there is a Warcraft to take this guy to feed, we also save a lot of trouble."

Luo Méng looked at Chen Rui, who was stunned, and felt that the adjective "wandering" was more suitable for this guy.

Di lìya was silent for a while, giving two words of evaluation: "just."

In this way, Chen Rui followed Diluya, took out a backpack, stuffed the drunken drunk, and took someone who was nicknamed "anyway", bypassing the Moon Lake and continuing to walk forward. @.

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