Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 218: Corpse! Necromancer 2000 years ago

Chen Rui was shocked and happy. After thinking about the deep analysis, he completely controlled the power of the artifact as a human being. Although he did not know the difference between this control and the artifacts of the Besib royal family, but from that The feeling of flesh-and-blood connection is a complete mask of the gods of the seven artifacts.

In this way, not only is the effect of the **** mask on the star, but also additional skills. This, 00% master the extra skills of the artifact is not simple, equivalent to three skills.

The first immune spirit hún control can make him not afraid of all mental control skills, such as the magical fly, corpse, etc. that have been seen to make people squat; the power of the second skill has been seen, this The power of swallowing is very powerful. The mental power that can manipulate the big demon-level powerhouse has been swallowed up, and this skill can also engulf magic and spiritual hún attacks. The only regret is that it takes seven days to recover each time: the last one The flies are more practical and immune to all physical attacks, which is equivalent to a life at a critical moment.

Chen Rui thought of a move, the mask suddenly disappeared, and he pulled out the face of "Li Cha". Before he was still brave and dying, he was scared and screamed. He slammed into Chen Rui’s shoulder and got into his backpack. Fearing and not dare to come out. Although it has an undead body, it has been crushed by Akuyi for a long time, and it took a considerable amount of power to recover.

"We are all fooled. It is clearly that people are attracted to yòu to kill each other here. If it wasn't for my family secrets, we would all die here."

"Not only that, my evil king's eye feels that there is still an evil and powerful force here." Luo Méng's left eye flashed with a strange light, took the healing agent handed by Chen Rui, and drank it: "We better leave this hall as soon as possible."

The eye of the evil king is called the right eye of the demon god. It can peek into the truth behind all the mí fog. Previously, because the other party's power was too strong, Luo Méng couldn't peek. Now the evil spirit is sharply reduced, and Luo Méng's blood talent begins. Play a real power.

This time, the fight is down, and each other is known as the know-how. "Lenyi" is the Beli royal family, "Niko" is the Leviathan king, even the "magic array master" who has never been a mountain "It also shows the biggest card like the **** of the gods."

Akui's strength is the strongest, but the injury is the heaviest; Casillas's bronze warfare was destroyed, and the peak demon-level teammates were also seriously injured, and the combat effectiveness weakened a lot: "Licha" team has an undead demon The level of strange World of Warcraft, there are two Wang family teammates who have "the demon gods, skills, plus the treasures of the secret treasure and no loss of combat power."

The strength gap between the three parties is not very large. Although Casillas has the most remaining fighting power, if it is rashly handed, it may cause Akuyi and "Licha" to join forces. Moreover, since there is no secret treasure here, it will kill each other. It’s meaningless, it’s a good idea to evacuate from this dangerous zone and find the real treasure.

The people are planning to leave, the hall suddenly changed, a lot of black gas came out, the exit of the hall that was originally well-connected was blocked by black gas, and the laughter of yīnsen returned to the hall.

"Since I came here, I will leave the spirit hún." The black gas of Zhongzhongyang gradually condensed into a person's general shape. It seems to be covered with a long cloak. The most eye-catching is the two red sè under the cloak. Light, this is the only five senses that can be seen clearly.

Chen Rui opened the eyes of the analysis, suggesting: Race: corpse (projection). Comprehensive strength assessment: ‘.

Di lìya once said that in the magic of the magic of the side of the undead, there is a kind of magic transformation, which can transform the skeleton into a controllable warrior. But one day, when a crazy undead mage tries to use the improved sputum transformation magic with some secret drugs to use on himself, the more crazy thing is, that is the corpse.

The corpse has no flesh and blood, only the body of the scorpion, they store their own spirit hún essence in a certain container, as long as the spirit hún essence does not die, the corpse can use the corpse to infinitely resurrect, the spiritual hún container is also called life.

As an undead creature, the corpse is not afraid of any magic in mind control, and it is the most powerful magician to study magic in the long years, but not everyone is willing to give up normal body and life, and the process of transforming the corpse is also There is a considerable risk that if there are any errors or changes, the magician will die forever.

Their corpse's natural enemies are the bright priests of the ground world, especially fearful of the power of sacred and purifying.

The mysterious corpse in the black gas is sorrowful: "This moment, I have been waiting for a long time!"

"Who are you!" Casillas drank the medicine and asked aloud.

"He is a sorcerer!"

Chen Rui easily broke his identity and made the mysterious corpse slightly surprised. The yīn side grandson said: "It is useless to delay the time. You have a total of seven spirits. I only need six spirits to complete the wish. I will give you An opportunity, the last person to survive, can leave here."

"Do you think we will believe this trick?" Akui sneered a sneer, although she broke an arm, the combat power was greatly reduced, but this corpse was only the power of the big devil, the United States The power of human beings can definitely disappear. "Yes, we won't be fooled again!" Casillas took a deep breath, and the residual power quickly condensed: "Everyone goes together, first subdues this guy, then asks for the whereabouts of the treasure." !"

At this time, Casillas still did not forget the treasure. But everyone knows that it is now necessary to work together to get rid of this seemingly weird enemy.

Akuyi got up and his right hand appeared to attack the bronze enamel when it was light black, and attacked the corpse.

"The light of sin? Unfortunately, the blood talent of this Mamen royal family has nothing to do with me." The sorcerer did not avoid it. When the fist hit, the body of the skeleton was scattered into countless pieces, and the black gas also followed. Dispersed.

However, this dispersal was only temporary. The scattered black gas instantly came together and wrapped Akuyi in it. Akui made a screaming scream, and the trembled black mist accompanied the laughter of the corpse yīnsen. sound.

"Two thousand years ago, your dòng body and screams will cause me the greatest interest as a man, but now, your flesh and bones are my only interest!"

Akui’s struggling body gradually stopped, softly squatting on the ground, and the original curves of the moving female body disappeared, leaving only a pile of “clean” horrifying skeletons.

Akuyi of the middle section of the Great Griffin, a face-to-face, let the corpse of the same big devil be killed, even if Akuyi is injured, it is impossible to die so fast. Everyone was shocked and trembled. The power of the corpse was too strange and terrifying.

"Would you like to continue?" The sorcerer yīn laughed and said, "I don't mind collecting a redundant spirit hún."

Casillas stopped the teammates who were going to attack and asked: "How do we believe that you only need six spirits?"

"Accurately, I only need five." The sorcerer laughed and said: "My can guarantee with my last name, forget to tell you, my name is my Guladammamen!"

This name gave everyone in the room a surprise: Guladammamen! The most outstanding dark magic master and undead magic master more than two thousand years ago!

Unexpectedly, Guladam, who has spent the rest of his life studying the undead magic, turned himself into an undead monster like the corpse witch, and he has been hiding in this place! Leading yòu to live and collect spiritual hún, is it to complete a certain ritual of the undead?

What Chen Rui thinks is another matter: the master of magic more than two thousand years ago? The time when Pagliu was sealed was exactly wěn! Could it be that this Guladam is related to Paglioyu..., the **** dead duck dragon! Such an important thing has been forgotten!

(Hello! A certain forgetful dragon on the shore of the blue bō sneezed and scratched his head: Is Chen Rui already getting the treasure? Anyway, the cargo is so good that it should be no problem, or continue to play independent diamond chess. .)

Seeing everyone's shocked look, the sorcerer's laughter is more pleasing, the eyes are red and flashing, and the skeleton of the ground Akuyi is automatically combined to become a temporary body. Not only that, the eyes of the corpses on the ground lit up with strange red light at the same time, and they all climbed up and surrounded by the body of the corpse, forming a picture of a creepy hair.

Curiously, in the eyes of the analysis, these resurrected bodies seem to have no fighting.

"Master Guladam." Chen Rui said. "I am very curious why you are here. As far as I know, this place seems to be related to a dragon."

Guladam’s laughter stopped, and the voice became angry: “You have no right to ask this question. If you can’t kill the other six people, let you turn this **** curiosity into a beggar! ”

Chen Rui did not try to get closer. From the reaction of Ladham, the fear between the corpse and the poison dragon is not a grace, but a complaint.

In the face of the aggressive corpse, Casillas did not have the fear of sè, but the war was great, drinking a bottle of medicine coldly said: "Don't think...".

Right here, the Devil-level companion next to him suddenly heard a scream, and ōng膛 had been suddenly worn by a hand, and it was the hand of Casillas.

"I naturally believe in the assurances of Guladam's master." Casillas pulled back the hands of his companion blood, and the remnant one-eyed eyes crossed the face that his teammates couldn't believe before, and the face was replaced with humility. Sè, "I am very honored to serve the masters. As a reward for survival, these people's spiritual hún will be replaced by me."

In general, the royal family's surname is the most reliable oath guarantee, and now Casillas has no choice, the most taboo opponent Akui is dead, the remaining two are the devil-level peaks, but they are already Seriously injured, although Warcraft has the ability to regenerate continuously, but the combat power is not enough, and it has already been badly hurt, as for the high-end demon Richard, even if the mask that once appeared on the face is really the legendary seven artifacts, it is definitely not this one. The opponent of the big devil king.

Therefore, Casillas did not hesitate to solve his companion first, so as not to unite with the other side, making him more troublesome.

"Very good," I like your decisiveness. "Guladam in the black gas issued a laugh of yīn Sen. @.

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