Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 220: Kill! Victory not belonging to 1 person

When Casillas was in a state of horror, the figure wrapped in the red flame flashed in front of him at an incredible speed, and his boxing was in his lower abdomen.

Casillas clearly saw the other side punch, the body's reaction was slowed down half a beat, this punch contains fierce fiery power, almost penetrated the abdomen, protruding behind the back, the knife is so painful, the whole person is Hit the fly out.

Still being landed, Chen Rui’s figure has appeared on the way, holding his fists in both hands and slamming him on the ground. Casillas fell heavily on the ground. Just reacted from the pain, the other party has appeared again in front of the "砰砰砰砰" continuous hits continue to come.

Casillas was temporarily out of control, in an absolute downwind, after all, the strength was extraordinary, took a loophole, and the sword slammed, and Chen Rui was forced to open, and quickly jumped a big step and opened the distance.

This strength and speed Casillas gasped, my heart stunned: I did not expect this originally thought to be the weakest opponent, turned out to be the most terrible!

Not only is Casillas horrified, Luo Méng and Di lìya also stunned Chen Rui (Li Cha) even has this terrible secret! Even if Luo Méng does not infuse the power to Chen Rui, the light is based on the original strength of the power to display the secret skills, the combat power has already surpassed the two peaks of the peak!

Casillas is experienced and knows that the other party must have used some kind of secret technique to achieve this level. The mind is moving, the body emits a strong yellow light, and a watermelon-sized light ball appears. It is the remote energy that has been used before. Attack combat skills.

Casillas rushed to Chen Rui with a wave of lightballs. He wanted to use this kind of attack to delay the time. Only when the effect of the secret technique disappeared, he immediately killed the other party.

Chen Rui naturally will not let the other party be satisfied, straight line toward Casillas, the oncoming light ball has been whipped by his hands, this defensive skill actually he has seen a lot in the past enemy . In addition to the need for strength and courage, the timing is also very important, just like the other party threw a grenade, kicked away before the detonation, and now he is facing a lot of "grabs".

Despite the infusion of black sè and Luo Méng, and the substantial addition of Yanlong possession, Chen Rui has the power of leapfrog fighting, but no matter which one, the auxiliary aging is quite limited, it must be in the shortest time. Resolve Casillas, because the enemy can have more than this one, and there is an unfathomable corpse behind it.

Seeing that Chen Rui is approaching quickly, Casillas, who is extremely experienced, regressed decisively and chose to fight. At this time, his combat strength and physical strength have been reduced to a very low state and the opponent is under the blessing of the mystery. It is the peak state, avoiding the enemy edge, this is the most correct tactic.

In the acceleration of the worms, Chen Rui successfully left a lot of wounds on Casillas, but Casillas is unusually decisive. As you abuse, I am escaping, not giving you the chance to die. Drag and drop you in the morning and evening.

Just as Casillas thought that he had to make a fuss, he suddenly trembled on the ground and suddenly gave birth to several huge vines, like tentacles, and immediately occluded Casillas in a greedy vine!

It turned out that Chen Rui had secretly buried the seeds of the greedy vine when he was chasing. When he was chasing, he intentionally forced Casillas to the position of the greedy vine, and then launched it in one fell swoop, and it succeeded in trapping the other side.

Although Casillas' reaction was very fast and stable in time to stabilize the unbalanced body, the foot trembled and shattered with the gluttony that would wrap around the body, but in the moment he was blocked by the greedy vine The brain suddenly felt a terrible dangerous atmosphere. Chen Rui’s attack has arrived.

Chen Rui has been accumulating strength before Casillas retreats to the position of gluttony vine. This shot is a full-blown outbreak.

Casillas immediately gave birth to the induction, the other side of the blow, the rain has brewed a great power, even the body of the big devil can not be hard-wired, and now it is too late to make a dodge action, only one choice: attack the enemy will save !

Casillas is a self-contained person. In his consciousness, Chen Rui succeeded in "frauding" the power of the companion of the Bailey royal family, and let the woman of Warcraft and Leviathan be seriously injured and definitely want to kill him. After Silas, killing three companions who have no strength, they can become the ultimate survivors. Therefore, Chen Rui must not dare to fight with him, Casillas thought of the electric turn, the sword in his hand struggled to stab the heart of Chen Rui.

Although this sword is a latecomer, if Chen Rui does not block the situation, he will definitely pass through.

As long as the opponent evades or parses, then the robbery is over, but what makes Casillas shocked is that the other party has no intention of dodging, hitting Casillas' face with a punch, arrogant and fierce power. Suddenly broke through the defensive power of the body surface.

Casillas clearly heard the sound of his face broken, followed by a blank in the brain, the neck has been unable to withstand this strong "beep", and later made a distortion against the normal angle, but in the hands The long sword also stabbed the heart of the other side.

This scene made Luo Méng and Di Lì Qi Qiqi surprised. "Hey!" Casillas' body fell heavily on the ground, Chen Rui stepped back two steps, holding his heart, almost standing still, Casillas That sword is almost a cohesive force, not to mention the sharpness of the long sword itself. It is the kind of power that destroys xìng, and almost smashes his heart.

Chen Rui bites his teeth and withstands the pain of his heart with a strong willpower. He has a sword in his hand, which is the long sword built by the dark star iron, and then he does not hesitate to go to the Central Silas. Under his arm, Casillas, who had a broken neck, was still able to react in the future.

After Chen Rui’s head of Casillas, he struggled to pull out the sword of the ōng mouth, and suddenly the blood flowed like a note. Fortunately, the guru-level healing agent that was subsequently poured was effective, and stopped the blood in time.

Luo Méng and Di Lìya have already rushed over, and one left and one right hold him to shake the body of y.

"Licha!" Di lìya exclaimed: "You... Xiao Chen Rui gasped, squeezing a smile, although it was extremely heavy, at that time, the effect of the yan dragon possessed However, the pain has been greatly reduced, and after a while the efficacy and skill effects disappeared, I am afraid that it will be miserable.

"Reassure, this guy is a monster, can't die for a while." Luo Méng saw that Chen Rui did not seem to be in danger of life. "Even if the heart is penetrated, it is fine, or his heart grows to the right." Chen Rui's heart does not Growing on the right side, but because of the passive skills of "regeneration," even if the body is lost, the head is fine, it can still grow, but the more parts that need to be regenerated, the longer the time is spent. In a sense, he has left the category of ordinary human beings and is indeed a "monster."

"Another life is annihilated, what a wonderful spirit hún tastes." Guladam's voice sounded: "Although I don't like you, I have to praise you, the amazing guy! I even killed a big demon. The powerful power of your body still exists. It is easy to kill the three remaining guys. The last survivor seems to be you."

Chen Rui looked at the face sè as usual, and I ran away with support: "You said it is good. In fact, my two companions are a couple, if only one can be left in the end, Then they would rather face death together. The remaining Warcraft is my servant, and I am indeed a lucky one. But you don't understand one thing."

"What is it?" "I am fundamentally different from the guy who can kill his partner. Because of this, I can beat him." Chen Rui walked toward Guladam step by step: "This reason,

Maybe you can't understand when you are alive, let alone the look of this monster. ”

There is no trust that Luo Méng does not hesitate. There is no desperate delay in the death and the loss of the body. It is impossible to defeat Casillas by the power of the body. This victory does not belong to him alone.

Di lìya and Luo méng are a cold, a lazy, all-arrogant generation. At this time, the man’s brilliance is also different. If the previous intersection is only because of Athena’s relationship, now he Deserve the two words: friend.

Or it can be further called: partner.

The corpse witch yelled: "Stupid guy! You gave up your own life!" Chen Rui took a deep breath and suppressed the cramps that gradually intensified his heart. He said with disdain: "I believe that you are truly stupid! You thought I would be like this." Silly? The projection of the corpse..."

"You" corpse voice reveals an unspeakable horror "How do you know that I am a projection!" "Guladam's strength is the demon emperor two thousand years ago, now you are just a big devil" Chen Ruiwu refers to the corpse Open, lightly said: "I can boldly guess that your true body should be because a certain dragon is imprisoned here, can only barely use the magic to condense the projection of the power of the great demon king. Then what you need most It is very likely to use the power of spiritual hún to break free of this imprisonment! Hart must be the corpse you made! You yòu make us kill each other and also to acquire the spirit of the living!

The corpse did not expect the other party's speculation to be so accurate, suddenly shocked, and saw Chen Rui's open palm spray a white sè light ball, rushing at high speed. The corpse was turned into a thick smoke, and the aurora bomb was wrapped up obviously want to swallow. I know that the Aurora Bomb is different from the ordinary energy attack. It has the destructive power of the damage spirit. The original loss is the result of the fall. The corpse screams and quickly releases the package, allowing the Aurora to wear it, but the black fog. The body is covered with a little bit of residual power, and the power to hurt the spirit is still continuing.

Chen Rui’s figure is now in front of the corpse, and the double fists are on the attack. However, the corpse seems to be a spiritual body, invisible and inferior. After being dispelled, it gradually becomes agglomerated. This kind of attack can't work at all.

"Hey! I don't do it!" The corpse has recovered from the remnant of the smashing bomb, and the black smoke has wrapped up Chen Rui in a blink of an eye. Seeing that his flesh and blood will be swallowed up, it will become a former Akuyi. General 骷髅.

Chen Rui had been prepared for a long time, and the flame on his body suddenly turned into a black sè. The power of the nest of this flame was much stronger and purer than that of the Yanlong body, far exceeding the expectations of the corpse.

The black smoke that did not invade the water and fire, and the physical attack was ineffective, was filled with a violent scream of violent flames, and it burned up and made a creepy "squeaky" sound.

"Damn guy! I will not let go." The screams are filled with unforgettable hatred. If the words are not finished, they will disappear. @.

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