Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 228: Meet the father-in-law

In the room of the hotel in the dark moon city, Chen Rui stood in a restrained way. Opposite him, he is a medium-sized man, about thirty-four years old, with a clear facial features and high brow bones, showing a tough and grim momentum.

"You are Chen Rui?" The man's voice was strong and powerful, with a hint of deterrence.

Chen Rui quickly replied: "Yes, the general."

This man is the father of Athena, the first general of the empire, George Wells, which is the "father-in-law" that Chen Rui will meet this time.

Something different from Chen Rui’s imagination, when General George saw him, he did not rush to scream and scream and kill. Instead, he looked up and down carefully with a look of his eyes, and made a certain female aunt hairy.

A female singer boldly opened the eyes of analysis: race: big devil (variation), comprehensive strength assessment: no judgment.

No judgment strength! Magic Emperor? The emperor? Chen Rui was shocked. It is estimated that the possibility of the Emperor is relatively large. The father-in-law is not the first general of the empire, and he has practiced to the realm of the demon.

If you really do it, Pagliu is now just getting rid of the lock of light and dark, just the first stage of the devil, not necessarily able to win, do not try to poison? Having said that, once the poison is three long and two short, then Athena is not a lover, but an enemy.

Just when Chen Rui was nervous and thinking, the father-in-law opened his mouth.

"I have a few questions that you need to answer. The first question is." George's eyes fell on a voter behind Chen Rui and said coldly: "What do you mean by bringing these people?" ”

Lomon saw the atmosphere was not good, and took a step forward, and said: "General, remember the Lomon and Delia of Heiyun Town three years ago? We are good friends of Athena. The help and care of today, I learned that the generals came here and thanked them."

George nodded, and Royce responded quickly. He quickly said: "The three of us are the direct subordinates of Athena's adults. They have long been respected by the generals and came to see them."

Athena is already the first female host on the board, and the so-called "direct subordinates" are also worthy of the name.

George looked at the Royce trio. Not much to say, Paglio didn't talk so well, and said in a big way: "You guys are not daring! I just can't understand the arrogant guy, I am coming... ..."

"Soy sauce! He is a friend of me and Athena, soak the soy sauce here, especially to see." Chen Rui said first, and stunned Paglieu.

Paglieu snorted and didn't continue to mess up. In fact, the poison dragon felt out. The strength of General George was very small. Once he was really fighting, he was afraid that he was not sealed by his current status in ancient Chinese.

The more this is the case, the more the Duron is worried about the safety of Chen Rui. If George really gave birth to a murderer, even if he is himself, he may not be able to protect Chen Rui, so he has the intention to bring George's attention.

"General George has something to discuss with me. Let's go out first." Chen Rui made a look to everyone.

Athena glanced at the expressionless George. She was afraid that the two most important men in her heart would turn their eyes and said, "Father, let me stay."

"My next question, I have to ask this kid alone. Before that, I will not do anything to him." Knowing Mo Ruo, George saw Athena’s worries and added, "If you stay here, Then there is nothing to say between me and him, I will take you directly back to the Warlock Fortress.

In Chen Rui's repeated gestures, Athena walked out of the room with a look of Paglio and others.

"It turns out to be so courageous with so many people." George looked at the nervous Chen Rui and asked, "Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"It's really a little scared. The name of the first general of the empire is unknown." Chen Rui said in a small flattering father-in-law: "But I am even more afraid that I can't let the generals be satisfied, and that Athena is sad."

"I got the news that there is a man in the Darkmoon City who shamelessly deceived my daughter with sweet words and inferior drugs. It seems that your eloquence is good and it is already in line with the first point."

Chen Rui smiled bitterly: "I still have an apprenticeship who is a master of pharmacy. So, the second point is almost the same."

George nodded very quietly, but did not make a fuss about it: "I saw the princess yesterday, I knew the food base you planned, and now Regent King Yao Yao ordered the reduction of half of the food aid in the Red Sea. What do you think about this?"

Chen Ruiyi, I can't think of George's failure to "interrogate." Instead, the topic falls on this aspect. Is it a test of the father-in-law?

Anyway, at least one chance.

Chen Rui straightened out his own ideas and roughly explained the follow-up plan. The general content is similar to that of Tim last time, but he made some adjustments in the details.

George’s slight jaws were undecided and asked: “Athena’s training soldiers are all you taught her?”

"The general is the master of this aspect, the military **** of the empire, the combat power of those soldiers... let the generals laugh."

George shook his head: "Because of the relationship between the foundation and the training time, the combat strength of the soldiers is really not worth mentioning. However, your training side is not funny at all. Although the party is simple, it is very effective. The order is forbidden, and the combat effectiveness of the troops will have a considerable leap. My second question is, what do you think of a truly powerful army?"

This should be the third question... Chen Rui is very clever and does not prompt the father-in-law to make small mistakes in mathematics common sense. After thinking about it, he said: "In fact, I am a military layman. I remember that the human sage has a sentence. The wind, its Xu Rulin, invaded like a fire, does not move like a mountain, it is difficult to know the yin, moving like a thunder, this should be a strong military requirement."

"The disease is like the wind, its Xu Rulin, invading like a fire, not moving like a mountain, it is difficult to know like Yin, moving like a thunder." George chewed these words and shouted: "Good! Your training, I I plan to promote it in the Warlock Fortress. You have no opinion. If you can meet these requirements, you can become the first strong army in the devil!"

Of course, Chen Rui had no opinion. He heard George’s appreciation, and he came to the place where the snake came to the ground with a few words: the attacker must take the attacker and attack the defender. Keeping it, you must keep it. The water is made by the earth, and the soldiers win by the enemy. The soldiers are inconstant, the water is inconstant, and the winner can be changed by the enemy.

The fascination of the ancestors of the Chinese ancestors was abnormal when Chen Rui translated it properly in the language of the devil. He heard the glare of George in his eyes and nodded. Seeing the father-in-law, Long Yan Da Yue, a woman’s heart shouted that Sun Wu’s brilliance is comparable to the Devil’s Moon.

George’s next question was that Chen Rui, who was just a little bit complacent, was shocked: “What was the relationship between the Dragon and the Dragon?”

Paglio is a human figure, but George is aware of the dragon identity of Paliu! Chen Rui was surprised. George saw his surprise and shook his head. "Athena didn't say it to you? My thirteenth wife is a dragon woman. Although the dragon has converged strength, but that I have a unique atmosphere but I have not lived with the dragon for many years."

Dragon wife? This is the real dragon knight! Father-in-law is too big! In an instant, Chen Rui’s admiration is like a stream of water.

However, the question still has to be answered. Chen Rui considered it for a while and did not conceal the truth: "Partner."

George moved slightly: "I don't think you can get the recognition of the dragon. I thought I had already looked up on you. I couldn't think of it or look away. Then the next few questions can be reduced to the last one. Based on your wisdom, talent and The military, together with the power of the dragon partners, why stay in the dark moon and play for the princess?"

Chen Rui bowed his head and said nothing. When he first came to the Devil World, he was purely for survival and earned his life. He later signed a symbiotic contract with Paglio, which was also restricted by the seal of light and dark. Until now, after many twists and turns, Paglio Under the influence of Sauron's shackles, he broke free from the **** of light and dark locks and gained freedom.

Looking back, he has grown from a powerless human being, with the help of the super system, and gained the power of today. Even the wisdom and planning ability that was originally used to catch the ducks is gradually revealed. This is an environmental change. Let's go. If the reborn "Arthur" did not fall to the devil world but is still in the human world, then he is likely to be a mixed aristocrat.

Now that Pagliu can move freely from bondage, the inevitable condition that constrained Chen Rui to stay in the dark moon has disappeared. Now he can choose to fly away, leave this dangerous dark moon, and leave the iceberg woman with a cold mask. Leaving that strange little cute girl...

George saw him silently and said: "I have a request."

Chen Rui was shocked because George said it was not "request." Instead, "request."

George is right: "The long princess told me about your overall plan, and I was really surprised. Maybe... The will of His Royal Highness Prince Green will not be just a fantasy. Then, please do your best to help the princess. Only once this time, I was deeply loved by the White Night Emperor, swearing to defend the White Night Emperor but as a father, I also have my own selfishness. I don’t ask you to die, if you are in a bad situation, you can bring Athena and the child. Leave the dark moon, go anywhere you want to go, and live the life you want."

Chen Rui did not expect that George would have such a request, and he had the courage to explain: "General General, in fact, Athena's pregnancy is a fake, and I have not progressed to the last step."

"I know, do you think that her little trick can deceive my father? But now there are no children, it doesn't mean there is no future." George's answer made Chen Rui even more surprised: "Athena is willing to serve you." This kind of lie, then I can be sure, even if I take her away, her heart will stay in your mouth forever, so I didn’t do that, but stayed and saw this sweet talk stealing my daughter. The true 'shameless guy' is not too disappointed.

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up and listened to George’s tone. It seems that the biggest purpose of meeting the father-in-law of this time...when it was reached!

"I promise you, general." Chen Rui took a deep breath, nodded, and finally made an important decision in advance. As General George requested, do not ask for death loyalty, just ask for the whole heart this time, for Athena, for Xia, for Alice... and for the ambition of fighting for fate!

George applauded and nodded. "Good, Athena has a home, and I can rest assured. Although you don't seem to have any strength, the intuition tells me that you have the ability to protect and take care of my daughter."

Chen Rui was an accident. Could it be that the rebound after the "good luck" was automatically transformed into "God is a day"? Originally thought that the most sad father-in-law was off, it was so easy to pass!

George’s grim face showed a smile: “Do you feel very strange? I actually entrusted my daughter to a human with no power background? More powerful people than you have power!”

Chen Rui nodded, and the daughter of the First General of the Empire promised to the lord of the fallen territory... A sheriff under his command did have a feeling of what a flower was inserted in.

"The reason is actually very simple, Athena likes!" The answer of the father-in-law is powerful.

Speaking of this, George exudes a compelling momentum: "In fact, before this, not only the Karon family and the Rus family, many families have proposed marriages, and they have repeatedly stated that they are powerful. The continuation of the family of the les. Originally in the big family, marriage is generally not chosen according to their own wishes, but my daughter of George Wells can choose by myself!"

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up. Athena lost her mother from an early age, but fortunately, she has a good father and a father who truly loves her daughter.

George sneered: "I said to those guys, I am George. Who is Wells? I will sacrifice my daughter's happiness in exchange for the family's interests? If it falls to this step, then Wells's surname will be lost. The meaning of existence! Athena disagrees that I don't agree. I don't agree. Even if I don't accept the Warlock Fortress, I will fight for one, kill one, and kill two. I will kill three of them and kill him! Even if it is that How about the black glory of the White Night Emperor's foundation? I am annoyed with Laozi is like him!"

Too bad! Originally, George was just a bit of a tough uncle in Chen Rui’s eyes. In this moment, he became the first general who was arrogant and domineering. It’s no wonder that even Yao Yao was jealous.

Thanks to the solid backing of George, Chia was able to prop up the Darkmoon Territory in the difficult gap and prop up the only hope of the White Night Emperor.

Chen Rui’s heart was full of admiration. Before he opened his mouth, the door was suddenly pushed open. Paglio’s voice sounded: “Who is that, enough man! This uncle likes your arrogance! Dare to dare with this uncle. Going for a fight?"

George's gaze stared at Paglio's body, and he spoke with a sigh of relief: "I am afraid you are afraid!"


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