Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 236: Fury king

"How powerful is Lavat? Can you keep your life?" Chen Rui's palm is close to the neck of Cyprus.

Cyprus quickly cried: "Although you have defeated me, but only the restraint of nature, the strength is the same as me, just the middle of the devil, the deputy head of Lavat is the peak of the demon king, and is proficient in magic and martial arts. It is easy to kill you. He knew that we were going to kill both of you, and I will come over immediately. If you are smart, take your hand and leave here now! Otherwise, if the deputy head comes, you will not be able to escape!"

Devil-level peak? Chen Rui "oh", and slowly recovered his hand. It seems that he was jealous of the strength of the deputy head. He also asked: "Dominy is coming to the dark moon for revenge. What are you doing?"

"It's the Melon family..." Cyprus said a few words, slammed the words, closed their mouths tightly, and no longer snorted.

Mellon family! The dark moon old family that fell on both sides of the wall grass! Chen Rui passed the light in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the face of the red secluded land on the bright side, there is also a tu in the back and the blue melted territory! It’s just a super twenty-five babies in the back of the whole family!

"Since you don't want to say it, then I have to ask Ravat personally."

When Cyprus was shocked, he saw Chen Rui’s palm as a hammer and hit his head in a sly manner. The tide-like force through the bronze magic body instantly smashed the defense of Cyprus and suddenly fainted. The skin's skin sè also returned to normal.

Aside from Dominique, Cyprus was "killed" and even more uninterested. Aroks became more and more brave and became more and more skilled in the battle for the use of the power of the devil. Dominion slammed the attacking sickle, and the bone spur on the elbow suddenly broke automatically. As a sharp arrow, he sprayed out to Aroks. Dominic took advantage of the bullet and slammed the gap and turned to escape.

I know that the vest has a pain, but it has been worn by the sickle. It is between the body shape, the second sickle has arrived, and the heart has come out. Dominy turned incredulously and saw Arok. The two arms, like the retractable ropes, suddenly became three meters long, and the sickle that was held crossed the distance she escaped, sending out two fatal knives.

Before this kind of stunt, Arrows had never seen it, and now he stands out and finally wins.

The two sickles were pulled back at the same time, and Araux's arm was restored to its original state. Dominique ng splattered with blood, and the force seemed to be exhausted as the sickle was pulled away.

Aroks has always been decisive and decisive. It is not a pity of jade and jade. The figure has moved and has flown over. In the blood, the woman’s head flies high and falls to the ground, full and full. The body slowly fell down and the blood spread to the ground.

After Aarons killed the enemy, it seemed to be vain. He gasped for a while, pulled out the bone thorns embedded in the mouth of ōng, stopped the blood, and drank a bottle of medicine, and came to Chen Rui.

Chen Rui suddenly thought of playing an old arcade game that year, 12 people Street Fighter, the oldest version of that. There is an Indian cockroach that can stretch his hands and feet to attack. At that time, he called him a long hand, and later he realized that it seemed to be called Darcy. The skills of Arrox just had a "long hand" feeling.

"Is the arm change just now, is your talent ability? Or the ability of the devil fruit?"

"That is the natural ability of awakening, the power of the devil fruit is difficult to obtain, but it will be hidden in the blood. If there is a chance to break through the big realm again, there will be a certain chance."

"You did a pretty good job this time. You have to be proficient in the power of the demon king, especially the magic fire." Chen Rui looked at the body of Dominique and shook his head. "This woman is a good figure, grab it back and give it back. You are warm chuáng, it’s a pity to kill it."

"There are only enemies in my eyes, no men and women." Aroks broke through the bottleneck and was in a good mood, making a cold laugh: "In order to thank her for her help to break through, I left her head."

This servant seems to be a bit perverted. He used to hang the first level of the monk in the past. The feelings are a dagger control. The last generation was estimated to be the executioner of the vegetable market. Chen Ruigu looked at Arrows strangely for a while, and saw that this subordinate’s heart was a bit hairy: "Royce already has Vasasha, I said, if you look at which beauty, just say, I Help you lie back."

Araux is a bit speechless, but when it comes to it, Vassar is really the one who helped Royce "cheat" back.

At this moment, a long scream of screaming in the distance, the blink of an eye has come close to this side, from the speed of the sound, this person's strength is very strong.

It must be Lavat, the deputy head of the Double-headed Dragon Corps. The shouting is because he saw the fireworks and warned the enemy.

Aroks l took out the vigilance of sè, Chen Rui face sè unchanged, one finger on the ground faint mí Cyprus: "You bring this person back to the arena, I will come back when I solve this Lavat."

Araux was taken aback. The owner clearly learned from the mouth of Cyprus that Ravat was the peak of the demon king, and that it was a double master of magical martial arts. He did not retreat, but “solved” the other party.

It is "solving", not "resisting"!

Originally, Aarons thought that after breaking through the bottleneck, he had already been close to Chen Rui’s strength. Who knows now that the gap is so big, no wonder that even the two kings who are at the peak of the demon king’s peak must have Respected as the "captain".

Araucus was not a drag-and-drop person, grabbed Cyprus, smashed his body and evacuated in the opposite direction.

The howling is getting closer and closer, and in the moonlight, a figure appears in the pit.

This person is tall and thin, with a big eyebrow and a black sè, and the cloak behind it is also black, giving a mysterious feeling.

Race: Fury the royal family. Comprehensive strength assessment: C.

Lavat, turned out to be a royal family, and "violent" royal family!

Among the seven kings of the Devils, Chen Rui’s first encounter was naturally the surname of Lucifer’s “arrogant” royal family, which in turn was followed by Bellier’s “lazy” royal family, Leviathan’s “jealous” royal family, and Asmode. y look forward to the "Wang", Besib "Bulim" Wang and Mamen "greedy" the royal family contact or fight, and now finally met the last royal family, "furious" Samuel.

Ravat glanced at the body of Dominique on the ground, and passed through the cold mang: "You killed Domini?"

"This woman is not my kill." Chen Rui shook his head, it was not that he killed.


"Not that I killed, I can swear." Chen Rui shook his head again, this is not yet killed?

Ravat frowned and felt suspicious of Chen Rui’s calmness, because the breath of this person was only a high-level demon: "You are... Agulie?"

Chen Rui nodded, and Lavat was secretly surprised, thinking quickly in his heart.

Dominique and Cyprus’s actions tonight have long been known. They went to Avure and Aroks to take revenge. This time they only brought a close letter to Cyprus to come to the dark moon, just because Dominique insisted on coming to revenge. And Cyprus has a bit of meaning for Dominique. In order to further gather people's hearts, Lavat agreed with Dominique's request.

Unexpectedly, Dominique and the two devil kings of Cyprus went to kill two high-level demons and actually failed, and also released the fireworks. It’s just that this road hastily rushed and didn’t see other strong players. Instead, it’s the target of killing Agulie. He heard that his own shouting did not escape. Instead, he stayed in the same place where there was more Mingni’s body. Is it scary? What? Impossible, there must be fraud!

Ravat fully opened his mind, but did not find other people ambushing around, frowning: "Since you are not killed, what are you doing here?"

"Wait for you." "Agulie" hoarse voice seems to have a smile, and a badge is illuminated to Lavert. "You should know this."

In the eyes of Avat, it is natural to see the pattern of the badge. It is the badge of the Double-headed Dragon Legion. The eyes flash: "Where did you come from?"

The members of the Double-headed Dragon Legion do not have this badge, but the tattoo of the double-headed dragon. This badge is generally used as a token for certain specific objects, such as the Mellon family...

"I used to kill a guy named Silva, which was obtained from him." Chen Rui did not hide, the cloak will kill Silva is already open, "I know that you are a double-headed dragon. The deputy head, who also knows the population of the Blue Meltlands, knows you and the Mellon family..."

Chen Rui deliberately didn't finish it. Sure enough, Lavat's brow wrinkled more tightly and asked: "What is your purpose?"

"Benefits." Chen Rui deliberately throws a more realistic answer. "I have always been interested in the sale of the population, but what I want to do is monopoly. Other than me, others can't do the same business. ”

“Population trading?” Lavat watched Chen Rui for a while and asked with interest: “Why do you think it will do better than the Mellon family?”

Chen Rui’s heart is moving: Could it be that the Mellon family is the biggest bane of the smuggling population?

"My cloak will now basically control the dark forces of the Darkmoon. The Mellon family can do it, I can do it; the Mellon family can't do it, I can do it." Chen Rui deliberately sneered: "There is still a name for the cloak, the Guards Reserve, what I can't get, and others don't want it."

"Don't be self-sufficient! I dare to threaten me!" Ravat suddenly laughed, and then laughter became more and more sensational: "Since you killed my two-headed dragon army, you took it first. Then talk to me about the benefits!"

The purpose of Lavat to the Darkmoon is for an important matter. As for the smuggling of the population, it is only a trivial matter compared with this incident.

The population could not be successfully put into operation because the Darkmoon City area has basically been controlled by the cloak, making the Mellon family and the rest of the businessmen dare not shake. Therefore, he did not stop Dominique's revenge. As long as the two leaders of Agulie and Aroks were removed, the cloak would be broken and the smuggling population could continue.

However, the strength of the cloak will still be beyond the expectation of Avat. Not only does Dominy die, but Cyprus also disappears. It seems that if you want to squat this Agulyre torture, you can't kill it and kill the cloak.

Coincidentally, Chen Rui did not intend to be good with Lava. From the words of Cyprus, Lavat and the cloak would be enemy and non-friends, an enemy of the peak of the demon king. If it is hidden in the dark, it will start with the cloak. He and Skye, including everyone in the new Devils class, are not able to escape the poison.

Chen Rui also laughed: "If you don't talk properly, then you have to kill you, so as not to worry about it."

Lavat didn't think that this little cockroach was so bold, and felt scorned by the weak. In his eyes, he blinked and his hand rose. Chen Rui felt the red light, and countless fireballs appeared. Fireball is a common attack method in fire magic, but it is a single attack. A powerful mage can continuously fire a fireball, which is called "Lianzhu Fireball", and its power is amazing. However, Ravat's fireball is dozens of shots, has been separated from the "Lianzhu" category, and there is no need to recite the curse, this must be the blood talent of the Samuel royal family: the fire system is proficient!

Fire magic is the most powerful magic in the six-series magic. The power of this fireball is strong, even if Chen Rui once competed with the head of the Red Devils Thieves, Snod, who specializes in magic, is far from being comparable.

When Lavat shot, he thought it was a bit heavy, and he wanted to stay alive.

The huge pits rang a violent continuous bursting sound, the ground was shaking, the explosion was finally over, the smoke was scattered, and Snow's brow slammed, and he saw a big bag on the ground, but this big The package slowly unfolded, it was a surface of the earth wall, and the unfolding earth wall immediately fell, and the center was the safe and sound "Agulie."

Lavert's pupil shrinkage: Instant Earth Wall! Although the power of the magic is not as good as itself, the level of purity and subtlety is still faint on itself! This "Agulie" is really not a high-level demon, but a demon king!

In the eyes of analysis, the strength of Rawat has risen to C+, the peak of the demon king, this raging royal family finally showed its true strength.


Lavatt turned his hands, and the airflow around Chen Rui suddenly changed. The moment has become a high-speed air and the waves are full of violent and fiery heat. The moments of countless silk hidden flames become brighter, just like a fire snake begins to rush. Rotating, the large pieces of wet mud in the vicinity have become dry and fragile, and the scent of destruction has wrapped Chen Rui.

The storm of fire engulfed Chen Rui in the blink of an eye, but a strange blue sè round cover appeared around Chen Rui, no matter how the storm of the flames raged, it could not really submerge the crystal blue light.

Gas Magic "Magic Shield"? It looks a bit unusual, but many genius magicians can make a certain degree of magic transformation, as is the case of Rawat's group fireball.

Ravat even issued a number of magical attacks, only to disintegrate the magic shield, secretly surprised: the dual system evil master of the soil system and the gas system! It's all without spells! The gas system is more proficient than the soil system!

I did not expect a dark force leader in the Darkmoon District actually have this strength! No wonder that Minnie and Cyprus will fail!

In the case of magical power, the battle between the magicians is difficult to decide the outcome in a short period of time, especially the soil and gas systems have strong defensive magic skills.

Since magic can't be quickly fixed, then...

Lavat’s thoughts were heard. Hearing that “Agulie” had defeated Aroks in the arena, he must have also repaired martial arts, but in martial arts, it was only a high-level demon.

Lavaat’s mouth l smiled as if he had seen the dawn of victory.

PS: I have a bad cold these days, especially the headaches of these two days, and I have insomnia at night. This kind of discomfort is inevitably brought to the writing. I feel that my condition is not good. Please forgive me. After playing for a few days, the symptoms are finally better, and slowly adjust the state.

People with poor health can't afford to be sick. Everyone should pay attention to exercise. As for the time... The time is too tight. It is estimated that they can only continue to eat by the day before finishing the book. @.

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