Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 238: The secret of the Mellon family

Soon, there was one more person in the mask of the gods. At present, there are two stars, one is Snod, which is far away from the Red Sea, and the other is Cyprus.

傀儡 Control is an extra skill that completely controls the will of the enemy and makes it a beggar who cannot betray. So Cyprus confessed everything that it knew, without reservation.

Lavert came to this dark moon not to help Dominic to kill Chen Rui and Arrows, nor for the purpose of trafficking in people. In the original information, Chen Rui is just a high-level demon. Dominique and Cyprus are foolproof, and they don't need Lavat to come in person. The real purpose of the deputy head of the two-headed dragon came here to take away one thing from the Mellon family. What is this specific thing, even if Cyprus is a confidant of Lavat, it is impossible to know.

This thing seems to have not been taken, so Lavat did not leave, but was waiting.

Tonight's action is Lavert's acquiescence. The removal of the cloak will not only allow Domini's revenge, but also give the Mellon family a sigh of relief, and incidentally solve the problem of smuggling.

It is known from the mouth of Cyprus that the original Mellon family was the largest trafficker. In contrast, the Silva stream is only a small shrimp. The hateful thing is that the Mellon family actually took the initiative to report the disappearance of the population to the long princess Chia, and was ordered to investigate at this time. In the dark, they did not move the blood to destroy the population and “transport” the population to the south. The standard thief shouted to catch a thief Now the Gorefiend will be destroyed, and the dark forces of the Dark Moon will be firmly controlled by the cloak, so the Mellon family will not dare to act rashly to avoid violence.

Chen Rui has opened his eyes: It seems that the Mellon family is not a wall grass, but a super wall grass. The foundation is in the dark moon, not only with the red secret land, but also with the blue melted territory.

Yes, I don’t know what the important thing is. Chen Rui looked at Cyprus, which was already “loyal”, and made a mysterious smile.

The next day, the Northwest Block, the Mellon family residential area.

Ravat was sitting on the sand and frowning, Cyprus standing behind him, and Lombardo sitting carefully opposite.

"The chief of the Lombardo, do you know that there is no other demon level in the hands of Xia?"

Lombardo heard the Moran in the language of Lavat, and quickly replied: "As far as I know, the king's garrison commander Kagulon is likely to be a demon-level powerhouse. He usually uses a certain power to cover himself. However, according to an inside report of the palace, Kagulon did not leave the palace, and he was responsible for guarding as usual. Except for other Kagurong, there should be no, know that the dark moon is the most powerful. The weak territory, in addition to the Guards, did not even have a decent army, how can it compare with an elite army like the two-headed dragon."

The last sentence of Lombardo was obviously complimented, but the other party did not eat this one at all, and said coldly: "The fact is that my group member Dominique has been killed by this weak territory!

And now there are no clues to the murderer! Last night, Dominique deliberately opened up Cyprus for personal revenge, but eventually her head was cut down! I now doubt Agurey and Aroks of the Cloak Club! In the intelligence room you provided, these two people are just high-level demons? ”

The reincarnation of Lavat is naturally Chen Rui who used the "disguise" skills. After releasing the atmosphere of the aggression, it is just like the usual Lavat, plus Cyprus, it can be considered seamless.

This kind of posture is very consistent with Lavert's usual state. It should not be worn. From the tone of Lombardo, the strength of Kagulon is likely to have been exposed, and there is also the inside of the Mellon family in the palace.

In fact, Lombardo did not have any doubts about Lavat. He did not expect that there was a counterfeit goods in front of him. Faced with unremarkable blame, he was sweating coldly.

"The head of Lavat, Dominique can't die in white, this time our double-headed dragon regiment came to the dark moon's loss..............." The Cyprus big door rang.

Lombardo knows that Cyprus is a double-song sing under the control of "Lavat". When he heard the steps, he quickly said: "Lavat! Please rest assured that the Mellon family will make you satisfied."

"Lavat" yīn sank and nodded: "Cyprus, you go ahead."

After the departure of Cyprus, the room was only Lavat and Lombardo. The voice of "Lavat" was slightly lower and lower: "About that thing..."

Lombardo quickly and diligently said: "There will be a day or so, and no more than two days will be fully mature. At that time, more méng adults will be escorted."

mature? Chen Rui’s heart was in a move and asked: “You should know the importance of this thing. Are you sure?”

"Absolutely no problem!" On this matter, Lombardo can definitely shoot ōng脯 package tickets. "The Mellon family has been guarding it for several years, and now it is time to complete the mission."

Guardian for several years? What is Chen Rui’s hole? Will it be the shadow of huā? Or Ann Hún fruit? Will not be so popular?

It is absolutely impossible to make a request now. If you wear a gang, you will lose it.

"If the adults are not at ease, I can take the adults to visit again."

Lombard saw "Lavat" frowning and said a word. In the middle of a certain person, despite the eagerness to go forward, but for a moment of pretending to hold on for a moment, he was very reluctant to agree. Come down.

Lombardo took Chen Rui to the study, opened the bookcase, and there was a hidden door behind.

Pull it straight? Chen Rui has a bit of abdomen in his heart. Shouldn’t he take a book first or turn a pillar? This design is really too mysterious to pull.

After entering the secret door, the two walked step by step, all the way through the long spiral ladder, Chen Rui felt that the temperature was getting lower and lower, and later there was a kind of cold, and the surrounding magic lighting could see the wall. It is already full of ice.

Lombard's finger on the faint red light, apparently opened some kind of warm props, seeing "Lavat" did not respond, Lombardo said with a pleasing: "Isn't the adult to quit this time?"

The fire ring should be in the real Lavat. Unfortunately, the power of the dragon is too terrible, let alone the space storage props, and even the whole people are smashed. Those good things are also enclosed in unknown space. What is the fire ring?

"Hey!" Chen Rui did not answer, just a cold cry.

Lombard smells the song and knows the elegance, and lends a stunned expression: "Is it necessary for the adults to use these mysterious ice to stab the body and temper the magical power of the fire? It is a strong demeanor!"

Demeanor your sister! Hey, is that ring really there, who wants to be guilty of this crime? Chen Rui looked at the guy very dissatisfied, but this kind of warmness is really nothing to him who used to refine his heart in the glacier.

The two continued to go down the temperature and the lower the temperature, even if Chen Rui is too much to eat, Lombardo is even more snoring, the fire ring and his own high-level demon power can not resist this cold.

Chen Rui is more curious. I don’t think there is such a strange place in the dark moon, and what is the “mature” thing in this place?

The ladder was finally finished, and then it was a long ramp, the light was getting brighter and brighter, and finally the footsteps of Lombard stopped in front of it. It was an ice cave in front of it, all of which were contrasted with the dim light along the way. Dazzling ice, these ice seem to light themselves, but the biggest source of light is still from that.

This is a white plant, very small, with seven leaves on it, with three fruits attached. Look carefully, plants, fruits, and leaves are all made of ice as if they were carved by skilled craftsmen.

What is this?

It is certainly not the huā of the haze, nor the fruit of the Anhuún painted by the earth element king, but it is definitely a very rare thing, otherwise the Mellon family will not be guarded for several years.

At the time of Chen Rui’s gaze, Lombardo’s teeth trembled: “Lawat’s adult, you see that this king of the king’s fruit has been safe for two days.”

Originally called the king of the king, Chen Rui nodded slightly, and slowly walked around the king of the king. He wandered around and observed a moment before returning to Lombardo, and there was no sound.

Lombardo knew that the death of Dominique made the deputy head very angry. There is absolutely no responsibility for his own intelligence. Even if he does not, he will be angered by the other party. This is the privilege of the strong.

Lombard refused to take the cold and quickly took a space ring from his finger. His hands were presented: "This is my wish, and I will accept the adult." Chen Rui took over the "filial piety" of Lombardo and explored with consciousness. At first glance, there are a lot of the best magic materials and a large amount of black crystal coins. If Chen Rui did not get the treasure of the poison dragon, this should be the biggest fortune. The Lombardo, who has always been a cockroach, is bleeding.

The poisonous dragon's treasure, these things are nothing, Chen Rui face sè lightly took the ring, Lombardo has been watching the sè, seeing the other side's expression indifferent, the darkness really has seen the big scene, and Said: "I heard that adults are proficient in identification, there are some unidentified treasures in the Mellon family treasury. Can you ask the adults to help you identify them later?"

This is a very obvious bribery. Chen Rui’s heart is a bit strange. Why does Lombard want to succumb to the local bribery of Avat? If it is just for the population business or the line of blue melt, the cost is too much.

Moreover, from the state of Lombardo, the collusion with the blue melted land is not a matter of one or two days.

Rui face slowed down and finally said something.

Finally, I entered the oil salt So many things about Minnie were revealed, Lombardo sighed with a sigh of relief, and smiled: "Adult, the dog Williams Mellon is currently in Fodo The blood wave army under the tower of the tower is effective, and the adults are also expected to take care of them in the future. "It turned out to be like this, Chen Rui micro-collar: "Williams Mellon, I remember this name."

Lombard was overjoyed and said: "Thank you, adults, it's too cold. I don't have the power of such a strong person. Even if there is a fire ring, I can't resist it. I still ask adults to go to the library to identify treasures."

Chen Rui nodded, and there was no difficulty. Instead, he followed the Longji and quit the martyrdom. Because when he had tried his best to please him, he had tried and tried to use the stars and huā park. Wang Guo turned around and didn't even have a hint. It seems that this thing should not be a plant or a water source.

After two days, Wang Guo can mature. From the tone of Lombardo, this thing is very rare. It should not be used by Lavat himself, but to a certain big man, probably a blue melt lord.

Anyway, this identity of Avat has already been topped up. Even if you can't use it, you have to hide or destroy it.

Before that, I still go to the mellow family to help "identify" what oil and water. @.

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