Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 253: Gambling

The next day, the rematch began. The content of the rematch is a continuation of the preliminaries. The two hundred people will use the magic array recorded in the ancient magic tower to make a piece of equipment.

Two hundred people took the top ten to participate in the final stage of the competition, if the equipment can reach the level of excellence, then directly into the final stage.

For the master, excellence is a common practice, but even if the master is a senior controller, to create a superior equipment, the difficulty is almost equivalent to the master's legendary equipment.

In general, the top-level mechanics can produce quasi-precision equipment that is quite close to the superior level. It is in excellent condition or super-level, and can produce superior equipment. The difficulty is not limited to this. It is also necessary to enchant the recorded magic array. !

This difficulty is quite large. If you can enter the final stage, it must be the elite of the elite.

The venue of the competition is in the arena. The two hundred draws are divided into four groups of 50 people. Each contestant must be in front of all the audience, and there are also special reviewers and supervisors. Once they find fraud. Will be disqualified from the competition and publicly notified, and will not participate in any activities or competitions organized by the Masters Union for life.

"Arthur, look at yours, don't let me down." Dio said with a strong heart, the rematch is the time to fight for the truth, and now his interests and "Arthur" have been firmly tied together, no Going back, you can go, and you will be glory.

Kiya also said: "Arthur, please come on!"

"If you are willing to kiss me, I think I will be more powerful." Chen Rui laughed.

Jiya did not hear it, and her face seemed to pass a blush. Chen Rui is a little surprised, this demon girl will also blush? If it is acting, it seems that the acting has become stronger, and it has already reached the realm of returning to the real world.

Chen Rui walked off the scene and came to the place where the lottery was drawn. He took a "three" and was divided into the third group. This text is updated by the sailing group



"The third group?" A cold voice sounded, it was Savice, who raised the sign in his hand, actually the third group.

“So smart?” Chen Rui smiled. “It’s really where life doesn’t meet, or we can enter the finals together.”

Savice cut his teeth and said: "To the finals together? You also have? I want to put your ants in the face of everyone!"

"Don't look down on others, you are just a fool who thinks you are. If you hold you two sentences, you think you are a genius?" Chen Rui looked at Savage slyly. "I can make a superior class." equipment."

"A ants who have come to the present by luck can create superior equipment?" Savage sneered disdainfully. "Do you have the courage to make a bet? Is it the most important hand of the gambler? Do you dare?"

Seeing Chen Rui’s hesitant color, Savage used magic power to suddenly raise the volume and attracted everyone’s attention: “Everyone! I will ask everyone to testify now, and I will work with this Arthurian. Gambling, if he can make superior equipment in this rematch, I will cut off one of my hands! If he can't do it, cut his hand!"

The people in the Devil are the most aggressive. When they listen to this stimulating bet, they are echoed in the audience.

Chen Rui frowned: "So?"

"If you don't dare, you can withdraw from the game and then squat down from me like a dog!" Savage said sullenly, as if to vent the big loss of "daisy".

Many people have seen it. The Emperor's genius has had a holiday with this unknown little master. It is definitely an opportunity to retaliate. With Savage's fame and popularity, it is a bully.

The first place in the last round, for the 192nd, there is basically no suspense, and Savice is still a genius teacher who is famous for the emperor.

"As a master, I will not quit the game!" Chen Rui gnawed his teeth: "Okay, I bet!"

Several masters in the VIP seats frowned. One of them was Anderson, the president of the Shadow Empire Architects League and the first master of the empire. He said to the master of Leo: "Saviche is an alliance after all." The talents cultivated, this kind of communiqué will inevitably affect the prestige of the alliance and himself."

The Leo master has always been short-sighted and defended: "Young people have the impulse to have vitality. If they are too restrained, there will be no achievements today. At most, after he won the Arthur, the punishment for reducing the gambling is counted. ""

Anderson looked at Leo and sighed and said nothing.

On the side of Rummenigge, he recognized that Arthur, who bet with Savice, was the young man with whom he came to the emperor. His brows were wrinkled even tighter. The young man really participated in the competition and entered the semi-finals. In any case, it is a potential talent, or can be used by the royal family, and must try to keep him.

However, the eyes of the last master of Kosa were bright, and they took out the bottle and poured a large mouthful of wine, showing the look of expectation: this contest is more and more interesting.

The game started, and fifty production tables were set up in the grand arena. The rest of the tools were provided by the participants. For a time, the sound of the sound continued. For the audience, watching the lively is more than watching the doorway, but for the controllers on the field, it is tantamount to a battlefield of invisible blood.

At this critical moment, the contest is not only about technology, but also about mentality and will.

The first group of competition time was over. Several people were bitterly covering their faces. Obviously they were losers. The equipment they produced were sent to the three masters responsible for identification for identification.

In the first group, two pieces of superior equipment appeared. The highest quality piece of jewelry was from the hand of the popular Robert. It seems that the champion of the previous stage is really strong.

Among the 50 people in the second group, even a class of superior equipment did not appear, and even the quality of equipment was generally low. In fact, it was not inferior in strength, and under great pressure, many people could not play to the level.

The third group of games began, and Saviche smiled a few times at Chen Ruiqi and embarked on the production desk.

The name of Saviche's genius is not white, his qualifications are indeed extraordinary, and with the careful guidance of Master Leo, he has come to power. The whole person's mental outlook has suddenly changed. What gambling and hatred have been put aside. All the attention is concentrated in the leather in the hand, he is good at leather mastery.

Measurement, cutting, bonding, sewing and other processes were completed in one go. Savice felt that he was getting better and better, and there were signs of super-level play. His heart was overjoyed and his mood was stabilized. A delicate leather armor gradually formed.

Next is the most important magical link. Savage draws a magical array of magic enhancements in the ancient magic tower. Although there is a small flaw in the enchantment that appears in the enchantment, it is better. Completed the enchantment.

"Savice's work, the water magic defense increased by 16%, the soil magic defense increased by 17%, excellence!" With the unanimous approval of the three appraisers, Savage showed a proud smile.

The Leo master on the VIP seat only has a lot of face, although this leather armor is of lower quality in the class of excellence, but after all, it has reached the level of excellence, Savage's level is called the top controller It is.

President Anderson also nodded. Maybe Leo is right. The young people are impulsive and energetic. Although Savage is arrogant, he does have real talents. Since he is a genius, there is always something different. Let's go.

Savice cut his eyes on Chen Rui’s body and saw Chen Rui’s heart pounding the hammer in his hand. He also looked at it from time to time. It seemed to be intimidated by the excellent equipment he had just produced. The works of other production stations have been completed one after another, and there is not much time left. Even if there is really a level of excellence, it is too late.

Just like this ant-like role, I still want to fight this day! Savice’s eyes are getting more and more fierce, and he will cut off your hands and then call life. Yes, it’s oysters. You can’t let this enemy die too easily. The original humiliation should be recovered little by little. Come!

Just as Savage imagined **** Chen Rui, he suddenly saw Chen Rui smile at him. The smile was full of contempt, the feeling... As if he was an ant, he didn’t even look at it, and his heart fainted. Feeling uneasy.

At this time, the hammer in Chen Rui’s hand suddenly accelerated, and he slammed the sword in the iron tongs. The huge crisp sound almost overshadowed the rest of the production table.

This voice also attracted several masters of the VIP table, the first master of the Shadow Empire, Anderson, who specializes in metal mastery, focused on the trajectory of Chen Rui's dancing hammer, revealing the color of movement.

Although Savage’s teacher, Leo Master, is proficient in leather, he is also a person who knows the goods. His face is getting more and more scared. Master Rummenigge is slightly beheaded. His previous fears have already been thrown into the clouds.

Master Cossa rushed a few mouthfuls of wine and couldn't help but cough up. His eyes were excitedly staring at Chen Rui's production desk: this guy's watch was filled with real! Dual mastery! And this technique is quite close to...master!

Savage sneered at Chen Rui, who was "smashing". After forcing the sword to forge into a shape, he began to enchant in a hurry. Finally, the bleak and long sword was finally made.

This is his strength? Just laugh at the dead! I am afraid that even the superior level has not been reached! It seems that the previous fears are redundant haha! ”

Saviche laughed a few times and was about to speak. Suddenly a voice sounded: "

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Provide, take the sword and show it to me. ”

The voice of the VIPs is the president of the Alliance, the first master of the game, Anderson, Savage’s mad laughter has come to an abrupt end. How can this kind of guy’s waste sword make the Anderson master pay attention?

The person in charge of supervising Chen Ruicheng did not dare to neglect, and immediately sent the sword to the hands of Master Anderson of the VIP seat. Anderson gently stroked the sword and nodded slightly: "Good sword."

Savich, who has always been paying attention to the VIPs, has changed his face and can make the "good sword" words of the always-demanding Anderson masters. Is this sword...

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