Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 255: Temptation and assassination

Yīn Shadow Emperor is the outer city, the most luxurious South Street District.

Chen Rui and Ji Ya wandered leisurely, Chen Rui is still the costume of the builder, but many people have recognized that this is the blockbuster in the master division, and gambled to win the genius Savage a hand "Arthur." No matter which field, the devil is the supremacy of the strong, the loser is not worthy of sympathy, especially the Savage who has been arrogant, many people have shown considerable respect for Chen Rui.

Of course, the emperor is a high-ranking royal family. In the eyes of these people, this is only a master division, not a masters. Chen Rui, who has no background, is a genius with a little potential, but it is only that, and does not show a special enthusiasm. However, the master of the Master of the Masters of the Masters of the Masters has thrown an olive branch to Chen Rui and proposed to accept him as a disciple. . Chen Rui did not directly reject this kindness, but only rumors that he would wait until the end of the finals.

Jiya around Chen Rui attracted a lot of amazing eyes. The succubus wearing a long skirt showed amazing temperament and beauty. His face was filled with a confident smile, like a noble lady, a succulent family. The exhibition of charms that reversed the sentient beings is undoubtedly different from the original maid costumes.

"It has been so long, and it is hungry. This is good. You fill in your stomach first, and we will find a restaurant." Chen Rui holds a bunch of candied haws, which is a small kind of Emperor.


Compared with the other two empires, the royal family of the yīn movie empire is more devoted to life and enjoyment. Under the hobby, the products and foods of the emperor are very rich, and there are many places for consumption.

Ji Ya took the string of meatballs, took a bite, smiled and nodded. The two immediately went to a high-end restaurant, asked for a quiet room, ordered a few dishes and a bottle of wine, slowly Eat it.

After satiating, Chen Rui patted his stomach with satisfaction: "It’s a pleasant life..............."

Jiya smirked and said: "I feel that everything has become simple since Arthur's arrival. My assistant is purely redundant, and if the future tasks are as easy as it is now."

"If you really want to, I can ask the Princess of the Long Princess to ask you to come over and follow me later." Chen Rui said in disapproval: "I don't belong to the Dark Moon anyway, I ask at this critical time. Forgive her and she will not refuse."

Ji Ya l took a surprise sè: "Arthur is not a dark moon?"

Sure enough, I started to test! Chen Rui originally deliberately introduced Ji Ya into this mode of thinking, y took advantage of the first, in order to further explore her details.

"Of course not." Chen Rui replied without hesitation: "She used three good things before she exchanged my action. Once the matter of the Kass family ended, I and she both had goods and goods. Anything."

Jiya didn't have much doubt about this, because she has been in the dark moon for several years, and she has learned a lot of information. She has never heard of such a top-level master in the hands of the princess.

If his level really exceeds Robert, then it is likely that he is only a little worse than the master.

"I don't dare to have this kind of extravagant hope." Ji Ya slightly hesitated and shook his head. "Not to mention that my current ownership is a sheriff's sheriff."

"The human being who has been fainted because of illness?" Chen Rui deliberately dismissed a sentence, in fact, I hope that Jiyado will say a few words about the psychology of the human beings who are good at human standards.

"He is not a waste" Ji Ya rarely opposed a sentence, l ù 回忆 回忆 èè "just a..............., a little silly old good guys..."

Ok, how much is a good person card, I am easy.

Chen Rui deliberately changed to a reassuring tone and said: "I admit that it is a bit too much. The long princess showed me some of the things he designed. It is okay. Don't say this guy, as long as you are willing to follow me, the rest of the things Just give it to me."

"Why should I be so good to me?" Ji Yal took the grievances of the grievances: "In fact, you know, my physique is special, and I can't take any men."

"I am the kind of person who is a little self-satisfied. People who like the right eye like it, people who don't look good, even if it is amazing, I have to find a way to make him unlucky. Savice is the best example."

This way, Jiya believes that "Arthur" is not reversed by her mí god, and then she will deal with Savage in her hustle and bustle, but it is very unreasonable to directly deal with Savage and pull her from the fire pit. Come up. Not only that, but in this master division, there is also a trap that leads to the yòu, the master of the genius as the backstage, completely destroying the future of Savice. I heard that Savage’s body was in the suburbs shortly after the game. People are here.

As Arthur himself said, hegemony, short-cut, and hot, belong to my own type.

"If you want a woman to wear shì, as long as I ask Dior now, even if it is a woman who is more beautiful than you, he can also get it." Chen Rui said broadly: "I just look at you, I like you, It's as simple as not wanting you to serve anything."

When Ji Ya was shocked, her eyes fell, and then she smiled and smiled. "So what do you want me to do?"

"I don't like your smile, it's fake." Chen Rui shook his head. "I heard Xia said, you are put on the banned ring, rest assured, I hate to use this set to control women, I am a mechanic. You can try to help you get rid of the banned magic ring. If you don't like me, you can leave me, 〖〗 〖From the free life, I am so personal."

This trick is actually to retreat. If you really figure out Ji Ya’s attempt, it is not entirely false to let her leave. Although this succubus is very yòu, he does not like to keep a time bomb around.

"From the 〗?" Jiya seems to meet this man for the first time, just like it and no other attempt, she is willing to help her.

The succubus took a moment, and the smile suddenly became a bit bitter. Counting the days of the dark moon, Chen Rui and her time together have continued, and I still see this kind of difficult smile.

Perhaps the usual flattery is the unspeakable bitterness?

Chen Rui thought of a move, stood up and walked over, grasped her hand, but did not have any excessive movements, but held up the black sè bracelet, which is the banned magic ring of magic power.

Chen Rui said affirmatively: "I will help you get rid of this imprisonment now."

“No!” Jiya seems to have retracted her hand in a shocked way. “Do not get rid of it!”

"Why are you not willing to unlock the imprisonment?" Chen Rui said dissatisfiedly, fortunately, this expensive room has a special magical soundproof array, otherwise many people around will hear the voice of the roaring emperor. "Do you still want to go back? Dark moon? You would rather go back to be a low-profile shì woman, and would not want me to give you the 〖 self-〗?

"Jia is originally a low-profile shì woman... Jiya is afraid of passing a deep pain in her heart, but she laughs more yòu people: "The good intentions of adults are pure waste. ”

Although she could not knock her mouth, Chen Rui has obtained three relevant information.

[, Jiya's action can not be controlled by himself, you must keep the ring of forbidden magic back to the dark moon.

2. Jiya definitely has a corresponding task in the dark month. It has not been completed yet, and there must be other contact objects.

3, Jiya is likely to have any difficulties, but can not easily spit lù.

If you can use the method of probation to slowly set out the purpose of Jiya, it is not bad. If it is really excusable, Chen Rui will not help himself.

At this moment, he slammed his vigilance, although the sound insulation of this room was very good, but it could not isolate the detection range of the analytical eye.

Ji Ya saw that Chen Rui’s look was different, and she did not speak out intelligently. Chen Rui stood in front of her. At this moment, the door was slammed and slammed open, and a figure flashed.

Chen Rui waved, the dark elf only felt that his speed suddenly slowed down, and he could react in the future. The cockroaches in his hand suddenly fell into the hands of the other party. Almost at the same time, the heart hurts and has been I’m wearing it myself.

After Chen Rui lightning-killed the dark elf, his right hand grabbed the side of the void, just grabbing a telescopic figure of the demon, and directly raised the big demon, while the left hand made a blow and the yellow light flashed. A big devil rushing across from the opposite side, a slogan, a depression, and a straight tǐngtǐng fell down.

In the blink of an eye, the assassins of the three high-level demons of the peaks were both dead and wounded. No, all three died. Chen Rui caught the big devil and saw that the situation was wrong. He waited for the other party to torture, biting the poisonous sac in his teeth and poisoning him.

It seems that these are strictly trained squads. The person who sent the slain may be the bumper man or a competitor in the contest, or it may be Faramov.

Jiya is a magical expert In her eyes, "Arthur" just used two kinds of earth magic, "slowness" and "magic fly", all without the use of spells, and melee The ability is very strong, and the three assassins are solved in an instant.

You know, even if it is the peak of the high-level demon, the combat strength of the two divisions of the master and the assassin must have obvious strengths and weaknesses, but now the assassin is dead, the mechanic is safe and sound, it is likely that this "Arthur" The true strength has reached the level of the devil, and is the double master of strength and magic.

The peak of the demon king's strength, the master of the master is only a line away, but unfortunately, these are not enough. Ji Ya sighed softly, and her hand suddenly warmed up and was already held by Chen Rui.

"This place is not safe, we are going, you have no power now, if you come to the more troubled assassin, I am afraid I will come to you."

Obviously it is a "fear" that the assassin wants to leave, but there is a faint warmth in the heart of Kia, and he did not break his hand, let him take it out.

The assassination must have been done by people. Chen Rui did not have trouble finding a restaurant. He only told them to clean up the mess. He did not stop with Jiya and went back to Dio’s other hospital. ! .

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