Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 265: plan

Chen Rui had to say pressure when he said: "This time in order to participate in the Master of the Master, I accepted the invitation of the Castel family, the young master, and became a participant in the game of the Castel family heir, but Unexpectedly found something interesting...".

He did not disclose the information related to the dark moon, and chose to say the things of the Besib royal family. There is also a speculation about Bailuo. Christina listened carefully, although she could not see her face. The expression, but can feel the more dignified eyes.

After listening to Chen Rui’s remarks, Christina said: “I have listened to Her Majesty’s actions in this regard. She also found a lot of relevant clues, but there has been no specific clue. Now I’m listening to you. These clues can be connected in series with the demons of the Besib royal family. Your push oil is not wrong. Bailuo and the Besib royal family should be complicity."

Chen Rui asked: "Can you pull up Bai Luolian?"

Christina shook her head: "Bai Luosheng xìng blackmail, never easily drop the handle on weekdays, he is the son-in-law of Prince Wang Fulenz, the first general of the emperor, not only in the military but also in the army, and the forces in the dark moon are intertwined, very It’s hard to eradicate it completely, at least not yet, and he should be just an important part of that power, not all."

"Oh, it is necessary to avoid Bailuo, so Catherine knows that you were the victim of the last time, and it is unreasonable to put your soft imprisonment in the palace?" Chen Rui apparently the first beauty The female emperor is very dissatisfied. "What the first wise man in the devil world is, but it is!"

There are so many things to consider in the upper squatters, or the joys and sorrows of the rivers and lakes are very happy. Of course, he himself understands that things are not so simple. If you can easily remove Bailuo, Catherine How can wisdom and strength stay with him until now?

"The rude guy dared to call his name!" Christina knew that Chen Rui was making this kind of sāo for her, but she was very dissatisfied and blamed. The voice was faint with a majesty, and it was hard to disperse. The murderousness of going seems to become rich again.

"In any case, she can't hear." Chen Rui did not eat this set, shrugged Christina's eyes and passed a trace of weirdness, but the veil blocked the outside and could not see clearly.

"So... if it was you, what would you do with this?"

"It seems that the noble lady will only give me a good face when discussing such a big event..., remember the situation of eating barbecue together...".

"Don't hold any luck, and mention the previous things, it will only make me kill the heart to the point where I can't control it." Christina's eyes seemed to feel the chill through the veil: "Sī people can blame me. On one side, I am sincerely asking you this question."

"Take the silk and twitch, first cut off the guy's branches and chop it off." Chen Rui will receive it when he sees it. To deal with Bailuo, he will naturally not regret his own brains. "People who support him can use them to make plans." The interests of the conflicts occur; or let the Queen express a special trust for those people, let the other side suspicion; Bai Luo has a mental shackle talent skills, certainly use this skill to control a lot of people, especially pay attention to some Key figures, but the number of mental shackles is also limited. You can appropriately exaggerate the impact of this aspect, and isolate Bailu from all aspects..."

Chen Rui talked about it, and had to say that the strategy of the military tactics left by the ancestors of another world, Zong Zong, was indeed extraordinary. Christina’s eyes passed by surprise from time to time.

"So... what is the most important part of the military squad. At present, the Yale Fortress guarded by Bailuo’s Bloodblade Corps is the most important defensive base in the face of the **** emperor. Anxious to him, the consequences are unimaginable."

"The method is not without." Chen Rui said: "Look at the Queen Catherine has no strength."

"Yes!" Christina heard a way, immediately blurted out and added another sentence: "This is the biggest trouble of Her Majesty the Queen, has repeatedly mentioned in front of me, as long as there is a way, I believe she will try."

"I can tell you." Chen Rui frowned and looked at Christina: "But you can't talk to the Queen, I said what I said, including what I said before, it is what you think of..., you Must be the ring of the royal family above, oh, the ring is gone? Then swear by the last name."

"Are you sure?" Christina's eyes were even more weird. After receiving a positive answer from Chen Rui, she made an oath.

Chen Rui knows the weight of the swearing of the royal family name. This is to let go of the heart: "The Queen’s concern is that the military corps only knows that there is a military commander. I don’t know that there is a female emperor. Although rewarding such means has a certain effect, it is not a cure. The method must firmly hold the thoughts of the military squad... The spirit hún is in the hands. At present, the Mozu is used in the military system, there are no small defects, you can consider starting from this aspect, against the military system. Properly reformed...".

His method is actually to copy some of the military system on the earth, and to increase the position of the "political party", this trick seems to see awkwardness in many novels, although "old-fashioned." But it is very strong.

Of course, here is not called the political commissar, Chen Rui has a name of "spiritual officer". The superficial duty is to listen to the voice of the "base level", to appease the military, to recruit captives, and in fact to be responsible for instilling the soldiers into the superiors. Kind of ideological work.

Every 100-member team must be equipped with a spiritual officer, the first-level level is up, the lower-level service is from the superior level, the most advanced is called the great spiritual officer, and the army leader is at the same level. In this way, the power of the military squad was divided. The head of the army had the right to command the soldiers to fight, but the power of the squad was governed by the political commissar, which avoided the phenomenon of the corps of the corps.

After Chen Rui finished speaking, Christina gradually recovered from the shock and fell into meditation. Half a slap in the face said: "This military system is very novel, and it is certain that it will drive the military system transformation of the entire Devil. At present, we must keep it secret. When the time is ripe, Lee will suddenly cut in with one or two key points and push it all over the army. Even if it is Bailuo, there is nothing to be done."

"It seems that my little life can be saved for a while." Chen Rui l took a sigh of relief.

"You entered the palace as a master of the three-line master system. From the very beginning, I knew that I have a lot of scruples. It is very difficult to kill you." Christina stared at him: "Your wisdom and talent are quite outstanding, I am It’s not as good as it is. If you help, yīn will definitely strengthen the country...”.

"Slow down!" Chen Rui interrupted her words: "Which next recommendation, high-ranking officials, and so on, I have joined the yīn shadow 圌 圌 圌 圌 圌 圌 , , , , , , , , , , , , Let's contribute. What do you think about the plan I mentioned earlier? If it succeeds, it can hit the power of Bailuo and Besib."

Christina watched him for a moment and said, "You should know the risks of this plan. If you decide to go to death, it will just prevent me from doing it."

Chen Rui accepts her gaze calmly: "I have always been afraid of death. If I am completely uncertain, I will definitely not die. The devil can crush me with a finger, I can not afford it, so the Queen is kneeling there... ...".

"Looking there, I have full confidence that this magic item can be manually raised for your location, and it can also be used as a final message."

Speaking of Christina throwing a magical prop, said indifferently: "If there is nothing else, you can go, oh, I changed the idea of ​​the killer before... This time, although lucky, let you save your life, but don't underestimate the woman. Resentment, you are still on the list of my murder. "Do you understand that you are a woman? In this sentence, Chen Rui just put it in his heart and said in his mouth: "Then I should really leave soon, I think, I will not come back to death in a short time."

"Right, I last broke your Jinjing Magic Lock. This cloak should be a compensation." Chen Rui took out the sly cloak of the stars in the contest. "The miss of the stars." On the table.

As he turned and walked toward the door, Christina’s voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Actually, you should understand that even if you pay more for me, my persistence will not change."

Chen Rui stood for a moment, turned back and answered: "If your attachment is to guard everyone's attachment, then my current attachment is just to protect you."

Christina's eyes finally could not maintain the calmness of the water. With a cold cry, the courtyard door suddenly shut down. A huge repulsive force pushed Chen Rui out of the door. However, at the moment of closing the door, a golden light flew out.

"This golden scorpion, when you encounter an unmatched enemy, you can temporarily delay for a while and only fight once."

After this sentence, there is no other voice in the yard.

Chen Rui took Jin Guang in his hand and smiled on his face and strode out.

In the yard, Christina looked at the black sè potion on the table. The strange emotion that had been thought to have faded again came to my mind. Behind the throne of the high and the sky, it was actually a weary heart. The man’s stupid emotions and persistence, although far from being called a sheltered harbor, can feel a peace that cannot be ignored.

Perhaps it is for this reason that she once again has a rare soft heart, otherwise he has no chance to see her at this time.

In addition, those intelligence and analysis, especially the reform of the military system, are simply unexpected surprises. It is an occasional soft harvest. Right, when it comes to harvest, it seems that it is more than this.

The white jade-like hand licks the cloak of the lightness of the object, and the words that the man said in the Master of the Masters were heard in her ear.

"The inspiration for this cloak comes from a woman's star-like eyes...".

After the veil, in the stars-like eyes, the light gradually softened and gently put the cloak on the body.

Sure enough, it is a feeling of warmth, just like his attachment.

Shortly after Chen Rui walked out of the yard, the leading lady of the palace appeared again. He took him all the way out of the palace and gave him a small bag with a seed. It was the shadow of the promised Queen Catherine. flower seed. He planted the seeds into the Star Garden, suggesting that the mature period is ten days. It seems that the curse of Skye is completely okay.

Chen Rui looked at the golden cricket given by Christina, a small gold man with a big palm. I don't know if I can name Oscar. This little golden man should be the strongest warfare cast with the **** secrets of the Asmode kings. He once saw the power of bronze cymbals in the night wetlands Christina and the white night battle, no pain and thought, and never die It is very difficult, and now Christina is the most powerful golden dragonfly. Even if it is a battle for the Emperor, it can only be used once.

This golden 傀儡 is a bit familiar, Chen Rui suddenly thought of one thing. When the yīn rain jungle fell and lost, Tengdeng once offered a few treasures left by the dragons that it was swallowed up. One of them was a doll bigger than the golden dragonfly! Chen Rui thought about it, the doll has appeared in the hands of the storage warehouse, and it is almost the same size as the golden enamel. Although the surface is dull, but with the eyesight of Chen Rui master, it is natural to see that the material of the doll is still Above the golden dragonfly.

Chen Rui’s thoughts have opened the eyes of the analysis that has already reached the time limit. The analytical eye has already had the identification function after reaching the legal environment. However, the prompt that appears is: the unknown item (seal), which cannot be judged.

This kind of hint is very strange, it is probably related to the "seal", but now Christina will definitely not see him again, or wait until next time, or give her a surprise.

The meeting and Chen Rui expected a little deviation, "authentic" was completely ineffective in front of her, and was stunned at a glance, Chen Rui still does not know where his flaws are. However, after this meeting, Chen Rui’s understanding of Christina was even deeper, especially her persistence.

It can be seen that Christina really feels a little bit about him, especially after his last life-long delay in the case of white Luo, Nirvana blood and red sè Piccolo is the best evidence, but this feeling no matter what The degree can't replace the biggest attachment in her heart.

Chen Rui has a little understanding of why Christina will become the next Queen's choice. In another world, some of the self-righteous guys will be classified as "Mother, Dog Blood, Brain Disabled", even if those people are wearing them, In her eyes, it’s just that the ants are small and they don’t care.

She insists on her persistence and pursuit, her will is so strong, and there is almost nothing to replace or shake. It can be said that Christina is more suitable to become a good ruler than Chia.

At this Chen Rui saw her distance from her and felt more distant. Perhaps at the moment she was enthroned, this distance would increase indefinitely, but this woman was against him. The attraction is also greater, not only the appearance, body and temperament, but also the kind of persistence", and the sensible heart of the ruthless, occasionally showing a soft and soft.

If one day, yīn has witnessed the long-term peace and peace of the emperor and even the whole demon world, maybe she can really let go of the emotional ghosts that are suppressed in her heart.... This difficulty seems to be more than an angelic monk. The country still has to be difficult.

However, these things are too far away for Chen Rui, and they are unrealistic. What I want to care about now is the plan.

This plan is undoubtedly very risky, but for Christina, for Jiya, and for Dylan, perhaps with his own will, it is worth trying.

People are always tired when they live for others, but they can't live for themselves. This is Chen Rui, a man whose blood is not cold.

PS: In the early morning of the day, I said that I didn’t stay up late in Weibo. Yesterday I went to the point again, and the exercise was negative! Today in the book as a testimony, not awkward! Shengya Witch is unfinished)! .

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