Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 270: Mysterious Manu

After Chen Rui understood Saplinna’s surveillance, he did not deliberately change anything. He still drank and seduce Fatih. Of course, the tempo is only the master’s trick. Under the control of Chen Rui, Fati Anyone who has been arrogant and arrogant has been shown from time to time, and a woman who is secretly watching is secretly shaking her head.

So on the fifth day, Sapulina really rushed from "Wal Town". Through these days of observation, and there is no slight change in the town of Wall, Sapulina's wariness I have already put a lot of it down and started to formally "surface."

In all fairness, Sapulina's figure does not say that she is mature and full of yòuhuò, and the impression is that only the Emperor of the Angels, "Madalatuo, Isabella has covered her."

Fatih and Sapulina are nothing more than a child who is not fully developed. The life of the Mozu is very long, especially the royal family. The two mothers and daughters stand together and are no different from the sisters.

Sure enough, the last time the data was analyzed by the Analytical Eye confirmed that "the voyeur, it is Saplina, Chen Rui is now maliciously thinking, is this woman a special kind of hobby, even he deliberately "Fati" When you lick oil, don't miss it.

Although it is not the legendary mother-in-law, but to tell the truth, the two women stand together to see if it is tǐng, but this mother and daughter have a lot of labels, such as yīn狠, arrogant, toxic and spicy. Even if there is no strength or background, it can't be touched.

Perhaps it was influenced by a bad lazy royal family. "Arthur, the master's setting feature is "three good" good controller, so beautiful, good wine. Fortunately, poisoning is not deep, no good wife is so good. Kind.

Since it is so beautiful, it is natural to look at Saplina sèmímí. This is also a compliment of disguise and disguise. If it is innocent, I am afraid that Saplinna will doubt it.

As imagined, Saplina did not think so arrogantly about the kind of almost rude gaze, but instead issued a laugh of the sales of hún: "The master is now a celebrity who shocked the devil, so it is a bit abrupt to invite you. Also ask the master not to be surprised."

Chen Rui smiled and said: "In the face of a charming woman like a lady, even if I want to see you, I can’t see it. I am not a captive of Miss Fatih? Right, I am now a captive of my wife."

Fati said with a sigh of relief: "Where is a prisoner like you?"

Chen Ruiyi smiled: "However, in my heart, beauty and wine, after all, can't compare with the mechanics. I am most concerned about the fact that Miss Fatty gave me the biggest promise. Can I cash it?"

Saplina has seen Chen Rui xìng in the dark in the past few days. Sure enough, as the rumored "three good" āo smiled: "How much is the whole magical artifact? Not to mention one of the most famous seven artifacts? Masters don't worry I have prepared the carriage. Let's leave the town and go to another comfortable place."

The three of them sat together in the carriage, and they practiced a lot of honesty along the way. However, from time to time, they offered to Saplinna to be diligent, and they provoked Fati’s sorrowful sorrow. This is in line with the usual day, so Sapulina had no doubts about her daughter. It’s just that if one side leaves Chen Rui, he will not ask for his origin.

Chen Rui only said that he was a wandering master, and he was discovered by the lord of the Darkmoon City, Hija, who wanted to recruit but he didn't want to stay in the dark moon city, so there was no future place, so he borrowed the yīn shadow empire to help Kas Dio of the special family, leaving the dark moon, used the master division to become famous.

This identity originally had a lot of flaws, but Christina considered it very well. She thought of this early and prepared for him. Even if Sapina now sent someone to Chen Rui, she used to wander. The place, I can't see any flaws, as if there really is such a person.

This is the power of the state machine. It depends on one person's words.

About two days after Sapulina remembered in her heart, the carriage arrived at the destination. It was not the so-called Bianque town, but the core of the blood Jinghua territory, the blood Jinghua city.

The blood Jinghua City is smaller than the Dark Moon City, but the prosperity is far better than the Dark Moon, second only to the yīn Shadow Emperor. The carriage stopped in front of a more remote courtyard, and it should be Saplana's industry in Blood Jinghua City.

The owner of this village is a senior pharmacist under the owner of the Bauhinia City. Saplinina’s identity is his wife, but it is clear that this dark elf pharmacist is not the father of Agia and Fati’s father, Azga. Luo, it must be that she only conceals her control object. The pharmacist's reputation has not always been very good, so except for some fixed buyers or people in the city's main government, most people are respectful of this village, and to some extent, it is also an effective cover.

Sapulina has always been cautious, although the news from various channels indicates that this master has no problem, but if it is really necessary to pay for artifacts or to touch the deeper level of her power, after all, it is no small feat, if it is not the soul shackles have an impact on the soul. It will directly affect the development of this genius in the future, which is his greatest value. Sapulina has long used control skills once and for all.

A few days later, Chen Rui finally could not help but broke out: "Mrs, I am fed up! I am coming here with Miss Fati, even on the road to cover her, not to be under your house arrest! I want artifacts! I want magic. Array! I want a laboratory!"

This kind of reaction was as early as Saprina's expectation. If Chen Rui has been so unsettled in the status quo, it will bow her suspicion, Chen Rui actually expected this, infernal things like this. Child, it was originally a very high-tech job.

"Masters don't have to worry, I believe you have already known something from Fatih in advance, so I am very sorry, I can't let you go out, as for the artifacts... The Magic Shield is the most important artifact of my Leviathan family, and Not in my hands, I am currently requesting the owner through some channel, so please wait patiently, and soon, the artifact or the most complete laboratory will appear in front of the master."

On the afternoon of Saplinna’s remarks, the manor came to a guest, in the name of buying pharmacy, but actually came to the yard where Chen Rui was under house arrest.

This is a middle-aged man who looks like a 30-year-old man. He smiles and his eyes are like two curved seams. He can hardly see his eyes. However, the age of the Mozu cannot be measured by appearance, and the strength is also the same.

Race: jealous of the royal family (variation). Comprehensive strength assessment: a + physique, strength a-, spiritual a +, agile a +.

Peaks of the Emperor! This is still the lowest strength assessment. Judging from the information that Fatih’s expression reveals, this man must be the uncle of Sapulina, which is called the grandfather of Manu by Fati. By!

Old guy, a lot of age, but also get a pseudo-uncle in his early thirties? The belly is turned to the abdomen, Chen Rui's heart is still tǐng nervous, after all, this Manu is likely to be the emperor level.

Fatih's father, Azgalo Besib, plus this Manuli Witten, Chen Rui has to face more strength than he imagined, but since he came, he can't turn back, fearing to die faster. The other party kidnapped him. It is nothing more than a super talent for this three-line proficiency. In the future, it is likely to become a master of the system. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it will not harm him. If it is not for this reason, with the strength of Sapulina, How can I be patient with my daughter, and with his "high-end demon, (most is the devil level) eyebrows?

Chen Rui’s heart has returned to normal, afraid of a hair, the emperor has not seen it, two became friends, and one was killed by him.

Manu looked at Chen Rui and smiled even more: "The master is really extraordinary. He even sees my special features, and it has returned to normal as soon as possible. It is the first talented master of the world of craftsmanship for thousands of years."

Chen Rui secretly stunned: Gangcai's emotions b is only a flash of light. I can't think of Manu's insight, just like when I faced Christina, it seems that this guy is more powerful than I thought.

"This adult, my sensory ability is extraordinary, I really see your extraordinary." Chen Rui set his heart, "But you brought me here, nothing more than fancy my talent, maybe this is for me. It is also an opportunity, so I don't need to be afraid."

"Masters can have today's achievements, and it is not accidental. With this strength, future achievements will surely shine through the whole world." Manu nodded with approval and his words were a bit old-fashioned. "There is a major in front of you." Choosing, or it will be your key point to the top, depends on how you decide."

"In fact, I also guessed something." In the face of this old fox, it would obviously not work. It is quite calm to say: "As a master without a foundation, I have to choose a force that can provide financial support. I don't care. Who is the object of choice, I only care, whether this power can give me everything I want, can let me step into the peak of the master.

"Is it?" Manu is still smiling and Are you doubting my talent? "Chen Rui seems to have been insulted in general, and the emotions have moved: "It is undeniable that my combat power can only be regarded as ants in front of you, but it is unkind to say that in the field of instrumental science, you are all just It’s just an ant! Take Nate, the current master of the devil world, if you follow the rules of the Masters, I can beat him now! ”

A large part of this acting is based on the true and honest, the template is the master, Manu nodded secretly and said: "Masters please don't misunderstand, your shine in the master division has spread throughout the devil world. People including many masters of the craftsmanship believe that you are the master of the masters who are the most likely to become masters in the past ten years. I am not questioning the strength of your life and the six steps of the horse, the smile is still, just the voice Sinked down: "I can give you an artifact, you can provide the best laboratory in the Devil world, you can provide all the materials and equipment you want, but you have to make a choice. ”

"What choice?"

Manu turned his back and opened his right eye to open a gap, revealing the strange light of the black sè, and an overwhelming pressure of pressure has surrounded Chen Rui: "Submit me!"! .

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