Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 280: The beginning of the plan

(The first order is still 320, ask for strength)

Compared with the importance of the entire crystal valley, the battle between Sapulina and Izola is just a small wave, but if used well, it may even make a storm and even become a key point. Of course, we must try to save the mother of Kia. Izola.

The three demons have greatly exceeded his predictions in front of Christina. The war book defeat in this world is often decided in the hands of a few strong people. If you can't win the battle of the strongest, even if there are more people in the Catherine faction, it will not help. Now there are two of the three demons outside, only Crystal Dragon Jacobs, and Azgalo is likely to see the martyrdom of Fatih, so the time must be before Azgalo returns. .

It is better to break the finger and break the finger. The most ideal result is to kill the crystal dragon Jacob, and end the base. However, the crystal dragon can become the enemy of Paglieu in the peak state, and the strength is only above the other two great emperors. It is necessary to weaken or let him lose combat power.

Too many steps to consider, and can not go wrong, in this Longtan Tiger Cave, if you go wrong, it will be lost. Chen Rui wanted to think about it, but the extreme fatigue caused by the sequela of the training field came in abruptly. Sapulina saw his exhaustion, did not retain, and asked the maid to send him back to the residence of the dream valley.

Chen Rui felt very sleepy. After waking up the next day, the spirit was awkward. A waitress reminded: "It is time to go to the Jacobs to learn the magic array."

Every few days, Chen Rui will go to Jacob to "learn" the dragon inscriptions and study the magic array. Although he has reservations, the understanding of the dragon inscriptions is still amazed by the crystal dragon. Chen Rui knows the mind of the crystal dragon, but he does not know it. He secretly sneers at it. Although Jacob can learn some different angles here, he knows from the level of understanding of the dragon inscription. More than the crystal dragon.

Today is the day when Crystal Dragon used magical arrays to treat, but it did not limit Chen Rui’s discrepancies. The reason is very simple. Chen Rui used the algorithm of deep analysis to try to change the details of a magic array last time, which made the recovery speed faster. One percent.

Don't underestimate this one percent. The whole magical array consists of ancient inscriptions, dragon inscriptions and ordinary magical arrays. The interlocking, a small change, causes a chain reaction, and even causes the magic array to collapse. Chen Rui is able to increase the speed without damaging the original function, which is quite remarkable. Although Jacob is jealous of his magical talents, it is natural to give him the greatest convenience when he wants to take advantage of his talent.

With the help of in-depth analysis, Chen Rui has already eaten more thoroughly on this magic array. One percent of the accelerated response is only a small part of the analysis success. The purpose is to win the crystal dragon. Later, mainly, I want to understand the secrets of the six ancient slate slate, but unfortunately there is no clue.

The revival of the spring water is like a sauna, which makes people feel sleepy. Chen Rui’s brain suddenly appears to be a flash of light: “With!”

The crystal dragon has a heart: "Is there any new discovery?"

Chen Ruixing "Starting the Watermark" nodded and nodded: "I originally had an idea. Now I have found some clues. If it succeeds, it can improve the extension time and recovery effect of the entire magic array. The time is not necessarily, but certainly not It’s only used once in seven days, and the effect is estimated to increase by 30 to 50 percent.”

Crystal Dragon moves, if you can really achieve the effect of Chen Rui, then the speed of recovery is not multiplied?

When Chen Rui put forward his own ideas, the crystal dragon who is also a magician expert has not only been jealous, but more admire. According to Chen Rui's idea, this improvement is entirely possible, but many details have yet to be further tested and determined.

"Jacob adults, if this improvement is successful, it will cost a lot of the best magic crystal, that is, Jin Jing, the lowest must be blood crystal, which is equal to double the consumption of magic crystal to improve recovery efficiency."

"There is no problem with Magic Crystal. Now I can call people to urgently extract and refine. I will be able to get the most out of the magic crystals at the fastest speed." Chen Rui's plan makes Crystal Dragon Big is the "Starting Watermark". It is said that it is the most expensive magic crystal, as long as his injury can be restored, even if the entire vein is exhausted, it does not matter. It seems that the previous intention to get in touch with this genius is really correct. After becoming a master, I must firmly control him in his hands for his own use. The injury is the biggest problem that has plagued the crystal dragon for two thousand years. Because magic and medicine are not effective for him, you can only use some special methods to "return the watermark" to reply. When he died in World War I, the Crystal Dragon still has a lingering fear. In order to avoid encountering that terrible opponent again, he has been going deeper and simpler in these years. He does not dare to publicize, but he does not know that the dead opponent himself has been trapped for two thousand years.

Chen Rui happily added another sentence: "It may be used once every three days, and once a day, the last time the adult taught me, 'sleeping, the inscription can be used up, and the recovery effect is strengthened again."

"Sleeping? It's far less effective than 'deep sleep,' and 'recovery', the compound inscription is good, cough..., yes, this inscription you won't, next time I teach you." Crystal Dragon immediately hides his own private horse feet I don’t know that I was being brought into the “cage” by Chen Rui step by step.

After a while, Crystal Dragon became more and more aware that the program was very viable and spirited. As for the inscriptions on the dragon language, it was necessary to make great adjustments. This piece must be responsible for this. Originally Jacob was in the Crystal Valley. I’ve been bored all the time, and it seems that I’ve finally found something meaningful and I’m very motivated.

Under the crystal dragon, he sent Chen Rui several pieces of the best crystal dragon scales and a unique horn that was left in the past. They are extremely rare alchemy materials. On the way back to the lab, Chen Rui looks very good. When the magic array is successfully improved and put into practical use, it is the last time to launch.

Back in the lab, Chen Rui entered the super system and did not start training immediately, but entered the redemption center. In the spirit of consuming the enemy to strengthen himself, these days he transformed a large amount of Reiki materials in the Crystal Valley, which has already exceeded the need to purchase the artifact "Rayin" drawings. Anyway, if you don’t squander it, you won’t squander it. If you miss this village, you won’t have that store. It’s best to get the one hundred million aura that has risen to the next level.

In the redemption center, Chen Rui spent 20 million reikis and bought the refining of the treasure of the "Leyin" drawing. It could not be completed manually. It was necessary to use the automatic refining function of the refining room. After all the materials, the system prompts that it takes an hour to complete the refining process, consumes 100,000 reiki, and fortunately, there is no imaginary pothole. Chen Rui patiently waited for a disappearance, and finally witnessed the birth of the first treasure of the super system equivalent to artifacts.

Leiyin (treasure) First, lightning magic damage increased irrigation, undead creature damage increased by 220%, moving speed increased by 55%, 25% chance double damage, 30% chance to add lightning attacks, must recognize the Lord.

This attribute is slightly different from the one recorded on the drawing. The lightning magic damage is reduced, and several other attributes have been improved. It seems that the drawing records the basic attributes, and the specific equipment attributes are randomized.

However, the function of doubling the magical damage of lightning is ineffective for Chen Rui. Chen Rui will have some earth magic under the influence of the heart of the earth element. The gas system is completely ignorant, but the latter attributes are quite worthwhile. Even if the seemingly ribbed undead creature doubles the damage, in the face of certain types of enemies, it can also exert unexpected results. You know, he also has an enemy who is proficient in undead magic.

The Lei blame is a cloud-shaped hanging ornament, and a matching red rope. The shape is quite similar to the traditional Chinese style of "Starting and Watermarking". After the blood was accepted, Chen Rui tied it to his neck and suddenly felt a flesh-and-blood connection. Except for him, anyone who got this thunder was just a useless ornament.

After completing the production of Leiyin, Chen Rui once again entered the training ground. His dark star field is just getting started, whether it is sentiment or strength. Manu’s residual strengthening power has not been completely used for himself. Practice, comprehend and digest.

It is extremely boring to practice for hundreds of days without sleep. Sometimes the kind of loneliness will make people hysterically crazy, but only persistence can only be done if people can't bear it.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and Izola, the deadly enemy in Sapulina’s mouth, finally came to the Crystal Valley.

Izola is a member of the Mamen royal family. He has a long black hair and a veil on his face. In all fairness, the appearance is slightly less than that of Sapulina. He is only very tall, about one meter tall and nine arrogant. The appearance of the cheekbones is somewhat high, and the corners of the eyes are a bit murderous, quite temperament.

Chen Rui finally saw Jiya's mother, Fleet, and Fleet's eyebrows and Jiya are somewhat similar. Although there is no beautiful Jiya, there is a beautiful and touching feeling that people can't help but feel pity. .

This time, Izola not only brought back Freya, but also brought back a group of people. The two headed ones were Chen Rui’s acquaintances. In the Master of the Masters Competition, the masters of the two masters, Horford: the other is dark. The elves, many of those people, wore the robes of the makers.

Chen Rui can't help but wonder. He is the first "potential" in the demon world. He is the object of 100% to be recruited. No matter how much he wants to recruit, Horford is a master of dual mastery. It is also likely to be the first in the devil world. The disciple of Niet, the master of the system, can be understood by the Crystal Valley. So why is this group of controllers... Why?

Chen Rui suddenly thought of Sapulina once said that Izola "grabbed" an important matter that she was responsible for and won the trust of Azgalo. Is it related to the maker?

In the midst of thinking, Horford has already seen Chen Rui, stopped, and the hostile gaze revealed a strong hostility.

Izola discovered Horford's anomaly and saw him staring at a stranger in the Crystal Valley, and frowned: "Master, is that your enemy?"

Horford shook his head and his eyes were still on Chen Rui: "The enemy can't say it, it should be right."

"Since it is the right one, I helped the master solve him!" Izola stepped forward and showed a black glow in his hand.

Race: Greedy royal family. Comprehensive strength assessment: 曰, physical ‘, strength 曰 spirit, agility.

It seems that this Izola is more focused on magic practice, but it is only a matter of indiscriminate killing, it is really hot, not awkward, is the opposite of Sapulina.

The black halo has already flown to the front, with a terrible scent of sorrow (to be continued)

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