Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 285: Leading the wolf into the room! The beginning of chaos

As time passed, the magic of dark sky, gravity and other magic had disappeared. The audience finally saw the scene in the field. I saw that Chen Rui and Norris were not far apart, and the terrible beast was at two distances. Five or six meters in shape, shaped like a strange triangle station. The tall body of the beast trembled slightly and seemed to be hesitant.

Everyone saw it, and the lord Norris and the genius of the master were even contending. Although Arthur was obviously relying on the power of magical props, it was already unexpectedly unexpected. .

Norris secretly horrified, originally from the intelligence information, this Arthur has excellent talent in the magic array, and even in the production of enamel and other aspects of the master craftsman Toto master appreciation, measured, he finally I decided that the challenge project is a wild beast. I can't think of the devil's strength in the district. I have such a mystery. With the help of props, I have a good fight with myself!

Compared with Norris, who is cold and sweaty, Chen Rui, who uses "props", does not seem so hard, but God is extremely dignified. Norris combines the secrets of mental and spiritual powers. If it is not the power of the dark field, Now the beast has been completely controlled by him.

Nowadays, the two mental forces in the brain of the beast are intertwined with each other. Although the power of the dark field is pure and powerful, it is not a specialized control skill. In the "quality" aspect, Chen Rui has an absolute advantage, but the "quantity" is not as good as Norris's full output, and despite the seven-day special training, the power of this field remains in the case of leaving the star field. I can't continue this way forever, I am afraid that there is a danger of defeat.

Although there is no **** under the feet, neither of them dares to move easily, lest they be embarrassed by the other party.

In the case of strong mental impact, Chen Rui’s analytical eyes suddenly felt a slight anomaly. When the mind was moved, Norris immediately noticed that the other party’s mind was loose, and quickly increased the mental power of the output.

The beast snarled for a while and began to move towards Chen Rui. The speed was very slow, like the slow motion of the movie, but the heavy pace seemed to step on everyone's heart.

Chen Rui seems to be still resisting. For a long time, the beast has taken a step. Norris can feel the weakening of Chen Rui’s mental strength and his heart is overjoyed.

Under the intense gaze of everyone, every minute, it seems like an hour is so long, the beast finally came to Chen Rui's body. This distance, as long as a wave of hands, the horrible giant arm with sharp long claws will be able to put Chen Ruizhong in the legendary equipment, it is impossible to completely offset the terrible power, the crystal dragon has slowly stood. stand up.

The beast seems to be hesitating, and the neck has an unconventional twist. Norris feels an inexplicable resistance, and his mental power has been broken. I don't think "Arthur" has this kind of stamina! He naturally did not want to lose weight on this, and he refused to take the antiphasic effect of the secret technique, biting the tip of his tongue, and using the power of blood to make the control force suddenly increase ten times.

The mad beast bitterly snarled and snarled, and the giant mouth suddenly opened into an exaggerated width of one meter. The sharp teeth and the strange and ugly mouthparts appeared in front of Chen Rui, and it seemed that Chen Rui had to chew the whole person. Devouring, the crystal dragon's hand has a faint crystal, as long as the beast has the next move, it will start immediately.

However, at this time, the stranger suddenly changed, and the mouth of the beast was restored to its original state. The angry eyes turned to Norris, who thought he was winning the prize. The figure was moving and he had already rushed over. This time, the elbow was not waiting for Norris to react, and the claws were already coming from the terrible wind. Under the terrible power, the flesh and blood fluttered, and Norris, who had no time to apply protective magic, instantly became a broken pool. Meat, terrible.

Norris still had a strong incredulity and unwillingness before he dissipated. He still had a more powerful curse that was not used. The problem was that the change was too fast...

Most of the people outside the field did not react. No matter how tortuous the process, the final result was already in front of Norris. "Arthur" was born.

Norris, the commander of the Valley of the Devil, was killed in the face of a demon-level opponent!

What surprised the audience was that after the wild beast killed Norris, he slowly walked over to Chen Rui and squatted down, bowing his head and letting Chen Rui’s hand lick his head. This gentle appearance makes those who study the beast. The "scientists" were stunned and almost thought that their eyes were huā. Chen Rui took a picture of his head and slowly walked toward the magical array, while the beast was still not moving in place.

This kind of control is afraid of secret surgery, making people convinced that Norris is really dead.

"Sure enough, it is a genius. In this game, Arthur wins! You will be the leader in the future, but don't forget our business." Crystal Dragon l took the praise of the sè, could not hold the lead, his so-called business is of course the transformation The magical array of things.

Saplinna is in the shape of sè, only Izola's face is scary, Norris is one of her two most powerful assistants. I can't think of the tragic death here, just from the mouth of the crystal dragon, and Arthur. The relationship is extremely close, and with Manu’s relationship, he can only be swallowed up in his stomach.

Out of the magical array, Chen Rui’s ring with a blue light suddenly burst open. The whole person swayed and swayed, almost falling, apparently the performance of overdraft of power and props. Don’t forget, he only has the power of “Devil King”. By the secret technique and the increase props, I have been stuck to the end, and I have to say that it is a miracle.

This kind of appearance must have been installed. In fact, when the two mental energy shocks, the memory that the mad beast had lost because of the experiment was miraculously lived. Chen Rui was keenly aware of this in the eyes of analysis. Just as his original power of darkness is on the verge of disappearing, he immediately changed into the communication of the eyes of the analysis, which is why the mad beast walked toward Chen Rui step by step.

The wild beast was originally a mutant demon family. Because of the relationship of talent, when it was still a child, it was used as an experimental product. It was eventually transformed into a monster of half man and half beast, and even the ability to speak was lost. The memory of the drops makes him (it) feel extremely fearful.

Chen Rui immediately expressed the will of goodwill and help to the beast. The IQ of the beast is only equivalent to children. After feeling the good intentions of the other party, he is naturally convinced of this person who can communicate with himself, even though he was once in Norris. Under the control, I almost killed Chen Rui, but with the help of Chen Rui, I got rid of the control of Norris and killed it in one fell swoop.

In fact, in case it is impossible to control the wild beasts with the power of darkness, Chen Rui has the last resort, giving up the shackles of Snowd, using the mask of the helmet to display the ability to control the wild beast, but it is likely to be The strong dragon of the crystal dragon saw the clue, and now this "accident" is in the middle of his heart.

"Take the mad beast first, temporarily stop all trials, the food supply is still the same, and when I recover, I must test him separately." Although Chen Rui’s voice is weak, the current identity is already the command of the Valley of the Secrets. No one has dared to ignore the undisputed performance.

The beast can't talk, but the hearing is still there. I understand that this is just a good negotiation in the consciousness. I feel more jealous in my heart. I am very obedient to enter the cage. Everyone is stunned.

Izola gave a symbolic control of the crystal to Jacob, who did not say a word. Tie Qing turned and walked away, and Sapulina’s harsh laughter came from behind.

Saplina really proud of the "Arthur" master, this treasure is too right, and now the Valley of the Secrets has returned to her hands, her position is more stable, as long as they can regenerate the descendants of the next Xibiao, Then even if her husband Azgalo becomes an emperor in the future, her position as the head of the harem is still unshakable. Maybe at a certain stage, she can control the true power of her son.

Of course, these are only long-term plans. The plan in front of me has been a complete success. Without the control of the Valley of the Secrets, Izola has no way to compete with her.

Sapulina is also secretly calculating at the same time as the joy, as the crystal dragon said "Arthur" is definitely an undisputed genius, now known as the command of the Valley of the Secrets, even though Manu's people, but Be sure to get his support as much as possible, and even use real sèyòu when necessary.

However, Sapulina didn't know that Chen Rui's plan also succeeded in the key step. When there was no secret valley, his plan was only the initial And at the moment, it is very smooth.

Her success this time undoubtedly led the wolf into the room, which is the beginning of the complete chaos of the Crystal Valley.

In the days that followed, in the process of the handover of the Valley of the Secrets, there were a lot of scorpions, which were obviously the things that people of Izola made. Saplinna relentlessly used the Thunder to smash the town. This is still the case.

Sapulina was also psychologically prepared for this. When Izola had just taken over the Valley of the Secrets from her hands, she did not use this method as long as she had to go through this transition period.

Chen Rui, this leader, does not need to deal with any specific matters, just to study the "beast of the beast", and made a careful communication with the beast, knowing that he has a name called Rafael. After some "psychological control", Rafael became Chen Rui's bodyguard, and he followed him docilely all day long. Of course, this kindness is only for Chen Rui, even if someone wants to study this strange madness. The beast, who did not dare to offend, represented the new commander of Manu and Sarahina.

Crystal Dragon's recovery magic array is crucial to Chen Rui's plan, so during this time he accelerated the research progress, and it is almost close to success. Everything is going smoothly according to the plan, just waiting for the final launch. ! .

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