Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 305: Sheriff's yard

Chen Rui knew nothing about the battle of the power of Leviathan's royal family. At this moment, he was riding a small black horse and safely from the town of Modo. Soon after, with his "medicine" as a pharmacist and the appearance and breath of the nightmare of the nightmare, he passed the border checkpoint very smoothly and officially stepped into the boundary of the dark moon.

After so many changes and adventures of the Shadow Empire, Chen Rui’s thoughts on Athena are getting stronger and stronger, not only because of Aina, but also because of Jiya, Chia, Alice, Paglio, etc. Many people.

The dreams of the beasts are very fast. Three days later, the figure of the little black horse has appeared in the gate of the Dongcheng of the Darkmoon City. Even in the evening when the light is not very bright, Chen Rui can still see that the mental outlook and temperament of the city gate guards have changed a lot compared to before. It seems that through this period of training, the overall quality has not been Small ascension.

Shops along the way are rushing to prepare for the start of the night market. Since the opening of the night market organized by the cloak, it has won unanimous praise from the dark moon city, and it has become a favorite place for the Tang people who like to go out at night, effectively promoting Economy and consumption.

Nowadays, the night market is divided into two parts: the southwest and the southeast. The southwest is dominated by small business hawkers, while the southeast is the joint sales point of large and medium-sized businesses. Each has its own special color. The income of the cloak as the master is greatly increased. The hot pot restaurant is still very popular, and now it has opened three branches, becoming the "special color" of the dark moon city, eating.

Merchants also ushered in the spring of the ground world. They only have to pay the tax and the protection fee of the cloak club. They can let go of their hands and feet. In the past, the "filial piety" and extortion of the "colors" were not considered. It is also greatly improved.

Chen Rui also saw a new shop selling shadow empire specialties. Catherine has become the heir to the Castel family and gradually took over the power of the patriarch Croz. Under her operation, the action of the Custer family has been Slowly began, the first step of the dark moon and the shadow empire trade has been successfully taken.

With the card of the Castel family, the matter related to the purchase of grain by the Darkmoon to the Shadow Empire will be very smooth. At least on the bright side, Xia has been able to cope with the food sanctions of the Imperial Capital some time ago.

However, food sanctions are only a means of the capital. If it is only a passive defense, then one day, the dark moon will be fragmented under the cutting of this knife and completely broken, so we must try to counterattack.

After the incident in Magic Bell Town, the implementation of the most important plan is getting closer and closer. If the overall plan is successful, it is very likely that Xia will become the imperial queen step by step, and the empire of the angels and the other two empires will stand up. .

The problem is that, about two hundred years later, when there was another large-scale war between the devil and the human world, the empire of the angels must be inevitably involved, no matter which side wins, for him, or even the "president of the sacred empire on the ground." It doesn't seem to be a good result. Moreover, his life span is at least 10,000 years, and similar distress may follow.

Chen Rui thought about it, only a headache, but the boat to the bridge is naturally straight, anyway, there are still two hundred years, then consider it.

He took the little black horse and went all the way to the sheriff's house.

Since the long-term fainting of the human security officer, there have been fewer and fewer visitors. Until the sergeant’s lover, Athena, was appointed as the agent of the sheriff, many people came to visit the human condition. "But they were all rejected by Athena. This is the warmth of the human condition, the coldness of the world, and the same plane."

The Sheriff’s residence is not small, but the location is relatively remote. People in Darkmoon City know that this sinister house does not have any guards or servants. People who have ulterior motives want to sneak into the house. No more news. It is said that there is a powerful magical array set up by the Gaussians under the command of the Princess of the Long Princess. Unless there is permission from the adults of Athena, no one dares to enter this place without permission. In fact, compared with the real characters who laid these magical arrays, Gauss adults can only be unfortunately classified as ants.

Chen Rui took the road into the house and turned to the bend easily. He changed to a person and was afraid to enjoy the "intimate contact" of the dragon inscription or the guardian vine in three steps.

When I walked into the yard, I saw that Lomon was talking to Deya with a smile. It was a slap in the face of the pleasing and gloating Pugliu, but I didn’t see Athena. .

I saw a "great demon" who was walking in the horse. Not the imaginary Athena, everyone "shows" the color of the accident.

Pagliu reacted the fastest, grinned, raised the cup, and the amoeba was poured into a full glass of wine.

"Who is it?" Luo Meng also responded, did not wait for Chen Rui to restore his face, the thief has come over with a smile, "three masters master of the master, shocked the devil's genius? Damn, You guys are not going to be the illegitimate children of the world."

Paglio has the same feeling for this, but he and Chen Rui have known him for a long time. "There is a lot of nerves." Luo Meng’s fuss is like the original, and the moment is only a deep laugh. Laughing, there is a great style of the dragon.

"How do I hear a sour taste? When is 'Jealousy', becoming synonymous with the lazy royal family?" Chen Rui has restored his original appearance. "I said Deya, you are sure that this guy is not your jealous royal family sneak into Bailey. What should the royal family do?"

"Captain, I am sure." Although the night wetland has been going on for a long time, Deya is still used to calling Captain Chen Rui. She answered with a serious tone. "There is a slight smile in the eyes. "Like this stupid home. Start ",..."

Without waiting for Deya to finish, Lomon said sadly: "Well, I am also a jealous woman of the royal family,"..."

"Oh, shameless guy!" Deya's face was "red" red, but she said to Paglieu: "Throw!"

The amoeba just found out that the owner came back and kept "plugging in" and didn't enter the words. As soon as he saw Deya's greeting, he immediately turned into a look of Lomon.

"Too beast!" Becomes Lomon's lost and fake public and privately took a big sip of wine, and sighed in the sky, "Devil! You can "love" all the women's all-around left eye, look after your poor believers. "," even a beautiful woman will be caught by Deya! No, I can't be hanged on a tree! I want the whole forest! ”

"You still go to the whole forest. I don't welcome you in this tree." Deya smiled and looked at the stunned Lomon, and gave him a head back: "Don't say anything has passed, to you." Rich, experience, you should know that women are very vengeful."

"Sure enough, the beast!" Chen Rui "lu" out of the look of a sudden realization, "Diya, rest assured, as the captain, I fully support your choice!"

"You are too vicious!" Lomon said that he wanted to go forward and do a fierce limb movement to express his grief and indignation. This action caused misunderstanding of the little black horse behind Chen Rui. .

As a result of the power of this enemy, the little black horse did not hesitate to become the form of the nightmare beast, the unicorn of the head flashed, and the power of the mutated talent lightning broke out. This transformation attracted everyone's attention, and Lomon screamed and launched the rapid talent of the Bailey royal family, and even escaped the lightning.

It's not that Lomon's speed has reached or exceeded the speed of light. This dodge is a reaction of similar thoughts. With the talent of Shining, it avoids this powerful lightning in the moment when it is not allowed. Even if you don't have an eye for analysis, you can see that Lomon's strength has made a big leap than before, and it should have reached the realm of the Great Devil.

The little black horse did not continue to attack, because Chen Rui has already told him that the people here are friends. Of course, the most important thing is that the little black horse is not the opponent of Lomon. If it reaches the big devil level, Chen Rui does not Mind to let a forest fanatic take a lightning bath first.

"Dream beast!" Diya was taken aback, the strength of the dream beast first put aside, "sexual" feelings are extremely staunch, is one of the most difficult to surrender of Warcraft, this dream beast can emit lightning, but also transform, Absolutely a rare variation of blood.

Unexpectedly, in front of Chen Rui, it was as gentle as a demon dog, but Chen Rui threw a fruit. The dream beast that recovered into a dark horse leaped high and caught it in half air. Is this a horse... or a dog?

Luo Meng’s finger pointed Chen Rui, and pointed to the still-hostile nightmare beast. For a moment, he couldn’t speak, jealousy, or the jealousy of the red fruit was too unfair. The captain must be a sorcerer. Yundu was taken away by him!

Chen Rui was too lazy to talk to this guy, nor did he look at the lost face. His attention fell behind him. Another person walked into the yard, familiar footsteps, and no matter who he turned back, he knew who she was. .

It’s as if she knows him. Her appearance is not the most beautiful in the devil world, but in his heart, it is the most beautiful.

The slightly tired and beautiful red 眸 眸 陈 陈 陈 眸 眸 眸 陈 陈 陈 陈 陈 陈 陈 陈 陈 陈 www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www www

She speeded up her steps, did not care about the eyes of friends in the yard, and did not care about the vigilant eyes behind him. He came to him and hugged him while he was holding her.

"Athena, I am back."


Very plain words, but full of happiness.

Even the little black horse was infected by this emotion, silently put away the hostility.

The two felt each other's heartbeat and rest, silently exchanged the aftertaste of the farewell, and forgot the time until

"Diya, I am back."


Gas..." (to be continued).

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