Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 324: Big fish

Faced with countless crystals full of horror and chill, Chen Rui’s hand gives a strong radiance, and a strange blue sè light door appears in the void. Canita recognizes that the light gate is the “Charles” to the devil and the human world. The door to space immediately exclaimed: "He wants to return to the human world!"

In the eyes of Zhuoqi’s eyes, the symbol wrapped in the blue tip of the finger suddenly burst into the air. The room instantly became the world of ice. Chen Rui, who is at the center, has been wrapped in a small compressed snowstorm. Surprisingly, the snow and snow are accompanied by strange electric awns.

Chen Rui’s faint feeling is that the water and the wind elements seem to blend perfectly together.

This is the power of the composite element! Usually, a magician can only call one element at the same time, but there are also very few talented people who can use two or more elements at the same time, and the two elements that are difficult to integrate at the same time The special methods are combined to give you extraordinary power.

This is the power of the composite element. The power of compound magic is not so simple as one plus one and two is enough to cause multiple effects. However, this compounding process is full of dangers. If you are careless during the practice, you may hurt yourself. If you are not a person who understands the magic elements extremely deeply and has extraordinary driving force, it will not succeed.

Of course, not all elements can be mixed together, such as water and fire elements.

Wind and earth elements, light elements and dark elements are "dead enemies" of each other and cannot be compounded under normal circumstances.

Zhuo Che can be one of the four lords. It is not only by seeing the wind that the rudder and the station can succeed. The strength is also an important factor.

Chen Rui thought about it, and there was a translucent blue sè shield around him. He was not affected by the snowstorm. He walked toward the light door step by step. Although the blue sè shield quickly began to crack under the power of the snowstorm, The progress of this step can completely enter the light door before the shroud breaks.

Zhuo Chee immediately changed his tactics and waved his hand at Guangmen. Numerous ice crystals that sizzled into the door of Guangmen, but they were worn, as if they were just a shadow that did not exist. Chen Rui has already walked to the front of Guangmen and took a step. What surprised Zhuoqi is that the human half of the foot is not in the middle of entry. It is not the kind of ice crystal that has just passed through this strange "gate" is not a phantom!

Zhuoqi brows, if it is the water-based "street of time and space", just the ice crystals that match the power of the field, should be able to interfere or eliminate this door, but the result is not affected at all, even without any water elements. Is it really the power of the space that has been lost?

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn, took a step, but received it back, pointing to the door of space, this door disappeared.

This move was beyond the expectation of Chen Tai and Canita, Chen Rui opened his fingers, and the shield that originally protected him disappeared.

Give up the road? Is this human being crazy? What do you want to do?

After Zhuo Che’s removal of the protective cover, Chen Rui’s feet had been covered with a thin layer of ice, and his eyes fell on the face of Zhuo Chee as a flame. “We humans also have a saying that there is no white food in the world. Lunch. I hope to use this almost dead performance to prove the sincerity of my cooperation."

Zhuo Che’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the blizzard did not immediately wrap up and did not open.

"As a heir to a family, I have to take responsibility. Now I am here, I am forced to have a magic." Chen Rui’s voice is powerful: "I believe that any liar will not use his life to take this risk. ""

Zhuo Chee snorted, and the blizzard immediately wrapped up, mixed with flashing electric awns, raging the human form of the 〗 〖Central, even if it was a side of the audience, Kanita, it was shocking.

The blizzard gradually dissipated, and the little crystal light in the room was extinguished one by one. The human in the middle of the 〗 has been solidified into an ice sculpture. All parts except the head were firmly frozen.

In the hands of Zhuo Che, a sizzling thunder ball was raised: "As long as this thunderball hits you, your body will turn into a powder. However, I have specially left you a head to tell the last words."

The power of the demon level is by no means a play, especially the power of a powerful composite element.

Chen Rui’s mouth chún has been frozen and purple, and the skin has become blue and white. These are just superficial symptoms. The force of attacking the elements of the surface defense is raging and destroying the trauma and pain in the body. More than his tolerance.

In the eyes of Zhuo Chee and Canita, the muscles of the human face are distorted by pain, the voices are a little trembling, and the eyes are still firm: "I only say the last two words, sincerity."

Zhuo Chee’s face was murderous, and the thunderball flew toward Chen Rui’s body, and he slammed it, and the cracking sound suddenly rang.

However, it is not Chen Rui's body that is broken, but the ice that wraps him. This hand is just right, and it can be seen that the control of the magical power has reached the peak.

"No matter in which world, strength and courage are all worthy of respect, human beings have to say that you have successfully demonstrated your sincerity." Zhuo Qi's murder gradually converged, returned to the throne, and sat down again. Go, when this sentence is finished, the ice and snow world in the room has disappeared, as if nothing happened.

Chen Rui sighed with a sigh of relief. It seems that the gambling seems to be against the place. Zhuo Qie did not show real killings. More is just a temptation.

Moreover, when Chen Rui judges that the other party has the compound magic of the two elements of wind and water, the armor has quietly surrendered the corresponding elements that resist the wind and water elements, and reduce the magic power, plus the reduction itself. The "passion" that hurts 30% and the "anti-magic" that halved the magical damage are two kinds of passives. The damage of magic has been reduced to the lowest. Even if the Thunderbolt is really killing, his body will not be crushed, and he can also summon the door of the Starry Sky to escape.

It’s just that, as soon as it’s done, it’s gone.

Zhuo Che really did not deal with it. Fortunately, the bitterness of the bitterness was successful. The most difficult beginning was the pass.

"The powerful and powerful compound magic of the lord of the Lord, especially the control of the elements, can be said to be the peak!" However, Chen Rui was still suffering from the trauma, immediately drank the cold-resistant remedy and recovery medicine, praised: "Even It is the Holy Master who is the Tower of the Holy Empire, too."

Zhuo Chee frankly accepted this reputation: "Your strength, it should have been faintly reached the beginning of the devil... Yes, according to your humanity, it has already reached the edge of the holy level."

Canita nodded secretly, and this powerful human has indeed reached the level of the emperor.

Zhuo Chee’s judgment is based on the pure devastating atmosphere of the previous human beings. Second, it is the adaptation of human power to the field and the endurance of hard-working magic, but I don’t know. In fact, it is overestimating the other side.

The previous scent of destruction is a bit of a glimpse of Chen Rui’s spiritual imprint. At present, it is only able to barely breathe out. It is actually a sly empty shell: as for the adaptation of the field and the endurance of hard resistance, only Said to be the super system's genus xìng plus the magic of the equipment.

"Adults have good eyesight." Chen Rui did not explain, the slight jaws "just, I can feel that adults seem to have only used a little strength and if the real power is exerted, I have completely died."

Zhuo Che did not give a slight smile: "Please sit."

Since that human being is also a "magic emperor", at least has the strength to talk to him.

Chen Rui sat down: "I understand the mood of the lord, I am a human being, and this time I want to let the adults pay a lot of valuable money. But, as the adults have said before, there is never something to gain. If you don’t pay, how can you gain? Don’t worry about adults, with the financial resources of my Campotel family, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of black crystal coins are really nothing but just a special difficult time, urgently need funds to thaw those Restricted investment projects..............."

Zhuo Che did not wait for him to finish, interjected: "His Lord, your words are too vague, I hope to understand every detail you say, this is the most basic prerequisite for our cooperation."

Chen Rui slightly thought about it, and said the general situation of the Campolet family first introduced the family's financial resources, industry and great influence, and then mainly highlighted the grievances of the second emperor Garfield.

Under the means of Garfield, the Campotte family was completely banned, the family’s sources of funds were frozen, and investment projects were forced to stop functioning. The most important thing was that Rex the Great was handed over to Camplot. The Crystal City, which was completed by the family, also stopped its progress. Once it could not be completed within the stipulated time, the two emperors would take the opportunity to kill the whole, making the entire Campotop family devastated.

In this kind of adversity, the original "friends" have taken a wait-and-see attitude and even turned their backs to maintain the mobility of the huge commercial system. It is even more difficult to even sell real estate or commodities into cash. No one is willing to buy, start-up funds. Only a few million can't get together. If you don't wait for the completion of Crystal City, the Campotel family will collapse.

In this most difficult period, the patriarch Carlo thought of Samuel, another son who went to the demon world. The devil is perhaps the only hope that can help the family to tide over the difficulties. As a family heir, Charles volunteered to come to the devil and successfully climbed. The line of Kanita.

After the first fund of 7 million invested by Canita, it finally opened the deadlock, and then through a series of means such as returning funds, the situation was greatly alleviated, and the benefits were given to Canita. At present, there are still many investment projects waiting for funds to live. The Camplot family has already collected nearly 200 million yuan, and it is estimated that there are still 50 million black crystal coins. Since Canita has been unable to solve it, it has come to seek the leader. s help.

Chen Rui’s remarks are true. Crystal City is indeed the mission of the Campotel family, and Carlo is suffering from this headache, but the situation is far from being as bad as Chen Rui said. In the time of elaboration, Chen Rui added economic management terms such as marginal cost, ruling risk, and supply law from time to time. Rao is a deep-minded person, and he seems to be confused when he understands. I feel that the human business means is extraordinary, no wonder the ground world is much more prosperous than the devil.

Chen Rui circled a big circle and finally turned back: "There are still 50 million black crystal coins, the return rate is 70%, and the total is 83.5 million. Just like I used to card. Nita’s promise is the same, and it will be returned in three phases. My brother, Samuel, will remain in the devil world as a representative of sincerity."

Zhuoqi did not immediately promise, but said indifferently: "In any case, the devil and human beings are always enemies. If you are dealing with the enemy like this, you are not afraid that this thing will be shaken out in the future, will your whole family be implicated?"

"This "in the future, at least two hundred years later, this is my personal behavior, what responsibility I will bear alone, as long as the Camplot family can maintain the value of the empire, it will last forever." Rui shrugged his shoulders. "What's more, our human life is not as long as the Mozu. For two hundred years, even if I haven't encountered any accidents, I am almost dead, and this is not a problem. ”

"I can't deny that your proposal made me tempted, but..." Zhuoqi nodded. "First, I still can't trust you. Even if you leave your brother in the devil world, you can't be the real guarantee of this cooperation: Second Suppose that what you said is true, we work together effectively. But even if 50 million can get 83.5 million, I think it is not enough to save your family."

"If the lord is willing to cooperate, then 50 million is just the beginning, and you will get more benefits later, but the premise is that you must invest, which means that the lord of the lord uses the capacity of the Campotte family and the human world. The huge commercial system is profitable. After this difficult time, the subsequent rate of return will be stable, and it is expected to be around 10%. Our cooperation time can be longer, but for the sake of jihadist time, this time cannot exceed one hundred. year."

Zhuoqi l took the thoughts and thoughts, but the heart has actually begun to move. Although the red secluded land is a relatively rich territory in the 堕angel empire, it can not be compared with the rich human world.

If you can cooperate with the largest business family in the human world, then the benefits will be unimaginably huge. Even if the territory encounters more losses or changes, it can guarantee a steady stream of wealth. With a stronger army and combat power, perhaps you can achieve some ambitions that you couldn’t think of before... maybe...

The most important thing is that such a favorable condition, the other party does not have to rely on the red secluded, replaced by the blue melt territory or the chalk territory or even the big forces outside the empire angel empire, will also choose cooperation, it seems that Canita can happen It’s a good luck to accept that Samuel.

"As for the issue of trust" Chen Rui’s hand has a ray of light: "This cooperation contract is an equal contract. As long as we sign the contract, even if my brother Samuel leaves the devil world, the cooperation credit between us is not There will be any influence, Lord Lord, what do you think?

The equality contract is a high-level contract. Generally, only the devil-level power can be used for display. The strength of the contract is felt, and there is no doubt anymore. I have a rare smile: "I think, we can discuss cooperation next. The rules are up."

Chen Rui also made a smile, because this "contract" is made by his spiritual link, which can be canceled.

It’s really not easy to get through this kind of cut, even paying a price, but the result is very satisfying, because this big fish is finally hooked. ! .

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