Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 330: condition

Chen Rui looked at the figure of Dina who was far away, and said with emotion: "This woman is very simple."

"Of course it's not simple," said Zhuo Chee. "In the past few days, the bottom of the red secluded land was almost completely clarified by her. I originally wanted to cover up this matter, but she just gave a few detailed numbers. Let me have nothing to say. If it is about strength, this woman is slightly inferior to me, but when it comes to the mind, I am afraid that there are not many empires that can be alongside it, especially the means of sinister yīn poison, mandala. The flower is a real name."

"I brought the first round of rebates this time. Our cooperation has already had a good start. Unfortunately, the plan can't keep up with the changes." Chen Rui felt nodded with the same feeling: "Lord, you should understand this. ...I don't have much room for choice,"

"I understand, actually... I don't have it," Zhuo Chee sighed. "His Lord is determined and determined, and he is honest and trustworthy. Although the contact and cooperation time is not long, I have left a very good impression on me. I will I will give you a guarantee in front of the Regent. I hope that you will be able to properly read the old friends of the Red Sealand in the future plan."

Once the Prince of Blacks truly recognizes this plan, he will certainly swallow the biggest piece of interest. Most of the constant wealth will flow into the pockets of the black scorpion, and it will only be a few leftovers left for the Red Horizon. As Isabella said, the conditions of cooperation that a territory can provide cannot be compared to an empire.

"Do not worry, I will definitely consider it. Don't forget, we have the corresponding equality contract. In addition to the rebates brought by today, the number of those promised in advance, I can guarantee that there will be a lot of people in front of adults. As for my younger brother... I gave it to Master Zhuoqi to look after him. He is only one step away from the Holy Class. I hope that the adults can give him some enlightenment properly. If Samuel can really break through to the Holy Class, then thank you. , I will list additional items and work alone with adults,"

Zhuo Che’s eyes lit up and nodded. Chen Rui smiled in the heart, with this "commitment." Not afraid of Zhuo Qi not to supply Samuel as a bodhisattva, for Samuel himself, it will be an important opportunity to reach the holy level.

Chen Rui thought about it and added another sentence: "I don't know why, I have a kind of hunch. It won't be easy to go to the emperor. Do you know if the Lord's adult has any good suggestions?"

Zhuo Che really did not hide it. He introduced the situation of the Imperial Capital. The emperor has a large family with a long history. The forces are deeply rooted. Even if the regent is black, he should be scrupulous. Prince Hei has two cronies, one is Isabella, who controls the finances, one is Rommel, and the current Minister of Military Affairs. The military of the Devil Empire is the traditional three generals. The first general George Wells is now stationed in the northeastern Warlock Fortress. The second general, Doron Russ, leads the Guards and the most elite Red Devils. The third general, Gerant Brian, is stationed at the Fortress of Northwest Tukula.

Chen Rui saw the son of Sergey, who was too many, and had a heartfelt heart for Athena. He was designed to be killed by Chen Rui’s son and the son of the capital’s finance minister, Legu Karon, making General Doron and Legu To become an enemy, Sergei was dismissed from the official position of the Red Devils and left the Imperial Capital. He went to the Tekula Fortress to follow the guards of Jerant. It was equivalent to a kind of mating, mainly to quell the anger of the Karon family.

In addition, there are two court guest secrets, the strength is unfathomable, one is called Krobe lù silk, the other is the same as "Charles", also human, called Nero.

For these two people, even if they are outstanding, they know very little, but one thing is highlighted: In order to get the approval and permission of the prince of the Black Skull, the most important thing is to control Isabe’s finances. Pull this off.

Chen Rui's brow is locked, this woman's mind is still above Sapulina. From the attitude shown earlier, this is definitely not easy.

Zhuo Che even concealed that although this emperor poison flower is very communicative, it is said that no man can really conquer her. If "Charles" can work in this area, it may receive miraculous effects.

Beautiful man? Chen Rui smiled and shook his head. He didn't have the ability, and Isabella is probably a group of Azgalo. From the point of view of strength, she has the power of the demon level, and the **** mask is not suitable for use. It seems that she can only find another way.

The next day, Chen Rui took Isabella and took the carriage to the Imperial Capital.

Along the way, Isabella did not ask Chen Rui the plan or the problem of the Campotel family, and even closed up on this aspect, just asking about some unrelated things like the human world.

Chen Rui knows that the more eager it is, the easier it is to get out of the way, set your mind and be careful. The fragments of his memory about the human world are very vague, but before implementing the whole plan, Chen Rui had spent a few days deliberately listening to Samuel’s story about the known human world. It can be said that now Eighty percent of his knowledge of the ground world is from Samuel, and the remaining 20% ​​is the original "Arthur."

Isabella elegantly tasted the red wine and asked: "Is Charles Charles the Holy Mountain of the Temple of Light?"

This carriage is somewhat similar to Christina's last time. It is a space prop, but there is only one room inside. The facilities are full of tǐng, and there is no bumps.

"The holy mountain of the Temple of Light is the highest faith in the human world. Only the priests of the temple or the pilgrims and believers who are licensed can enter." Chen Ruil smirked and smiled: "I am just a vulgar businessman. There is no such qualification to be sacred."

"So, if I want a snowy Dalai flower of a bright mountain?"

"Snow Dalai? The sacred flower?" Chen Rui frowned. When Samuel introduced the Temple of Light, he once mentioned that the snowy Dalai flower of the holy mountain has a magical light and is praised. For the sacred flower.

I don't know where Isabella heard the name. The key is that Chen Rui's "return to the human world" is purely a scam. If Isabella really wants this flower, she can't give it to her. No words.

Isabella saw Chen Rui’s difficulty and smiled a little: “If you can’t even do this, then should I doubt the true strength of your family in the human world?”

"If it is normal, with the power of the Campotel family, this requirement is difficult, but it is not impossible." Chen Rui is anxious and wise: "Just now the situation is special, we are working with the devil world, and we must not cause the temple. I don’t like to talk empty words, but I can promise the lady, and I will bring a beautiful flower of sacredness to the lady when the time permits.

"In the future? Then it is not good now? But I still feel that tǐng is comfortable. It seems that you have a set of women to deal with, I believe that there should be a lot of women attracted by your charm." Isabella is a little lazy Leaning on the sofa behind, the two groups before the ōng Feng Shou changed the arc slightly with this movement, the end of the black sè stockings faintly reveals the white tutu, and any movement is full of yòuhuò.

"Speaking, I have only two wives and one fiancee until now," Chen Rui shook his head. "As a family heir, my energy needs to be placed on more important matters."

“I like men who know how to be self-disciplined,” Isabella pulled out a smile. “I will remember your promise of ‘future,’ and I will give you an unforgettable gift.”

“Miss Isabella,” Chen Rui slightly hesitated and said: “I believe that you have learned from the leader of Zhuoqi that my family is facing difficulties and my plan of reversing. Zhuo Che’s adult has hinted that I am able to get a regent. The key to the approval of His Royal Highness, I now sincerely ask the lady to help me. After all, the current situation is still not optimistic, and there is not much time left for me."

Isabella is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In the case of Charles, if it is too careless, it will cause suspicion, so Chen Rui directly said the request.

"The Master Zhuo Che is too much to see me. I am just a meager widow." Isabella sighed. "And, Lord Charles does not think that it is too easy to get something that is unreal." It feels like... your plan is the same?"

This seemingly unintentional words made Chen Rui’s heart jump, and the surface remained calm. He said faintly: “So, I have to pay a considerable price to make the lady feel more realistic?”

"Or you can call a sense of fullness." Isabella's flattering tourmaline in the Mid-Autumn Festival, "This feeling is too precious for a woman who is empty all day."

These words are full of teasing hints. If you change a man, you will immediately throw her to the ground and fill the woman's emptiness, let her taste what is full and full.

Chen Rui knows the details of this woman, there is no mourning at all, just cold his eyes: "What is your condition?"

“Now I’m going straight into the theme?” Isabella chuckled. “Do people think you have to do a foreplay? Should a funny man not be more patient with a woman?”

Chen Rui shook his head: "It is undeniable that the charm of the lady makes it almost impossible for me to be self-sustaining. However, responsibility is more important to me than to fun."

"His Lord is really an admirable man," Isabella said with a grin. "Unfortunately, men are usually only responsible for themselves... As for women, it should be your irresponsible object. Isn't it?"

Although Isabella smiled a thousand dollars, but Chen Rui clearly saw the slap in the past, silently.

Isabella saw that he didn't make a sound, but he didn't continue to circle. He said the condition: "Okay... Since Lord Charles is a very responsible man, then go to a place and bring me back to someone. Let's go."

"What place? What is the name and characteristics of that person?" Chen Rui did not refuse or bargain, showing a very refreshing look.

Isabella is very satisfied with his attitude: "The location is in the ruins of Cui Fant, and we will pass by there soon. The name of the person should not be asked, as for the characteristics... it is annoying, very annoying... no matter which guy becomes Whatever it is, it brings me, even if it is a corpse."

Chen Rui has been in the devil world for some time. I haven’t heard of the ruins of the Cui Fante underground. I have also confirmed a question: “Go to the ruins of the Cui Fante underground, bring back a nasty guy, no matter what?”

"Yes, the whole underground ruin should only have that person, even the body should be very fresh, you don't have to worry about finding the wrong person. In fact, this guy has sinned me some time ago, and I was cheated to go there. Now I Suddenly want to see if he is dead or a madman, or change a new trick to let him play." Isabella's tone is very dull, as if it is just a trivial little thing.

Chen Ruil screamed: "Is the Miss suggesting me, if you offend you, will you be terrible?"

"You have too much heart, but... women are very vengeful, can't easily offend." Isabella gracefully rolled a curl of hair in front of her forehead and smiled: "However, if Lord Charles If you do this, then it will not be the one that Isabella hates, and... people may really like you or maybe..."

Chen Rui heard the sound of the string. If it can't be done, then it will become the person she hates. This woman's mind is extraordinary, and yīn is sinister. Now is the key moment of the plan, and she must not let her break the big thing.

"I will do my best to get the lady's goodwill... and help."

Isabella smiled and nodded, and went out to tell the driver a few words and returned to the space, saying: "The ruin is a little dangerous, but for the strong like Charles, Absolutely It’s not a problem. According to the current itinerary, there may be half a day to arrive, the coachman Jader will take you there. I will wait for your good news in the small town of Rhodes, in accordance with the requirements of His Royal Highness, I only have three days of extra time, I believe that your plan does not allow too much time to be delayed, right?"

The "a little bit" danger in Isabella's mouth is absolutely different. The ruins of the Cui Fante underground should be a very dangerous place, and only three days, but this is only a must.

"Right, I will kill Jadel by the way. Recently, I suddenly hated his kind of look." Isabella added an understatement.

"I am willing to serve you, beautiful lady." Chen Rui smiled slightly, but there was a feeling of chilling in his heart. The coachman was considered to be a close person nearby. This woman said killing and killing, it really is a poison that cannot be touched. flower.

"So, Charles, I wish you an early success." Isabella raised her glass with a smile. "Please forgive me for removing the name of the guest."

"This is my honor... Isabella." Chen Rui also picked up the cup, and the two touched the cup. Although they were all pregnant, they also had a tacit smile. ! .

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