Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 338: Diak (five thousand offerings)

After confirming that Nero was leaving, Chen Rui said, "Let's talk about the first step of the cooperation plan. I believe that Miss Isabella should have reported the benefits of this plan to Her Royal Highness. This kind of continuous and abundant. Profit is complete...",

"Isabella just told me the intelligence and the rigorous guarantees she had collected. The rest did not say anything. "Black cockroaches directly interrupted Chen Rui’s sly talk. "Let's talk short, Lord Charles, I want to hear. Yes, the key question I want to hear, this is the only way you can get a satisfactory answer.

"Before this, I was only planning to cooperate with a big lord. I couldn't think of an opportunity to cooperate with an empire, so I have a real plan that I have been brewing for a long time. I should be able to implement it. I can assure my Highness, the Angel Empire. It is the only beneficiary of this plan, and it is my only collaborator. This plan is not only a simple huge wealth for my Highness and me. However, before the first step is detailed, I want to ask the next question." [.]

Blackbird heard Chen Rui’s "not just a simple huge wealth." Eyes fretting "what question."

"There is a saying that there is no money that can't be betrayed. It's just enough to see the chips. I want to ask."... Can Nero and His Royal Highness surpass this rule? Chen Rui wiped the **** mouth of the mouth. "I just thought that my highness was also seen. I don't want to have a sharp blade hanging on my head. I can threaten my life and plan at any time..." Maybe it is our plan..." ,

"Oh, this word is too early for you to use. I have to know your chips first. It's simple. I don't like to hear too much."

Chen Rui really said a few words, and when he listened to these words, he immediately sang "『ù".

No one knows what the black scorpion and the "Muls" talked about in the palace this morning. Just when the man came out of the palace, the smile on his face seemed to be "ōng".

Chen Rui came out of the palace. When he walked to the street of Inner City Street, he saw a sacred demon dressed up in "shì" and "nv". "Charles, Mrs. Isabella invited adults to go outside the city." Donomie Pavilion, please follow me on the carriage."

Chen Rui nodded and followed the "shì" "nv" on a carriage and ran to the outer city.

The “Donomi Pavilion” is also outside the city wall of the outer city. It belongs to the suburbs. It is remote and remote. Chen Rui originally thought it was a restaurant. Now it looks like a house of “sī” people, and I don’t know Isabella. Ask him to come to such a remote place to do something?

"The lady is inside, please come with me."

Chen Rui nodded, but he left more eyes and secretly guarded. Although he had suffered a lot of losses in the face of Nero, his body was extraordinary, and he had a master-level treatment of "yào". At this point, it has recovered ten.

"Please wait for the adults." "shì" "nv" took Chen Rui into the yard and stepped back.

This yard is very large, Chen Rui faintly feels around a strange atmosphere, and this breath has a somewhat familiar feeling.

After waiting for a while, Isabella still did not appear, Chen Rui did not worry, just said in a lightly, "Come out, this little trick doesn't mean anything."

"Hey!" There is a more person in the courtyard. This is a young man. "jīng" is shaking, and the pen of "tǐng" looks simple, but the material is the best. The whole person looks extraordinary. However, Chen Rui always feels that this "uncommon." is a bit of a contrived ingredient.

Racial arrogance. Comprehensive strength assessment c.

Chen Rui’s eyes didn’t look at this guy who was only a demon king, but fell behind him “there is one.”

"Oh?" The voice ""lù"" was a little surprised. The "yīn" shadow behind the young sunspot suddenly became blurred and condensed into a human figure. It was a fair-skinned black-haired man with a look of about forty years old. Wearing a robes of gray "sè", but the skin is too white, it seems to be the bloodless "sè".

Ethnic greed royal variation.

Comprehensive strength assessment ‘. Physique a, strength c, "jīng" God ‘, agile ‘.

The former young man said coldly, "It’s really a bit of power. No wonder you dare to hang around Mrs. Isabella. "Do you know the domain name?"

Chen Rui immediately understood the crux of the problem, frowning. "This is why you cheated me here today?"

"First of all, you have to understand one thing. This is the emperor, not a small place of your origin. The water here is much deeper than yours. If you want to live in this place, or live well. One point, we must understand some rules."

"Do you warn this, is it your own meaning, or is it for others?" Chen Rui ""lù"" looks thoughtfully, "Remember that I offended a guy in Luodan, as if it was still a veteran family. Heir."

"Don't compare my Diak with that guy. Luo Dan is just an incompetent generation of the "nv" who married the Lincoln family. I was the most pure member of the Lucifer royal family!" The young man proudly said, "Isabella is mine. If you don't know anything, you must have a sense of death. This is not a warning. Do you understand?"

It seems that it corresponds to the threat of Diak. The strange middle-aged man with the face of "sè" is getting more and more intense, and some plants in the courtyard are beginning to wither.

Chen Rui nodded and "understood."

"So immediately roll away from Isabella! If I let you see you with her..."

Chen Rui unceremoniously interrupted Diak's words. "I have no interest in Isabella. I am not interested in these boring games that are jealous. I only say one thing, what do I do for Charles, from the small corner that you are not self-righteous." "『sè』" refers to the hand and foot!"

If it is before entering the palace today, he does not want to make a living easily, so as not to affect the plan, but now he has already established a cooperation plan with the black scorpion, naturally no need to bear with it.

As a collaborator, "Charles" has set up an image that is not humble in front of the black prince, especially in the future. In terms of the future, there is no weak attitude at all. The "blueprint" portrayed the black scorpion. This image must be kept forever.

Moreover, the face is never given by others, but earned by himself.

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me! Sulphur!" Diak's eyes flashed coldly, and the body quickly turned back. The gray robes of the sulphur man waved, and a group of black "sè" was fogged. Chen Rui’s body appeared and surrounded him from all sides. It’s the dark magic “the poisonous fog.” It contains a particularly violent poison. If you inhale a little, it will be poisonous and dirty. Rotten, and finally turned into a pile of white bones.

Chen Rui did not move, and let the dark fog enveloped him. In Diak’s gaze, he took a deep breath and the poisonous fog quickly shrank, and he was all sucked up by him.

Diak has seen the sulfur with the sulphuric fog to poison a few Devil-level Warcraft in a short period of time, only to leave the skeleton, I can not think of this person actually do not avoid, take the initiative to take the poison mist out of the air!

琉 『 『 『 『 『 』 』 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 『 』The feather arrow went to Chen Ruifei.

There is a blue 『sè』 round hood around Chen Rui. Those feathers with strong penetrating power can't break the defense of this round hood. They have repeatedly applied several kinds of dark magic, and the protective cover only appeared. The crack is still not broken.

The time limit of the protective cover is that the raspberry is once an hour. Now it has been an hour since the last time with the Nero "āo" hand, so the teleport and the protective cover can be used again.

"This is your threat? I haven't even touched it until now." Chen Rui faintly looked at Diak in the distance. "It seems that you are far worse than Luo Dan, and you will only hide behind others." The incompetent generation."

Diak was furious but didn't dare to come over and cried, "Hey, with your strongest magic, I have to see this guy with his own bones! Don't worry, the people here have been sent away by me!"

Roaring, "jīng" God's power skyrocketed, Chen Rui's ground suddenly broke out of the ground, actually a group of monks, there are forty or fifty, at the same time, a group of ghosts also floated out, ghosts It is an undead creature transformed from a dead person with a powerful "jīng" **** power. It has a strong exemption from physical damage, "xìng", and sometimes it is completely immune.

Not only that, but there are more than two creatures that I have never seen before. The face is "sè", and the appearance is awkward. The claws in the brown 『sè』 robes have sharp nails, and the cracked corners are hidden. Terrible tooth decay.

Ethnic vampire undead, comprehensive strength ‘physique 曰, strength 『jīng』God ‘, agile ‘

The appearance of the previous undead creatures did not surprise Chen Rui, because he had felt a little bit of undead in the courtyard, and with the analysis of the eye, he was already sure that the other party was really good at undead magic.

Actually met another necromancer!

The appearance of this vampire still makes Chen Rui somewhat surprised. This undead creature is very complicated to manufacture, because no suitable "materials have been found." Last time Guladam did not see it in the border town, I couldn’t think of it. There will be two vampires in the middle of the big devil! If Guladam knows, he will definitely have two eyes.

The vampire's speed and strength, Joan, can automatically heal the wound, and there is a certain "jīng" magical power of God, which is quite difficult, plus the dark magic of the cockroach itself, no wonder that Diak has a look of fearlessness.

However, the appearance of the embarrassment seems very difficult, and a lot of sweat is on the head. It seems that "cào" control of these two vampires has already consumed his great strength, this power of control, and Guladam only used The projection of the horror knight who can control the big devil level is simply no more than "xìng".

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn, and his body shape was broken. He rushed toward Diak. Diak knew that he was not an opponent. He was shocked and quickly started a magic ring. The body was suddenly stunned by a silver 『sè』 Wrapped up is obviously a protective prop.

Not waiting for Chen Rui to attack Diak, the two vampires behind him have been close to the phantom, and the speed is amazing. Chen Rui reluctantly gave up the "planning of holding up Diak." The figure swayed and fled to the inside room. .

"Catch him! Don't let him escape!" Diak was shocked and shouted. The previous demeanor had already been "dàng".

Chen Rui did not choose the road, did not choose the big "mén", but fled into several houses all the way. Almost self-seeking dead road, the vampire behind it followed, in the twinkling of an eye, three figures have not entered the house in the distance, even the time is too late to shoot, can only control the ghost to chase.

When he was about to pursue, he felt a strange breath coming from the house, accompanied by a devastating atmosphere that made his soul tremble. His power was weakened for a little and a half, and he immediately ate. Surprised, I felt the ground tremor and I could hear the sound of the building breaking and collapsing.

It didn't take long for this kind of sound to end, and the terrible breath disappeared. The screams screamed and screamed in pain. In the eyes, "『" uttered the incredible **** "sè".

A figure appeared in the courtyard momentarily, and two things were thrown on the ground.

It is the two vampires, one of which has no head, as if it was smashed by a sharp blade, and a "ōng" mouth wears a big "dòng". Although it is not dead, it has completely lost its combat power, and this "dòng" is still It is gradually expanding at the speed visible by the eyes of "ròu", and I don't know what the terrible erosion power is, so that it can't heal itself.

琉『『cào』』Control these two vampires with their own level are using some kind of fusion of the mind, now the vampire is seriously injured, and the "jīng" God's wounds are quite serious.

"Damn!" The body of the cockroach trembled violently. "Jīng" God's heavy blows were gone. He was distressed by counting two vampires. This is his greatest effort, and he was so easily destroyed!

What makes him amazed is that not only the vampires, but even those ghosts have lost their senses, and it seems that they have all been killed.

Just a short time...

What happened in that room? What is this power?

Without waiting for the next magic, Chen Rui ghostly appeared again behind him, only one blow, let the undead magician fainted to the ground. The surrounding people stopped their movements, and one fell, as if they had lost their strange life.

Chen Rui’s practical skills and tactics have reached a level of maturity. If you play **** the ground in the yard, there is a “mén” royal family with the dark magic, and the vampire’s powerful combat power. It is not easy for Chen Rui to win, if it is quick, or if he wants to use the card of Yanlong. Introducing the vampire into the house, one can avoid the violent "lù" self-power, and the second can use the terrain to break through, in combination with the dark star field, the artifact "Thunder" and the power of the broken Yuan knife, it really did. Solve the two vampires as quickly as possible. As for the ghosts, it is a piece of cake.

"Correct you, I am not escaping." Chen Rui smiled and walked toward the incredible Diak. "I just don't want you to see my strength. I don't know what the emperor has." Rules, but there is a rule, no matter where it is common. That is, fist."

Diak did not expect to send out the two strongest vampires, and they were all solved so easily. Looking at Chen Rui, who is slowly approaching, wants to escape. The double "tuǐ" is like a lead-filled one. .

This "Charles." It's terrible!

Even more terrible is the Taoist temple method of Gangfeng, who can no longer use the child in a short time.

"Don't kill me! I am a royal family! If...", the words were still unfinished, and the stomach was heavily punched, and suddenly it hurts to bend down, and even the tears are hurting.

Before he could open his mouth again, and under the ribs, Diak clearly heard the sound of his rib fracture, screamed and fell to the ground.

Diak nodded quickly and slammed the wound, and even the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath. "I am forgiving! It’s when I blink my eyes, I get into the adults, and I won’t dare anymore...",

If Diak has been hard-pressed, Chen Rui will look at it differently, but this guy first hides behind others and gesticulates his feet. Now he is swaying and pitiful, and it really makes people look down.

However, Chen Rui is very clear in his heart. This guy is begging for mercy. He must have hated his teeth and wonders how to retaliate...

Diak is a member of the royal family. If he kills directly, he will definitely have endless troubles. It may affect the plan. If he does not kill, he will continue to suffer from innocence. Chen Rui does not want to be on guard against a mad dog.

Chen Rui’s gaze fell on the necromancer who fainted to the ground, and faintly asked, “I want to live?”

If Diak’s head is licking garlic, as long as the pass is over today, there must be hundreds of revenge!

"So..., take off your clothes right away!"

Diak stayed and thought he had got it wrong.

"Take the clothes "kù" all out! I don't say the third time!" Chen Rui's body faintly exudes a terrible devastating atmosphere."

Diak had a chill, remembering that some of the nobles who liked the male style, only a sense of coolness rose from the spine. He never thought that he would face a crisis of being blasted one day. This really began to regret the move to provoke the other party today. Which one is the "hún" egg saying that this relationship between Charles and Isabella is warm? He clearly likes men...

Chen Rui’s murderous murder made Diak chill more, and at the same time, the chrysanthemum "huā" was tighter, finally trembled and took off the clothes, as if they were going to be humiliated by the weak "nv" son.

When Diak took off his last short "kù" with tears, the other party’s order came "to take off his clothes too!"

This grandfather still wants to play double flight? Diak burst into tears and reached out to the necromancer who was faint "mí".

However, things do not seem to go in the direction of the most worried.

"Well, you hug him, yes, this is the teaching of the posture,"..."

"The expression is warmer..."

""wěn" his change the posture to teach",..."


Chen Rui endured nausea and put on the memory crystal in his hands. He constantly directed the two "lulu" men to put on various warm postures. Of course, it was just a pose, and did not let the two guys really "deep." "āo" stream.

"Okay! Put on your clothes."

Chen Rui’s voice stopped some numb Diak and quickly put on his clothes.

"The scenes of your intimacy just in this memory crystal." Chen Rui throws away the crystal in his hand. "Today's business, I can't happen. But if I know that you dare to have little tricks behind, then this crystal will Copy it into countless copies and distribute it to every corner of the Angel Empire. If you want to be famous, try it.

"You"... You are the real evil." Diak is soft on the ground. Please remember the URL, if you like "jīng", "The "Nv" of the Devil"

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