Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 344: Assistant (I wish all the brothers and sisters of the college entrance exam succeed)


Same as the experimental assistant... and the experimental product.

The above is the daily life of the sub-valley (self-styled) of the Rainbow Valley.

The first two are still over, the most creepy is the third. Chen Rui seems to have returned to the scene of Ardas when he just passed through the devil world. However, the dark elf master is compared with the fairy dragon, simply It is as harmless as a white rabbit.

After being discovered by Lola, the body's anti-magic xìng, Chen Rui has to accept all kinds of magical "baptism" every day. The fairy dragon tries every means to directly destroy his anti-magic body, but the super system gives the powerful iìng. Even a powerful dragon language spell can reduce half the damage.

Miss Fairy Dragon persistently insisted on her attempt, and someone's screams in the magical light of Wuyanliu sè endlessly, resounding through the entire rainbow valley.

In order to make the hún fruit and the ancient runes, you can only stick to your teeth.

Is Mao for two base friends?

Not a beauty?

Tears filled with tears...

"Are you sure that there is only a feeling of numbness and pain?" Lola looked suspiciously and fell to the ground.

Chen Rui, who is smoking on his body, asks, "Do you want to stop trying again? Last time!"

"The third last time! You won't change it? But if you come again, I will really die!" Chen Rui was almost turned into a barbecue by the kind of bursting magic, and said with anger: " Anyway, this way, I can't do dinner for a while."

"It doesn't matter, noon is not specifically letting you do something more, even if you are faint, this lady still has something to eat."

Chen Rui suddenly realized that it was no wonder that at noon she praised the bacon pancakes and asked him to make more pieces. He thought that he wanted to keep the nightingale, but he could not think of this kind of premeditated. He secretly vowed that the three meals a day must be rationally supplied, and no longer can be used like this!

"You should have felt that there is a kind of virulence in the body that can make the body's defense ability completely collapse. That kind of virulence is the real killing trick hidden in this flame magic." Rolla frowned, since Language: "Is it a physical difference? Or is there a special place for this guy's physique?"

In fact, that kind of virulence is absorbed by the super system. Unfortunately, the damage of magic can't be completely absorbed. Chen Rui is afraid that she will discover the secret of regeneration and spiriting. She quickly shook her head: "I am sure, you must have made a mistake!" ”

"Impossible, I tried it myself several times last time, clearly feeling that kind of..."

"You personally" Chen Rui just experienced the experience, it is very clear how unbearable the pain is, and the physique of the fairy dragon should be the weakest of the dragons, and there is no anti-magic genus like the crystal dragon or the black dragon. I can’t think of her. ......

"I said that the best knowledge comes from practice. This is the quality that a great researcher should have." The fairy dragon proudly said, ready to meet the eyes of the assistant worship.

Chen Rui’s feeling at this moment is that the hair is straight and vertical. No wonder Paglieu once said: “In order to test, the crazy woman can dissect herself without hesitation.”

Lola can be so embarrassed to herself, then his assistant is actually a trial, is it...

"Okay, stop here today. You should drink this bottle of medicine first. This test will continue tomorrow, take a rest."

Lola’s understanding of care is actually a hope that the experimental product will return to normal state quickly, so that the next test will be carried out, adding: “As long as you can persist until the end of the month, I will give the fruits of Ann Hún. you."

"Is not right!" Although Chen Rui is a little dizzy, but still quite awake in the matter of Ann Hún fruit, "What you said three days ago is that as long as I can cooperate with you to complete these three days of experiments, give I am hún fruit, how is it now!"

"I said this?" The fairy dragon couldn’t think of anything. This appearance made Chen Rui feel bad and made preparations for "sacrifice" in advance.

"Li Cha, you got it wrong!" Chen Rui did not speak, and it looked so good.

Rolla shook her head resolutely: "You must have remembered it wrong! I am now solemnly guaranteed by Rolla's name..."

When Lara’s words were not finished, a piece of crystal in Chen Rui’s hands began to speak in the same tone, and it was still the full version: “This lady is now solemnly guaranteed by Rolla’s name, as long as you cooperate with me to finish these three days. Experiment, let alone an Anúún fruit, even if I can give you an whole Annuún fruit tree!"

Chen Rui secretly smug, knowing your virtues, but fortunately there was evidence left at the time to see what else Lola had to say.

Lola stayed and turned around, without any warning, Chen Rui's hand-sounding stone suddenly became light, and turned into a pool of ointment powder on the ground.

"What voice?" The fairy dragon was actually a ignorant and ignorant look. She turned back and asked curiously.

"Chen Rui pointed at Lola, and he was so angry that he couldn't say anything to be a man. You can't be shameless to this extent!"

Do you have a lower limit and a lower limit?

"To be honest, how long will this ruin experiment be?"

Rolla did not pretend to be stupid this time, seriously thought: "At least three months?"

"Three months? You just said that it is the end of the month?" If it is not a total body fatigue, Chen Rui almost wants to jump up and yell.

"Oh, that's how it is……"

I haven't waited for Lola to continue to get used to being in a daze. Chen Rui has taken the lead: "An hún fruit is very important to me. I know that I am not your opponent, but if you really want a like-minded person, cooperate with you to test, really right. If you are a helpful assistant, give me the fruits of Ann Hún now. Otherwise, you will only get an experimental product that will not do anything in the future and will not say a word, numbness."

"Unfortunately, I hate threats the most."

The glasses piece passed through a glimmer of light, and the surface of the roller sè cooled down. The purple hair sè slowly danced slowly, without wind and automatic.

"And, you are just a weak experiment, you are not qualified to marry me!"

Don't forget, this is the fairy dragon of the peak of the Emperor, even if it was the poison dragon in the peak period of that year, he also fled with his tail.

Chen Rui felt that the elements around him became more and more intense. The test of Peace Day was different. Through a strong murderousness, he immediately said: "My value is fully qualified to be a real assistant, not your servant or experimental product. Take your magical props for washing clothes. Originally, washing with water is a good effect, but drying with fire elements can easily affect the material of the clothes, and the water and fire elements themselves are quite conflicting. It's quite difficult. If you accidentally, you may destroy your clothes. My opinion is to replace the fire element drying device with a simple device, and add a magical array of wind elements, which is safer and more efficient, and does not need to consider the source conflict between the elements. Even a person without magic power can use it easily."

Chen Rui reluctantly supported the body, and in the air, it was a devil's version of the washing machine. The power of the elements of the fairy dragon gradually dissipated, listening to his explanation and the structure of the magical element of the wind element. The expression was quite serious, and there was no such thing. a kind of "staying" appearance.

"It turns out that you are also proficient in the theory of mechanics. But what I appreciate more is creativity. Although it is only a small improvement, it is an amazing innovation." Rolla l screamed for it, and did not feel that it was just a small props improvement. It does not matter that it has nothing to do with power. This is the respect for knowledge and creation.

"There are still many things in my mind..."

The fairy dragon looked at him for a while, thought about it carefully, and finally nodded: "Well, from now on, you are my real assistant. You can go to the fruit for a while, but the magic array in front of you wants Try to solve it yourself, I won't help you."

It’s not the last time that I’m not in a hurry!

Chen Rui’s heart is moving for a while, and Longkou’s tooth extraction is not easy! Ann Hún's fruit is finally at hand, and there is hope for learning the ancient runes.

"So my job..."


"Real assistant?"

"It’s the same as before." (Speaking dumbly)


No matter how this time, the fairy dragon has a rare rebound in the bottom of the game, and the health of the hún fruit has not risen again. Chen Rui is willing to get the treasure of the heart of the repair, and even the whole hún fruit tree is allowed by the Lola. Incorporated into the star huā garden.

In fact, many years ago, after Rolla completed a certain experiment, the fruit of An Hún became a chicken rib, so it was only a generous one, and it was considered necessary. However, Chen Rui expressed his doubts about how to collect Ann Hún fruit tree fairy dragon. Fortunately, when Chen Rui took out his property, he showed the "space" talent, and finally méng mixed up.

Chen Rui dripped the juice of Ann Hún's fruit on the heart of the earth element. The original crack of the element began to heal. The atmosphere of the earth element was also more abundant. It is estimated that it will heal completely within a few days.

An hún fruit is just one of the purposes of Chen Rui’s stay in the Rainbow Valley. Another more important reason is the ancient rune, and the time of the earth element king is completely within the time, so Chen Rui did not immediately think about running away, but stayed down. And continue to serve as the so-called "real assistant."

Although it is still a test of ten chefs who do not change the medicine, Chen Rui still learns a lot of things in the fairy dragon here. The biggest gain is “space”.

Space magic has been lost in the devil world, even Rolla will only be one or two. However, the creation ability of this fairy dragon makes Chen Rui have to write a service word in her heart. She uses the two kinds of magic that has been handed down to create Out of her own space power, this rainbow valley is one of the most representative works, not only that, she also has her own separate storage space, without any space props. This is already comparable to the storage space of the super system, but the size is far from being comparable to the huge storage space.

For Chen Rui, space magic is not the focus of his attention, but the unique knowledge of space theory.

For example, other magic emperors and even demons are still moving forward little by little or a vein. Chen Rui, though not as powerful as he has, has direct points, lines, faces and the entire space structure. The concept of it.

Not only a thin theory, but also the practice and power of personal demonstration in the Rolla test.

The one-dimensional two-dimensional three-dimensional space, together with time and space, is the composition of the whole world. (For the concept of "five-dimensional six-dimensional", even if the theory of the original world is not completely perfect, he did not go further.)

Chen Rui feels that this should be the real mystery of the field. Recall that when the super system was initialized, the change of space and the concept of time seemed to produce a kind of comprehension.

As long as you can fully understand this concept and truly master the power of the world, you can break through the "legal environment" in front of you and reach the "deformation" of the next star.

The only pity is that the fairy dragon still hasn't penetrated the relevant knowledge of the ancient accus, so she can't bear the children can't beat the wolf. Chen Rui can only continue to sacrifice his "female body".

For the fairy dragon, such an assistant really satisfied the dragon.

First of all, he is a very good experimental product, much stronger than the previous Warcraft, and almost undead body, every time can tǐng through those powerful experiments, just like some kind of "small strong" in the legend of the devil.

The special physique has actually been seen by the fairy dragon, not only the physique, but also the special space storage talent, the special space teleportation ability (can pass through the general space limit), but the Lola has no violence. Special test intentions so as not to intimidate him. This guy is likely to hide more treasures, even if it is not, it is also a "treasure."

An excellent dragon will not only collect money, but also manage money, learn to put long lines, catch big fish, and slowly explore this huge treasure house.

Then, he is a very creative and capable assistant, some ingenious ideas for conception and improvement, even if the fairy dragon himself is not screamed (of course, someone is more plagiarized in another world).

In terms of machine technology, it seems to have reached the level of senior masters, and the ability to do it is very strong. After some instruments have been improved, the efficiency has been greatly improved, and many discarded and aging props have been repaired. In the Long language inscriptions and magic arrays, there is also a unique understanding. In some respects, Lola can't compare with him.

Not only the craftsmanship, this guy's cooking has reached the master The jealous innovation is also reflected in the food, and Lola has never tasted such a novel and delicious for thousands of years. food.

It is a pity that it is not a long dragon with a long life.

Oak, the strength is too weak.

In short, it is still a very good servant amount, the amount of experimental products, forget it, or call it an assistant.

However, what makes Rolla dissatisfied is that today the assistant actually proposed to leave the Rainbow Valley.

Was the "baptism" of yesterday's thunderstorms too overdone?

Or was the last time that promised ten times the day before yesterday exceeded his promise?

Or when I add a bath water the day before, I inadvertently see her ōng part being stunned and hateful?

Rolla flipped the old account with a question mark, but her face was stupid.

Humph! Anyway, Miss Ben will not let you go! ! .

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