Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 359: Thunder and heart

Chapter 359, Thunder and Heartbeat

After receiving an urgent message from the prison, General Doron Russ was shocked and immediately rushed to the prison. ~~

Just as he was about to arrive, he only heard a loud noise, followed by a mountain shake, as if it were a landslide. The mutated magic horse under Duolun’s seat showed considerable horror and almost turned him back. .

This loud noise was thundering in the middle of the night, and the tremor was quite large. Almost bō and half of the inner city, the lights were lit everywhere, and many people who were alarmed came out to check the situation. .

The direction of the loud noise is the secret, and Duolun gave up the mount without thinking, and the figure was like the wind, and it has disappeared in place.

The secret that has always been so strict has become a mess at this time. The 13th prison in the independent courtyard has been completely collapsed. Due to this terrible power, most of the prison’s prisons have suffered serious damage and are full of heads. Khan’s fat warden, Kabang, loudly ordered the jailers to hunt down the prisoners who escaped the opportunity, but for the biggest “prisoner”, no one dared to go to death.

"Charles" looks awkward at this time, but no one dares to despise this horrible man, because this prisoner has just destroyed the most unbreakable jail on the 13th, knowing that it is the strongest detained or even the emperor. Prison!

In fact, Chen Rui himself is also screaming for luck. Ze Lei’s power is much stronger than he imagined. After completely removing the power of the dragon’s inscriptions, Chen Rui specially took out the props from the storage space and placed the protective magic array. And took out the magic shield, but the terrible power instantly destroyed the magic array, fortunately there is the magic shield, the first magical first armor, otherwise the next oolong can be placed. Of course, you can also use the door of the starry sky to escape to a point away from the emperor, but this is obviously not what he wants.

Seeing that terrible enemy stepped in his direction step by step, Sartre was full of horror. He would rather escape in the eyes of the public and would not dare to fight this crazy guy again. Just if I didn’t see the machine early, I desperately escaped from prison. His current patriarch of the Lincoln family has become history like the collapsed prison of the 13th.

"Charles!" There was a loud bell-like drink in the air, overwhelming all the noisy noises, and the jailers of the prison were relieved: the second empire of the empire, Duolun Russ, finally arrived!

Sartre’s heart was finally put down, at least he didn’t have to face the madman.

Just a little calm down the fat boy Kabang heart: In any case, he has direct responsibility for today's events.

Chen Ruiyi looked up and saw Duolun suspended in the air. Duolun was condescending, and the moonlight saw the appearance of the whole prison, especially the scene of the 13th prison. It’s the chill of the bones.

Chen Rui looked at Duolun, who was slowly landing, and did not panic, still maintaining a calm tone: "General Duolun, I asked you to meet with the Royal Regent of the Regent, remember that your answer is to bring imprisonment. The shackles have no power. So, now, I have this power."

Seeing the other party’s demonstrations and raising the empty wrists, Duolun’s face is more yīn Shen: “Of course, I will let your body have this power.”

"If the General of the General really wants to do this, then in the future, I will see more than one of the bodies of His Royal Highness, and it is likely that there will be Lord General and the patriarch of the Lincoln family behind you, and everyone here. 3 ∴"

"I don't want to say anything! I have to see how much you can be a so-called senior consultant!" Duolun has already had a giant sword in his hand. This sword has a length of three meters. It is the second general of the empire. The usual weapon "crushed soul" seems to have shown contempt in the mouth of Duolun, but I still attach great importance to this opponent. I am ready to go all out as soon as I come up.

"The situation of the 13th prison believes that you have already seen it. This is actually not my real strength, but the help of something. This kind of thing... I can do it once."

This sentence makes the face of Duolun and Sartre change at the same time. Even if the power of the Emperor does not have any imprisonment, it must be impossible to destroy the 13th prison. Even the ordinary magician will not work. The strength of "Charles" should not have reached the realm of the Emperor. The reason why it can destroy the 13th prison is definitely to use some kind of magic props. This "Charles" has already admitted. However, that item can still be used once! This open space is not the 13th prison. To really let the power of the previous outbreak, everyone in the scope is afraid of being a smog.

"Now the General of the General believes that I have this ability. I don't want to say anything ugly. There is only one requirement, that is, I will immediately meet with His Royal Highness!" Chen Rui’s words deliberately used some kind of power and spread far away. Come.

"You are threatening me?" Duolun's sword swayed and pointed to Chen Rui. The atmosphere of a forced stock was spread around him. Even if he was behind Sartre, he couldn't help but step back.

"I am threatening you!" Chen Rui sneered, and there is already one more thing in his hand.

"As long as I force it to crush it, the explosion will be repeated again and again. It is estimated that half of the inner city and even the palace will be affected. You are the highest commander of the ban, the responsibility of the emperor is safe, once it happens really The consequences, even if you go with me, it is hard to blame, then your family's lightest is also an exile!"

Doron’s heart was shocked. “Charles” is right. If the terrible props are really launched and they die here, then the Russ family who lost their shelter may face a disaster, just before the son Sergey and The hatred of the Karon family will be horrified.

"Now, please send someone to pass the palace immediately and say what I want." Chen Rui said coldly: "This is the last time I used the word 'please'."

In fact, the number of powers is doubled, and Chen Rui is not Zele in his hands, but he knows that Doron is afraid to gamble and gamble.

Sure enough, the blue gluten on Duolun’s forehead took a while, but the power gradually converges. Seeing this scene, Chen Rui’s face has a faint smile.

Half an hour later, Chen Rui’s figure appeared in the palace of the palace. There was only one person in front of him, and it was the reign of the empire’s supreme ruler, the black king.

The black-browed brow that had received a detailed report wrinkled and looked at the human being without saying a word.

Chen Rui accepted the black eyes with a look of contempt and said: "I killed the heirs of the Lincoln family, two important members of the veteran family, and a sideline royal family, and destroyed the thirteen. No. Jail, the Royal Highness of Regent, don’t you want to say something?”

The black brow wrinkled more tightly, and he replied half a sigh: "What to say is, it should be you, Charles."

Chen Rui heard that he even saved the words of his two words, and shook his head: "What do I want to say? I said that I risked to travel through the space to the devil world, and sent huge benefits to the angelic empire, but Inexplicably encountered an ambush and was forced to fight back? Or, when I came to the Devil World to bring more surprises to your Highness, I was caught in the darkest prison before I met, and I was almost brought in. Detective's Sartre's corpse?"

Hearing this kind of accountable tone, the black eyes looked a little more cold.

"Don't you want to explain why, why would I be treated like this unfairly? I am not the person of the Angel of the Angels under your rule, nor the person of this demon world! If I want to go, before I am caught in the secret Yes!" It seems that in order to prove his own words, Chen Rui has already had a light door in front of him, the door of the starry sky. "Why would I be willing to stay and suffer this kind of sin? If it wasn’t for me to keep my life, I was already dead. Damn jail!"

After Chen Rui’s completion of a squat, it seems to have returned to calmness: “His Royal Highness, before we decide whether the cooperation will continue, you should first look at the gifts that I bring to you!”

"Gift?" Black brow stretched a few points and asked a question.

Chen Rui looked at the sè and judged that Heizhen did not receive the gift he had given to Isabella. It seems that Rommel’s words are not empty, but he did not reveal the matter, but took another one. The box came, opened, and slowly drifted to the black scorpion under the control of power.

The black scorpion reached out and took the box. This action seemed to be random. In fact, it contained powerful power, in order to beware of this human being's means of destroying the 13th prison. However, the unexpected things did not happen. There is a delicate crystal bottle in the box. The black scorpion is a person who knows the goods. At a glance, the crystal bottle is exquisitely crafted and of extraordinary value. There are some black liquids in the crystal bottle, and there is a delicate small sign on the side.

When Black Eyes passed over the text on the sign, it suddenly shocked and the eyes solidified.

There are only four words on the sign: Resurrection.

This black sè potion!

And it is one of the two black sè agents that represent the highest master level!

"This is..." Black cockroaches couldn't help but ask one more question. If this is really a resurrection pharmacy, then he must re-evaluate the value of "Charles"!

"I want to use the power of my Highness, I should be able to see the four words on the sign. Yes, this is the highest level of the Grand Master black sè potion, resurrection potion!"

Seeing the sorrow of the black scorpion, Chen Ruil took out his proud expression. "I said before, the most important part of the comeback plan has been successful. I have already received the approval of the hidden master. It has also become his famous disciple. This is the teacher's work, and the gift that I brought to His Highness this time! Forgot to introduce, in our human world, there is only one pharmacist who is known as the Archbishop Pavaro of the Temple of Light. However, Pavaro can only configure two kinds of eternal pharmacy, eternal thoughts and eternal power, and my teacher Sun Sizhen, although unknown, is a true master who has reached the highest level! Pavaro is In front of him, he can only be regarded as an apprentice!"

Although Chen Ruikou said this, but his heart is secretly praying to the Tang Dynasty drug king of another world, Sun God fairy, disciple now spread your prestige to the outside world, please bless...

One of the most important things in the "plan" that Chen Rui had said to the black scorpion was to get the full support of a sinister pharmacist. If it succeeds, and then cooperate with the financial resources of the Campotel family, It is not a luxury to get the recognition of his father, Rex, or even to further the throne.

For this reason, the black scorpion specially asked about the same thing as the human Nero. What Chen Rui said just now is true. In the human world, only the Archbishop of Pavaro in the Temple of Light can configure two kinds of eternal pharmacy. The hidden masters have never heard of it, so Hei has always been skeptical about the "Charles" plan, even when Chen Rui brought back one billion black crystal coins.

However, if the Sun Siyi teacher can create a resurrection pharmacy, it is definitely a great master who is far from the archbishop of Pavaro! As for the rest of the eternal system, the true black sè potion, naturally it is not a problem.

The key is, is the medicine in this bottle a real resurrection?

The black scorpion calmed down and said: "Since this is a gift for me, can I dispose of it at will?"

"Of course." Chen Rui understood the black mind and nodded.

The black scorpion immediately sent a magic dog to the heart, and the mind was moved. The dog had died of bloodshed seven times. Then, under the action of the pharmacy, the magic dog miraculously survived, although it appeared to be weak, but this pharmacy The role is absolutely beyond doubt!

The real resurrection potion! The hand of the black scorpion holding the crystal bottle resisted and trembled. This should be the first time in the tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years! Even the pharmacist Rosenbach, who was 9000 years ago, can only be equipped with eternal potions!

After verifying that this is the real resurrection agent, the black cockroaches can not help but feel the heartache, such a precious pharmacy, actually làng fee on a magic dog. However, as long as there is this human being, the source of the medicinal agent will not be smashed in the future!

There is no real pharmacist in the devil world, let alone the top-level masters. Once the black sè agent comes out, it will definitely cause a shock. As long as it can monopolize this unique and precious resource, it will not only bring huge wealth, but also its political influence is unparalleled.

The empire's veteran family and some of the army or territory that disobeyed him will really bow down to the minister. His regent king can become a real emperor. And as long as the means are right, even the remaining two empires will look at the angel empire, and there is no need to look at the face of the **** empire and the yīn shadow empire as before.

"Well, your Highness has already disposed of your gift, and I should leave." Chen Rui said without saying a word.

"Charles!" is also not using the "Lord" such a title, but the tone of the black singer is completely different from the previous one, and the look of Chen Rui is completely different - there is more than one empire in the devil world, once Charles is gone And cooperate with other empires, then Black Scorpion believes that he will hate today's mistakes in his life.

Even if Lei Zen the Great and Catherine the Great encounter this situation, they can't be tempted!

"I have said that nothing can affect the cooperation between us. It used to be, so now, and in the future! I can give you everything you want!"

"What I need is trust and sincerity." Chen Ruil smiled, and the fish finally bite, the black crystal coins, the black sè medicine, and the personal risk, the price was finally in vain.

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