Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 363: Accident in the test of the rune

The 367th chapter of the accident test

Rainbow Valley (). 3∴

Miss Nv Long is still the dress of the pair of glasses long skirts. When she sees "Li Cha" appear again in front of her eyes, Lola pulls out a moving smile. This touching smile makes Chen Ruichao somewhat lost, really, except Exciting beauty, Miss Nv Long's kind of quiet and elegant knowledge is also full of charm.

However, Chen Rui immediately returned to normal, even vigilant, because he knows best, how much danger behind this charm.

"You are back, hard work." The tone of knowing the beauty of nv is like a wife waiting for a man to go home, but the next sentence will smash her true intention: "Is the slate of the ancient rune brought back?"

Sure enough, it’s still so direct...

Chen Rui nodded: "I have saved the friend named Moore with the soul of the soul, as a thank you, he gave me the remaining slate..."

The words have not been finished, Xian nv dragon immediately appeared in front of his eyes, grabbed his shoulder: "Really? Great! Come out to me!"

The distance between the two sides is too close, and they can already smell the faint scent that came from the body of Luo, and even see the gully in the first two groups of ōng, but the roller does not care. Similarly, Chen Rui does not dare to Look, just ask: "Then I learned the ancient accusations..."

"No problem ()! Packed on this lady! Who makes you a good assistant for me!"

The most important thing is good experimental products. The two said at the same time in their hearts.

Look at Lola's posture, even if he is to find his slate, he may also delve into his "space power", Chen Rui immediately took out a slate from the storage space.

Lola took over the past, and swayed the slate. As in the previous time, the slate began to show a lot of symbols suspended in the air. Chen Rui immediately turned on the depth analysis, and the computer quickly recorded many symbols.

Lola seems to be using this method to test the integrity of the slate. Seeing Chen Rui’s intent to stare at the runes of the ancient runes, Miss Nv Long’s eyes are appreciative: this Richard is indeed a good student and respects knowledge. Guy, if he has the talent of the ancient runes, may wish to give him some advice in this regard.

The rune gradually disappeared, and the fairy nv dragon satisfactorily put away the slate, and suddenly a trace of doubt: "Where is your friend from nòng to these slate? Is there still?"

Chen Rui knew that she had this kind of problem and replied: "My friend is a strong emperor. This slate was obtained by chance at a chance hundreds of years ago. Several partners faced a strong enemy, and finally defeated this enemy. The slate was obtained from the enemy. Unfortunately, only a part of it was captured. It is said that this enemy is a dragon with the strength of the peak, but the state Not very good, they are using the power of these slate to heal, otherwise they will not be opponents even if they join forces."

Xian nv dragon glasses film across a trace of jīng light: the peak of the emperor level dragon? Crystal Dragon Jacob? As for the injury... Perhaps the old wound left in the battle with Paglieu in the past, perhaps the injury suffered by a strong enemy. Jacob is also barely acquainted with the inscriptions of the dragon language. It should be able to use the special forces of the ancient slate to treat special physiques. It seems that there should be no problem, but it is a pity that only nòng has two, the slang Still not complete enough, many problems still can not be answered (). Book mí group 2

Crystal Dragon Jacob is the deadly enemy of Lola. Hearing "Li Cha" and his friends are also the enemies of the Crystal Dragon. When Miss Nv Long Miss regrets that the slate is not enough, it is a bit more for Chen Rui. Good feeling, but the biggest reason is naturally the precious slate of the ancient rune that he offered.

"Miss Lola, there are seven changes in these two symbols, and the ... laws are very similar, are there some connections, or are they in the same category?" Chen Rui thought, drawing ten symbols underground. One is the last slate, one is just seen, although the accurate answer can not be obtained in the depth analysis, but the type and change can be accurately determined.

Lola is amazed, and her eyes are swept away to appreciate the sè. With her rumors, she can naturally see the accuracy of these fourteen idioms. Those changes can be described as accurate. I don’t think this "Li Cha" actually has this aspect. Talent, plus the magical array, the inscriptions of the dragon language and the accomplishments of the craftsmanship, can be regarded as all-rounders.



"Can you..."

"Ah?" Miss Nv Long Miss l took out the habit of ignoring her face, and answered a question, "I am a little hungry."


Sure enough, it started again, pseudo-natural stay, stupid, belly black...

As a result, the life of chefs, chores, and experimental products began to follow...

Perhaps because of the relationship between the two ancient slate slate, or perhaps the strong learning talent that Chen Rui showed, Lola has made a slight change in his attitude. This change is mainly reflected in the more careful and persistent experiment. Satisfied conclusions will never give up - I believe that this eager assistant will be moved by her research.

In fact, the eager amateurs almost burst into tears every time. Of course, they were not touched, but they were tortured by some experiments. Many of the experiments of Miss Nv Long looked beautiful and colorful, and they were a hundred times more beautiful than the secrets of the Emperor. When it comes to the level of danger, the prison is simply a leisure resort ().

Speaking of the secret, you can't help but mention the fat man, the prisoner of the Chen Rui space ring, Kabang. After learning about the incident at the pilgrimage, the fat man rushed to the scene and stayed outside the palace and just left. The court's senior adviser, he hurriedly returned the space ring to him.

In fact, this ring is just a hidden object, the number is not particularly large, for the fat man was originally a lot of income, smug for a few days, but learned that this prisoner has overthrown the Lincoln family and After the military minister, the fat man even beat several jī spirits, and the fear in his heart could not be added. He immediately returned the ring back intact, and added a lot of filial piety to it.

"Not yet..." Chen Rui found the ring and looked at it. Suddenly, he frowned and let the fat man scream, and then the consultant adult shook his head: "Forget it, say it is your reward, do it well, I am optimistic about you."

After saying this, the consultant adult went away, and the fat warden was on the spot and almost cried. Because Chen Rui said this sentence, many people have heard it, most of them are waiting for, planning to invite "Charles" of the family members, and even the elders family. These people are unanimously screaming out of sè, no wonder "Charles" can break through the thirteenth prison, it is bought this fat man!

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, the fat man is finally caught up in the whirlpool by this sentence, even if he can climb ashore alive, he will also lose a few pounds of féiròu.

In the days that followed, although the gods and jīng were suffering from the "destruction" of a beautiful nv, Chen Rui finally had the opportunity to contact the ancient accus.

The same slate, the Rolla has twelve, plus two pieces from Chen Rui here, a total of fourteen. According to Lola, these slate were obtained from a relic many years ago, a total of eighteen, and were later taken away by the enemy six.

The ancient idioms are called the language of God, and they are so wonderful that they can be used to glimpse the mysteries of the gods. However, after many years, it seems that after a terrible battle, the gods suddenly disappeared. There are almost no exhibitions, and this battle can only be seen in a lot of historical materials, and some people call it "the dusk of the gods" ().

Of course, the gods have eternal life, and tens of thousands of years of time are just a sleep for God, so the believers still maintain piety, even the guy who is Luo Méng, from time to time, "the devil is on" The mantra, but the reliability is positive or negative is not known.

Each piece of slate is equivalent to a basic character, just like Chen Rui understands the basic mapping of Chinese characters, and can derive a large number of "sides" to form a variety of "text." Of course, text understanding is only the first step. There are words, words, sentences and specific applications. It is complicated and profound. If you can master the mystery inside, you may also have a glimpse of the mystery of the semi-god realm.

Lola was praised by Paglieu as the first person in the ancient realm of the devil, and has been studying this for thousands of years, but according to her words, she only mastered some of the most basic skins, if she could get all the slate, Or you can make the level a new level.

Chen Rui did not dare to take out all the slate all at once. For a moment, the story was compiled. If it was changed rashly, it would cause suspicion. Second, it was afraid that Rolla would cross the river to remove the bridge. The fairy nv Long Miss was a negative festival. She is there, and she is still the enemy of Paglieu. If she is getting stronger and stronger, I am afraid that Pagliu will have great danger in the future.

At present, I still follow Lola to try to learn the knowledge of the remaining slate. When I have mastered a certain degree, I will then realize the last four slabs.

Most of the time, Lara was immersed in the study of the two slabs recovered. There was not much suspicion. Although it was only two slabs, nearly a thousand "minor radicals" evolved among them. Block slate āo fork composed of countless words, can be described as extremely complicated.

As an assistant, Chen Rui learned a lot of knowledge of ancient ancient idioms. The role of "deep analysis" is exhaustive. Many changes and combinations that are almost incomprehensible, under the powerful functions of deep analysis, have become an indelible brand, engraved Chen Rui’s mind. The more you touch the ancient runes, the more you can feel the boundless mystery, as if you can tolerate everything in the world.

If the original understanding of the inscriptions and magical arrays of the dragons made him stand at the peak of a mountain, then he is now in the deep space, seeing the whole planet, of course, outside the planet, there are galaxies, stars, and even The boundless universe is meticulous.

Although Chen Rui only occasionally took a bit of embarrassment, it was enough to surprise Lola, especially the accurate calculation and analysis ability. More and more, let Miss Nv Long need to rely on the power of this assistant. .

At this time, Chen Rui took the opportunity to come up with one thing. It was the props made according to the changes in the parables of Paglio. It was said that it was accidentally obtained at a trade conference many years ago. It was originally impossible to understand. Now, after learning the ancient accusations, I realize that it may be related to this.

Rolla came to an interest and quickly recognized that it was a seal with many words and phrases that she could not understand at the current level. But she did not give up, but began to experiment and research with great enthusiasm.

As an assistant, Chen Rui is sincerely willing to assist her to complete the research. As long as it can crack this seal, Paglieu will completely get rid of his **** and restore the strongest strength of the peak Emperor. This strength is at least Crystal Dragon Jacobs level.

Even if you don't consider the situation of the dark moon, it is a huge surprise for Duron himself.

What surprised Chen Rui was that Lola’s guineas in the ancient slang were more of her own. For example, now she is in the middle of seven pillars, each with constant changing idioms. Text, this experiment simulates an unclear statement in the Paglio seal. The entire laboratory, including the stone pillars, the magic array, and so on, are the special supplies that Rolla made in the early years to study the ancient accusations. The ability to simulate and detect these mysterious accents is maximized.

These seven pillars radiate a gentle glow, and Lola appreciates the feelings while holding a pen to record changes.

In all fairness, Xian Nv Long is indeed an incomparably excellent researcher and scholar. Many trials do not hesitate to commit personal risks, just like the great scientists Chen Rui knows in another world.

However, if the level of fanaticism can be calmed down properly, it is better to have a higher cào value, and the pseudo-naturally-stayed genus will weaken it a little more...

However, is this still a roller?

I was thinking, the symbol of Shizhu suddenly began to jump quickly, flashing some kind of uneasy light, the kind of jumping became more and more fierce, and the light instantly became very strong.

"Not good!" Chen Rui was shocked and forced to suspend the test.

"Don't stop!" Xian nv dragon shouted, and the magic shield appeared in his body.

The fairy nv dragon's magic shield should be regarded as the most powerful defensive magic in the devil world, but the glare seems to be swallowed up with a strange rule the power of the magic shield , did not wait for the fairy nv dragon to display the next magic, has completely engulfed her.

Just when Chen Rui used the compulsory means to stop the test urgently, the central fairy nv dragon had disappeared.

Chen Rui was shocked. Was it just space magic? Lola was banished to a different space...or, did she cross?

Originally this should be something to celebrate, but the problem is that now is the important research period to lift the Paglio seal. If the fairy nv dragon is transferred by the time and space authority, the bitterness in front of someone is not white. What?

Chen Rui’s heart began to look for it in the Rainbow Valley. Sure enough, on a hillside, he found a faint Lola.

A bit of a terrible thing is that the long skirt on her body has been damaged, not only the shoulders, but even the ōng mouth is luǒl out of the big half, even if lying down, can clearly see the snowy whiteness of the full yòu people, even It is... a little pink hu hu 蕾.

No, this kind of situation is too unscientific!


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