Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 367: Ancient runes! The mysterious seal of the Sword of the Angel

The 367th chapter of the ancient runes! The mysterious seal of the Sword of the Angel

In fact, the reason why Chen Rui came late is that the test of Miss Nv Long is going to the stage of vigorous development and refuses to let him go. But at this time, the plan of the Emperor has already reached the most critical moment and must leave, so he tried his best. Finally sneaked out, this came to 堕

Seeing the black-eyed surprise, Chen Rui said with a sigh of relief: "His Royal Highness is not too happy. The great master of the system has the same level of strength as my teacher, but your situation is just oral. The description is definitely not enough, and specific observations must be made to find the crux of the problem.

"What do you mean, to take away the sword of the angel?" The black brow was slightly wrinkled and asked without hesitation.

Chen Rui knows that the other party will doubt it, but his most important purpose this time is the huge sum of money. The sword of the angel is just a way to go, and will never give up. At the moment, he shakes his head and first gives the black scorpion a reassurance: "Although The great master wants to study the artifacts of the devil world, but the sword of the angel is the artifact of the empire of the angelic empire. How can I let the outsiders of this ground world take it away? The great master gave me a magic detector for this purpose. To record and detect some of the artifacts and changes in the artifact, then just take the magic detector back, I hope to find the crux."

Hearing the news, his heart suddenly settled down. This is a golden opportunity. Once you can find the "stick" of the artifact, then...

Listening to humans only rang: "Of course, the premise is that your Highness must trust me, let me use props to make certain observations on artifacts."

"For Charles, I naturally have unreserved trust." Hei said without hesitation, "Before treating my most trusted friends in the most welcoming way, I think we should first complete the funds. Let's take a look at the highest artifact of the Lu Xifa royal family, and the angel sword."

Chen Rui quickly got up: "There is a place to work."

The black scorpion took Chen Rui through a heavy checkpoint and went all the way to the secret store of the palace.

In the biggest secret library, Chen Rui saw a mountain.

As a secret cave of a country, it is not surprising if this is a mountain of black crystal coins, but this is a mountain made up of space bracelets and space rings!

A huge number of unimaginable! Chen Rui looked at the list in his hand and the "big mountain" in front of him. It was a stunned moment. When he was in the treasure of Paglio, he felt that he had the most money he had ever seen in his life. However, it is only now that he discovered this "lifetime". Just a beginning.

"Please forgive me. I was a little miserable. This money, even if I got the Campotel family, no, even the entire Longhuang Empire is a huge sum of money that can cause earthquakes!" Chen Rui soon awake Come over, press your heart and jump, laughing at yourself. (")

This "candid" has won the trust and goodwill of the black scorpion: "Don't say it is you, even if I am the regent king, I can't help but see the money. With this money, the first black sèyào The agent can be manufactured smoothly."

"Our plan will also take the most successful step!" Chen Rui added a sentence, the two looked at each other and laughed.

Chen Rui said, walking to the front of the mountain, the light in his hand, seems to meditate on a certain mantra, waving his hands, the mountain is gradually flattened and narrowed, and finally disappeared without a trace. TXT e-book download

"Sure enough, good means!" Black cricket praises, space equipment is generally not directly available to space equipment, and "Charles" this power should be some kind of space magic that has been lost in the devil world, it is worthy of the human world.

Chen Rui’s heart is filled with a kind of almost uncontrollable movement: this long-planned plan has experienced countless b-folds, and now it has finally come to an end!

After receiving this huge sum, Blackbird took him to another secret database and opened up a complex magical array. The protection of this secret database, especially the previous "big mountain", there is only one thing inside, that is the suspension. A sword on the stone bench.

The hilt of the jīng, the tail has a purple sè, the sword is two back-to-back angels, the body of the sword is white, engraved with two strange signs, the ancient is full of mysterious power.

The highest artifact of the Lucifer royal family - the sword of the angel.

Under the gaze of the black scorpion, Chen Rui slowly walked over to the sword of the angel, and reached out and went back to the black 曜l to ask the **** of consultation.

The black scorpion nodded. The legend of the seven artifacts is a super artifact that the demon **** personally cast. Unlike ordinary artifacts, it cannot be included in the space. Even space magic does not work. It is a step back, even if Charles has any misconduct. I have this demon emperor watching, and it is impossible to have an accident.

Chen Ruim slammed into the Excalibur. When he first encountered the blade, he felt a strange repulsive force coming from him. His mind was moved and the output was strengthened. However, the repulsive force uploaded by the sword increased. When the force is to be used again, the sacred angel's sword flashes, Chen Ruiru is thundered, and the whole hand is shaken back. He only feels invaded by a strange force, and his arm trembles slightly.

This situation has not been a black-eyed accident, because he has been hitting the wall for countless times for hundreds of years. When he saw "Charles" eating and drinking, he felt the feeling of gloating and sorrow at the same time. He shook his head and sighed: "This is The artifact of my Lucifer family, unfortunately, every time I try to control it, it will always be rejected by this powerful nameless power. This should not be able to get the identity of the artifact, nor do you know if the master of the system has Solution. ""

Chen Rui is strange in his heart, because he has already contacted two royal seven artifacts, and the magic shield is over. The **** mask is a complete artifact, which has been merged by the super system and becomes an inseparable part. The two pieces of the seven artifacts did not appear as such a strange repulsive force.

Chen Rui adjusted his strength, opened the deep analytical skills, tried again, still the same result, was excluded, the greater the force, the stronger the anti-xìng, but also accompanied by the strange anti-phagic power.

At the time of being rejected by the artifact, Chen Rui’s heart faintly felt an inexplicable familiar feeling.

very familiar.

He immediately took out a prop, split it into several parts, and placed it around the sword of the angel. The props gradually flashed a faint radiance, echoing each other, forming a strange battle. In the transformation of the light, the sword of the angel finally reacted and began to glow a little.

The black scorpion's pupil suddenly shrank. He had tried countless times. There was no way to make the Sword of the Sword of the Angels have a special state. Now that "Charles" came up, it was only a few times, and this kind of dissent appeared! If it wasn't for the identity of "Charles" that came from the terrestrial world and the body of the human royal family, he really doubted whether it was a bloodline of the Lucifer family.

At this time, the black scorpion is more of a surprise, holding back the breath, lest to disturb the "Charles" attempt - sure that the master of the big master's props detected what is the key! In this way, I am afraid that there is really hope to crack the secret of the Sword of the Angels!

The black scorpion actually guessed half of it. Chen Rui used the magic props to detect an unexpected secret. The familiar feeling from the power of the sacred angel sword... is the power of the ancient slang!

To be precise, it is a seal!

If Chen Rui did not go to the Rainbow Valley and did not follow the Lola to learn the ancient runes, he would never find this secret.

In this way, the black scorpion has not been able to get the recognition of the sword of the angels. It is not just the qualifications of its own and the power of the blood. The main reason is that this seven artifacts have been sealed with the ancient sects!

There is no similar seal on the God Mask and the Magic Shield, and the Sword of the Angel is in the hands of the Black Scorpion after the White Night Emperor's body. Then the seal of the ancient slang is displayed in the night.

At that time, the White Night Emperor was the first strongest in the devil world. He has infinitely approached the demon-level semi-god realm. The strength is far better than the current strongest Lei Zen. From the mouth of the fairy nv dragon, the ancient accus is called the god. The language, the devil's acquaintances are few and far between, almost lost, can not think of the white night emperor actually still know the ancient accusations lost?

As we all know, in the demon world and the terrestrial world war three hundred years ago, the White Night Emperor unified the Mozu coalition forces, all the way to triumph, causing heavy casualties, even the three great holy people of the human race, but unexpectedly met the mysterious human strong The invincible, the demon army that led the group dragons eventually collapsed and retreated to the devil world.

Then, why did the White Night Emperor seal his weapons before he died?

wrong! Chen Rui shook his head. From the knowledge of the ancient accusations he had at the moment, the seal was complicated and powerful, and the seal on Paglio's body was absolutely capable of being displayed at the level of the Emperor. Reminiscent of the scene where Duron was sealed by the mysterious strongman, Chen Rui’s heart was shocked: half-god! This seal is at least a semi-god-level powerhouse!

Then, the real cause of death of the White Night Emperor is not in the hands of the ordinary strong people in the human world, but the semi-god-level powerhouse!

If the Emperor of the Emperor is the upper-level strong, then the semi-god is the top power, even if it is the peak-level demons, in front of this super-powerful who is close to God, can only bow down to the minister.

The semi-god-level powerhouse is an independent field. Although it does not show its own power by displaying miracles like the gods, it is mostly in the legend, and rarely shows traces. Usually, it will not interfere. Normal world order.

Assuming that the White Night Emperor is indeed killed by the demigod, how many semi-gods participate in the war between the Devil and the Human World? Or is the power of the semi-god-level powerhouse the key to truly determining the outcome of the two worlds? Why has the Devil World been unable to beat the ground world? Will it be related to this aspect?

Chen Rui is suspicious, although he has reached a secret outline, but he has never been able to come up with a clue. Moreover, compared with this super-order, his current strength is simply not enough, unless the power can reach that level. Only then can we unravel the secrets that are hidden behind the mí fog, including the silver scorpion.

With Chen Rui’s current ancient accent level, it is impossible to decipher the seal on the Sword of the Angel. All he needs to do is observe and record the changes of these idioms, and then try to solve the seal with the help of Lola, perhaps becoming the future. Ya got the sword of the angel and took control of the opportunity of the angelic empire.

In this way, the excuse that was said to the black scorpion was completely smashed, and it was really beaten.

Chen Rui thought to turn, did not put up the props, stood up.

"How? Charles, is there a way?" Black groaned and looked forward.

"His Highness, I can be a mén foreigner in terms of mechanics. I only know that I use props according to the instructions of the Grand Master."

The black scorpion turned to think, laughing at himself too eager, the surgery has a special jīng, if asked about business or politics, this person may be a good hand, there is a teacher of the big master, yào agent may also understand a little bit, At most half a bucket of water, as for the manufacturer, of course, it is impossible to really pass.

The black scorpion does not know that this "alliance" in front of him is the master of the three series of jīng masters and magic masters who are shaking the devil world. At the same time, he is also regarded as the most talented genius of the master. However, speaking of this, this guy will not only be a machine, but also some novels, yīn tricks learned on TV; some small cooking skills that have been tempered on weekdays; a little economics learned in books and practice; A little bit of military knowledge, etc.

Chen Rui’s career in his life is actually an otaku.

The environment creates people. If the object he traverses is only the second generation of the well-being of the death of the hún, perhaps these potentials and abilities will not be blued out.

(Chen Rui: Don't say that I am very bullish. In fact, every otaku has the power to save the world. Just look at the time and space administration to give no chance.)

Chen Rui looked at the subtle changes in the expression of the black scorpion in the eyes, secretly funny, and received: "In my opinion, according to the reaction of the magic props, there should be considerable hope, the great master once said, in order to get complete information. At least three days to continuously collect the artifact data, and make adjustments and cào works on the magic items every day. These items are placed here. In the past three days, I will make the time and steps required by the Grand Master every day. Then I have to work on my temple."

"It should be that I am bothered by you, Charles, but... I will not be polite with you." The old-fashioned old friend of Blackbird looks as if he had turned his face and did not recognize the person. The order to put Chen Ruiguan into the prison is Someone else.

"When I have recorded some of the features of this artifact after recording, I will leave without saying goodbye. I hope that the next time I bring the first black sèyào also bring the sword with the angel Good news."

These three days, the black scorpion will definitely stare at the sword of the angel. The possibility of abducting the artifact is too small, but Chen Rui has another idea. The hands and feet are definitely moving. In the future, it may still be played at a crucial moment. Unexpected wonders.

Blackbird nodded and then smiled: "Three days... I should have arranged a comfortable home for you, but I believe that you have a wonderful place to be more fragrant, isn't it? My friend."

"Of course." Chen Ruiwei smiled, a person who knows me, if you look like it, my heart does not agree - this huge sum of money since the hand, Isabella's value ... perhaps only the wind and shadow boots. Moreover, three days later, "Charles" will disappear forever, so there is no need to play any game of falsehood.

However, what surprised Chen Rui was that when Hei He personally sent him out of the palace, a luxury carriage outside mén was waiting for him. Outside the carriage was a nv with long skirt, curly tourmaline, shallow Smile stunned, Ming yàn moving, it is the emperor named huā mandala.

The black 曜lù is a smile that the man understands, and he patted him on the shoulder with encouragement. Chen Rui screamed unlucky, and the horizontal and vertical obstacles were hidden. However, the eyes showed surprises and strode forward.

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