Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 370: Bai Luo

Bailuo, who was rushing to the Emperor's Imperial Capital, did not know that the object "Charles" to be won this time had already learned of his arrival in advance, and also prepared a special "welcome ceremony." In fact, Bailuo's situation in the recent period is still quite good.

The last adventure to solve Manu Bailuo was hit hard, but the harvest was not small. The power of the Manu devil's flesh and blood that was swallowed by the mystery was not completely digested, but the simple power was very close to the level of the emperor. There are breakthroughs in the remaining areas.

As long as you can comprehend the realm of the emperor level, you can enter the level of the peak of the strong (non-semi-god's common category), and with his powerful blood talent, it must be the leader of the same class of the emperor, currently From this highest level, it is only a short line.

Through a series of Thunder means, Bailuo destroyed Manu’s cronies, controlled the remnant force of the Leviathan royal family, and obtained the official approval of the bloody, successfully took over the hands of Manu’s “severely injured” Manu. that power.

However, for the yīn shadow emperor Catherine who broke the manu, the defeat of the crystal dragon and the Azgalo, Bai Luo’s heart is even more taboo, and his actions in the yīn shadow empire are extremely low-key, many resolutions, including some military restructuring. They all took the lead in echoing the Queen’s call to create a loyal appearance and got a good review.

Bai Luo’s doing this is nothing more than lowering his posture and surrendering. He also knows that his power is deep-rooted. In particular, his father-in-law is still the biggest contributor to the imperial controversy. Although he has “retired”, his influence in the military and the DPRK remains. Huge, the Queen of Her Majesty will not move him for the time being. I just use this precious time to quickly strengthen my strength and strive to break through the emperor as soon as possible.

In case the yīn shadow empire's latent failure, returning to the **** still can get the highest treatment and reuse, this is the important strength of the power.

As for the reformation of Queen Catherine's army, Bailuo is not worried, because the Legion of the Blades has always been firmly in his hands, and the guards of the Yemen Fortress, which is at the junction with the **** empire, belong to the throat zone. Reform, as long as he is still in the position of the highest commander, he will definitely look down on the storm. At this point, Bai Luo has considerable confidence.

The only regret is the loss of the magic shield, the magic shield fell into the hands of Di Lì Ya, has not explored the whereabouts of this sister, and the magic shield is likely to be said as Manu dying, really mastered by the three masters of genius Deceived, for this reason, Bailuo’s many eyes and ears under the division of the Master Division, the hateful thing is that this guy has never been stunned, as if it has evaporated from the air.

This time, going to the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty to fight for the human beings who have the resources of black sè, is the first important task that Bai Luo won after taking over the position of Manu. After learning all the relevant information, Bailuo has full Confidence said that this kind of human "emperor" is similar to his own experience. The rare black sè pharmacy resources also make Bailuo squatting. Maybe this is an important opportunity for him to break through to the emperor. Therefore, this is an important opportunity. At a glance, he is bound to gain.

In the event of a failure, even if you turn your face, you must take this man back and try to control it. In any case, the black sè will be the object of his Bailuo.

Chen Rui completed the last "probe" of the artifact and said that he was out of the palace. In the past few days, His Royal Highness the Regent has shown great enthusiasm. Every day, there are banquets and dances specially held for him, so that Chen Rui is tired of coping. . Fortunately, after staying for the night, he will leave the capital to return to the "human world" the next day.

Every time when "observing" artifacts, the black scorpions are inseparable. Although the two have become stable allies, although "Charles" has not robbed the motives of the artifacts, the black crickets have shown considerable caution. There was no chance for Chen Rui to steal the sword. Therefore, Chen Rui can only record the ancient accent of the artifact according to the most unsatisfactory intentions, and prepared a little hand and foot on the sword of the angel.

There is a carriage outside the palace. It is well known that this is the carriage of the emperor’s name huā Isabella. These days, Isabella and the court’s senior advisers are hot, just like glue, they go out to play during the day, and at night, “Charles” stays overnight. At the home of the mandala, you can know what the two are doing with your fingers. There have been rumors that began to describe how the Charles adult is so powerful, how to toss the mandala huā crying on the chuáng for mercy.

However, the truth and appearance are often different. Sometimes, the entry and exit is still quite large. The "death" that is very poisonous is actually the closest act of the two so far, and there is no second time. .

Approaching the carriage, there was a row of eye-catching data in the eyes of the analysis. Chen Rui’s brow slightly rose, and the coming, finally came. He adjusted his breath, calmed his mind, and stopped at the foot, and walked into the carriage.

There is a faint fragrance in the carriage, which is the smell of Isabella's favorite black tulip, except for Isabella, there is also a man dressed in a robe with a big beard, a strange face. There is actually a little bit of another world's uncle's demeanor.

However, Chen Rui still recognized this person at a glance, let alone the familiar facial features, the pitted spots that are faintly visible on the face, the masterpiece of Chen Rui’s own hands when he was in the wet night, then he Still only the strength of high-level demons.

Bai Luo!

Race: jealous of the royal family (variation).

Comprehensive strength assessment: a+.

Strength a+, constitution a+, spirit a+, speed a+.

Every quality has reached the peak level of the demon emperor, which is quite balanced, and Chen Rui has also seen his dreams and his mutated talents very powerful.

"Who is this person?" Chen Rui's tone is unabashedly disgusting. On the surface, it is natural to feel uncomfortable with strange men who appear around his woman.

"I am a friend of Isabella." Bailuo spoke first. "His Lord Charles, my name is Bailuo. I came to visit you from afar. In order to express my apology, I have a little gift here. Please take it."

Chen Rui looked at a space ring that Bai Luo handed over, frowned, looked at Isabella on the side, Isabella's expression was a little cold, but still nodded. This kind of reaction is also normal. She had a bad relationship with Bailuo in the organization. This time, it was only in the "big picture".

Chen Rui took it over and cautiously looked at Bailuo and used his spiritual power to enter the space ring. The inside is full of the most rare Jinjing. It seems that this "face-to-face ceremony" is bloody. Great capital.

Although Chen Rui is very eager to re-pit the big guys like this, but there are Isabella's foresight, which makes him put up with complacency, there are many wise men in the devil world, especially this ambitious mysterious organization, it is difficult to guarantee the time. Will not pull out the flaws again, this plan, the follow-up action of the dark moon is interlocking, can not be extravagant.

Bloody organizations are not black shackles that are constrained by the lords and the elders. They can be described as unscrupulous. Once they are self-defeating, they will trap themselves. Don’t be too greedy, down-to-earth to complete the current planning of the Angel Empire. Something in the future is an opportunity to fight. The focus of this time is Bailuo.

"This gift is not small." Chen Rui thought back and turned back the space ring. "I don't think... It is necessary to accept this level of apology for the friendship we have never met."

Such a huge wealth is not tempted? Bai Luo nodded secretly: It is worthy of being a royal chariot who has seen a big scene. It seems to be a big man.

"Friendship is all connected, this is the beginning of our friendship." Bai Luo did not pick up the space ring, Chen Rui received Isabella's eyes "sign" slightly hesitant, and then took the ring.

The carriage stopped, Isabella opened the door: "You go to the Yueyue Pavilion first, just in the last No. 7 courtyard, the yard has been covered by me for a month. Now I will go back to the house to change clothes, one Will come."

Youyue Pavilion is a famous leisure place on the outskirts of the Imperial City. It is an industry of a veteran family. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with a large area, elegant environment, pleasant scenery, and a series of services such as gourmet beauty. Daguan aristocrats like to go there.

"Ini, I am still waiting for you to go."

Isabella glared at him with a glance: "You don't know if a woman's makeup is the most time-consuming?"

"That's okay." Chen Rui smiled and pinched her hand, Isabella smiled and walked down the carriage.

Bai Luo sees the intimacy of the two people in his eyes. He secretly believes that this Charles is as good as the intelligence. He has a tuy with Isabella, and he can consider using the beauty to control or control him in the future.

After Isabella’s departure, the horse carried two people all the way to the Yueyue Pavilion. Facing Chen Rui’s unsalty attitude, Bailuo showed considerable patience, but the wind huā was swaying. Intentionally or unintentionally showing the cultivation of the superior aristocracy.

When I got off the bus, the relationship between the two had obviously improved. Chen Rui was not the first time to come to the Yuyue Pavilion, and the reputation of the senior consultants was well known. Immediately, there were shì women who led them to Isabe. The 7th courtyard under the drawing.

The No. 7 Courtyard is an independent “box” set on a mountain, the environment is very quiet, equivalent to a small village, set up everything. Chen Rui came to the exquisite stone table in the yard and sat down. Bai Luo also sat opposite. There was a beautiful shì woman who served a snack. The garden lit a scent of incense, and the faint scent exudes a strange fragrance. It is refreshing and refreshing.

Incense is one of the hobby of the nobles in the devil world. The more advanced the incense, the more able to display identity.

Chen Rui waved to let the shì woman retreat, squint and take a breath, seemingly to taste the feeling of this incense.

Bai Luotou asked him with a good message: "His Lord also likes the Dragon Festival in the Devil World?"

"This dragon festival is not the best, the taste is a little bit simmered." Chen Rui slowly opened his eyes and flashed a strange light. "Listen to the mouth of Bailuo, who knows that I am not a devil?"

Bai Luo smiled slightly: "First of all, please forgive my rudeness. I know many things about you, including the body of the glory, including the cooperation with the Prince of Black Skull, including some unique resources to cherish the resources..."

"What is the relationship between you and Isabella?" Chen Rui l screamed "not right, there are things, even if she is, she does not know."

Bai Luo thinks that he has skillfully answered: "If you don't even have this ability, how can you qualify and sit opposite you?"

"I am a person who doesn't like to circle with strangers, especially men." Chen Rui brows: "Lord Bai Luo, you should be a real aristocrat, generous, knowledgeable, courageous, but I hope that we Dialogue can remove the customary and hypocrisy that the aristocrats often use. There are no other people here, what is your intention, let's just say it."

Bai Luo’s female has left and nodded. “Since this is the case, I will make it clear. I hope to establish a long-term and intimate relationship with you. I will give you all the help you need without restriction. The condition is that the precious resources at hand... can only be supplied to me."

Chen Rui's brow wrinkles more tightly: "Your intelligence is indeed amazing, but I already have a long-term partner. His conditions are the same as yours. I don't intend to abandon this existing partnership."

Bai Luo shook his head: "You are wrong, my conditions are different from him. To be precise, it is the huge force that I represent. The black regent can give you, we can give you; Can't give it to you, we can also give you! For example... a greater amount of wealth, sophisticated weapons and equipment, a secret agent that controls people and blew themselves, a secret armor that has never appeared in the human world or even the devil world, etc... Even if it is your own strength, we can help you improve quickly."

Chen Rui heard his eyes flashing, a heart-like appearance, but his heart was sneer: wealth first put aside, those so-called secret medicines and secret weapons, he has already seen in the Valley of Secrets of Crystal Valley. Bai Luo dreams that he can't think of it. The human "emperor" in front of him is actually destroying the valley of the secret magic and destroying the crystal valley... At the same time, it is still the biggest "culprit" to deceive the magic shield!

The appearance of Chen Rui’s intentions is as early as Bailu’s expectation. From the intelligence information, the real purpose of this “Charles” and Black Box’s cooperation is not simply to make profits, but to use the power of the devil to seek the throne of the human world. There is no reason to reject the conditions of such a yòu person.

For a long time, Chen Ruifang said: "I have to admit that what you said is really exciting. But, why do I believe in your words?"

Bai Luo listened to the play, secretly rejoicing, and took out two space bracelets: "Hello Charles can look at the things in these two bracelets."

Chen Rui explored with his spiritual strength. One bracelet was a batch of fine weapons and armor, and the other was a secret medicine and various kinds of ordnance. Some of them were not seen in the Valley of Secrets. - There are not many bases like Crystal Valley, but I am afraid that there is more than one. In any case, these are unexpected gains.

"Please take these and take a moment to check the quality or effect. I believe that with the judgment of His Royal Highness, I should be able to make the most correct choice. This is only a part of the sample. As long as my Highness agrees to cooperate, we will continue to supply to our Highness. Wealth and these equipment. Compared with the black scorpion, who is lighter and heavier, His Highness should be counted." In order to further increase the appeal of the lobbying, the name in Bailuokou has been replaced by "His Royal Highness". The conditions are quite confident.

If Chen Ruizhen is the corner of the construction sè "Charles" who wants to regain the status of the emperor and even the emperor's sī, then as Isabella is worried, it is certainly impossible to refuse the **** yòuhuò.

Unfortunately, this is not him.

Not only is it not, but it is also an "old friend" who makes Bailuo and even **** unforgettable.

Chen Rui secretly calculated the time, l took out a look of thinking, the toes seemed to be habitually pat on the ground, if you listen carefully, you should be able to find this is a strange rhythm.

Bai Luo did not notice this. He was still trying his best to eloquently and lobbied this "Charles" who seemed to be more and more moving: "I don't want to be His Royal Highness. I am also the royal family of the Mozu. Like the Highness, I was once taken away. I have something that belongs to me, and I really understand the feelings of my Highness. Now, with the help of those people, I have already regained a considerable part, and there will be more in the future..."

Bai Luo was talking about it, and he gave birth to a strange warning sign.

If it weren't for him that he had already fainted to the edge of the realm of the devil, there would be no such sixth sense.

Although the contact with the other party has been quite smooth, there should be no danger now, but as a strong warrior, he believes in this intuition, does not care about rudeness, and reacts without thinking.

As it turned out, this kind of reaction was correct. When Bailuo retired at a very fast speed, the stone bench suddenly burst into the sky and wrapped it inexplicably.

Although Bai Luo’s mental reaction is fast, the body seems to have been affected to some extent. The strength has weakened a lot, and the speed has slowed down. It has already been swayed in the light of As if the rope is normal, the limbs are firmly tied.

Chen Rui just patted the ground in a rhythm, that is, the magical organ that uses a specific sound frequency. This magical organ is one of the means that Isabella laid out after the "No." , combined with the inscriptions of the dragon language and the magic array, there is a little magical use of the ancient accusative (unfortunately quite limited).

Bailu struggled, but it was difficult to get out of it for a while. He felt that he felt weak in his own body. It seemed to be a stubborn toxin. His eyes fell on the dragon's incense, and his face could not change.

Is it the reason for this musk? No wonder that "Charles" deliberately said that the smell of this fragrance is not the best, the original is to eliminate their suspicion, the other party may have taken the antidote in advance!

Nothing at all!

This kind of favorable condition, which is based on **** blood, is replaced by his white Luo Yi, and he will agree to it, and it is even more impossible to turn his face!

And this means is not like a temporary make-up, seems to have been planning for a long time?

why? ! .

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