Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 385: Tune the tiger away from the mountain and the dagger action

On the way to Dicco town.

"How long will it take, I am afraid that this uncle will be caught by you." This is Pagliu's long sigh.

Chen Rui was very humble and modest: "It’s not enough. When your seal is lifted in the future, I will be dragged down by Duron."

"Fat!" Paglieu's eyes crossed. "Don't think that Grandpa, I don't know. At this speed of metamorphosis, it is only a matter of time before you enter the field. The height reached in the future or even the grandfather must look up." ”

"Hey, I know it, I am polite to me now, I will be careful in the future, I will retaliate." Chen Rui smiled unceremoniously.

"I am afraid that you have a dead duck in the whole family! Now this uncle does not bully enough, will you not be stepped on in the future?"

"You two grandfathers, but it is slower, Grandpa Lomon can't keep up with it in the back. Now use 'Sparkling', then the strength of the escape will be gone." Lomon in the back sighed with sorrow. stand up.

"Then we will hurry again. Anyway, Delia is too wasteful to follow this guy. Just give her freedom as soon as possible, or find a reliable man."

"Don't be a poisonous dragon, you are too poisonous. Are you not killing the man who is the mother dragon? If you don't sacrifice the color, gamble the debt, and what the jade dragon is the enemy."

The three buddies have not reunited for a long time, and they have to dig their shoulders with each other, but they have not stopped at the foot, and they have rushed to the town of Dike like three blasts.

The original townspeople of Dike Town died or fled, and it has completely become a military camp of the Red Army.

In the central big account, the red lord Zhuo Chee is listening carefully to the scouting report.

"Dark Moon City is gathering troops?" Zhuo Chee's brow wrinkled. "Don't you promise to hand over the murderer who killed Joseph?"

A medium-sized blond man said: "It seems that the enemy is iron-hearted and we are fighting together. It is obviously so weak and courageous. It is a pulse of the White Night Emperor. We are still ready to take the initiative to meet the enemy, let The little princess who had no blood in his hand had a good insight and what was the real battlefield."

"The words of Arus adults are correct, but we have already agreed with the blue melt lord, and when his main force arrives, but on both sides, I still try to keep the confrontation first.

The so-called seven-day blood sacrifice in the former Red Sea Territory is a plan to slow down the military. The real purpose is to wait for the arrival of the Blue Melting Army, and to attack the two forces in one fell swoop.

Even if it is only the outstanding red army, the current strength and combat strength still have an absolute advantage. The reason why the soldiers do not move is not to avoid the dark moon. But they have their own small abacus. As the saying goes, killing 10,000, self-damage three thousand, dark moon The three units together have a strength of about 50,000. If he wants to eat it all, the loss will definitely be much greater.

"With the power of the great master, it is no effort to destroy the rebellion of the princess." Arus saw the singular heart and smiled slightly: "Crobe Ruth, you said?" ”

Krobe Ruth, who was sitting on a chair and playing with gems, said absently: "I have to solve these guys early, and the aging mother will go back to the emperor early. If the Regent promises me a lot of benefits, I am too lazy. Come to this ghost place."

"Old mother" adults, you are a little special style of the emperor! Arus secretly shame, and he said to Zhuo Chee: "It seems that Krobe Ruth is also this thought. Since the enemy is active, if you avoid it, it will have an impact on the morale of our army. Unnecessary loss."

Although Krobe Ruth seems very unreliable, but Zhuo Che is not only the slightest scorn, because this is the real magic emperor!

Zhuoqi thought for a moment and finally made up his mind: Last time he took the lead in the lord's meeting to release a billion black crystal coins, he has become quite nervous at hand. The dark moon has recently experienced rapid economic development and there are treasures, although not long. However, there should be a lot of wealth, and the main force of the dark moon will be defeated by the temper, and then it will be madly plundered once, and there may be unexpected gains.

As for the blue melt, the lord of the lord has to look forward to it, dragging and pulling, and has long since disappeared.

(Tie, ​​you are slow to come, don’t blame it for not drinking soup!)

"Canita! The order is going down, the army is reorganizing the equipment, and starting in an hour, ready to meet the dark moon in the wilderness of Luis Town!"

"Yes!" Canita quickly took the lead to retreat.

At this time, there was a messenger’s report: “The emperor’s special envoy, Diak’s majesty, screamed to see the magician.”

Is Diak not on the blue melt? Did the army of Teton arrive ahead of schedule? Zhuo Che’s eyes lit up: "Let him come in."

Soon, a fair-skinned black-haired man walked in, wearing a gray robes, and the skin looked a bit pale, it was Diak's undead magician - hehe.

"I have seen adults."

"It’s just right!" Zhuo Che asked: "When can the army of Teton arrive?"

He replied: "The army was obstructed in Soto town. It seems that the first general, George's daughter, Athena, led the army to harass, but Teutonic has already defeated Athena. The army crossed the town of Soto and is facing the rock. The direction of the town is expected to arrive in about three days at the earliest."

"A Athena has trapped his army? Isn't it a taboo against General George?" Zhuo Che smiled contemptuously: "Hey, it will only arrive three days later, when he can only clean the mess."

"The adults are right, Diak is always urging the lord of the Teutonic, but unfortunately..." 琉 笑 笑 , , , , , , , 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克 克There is one thing that I want to sue to you, saying that it is something that adults are very interested in."

Interested in? This lady is interested... Krobe Ruth was originally lazy. When I heard this sentence, my spirits rose and I climbed up from the chair. I said to you, "Come with me!"

Seeing that Krobe Ruth swayed and slammed away from the big account, Zhuo Chee and Arus looked at each other with a smile, but the strength and status of the lady was there, and it was reasonable for Diak to marry her.

Krobe Ruth grabbed the donkey and came to a secluded house. It was the place where she rested. She asked: "You came from the emperor. You should know what the old lady likes. If you dare to deceive this lady, the old lady will Let you poison that Diak into a pool of gray!"

I heard that Miss Emerald Dragon was also "Lao Niang" and "Miss Ben", and her face was lowered and her face was covered with a strange smile.

He whispered a few words to Krobe Ruth and took out a piece of animal skin. The appearance of the year should be very old.

The eyes of Krobe Ruth are bright: "This is...···"

"This is the map of the Darkmoon Treasure, which was acquired by Diak’s master. He didn’t have much demand. He only hoped that when he returned to the Imperial Capital, he could properly recommend him in front of the Regent. More reuse."

"Yes! No problem!" As long as you say a few words, you can get a treasure map. This kind of easy business, Crowebeus, is of course more good, and Miss Jade Dragon immediately reveals the color of doubt: "Why is Diak himself not? Go to treasure hunt?"

"I don't care about adults, I and Diak have got this treasure map after occasional chances. · I have been studying for a long time, but I still can't understand it. We know that adults are well-informed, so I plan to be a good person to give to adults."

Krobe Ruth looked at the treasure map, and the scorpion looked brighter: "Of course you don't understand, the illustration above is a dragon..."

Miss Emerald Dragon was excited, almost vented the open-air machine, and quickly shut up. She showed a very stubborn look: "Well, since you said the truth, Miss Ben reluctantly promised the guy's request."

He hurriedly said: "Thank you, adults! I want to go back to the south. I will leave."

After Miss Emerald Dragon sent away the Necromancer, she carefully studied this treasure map: "There are a lot of dragon inscriptions, and some don't quite understand it, but this mark shows that the real entrance of the treasure is only opened once every three months, press This calculation should be... Today? Ah! It will be open in more than an hour! Right, that Diak is likely to copy a few copies of the treasure map, or to the Prince of Black If you wait three months, come back. I am afraid... I can't! 趁 Now this best opportunity, I must get the mysterious treasures!"

After making up her mind, Miss Jade Dragon went to the big account and claimed that there was an urgent matter. She needed to leave for a while. Seeing that the army had to fight and the democrats of the battleship had to leave, Zhuo Chee and Arus were helpless. However, even without Krobe Ruth, with the strength of Zhuo Chee and Arus, plus the elite and the army, it is also a stable victory.

After seeing Krobe Ruth leaving Dicco, a regular horned soldier from the janitor showed a strange smile. This horn was a necromancer a few minutes ago and handed it to Krobe Ruth. Map of the moon treasure.

The horn magic is naturally Chen Rui. The map was prepared for the blue pool mountain treasures when it was set up. Now it has been used in a key role. Pagliu is separated from the two on the road and goes to the Blue Pool Mountains. Treasures, will use the location of the Dragon Language Magic Array to entertain the remains of the enemy.

When Chen Rui was handed over to the map of Krobe Ruth, the true analytical eye showed that the comprehensive strength of Jade Dragon was: The attributes are: wind attribute, poison attribute.

The S level should be the level of the emperor level. Lola also said that Krobe Ruth is only the first stage of the "District", and it seems that the real strength of the Jade Dragon can be fixed in the early stage of the Emperor. Glyu was not affected by the seal, so it was only a piece of cake to deal with Krobe Ruth, but now his power is blocked in the peak of the Emperor, unable to enter, even if there is the battle experience of the Emperor's peak, but the power is finally inferior There are a lot of people who are facing the right hand, and they are afraid of being too fierce.

This time, Paglio's main duty was to drag the emerald dragon, so that she could not participate in the decisive battle between the red and the dark moon, and to contain the demon emperor with a magical peak, it can be said that the first step has been succeeded.

As long as the earth element king Moore arrives, it is not a problem to drop the Crowebes.

The next step is to disrupt the task of the Red Army before the expedition.

In the big account, Zhuo Che has already put on a dress, and Arus is also preparing.

Just then, the outside suddenly became a noisy, and Canita hurriedly came and said: "The accident happened! Father, there was a lot of poisonous fog in the military camp. It was terrible. The poisoned people were unconscious and stunned. It’s ashes, even pharmacists can’t detoxify!”

"Damn!" Zhuo Che was greatly annoyed. He even had such a change before the departure of the army. It must be the secret of the dark moon. He wanted to disturb the military heart. This poison is very likely to be the master of the dynasty of the dark moon. Aldas is related.

Zhuo Che still guessed wrong. This poison comes from a poisonous dragon that is even more terrible than Aldas. However, the crystals used by Chen Rui and Luo Meng to distribute poisonous fog are limited in strength. If it is the poison dragon, the power is still It will be dozens of times horrible.

Of course, if the Jade Dragon, who is also proficient in poisonous techniques, is still here, it may not be possible to achieve the effects of the woman.

Zhuo Chee made a decisive decision: "I immediately sent a magician brigade to control the spread of poisonous mist with magic!"

Kanita has not gone out yet, and the ordering officer hurriedly reported: "Not good! Adults, the grain camp is on fire! The guarded Solana is seriously attacked by people!"

"What?" Zhuo Che was shocked. The grain camp had a special magical array protection, and there was also a Solana guard in the middle of the big demon level. He would be attacked by the enemy silently. When is the dark moon? ? Is that the long princess personally involved in the risk? impossible!

"What are you waiting for? Send someone to put out the fire immediately!"

The commander bowed his head: "The enemy seems to be a special kind of magical burning props. Even the containment magic spells can't work. The soldiers have tried their best to save, but they have been burned in half."

half? Is it such a short time? Zhuo Che was furious, took a deep breath, and calmed down: "The order is passed, all the troops are ready to open, go to the town of Luis! As for the food..." Canita, you will announce the space ring of the quartermaster to the soldiers There are also a large number of emergency foods so that they don't have to worry, let alone after defeating the enemy forces in the town of Luis, we can go to the dark moon without limitless plunder! At that time, I am afraid there is no grain?"

Zhuo Che did not suffer from a hundred battles, and immediately thought of a way to boost morale. The commander was about to go to the order, and suddenly the electric light flashed, and was actually knocked down by the magic of Canita.

Zhuo Che was shocked: "Canita, what are you doing?"

"This guy is very suspicious!" Canita crouched down. "Father, let's see you!"

When Zhuo cut a few steps forward, he saw a strange mark on the arm of the corpse frowning: "What is this?"

Just as Zhuoqi approached, Kanita swept through the faint yellow awns, and a cold dagger came out in his hand, and he stabbed lightning under his father's ribs.

Before he even hit the target, Zhuo Che has disappeared into the place in an instant. Almost at the same time, Kanita’s entire arm and half of his body were frozen into ice, and he could not move at all.

In the eyes of Zhuo Chee, he was exposed to the cold light. He had already been wary of Canita, or he had never relaxed his vigilance since the son’s wings began to be full.

In the history of the Devil World, there are countless examples of his son’s killing of his father’s power. Zhuo Chee does not want to be the father of such cases.

"You want to kill me is not an accident, but your pitiful patience has exceeded my expectations..." Zhuo Chee sneered. "Since your brother is dead, basically this position will be yours in the future. Why is it suddenly? impatient?"

No, it’s a bit too anxious! When Kanita wants to shoot, he should not choose this time, and he will take the opportunity to grasp such a small opportunity.

Also, Kanita’s eyes seem a bit sluggish... There is a problem!

Zhuo Che was just a god, and the underground "corpse" suddenly bounced like lightning, and a terrible sharpness forced the sharp throat. Zhuo Che was shocked. He couldn't think of it. The one that had already died "early" in the morning, the most unlikely corpse was actually a deadly killer!

This "corpse" is of course Chen Rui. This time, in addition to poisoning and burning grass and so on, he has an important purpose - dagger!

Canita was previously subdued by Chen Rui, turned into a paralyzed mask, and then deliberately exposed the controlled appearance, so that Zhuo Che distracted, staged this "Zhi Zhuo" good show.

This sudden change suddenly, even in the eyes of the middle of the devil, Chen Rui's strength and speed of this attack have reached the level of "terror." The biggest weakness of the magic cultivator is the closeness. The slasher who just used up the teleport can't dodge.

It was too late, and at that time, before the release of protective magic from Zhuo Chee, this knife with a strong and sharp air had hit his throat.

In an instant, Zhuo Chee's whole person seems to be wrapped in a layer of crystal. This "knife" smashes the crystal, and the face of the cut is white. When the retreat, the other party is again slashing. Strike a few meters away, but the sharp knife seems to cross the space, just like a head.

Although rushed but Zhuo Chee still reacted, there are already a number of ice shields in front of him. Although this ice shield looks very thin, it has a mysterious field of strength. Strong defense ability, even if the real blade attack is on the top, can not be broken.

However, the ice shield containing the mystery of the field, in front of this volley, is still as weak as paper, and instantly split into two. It does not mean that Chen Rui’s power has far exceeded Zhuo Qie, but because this attack just activates the broken property of “Breaking Yuan”.

Zhuo Chee's face changed greatly, and the rest of the broken Yuan knife did not rest. In the middle of his head, it seemed that it was bursting open. The whole body of the Zhuoqi had a strange twist, and was suddenly moved by the power of a mysterious magic. , tearing out the tent.

The two eyes of the escaping eyes of the dead escape are undecided. As a lord of lifelong magic, there are always one or two pieces of life-saving things that are close to the body. The two attacks of the electric stone fire have already let him Two magical props are completely scrapped, and the degree of terror is evident.

At present, there is no similar life-saving props. If you are hit by the other side, it is definitely the end of the body. Where does Zhuoqi dare to have a half-slack, the whole body emits a chilly white mist, and the beating symbols appear. Obviously it is all out. Hey.

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