Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 391: Secret room men and women

The 391st chapter of the secret room for men and women (today's three more completed, seeking accommodation)

Just as Dadun’s uncle and Miss Emerald Dragon’s joyful family finally “break the mirror and reunite”, the dark moon has completely defeated the army of the red secluded army, chasing all the way to the town of Dicco, and capturing numerous prisoners, let alone collecting heavy weapons and the like. It’s gone.

The red squad lost the helmet and abandoned the armor, and suffered heavy losses. Finally, under the leadership of Canita, he gathered the remnant, crossed the town of Dicco, and fled at full speed toward the red secluded territory.

Forty thousand people have defeated nearly 100,000 enemies, and they are fighting in front!

For the first time in hundreds of years, the Darkmoon has won such a big victory. Every time the morale of the soldiers is strong, every soldier’s face is full of excitement and pride. Although the Dark Moon Army also suffered a lot of casualties, after this fierce battle, the entire army was sublimated, and a real strong soldier began to faintly outline.

After leaving a part of the army to defend Dike Town, Xia led the army back to the dark moon. Someone had spread the news of the dark moon and lost the red. People have been worried that the dark moon people who were robbed and even slaughtered after the defeat were all encouraged and encouraged. Spontaneously organized, the team grows long outside the city, and welcomes the long princess and the army to return.

"Red blood flames, invincible!"

"Long live the princess!"

"Long live!"

Hearing the neat slogan of the army and the cheers of the people, the whole person of Xia was very calm. After publishing his public morale, he began to arrange the post-war issues in an orderly manner.

This time, the defeat of the red secluded is more than the enemy of Zhuoqi, and, if you do not consider the unexpected help of the man, I am afraid that standing here to celebrate is the Red Army.

What needs to be vigilant is that defeating the red secluded is only the first step. There is also the same powerful blue melt army. The power of the light cavalry and the two-legged dragon corps has been exposed, and the light cavalry has lost nearly a thousand people. There are also more than a dozen casualties. With the caution of the blue-melting lord, there will be some precautions, so it must not be stunned by victory.

It is necessary to calm down and the movement of the southern blue melt army should be closely watched and ready for the second battle.

Back to the palace, Shia unloaded the broken armor, simply dealt with the wound, and changed into a white long skirt. After experiencing the great victory, she felt an unprecedented fatigue.

By the way, where is Alice now? Why don't you see the trace of Athena or Jiya? He must have an arrangement.

He went to deal with Krobe Ruth... I don't know how.

Too many mysteries have to be solved...

Be sure to come back alive, no matter what your identity is!

Unconsciously, Xia has already walked to the pool deep in the inner court. It has always been her forbidden place, and there are no maids nearby.

In the brain, there was an involuntary appearance of the first encounter with the old enemy here, as well as the extreme anger that the biggest secret was stunned. Unconsciously, a hate rose to the heart.

However, at the same time, some irrelevant scenes appeared at the same time, such as the double dance under the moonlight. For example, every time I saw that person, I couldn't help but be angry, but I really wanted to see him urgently.

There is also a declaration on the battlefield that makes the entire Darkmoon army boil.

"Xia, you are a stupid woman. Stupid woman, yes, these are the three words." Xia only felt the unprecedented complexity and contradiction, gently lowered her head, sighed, walked toward the pool under her feet. go with.

Waiting for him there, no matter what his purpose, no matter what the outcome of the two is, wait for him.

Xia walked into the pool, and after a strange space twisted, she came to the secret room under the pool.

This time it was a secret place to seal the fragments of the gods, only the lord knew.

Here is the biggest secret in her heart, documenting that she is not present in anyone, including Alice, the true joys and sorrows. Only in this narrow and unknown little room can she really have the freedom to laugh or cry.

Xia just entered the secret room, and the pupil suddenly shrank, because there was already a person in the room.

With her back to her, one hand gently twirled the memory bell.

In the ringtone, a familiar voice came from time to time, that is her.

There are sounds of singing songs, crying, laughter, and low thoughts.

The biggest bottom of my heart was sneaked out, and it was hard for Sia to give birth to an anger.

Slowly turned around, and sure enough, this face is not only this face, but also the familiar feeling from the heart, which is not camouflaged by ordinary deformation.

Although there are thousands of words to ask and want to say, but the export is a cold and killing, even in this most authentic secret room.


"Here." A strange mask appeared on the familiar face, and Hija’s heart suddenly tightened.

This breath... yes! It is the highest artifact of the Besib family - the **** mask! And still complete!

In an instant, Xia’s killings have become extremely murderous, and many assumptions have been confirmed in an instant.


Do not! Should call him Agurie Besib!

The so-called "symbiosis contract" is just a lie that hides the two identities at the same time disappearing at the same time!

In the blink of an eye, the mask of the **** mask disappeared again, and the familiar face was restored.

Chia’s eyes are as sharp as a knife: “Why don’t you wear it?”

This sentence puns, let Chen Rui sigh a sigh: "Mask, if worn for a long time, it is easy to forget that it is not true. Maybe one day, when you are determined to take off the mask, you will I found that my face is already the same as the mask. Do you understand?"

It is also the answer to the words.

Shia subconsciously touched her face and immediately said: "I don't understand! I don't understand what you really want?"

"So, tell me, what do you want?" Chen Rui stepped over.

I want...

In the eyes of Xia, she lost her heart and immediately woke up, and the murderousness had climbed to the top.

"I want you to die!" The words are like this. Although the murderousness is still embarrassing, the footsteps are stepping back step by step, but the space of this secret room is too small, and the two steps have been forced to the corner.

Chen Rui looked at the long princess of the long-breasted princess, and there was a decisiveness and ruthlessness in her mind when she used Jiya to motivate herself. It was only for the last order: "I command you in the name of Hijah Lucifer. I want to live."

Close your eyes, gently recall the feelings of the time, and the tears that are hard to make yourself, blurted out in a word.

"Stupid woman!"

The familiar three words made Xia a micro-shock, and finally pressed a fierce heartbeat and bite his teeth: "This vow has been broken on the battlefield. At that time, I did not start again. Now, it is not that you are dead or me... ”

"So, add two more words." The man's eyes showed unrecognized sincerity and affection, "my, stupid woman."

When Xia’s movements were stiff, a long-repressed emotion in her heart could not stop the mantle, and then she felt a strong man’s breath quickly approaching. Although he kept telling himself to go out in his heart, he had to shoot and kill this "enemy", but the body was uncontrollable until he was gently shackled.

When the red lips of His Royal Highness Princess were captured by men, they felt that their minds were blank and the whole person was spinning around, as if flying in the endless flowers and green plains.

(What do I want?)

(Lord? Power? Emperor?)

(Those who are only "ideal" imposed on the identity of this long princess, no choice.)

(Actually, what I want is just a tear that can withstand my tears when I am frustrated. When I am happy, I can bite my shoulder.)

(What you want is just a warm light...not an icy throne, a cold mirror, an icy wind chime.)

(Just like this... only.)

She suddenly thought of a paragraph, if someone is willing to be with you, even if there is no language just around, it is a kind of happiness. Even if you lose everything, just stop and look around, there must be someone in the place you can see. Then, please don't be sad, don't despair, don't forget anyway, you are never alone.

The two pairs of warm lips slowly separated. She slowly opened the autumn-like purpura, which was printed in the eyes and was printed in the heart. It was a pair of black eyes.

Yes, it is by no means alone.

Perhaps the true loneliness is not born, but begins when you fall in love with someone.

At least for now, she is no longer alone.

"I am not what Bib, I am just Chen Rui. Chen Rui's Chen, Chen Rui's Rui." The man smiled slightly, "Your Chen Rui."

Despite the ironclad proof of the gods mask, there is the power of the demon level, but I don’t know why, she is a letter, and she is confident.

She is the lord of the dark moon, carrying a lot of things, according to a certain plan, it is likely to be on the throne in the future. Even if he is not a Besib king, he and her will certainly encounter many difficulties or even helplessness.

What the future looks like, she doesn't know.

She knows that now, she can no longer suppress the emotions in her heart.

Even though she has always been sensible to admonish her to abandon her feelings, to be a really cold and calm lord However, still can not be suppressed.

It is even strong like a volcanic eruption.

"You are not only mine, you have Athena, there is Kia, or there are more women." Shia suddenly looked up and looked at him without hesitation: "You can choose to love or not love me." And I can only choose to love or love you."

There is no swaying gentleness, no shameful shame, only this bold and unparalleled confession, but Chen Rui’s heart trembled fiercely.

In the past, the ambiguous feeling of ambiguity became instantly clear, as if I heard Athena face the life and death of Grovein in the underground world of Xiqiao Mountain, and finally expressed her feelings.

That sentence, as if it is ringing in the ear - I command you in the name of Xia Lucifer, you must live.

Chen Rui hugged her tightly, and the fierce kiss seemed to smash her lips.

At this moment, both of them heard the voice of each other's hearts: forever, never separate.


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