Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 393: The strongest army and emperor in the future

Chapter 393 The shock of the strongest legion and the emperor in the future

Yankou Town, the ancient battlefield.

The fog of the Nether, which has been dyed red by blood, has finally dispersed.

In the wind blowing in the face, there is a **** gas that can be disgusting, but Diak can't smell it. Compared with the numbness of the numbness, the strong impact of the blood in the eyes is more His will has completely collapsed.

The entire blue melt army, a full 100,000 people, only two survived.

One is Diak, the other is 琉.

If it wasn't for Diak's screaming of his emperor's special envoy, his end would have been the same as Teutonic, Nader, and all the bodies on the ground.

As for the survival of the cockroach, it is not that Diak protects his subordinates at the moment of life and death, but because the corpse witch is interested in the "little guy" who previously dispelled his own gloom and also has the magic of the undead. .

Athena suppressed the feeling of tumbling in the stomach and looked at the ancient battlefield like **** on earth. She only felt that her mood was difficult to calm down, even though she grew up in the Warlock Fortress, following the father of the First General, I also saw some Small war scenes, but such a large-scale death is still the first time I saw it.

Is this the real war?

Are those brilliant feats built on so many bones and blood?

"Mrs. Athena." Guladam's voice interrupted Athena's thoughts. "I want to leave this little necromancer around, it should be OK."

After a little interrogation, Guladam's interest in cockroaches is getting stronger and stronger, and it is rare to encounter a little guy who studies the undead magic. If it is not the master-slave contract, he can also accept a servant.

"Of course." Athena returned to God. My father said that the kindness to the enemy is cruel to himself. If, let these troops break into the dark moon, then the underground is the soldiers of the dark moon and even the vast majority. Innocent people.

"This is a brilliant victory for you. If it is not for the emperor's special envoy, it may be useful for 'he'. I will not deliberately let your lord leave your mind. Your undead magical rumor has opened my eyes, especially the Master and the Master. Cavalry, the emergence of this new type of service, will show a revolution in war."

Guladam showed a smirk of laughter. This woman did not swear at the wife of the "man" and instead showed her respectful attitude, which made people very satisfied.

At this time, Guladamm was born with a warning sign and looked into the air. He saw two black spots zooming in on the distance. Obviously, the flight speed was extremely fast. When he looked at it, he turned out to be two dragons.

Guladam instinctively felt the horror of these two dragons, especially the petite green dragon, even if he had a feeling of heart.

"Mrs. Athena, get out of here!"

Athena was taken aback. At this time, the huge yellow-brown dragon had a familiar voice: "Athena!"

Athena’s heart was loose and her face was bright: “I am here!”

A black shadow was created on the back of the dragon, and it came to the scene with a horror that exceeded the dragon's horror. In the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Guladam.

It's him! Guladam was secretly shocked - this speed, and the power of this breath, impossible!

Then, the two dragons began to accelerate, and when they landed on the ground, they became a man and a woman.

Guladam recognized the man who was his most feared poison dragon, Paglio. As for the woman who did not know, but the body exudes the breath of the emperor, making his heart tremble.

Chen Rui looked at the **** **** around him and frowned. This scene he saw many in the illusion of refining his heart, but the real scene is still the first time. At this moment, his heart's instigation is more than Athena.

War is the cruelest and most eternal topic of higher life.

No matter how sacred it is, war is always the cruelest violent act.

However, the establishment of a peaceful and stable regime depends not only on dreams and hopes, but also on resorting to blood and iron. In the current situation, if we want real peace, we must first fight for war.

Such a cruel scene is likely to be faced in the future, so it must be adapted.

Chen Rui calmed his mind and said: "It seems that we are still a late step, Athena, you are fine."

"I'm fine. This time, Lord Guladam was so fascinating that the 100,000-strong army of blue melt was all solved."

100,000 troops are all solved? Chen Rui was secretly shocked. It was originally expected that the blue melt was returned by the feathers. I couldn’t think of it being eaten by Guladam! For a long time, Guladam’s undead power development was so rapid, and now he is very glad that he decided to down the corpse.

Of course, the undead army of Guladam was successfully established, and it was inseparable from the special environment of the ancient battlefield. After the migration of the residents of Yankou Town, a large number of magical arrays and altars were set up here, which is equivalent to the home of Guladam. If you change a place, there must be not so many undead to supply him, and certainly cannot achieve this kind of result. .

Guladham proudly showed his research results in front of Chen Rui, and these sorcerers actually got the inspiration from Chen Rui.

Seeing that Guladam really turned his ideas into reality, Chen Rui couldn’t help but admire, "I have a little opinion. Although these sorcerers and cavalry are powerful, the elemental attack of the sorcerer is single. , but very effective, the defect is low defense, and the element recovery ability is still too slow, I am afraid that it will delay the fighter; as for the cavalry, the defect of the sacral war horse is speed and stability. If the cavalry is unable to fully exert the maneuver and impact ability, It can only be used as a deterrent to the enemy."

Guladam nodded and shook his head again: "I have done a lot of experiments, but there is never a good solution."

“Can you consider... borrowing the power of equipment?” Chen Rui’s machine moves. “The sorcerers can use some kind of magic equipment to speed up the recovery of elemental strength. As for the cavalry, I also design a set of equipment to greatly enhance their speed and stability. ""

"You... please be rude to the Lord," Guladam flashed in the eyes: "Do you really design magic equipment that can solve this kind of problem?"

"Of course," Chen Rui's smile reveals strong self-confidence. "Not only that, I think, you can also add some arms, such as archers, aerial parts, etc., and the soldiers of elite troops and ordinary cannon fodder should Differentiate, you can use some special advanced equipment, especially the terrorist knight, at least should also be equipped with superior weapons and armor. You don't have to worry about the funds and sources of these equipment, I can be responsible for it. Today, you will let I have seen the powerful power of the undead. I believe that in the future battlefield, our undead army, your research results, and the power of your hidden two thousand years will all shine like never before. This will be the undead magic in the devil world. The strongest stroke in history."

Chen Rui’s sentence is definitely not for Guladam, but full confidence. If you continue to develop in this way, in the future battle, Guladam’s undead army is definitely the most powerful dark moon. A force!

Or, it will become the most daunting terrorist force in the entire devil world!

The red light in the eyes of Guladham is getting brighter and brighter, and he bows with respect and respect. Although there is no words, the thoughts in his mind have already surged like tides.

"When can I leave this place? The smell of these blood is too bad, I have to go back and appreciate the treasures of our family." The opening is Krobe Ruth.

Guladam looked at the Jade Dragon with vigilance. Chen Rui smiled slightly: "This is Miss Krobe Ruth, the wife of Pagliu, and later is our trusted partner, Athena, you want Close relatives."

Krobe Ruth heard the three words of his wife, and he passed the blush on the face. He felt a little more affectionate about his symbiotic partner. Athena didn’t expect the dead duck dragon to have such a beautiful Wife, now and Krobe Ruth talked, the two women are very temperament, and soon became a relationship.

When I heard the name of Miss Jade Dragon, Diak, who had been in a numb state, finally reacted. I don’t know where the strength comes from, like rushing to the life-saving straw: "Crobe Ruth, the quick rescue Me! I am leaving this terrible place!"

Not close yet, an invisible force shook him out, suddenly fainted to the ground, shot by Diak as the savior of the car robe Ruth.

Although she already knew that she was cheating on the Blue Pool Mountain, she was pretending to be Chen Rui. But when she saw this real thing and Diak, Miss Emerald Dragon still felt uncomfortable and dared to disturb Miss Ben and Asi. Na's chat!

Aside what I wanted to say, I was swept away by Miss Emerald Dragon’s eyes and suddenly looked down and didn’t dare to speak again.

(This powerful necromancer is actually a servant of this man!)

(The dark moon has such a powerful power!)

(Crobe Ruth, the adult, turned out to be a dragon, and... even with these guys is a group!)

(According to this, perhaps this empire is going to change...)

堕 Angels are all.

Royal Palace.

The black scorpion is sitting in the royal garden, and his face is gloomy. Even if he is with him, he dare not say a word. Because just the day before yesterday, when the Regent Royal received a report, he crushed the bones of a nephew who was still laughing.

Since the last time I was secreted by the most beloved nephew, the more accurate hand, because of this leak, led to the "Charles" body, the black scorpion no longer trusts anyone around him, but also becomes more cruel and violent.

In the next two days, the black scorpion has been sullen, and no one dared to touch the mildew of His Royal Highness.

Facing the situation of the red and the blue melt, the dark moon did not stick to it, but sent a death-like initiative to attack the 90,000 army, and it was defeated by the dark moon!

In this battle, the Dark Moon used a new type of weapon such as a burst of explosives, and there is actually a formal dragon cavalry air regiment! This is not the dozens of bipeds flying in the name of a legion, but hundreds or even thousands!

The entire Angel Empire, the Emperor has a Dragon Cavalry Corps!

Not only that, the dark moon still hides the mysterious powerhouse. In addition to the fact that Xiya himself has reached the magic king level, there is also a mysterious strongman. Zhuo Chee was defeated by the mysterious strongman on the battlefield. He was seriously injured and has returned to the red. Resting, and the special envoy of the emperor, Arus, was also killed by this person. As for the Emperor's level, Krobe Ruth is still missing.

According to this kind of combat power calculation, the dark moon, which could only be placed at the end of the four territories by the area and population, is definitely the first of the four territories!

How can this decadent territory, which has been controlled by itself, have such a strong strength?

The only hope now is that the blue melt collar is over...

At the time of the darkness of the new moon, the blue-melted army should be able to give the dark moon a heavy blow.

At this time, there was an urgent report, and the black man quickly got up, took a few steps and took it.

Only after scanning the words on the urgent report, the black eyes of the blackened eyes solidified, and a terrible breath broke out. The unfortunate guard who sent the urgent report couldn’t even make a scream, and the whole body burst and died.

For a time, everyone, including cockroaches, kept breathing, lest they become the next innocent.

The content of the battle report is: The blue melt army is strangely missing in the area of ​​Yankou Town, and its whereabouts are unknown. According to the news released shortly after the Darkmoon, the Blue Fusion 100,000 army has been completely annihilated, and the emperor’s special envoy, Diak, became the only survivor and is currently "being a guest" in the dark moon.

The black eyes are on the word "full 歼", and the heart is shocking. This is not to defeat, but to annihilate all! None of the 100,000 troops survived? Including the lord of the middle of the devil, how powerful is this to be able to do this?

After receiving the news of the defeat of the Red Chamber, Hei said that he had always underestimated the power of the Dark Moon. However, after receiving the report, the Black Skull felt that he could not see the true strength of the Dark Moon.


Why is this happening?

Is it the power left by the nephew Green who has died? Brothers and white nights, have to re-emerge?

No, you must not let this kind of growth continue to grow!

The problem is that, with the strong force shown by the dark moon, there is no territory in the empire that can no longer compete with it, unless...

However, the pro-levy was not without concern. Before the red lord lord Zhuo Chee launched the battle of the lord, after the special approval of the emperor, the military forces headed by General Warlock, George W. George, expressed strong dissatisfaction and accusation, and even showed signs of instigation. . Nowadays, the combination of the two major territories of the Darkmoon will surely spread throughout the entire Angel Empire and even the entire Devil World. The individual death loyalty of the suppressed White Night Emperor will definitely be more eager to move, and those wall grasses will also swing. It’s not only the name of the dark moon, but also the excuses and opportunities for those who are distracted to pick up the mutiny. It’s not desirable for the time being.

At the time of the black shackles, some people came forward to report: "The red lord lord sent an urgent magic letter, claiming that this time the loss was extremely heavy, and he was also hit hard. The casualties are in urgent need of pension, so I request a regent. His Royal Highness returned the billion fundraising and part of the interest in advance to solve the urgent need. The face of the black scorpion suddenly became iron blue, and the man still reported: "The son of the blue melt lord Chandler asked the priest to return the blue The fundraising of the melted land eases the territorial environment..."

"His Royal Highness, the empire of the Empire, Roy, asked for help, and asked His Royal Highness to return the family to collect funds to support the fallen Arus family."

This completely ignited the roar of the black cockroach: "Family! A veteran family, to be a dead person in the district, you still need to reach out and ask me for money! Roll! Let him get out!"

The depression of the black heart is nothing to add.

The serious consequences of the "death" of "Charles" are slowly manifesting after the war of the Lord. For the Royal Highness of Regent, this depression is just beginning.

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