Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 396: The new artifact of the redemption center and the appearance of "father-in-law&qu

The whole text has no advertising, the 369th chapter of the redemption center's new artifact and the appearance of "father-in-law"

As the auction and trade fairs approach, the dark moon is getting more and more day-to-day. Full text without ads

This event attracted the attention of many people in the Devil World. The three demonic fruits of the auction alone were enough to make many Mozu crazy.

The devil fruit is a rare fruit that has matured for hundreds of years, and it has an extraordinary significance for the demon outside the royal family. In addition to improving your strength, you can greatly increase your potential, increase the chances of breaking through the bottleneck several times, and have a small chance to gain additional special abilities.

Even for the royal family, in addition to potential, the growth of power and the extra special ability are quite tempting.

In the history of the devil world, there was a war of lords who fought for the devil's fruit. If the auction was before the Darkmoon Lords, then the nearby territory is likely to be many smashes or even robbed, but now the dark moon is defeated by blue melt and red secluded. The combination of the big territories has already had enough shock.

In fact, the devil fruit of Chen Rui is now sold in the wholesale market with big baskets, but the things are rare, and there will not be too many devil fruits.

The win of the Darkmoon in the battle of the Lord and the convening of the auction and the trade fair made the originally evacuated merchants and merchants return. The spare shops were all full of bidding bids after a week after the announcement of the news.

Recruitment work for recruits has also been carried out smoothly. The population of the Darkmoon Territory was originally numerous. This victory has greatly boosted the hearts of the people, and the generous treatment has made the group active. The recruiting department is lined up every day. Of course, these applicants must undergo certain screening and assessment before they can formally become a member of the Dark Moon Army.

What surprised the Darkmoon soldiers and civilians is that the secrets of the Blue Pool Mountain Treasures are effective. Those transformed magic soils have all been successfully planted with crops, and the growth situation is very gratifying, with only some fertile soil effects in the territory. It will take several times, which means that the Dark Moon will always be free from the biggest weakness of food shortage and truly self-sufficient.

The renovation of the water supply and sewage system in the Darkmoon City was originally carried out more than half before the war of the Lord. Now it is finally completed. Almost every household has used “tap water”. This convenience has also spawned many incidental “magic devices”. For example, showers, automatic toilets, etc., and quickly spread throughout the dark moon, so that the entire city's life grades have been improved, so that those outsiders are amazed.

Seeing that his research results have finally been successful and promoted throughout the territory, both the Masters and the Skye are gratifying. When the battle of the Lord was approaching, the dark moon was heart-wrenching. The prince of the **** empire had sent Montero, the first stage of the demon, to persuade the master to leave the dark moon and go to the **** empire to avoid the disaster.

The master of the 本 本 本 本 , , , , , , , , 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 沓沓 这个

Sally’s lover Sally insisted on staying, because her brother, Aldas, was the loyal loyalty of the long princess, Shia, and would never leave in times of distress. The seemingly indifferent brother and sister’s feelings finally came to a crisis. Revealed. Skye considered it over and over again, and decided to stay and open the relationship with Sally. "Agulie" has re-created the grace of him and his daughter, and he has to do his best. The master of the cockroach gnawed his teeth and simply stayed.

The result of the final battle of the Lord was beyond everyone's expectations, and the two masters finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As the new financial officer, Chen Rui is very busy this time, the transformation of the water supply system, the reorganization of the shops, the management of the cloak, the start of Delia's "dark magic", the affairs of the joint chamber of commerce... For this reason, Xia also deliberately set up the Ministry of Finance, with Chen Rui as the highest chief, equipped with a number of competent subordinates, just because they have just started, they can not be the shopkeeper.

Of course, no matter how busy, it is indispensable to use Athena and Jiya together to practice "cultivation" at night. The well-nourished female sheriffs and maids look radiant and amazing.

Although the characteristics of "double repair" can refine the power, but the experience of the environment has not promoted the effect, the experience is still 0, although the situation is happening in the shackles, but it does not make this realm real Improvement.

The legal practice of "law", the need for the environment is "chemical", this realm is a bit puzzling, the super system does not have a clear hint, just like the previous legal environment, there is a kind of mysterious feeling in the heart, once Mastering this feeling, you can truly understand the mystery of the environment. Full text without ads

In addition to the newly acquired skills and architecture, the exchange center's imperial and drawing recipes add a range of good things.

The redemption center has four kinds of medicines, plants, spirits and drawings.

1. Pharmaceutics: In addition to common medicines, there are a full set of black medicines including resuscitation medicines and life extension medicines.

Second, the plant class: There are pivot seeds, poly-lingual flowers, etc., is the main source of aura, but also the source of the entire super system, the central fairy is still the soul of the Star Garden.

Third, the imperial class: including worms, greedy vines, guardian vines and winged butterflies, which are used in the first two actual combat, there are time limits; guardian vine is the treasure of the house, now Chen Rui In the inner courtyard of the palace, the guardian vines were also laid down to protect the sisters of Xia; as for the winged butterfly, there is no use for it.

There are two new types of magic spirits added this time.

1, return to the tree - attributes: reply, timing. Respond to the physical strength and magic within the scope of action, the effect can be timed, the longest life is one month, 1000 aura.

Because of its passive nature, the returning tree should not be very useful for him, but it can be used for companion recovery and has a very positive effect in military training or combat.

2, the fruit of the gift - the attribute, the spirit gives. The medium that gives the spirit plant to others, the longest time is one day, 1000 aura.

The appearance of the fruit gives the qualitative effect of the function of the imperial class. For example, the winged butterfly that has never been used before, can now let an ordinary person who does not reach the demon have the ability to fly, although there is time limit. But in a certain environment, it can play an unexpected role.

Fourth, drawing recipes: The original artifact "Thunder" has always been an indispensable treasure in Chen Rui's battle, and now it has increased to six.

The first three are weapons, and the drawings are priced at 30 million aura.

Bei Ming (long sword class) - especially sharp, attack acceleration, double the skill level of the sword, halving the magic damage of the water system and the light system. It can absorb the power of the attacker in the attack, and use the power to launch the skill "Wanliuguizong" , water system, light system double attribute sword gas damage. Automatic repair of damage, must be recognized.

The ruling (Epee) - doubles the attack power, doubles the defensive power, quickly restores physical strength, and has a chance to cause the opponent to stun. With the skill: "ruling", 50% chance to ignore the opponent's defense, greatly increase the comminuted damage, and display it once every hour. Automatic repair of damage, must be recognized.

Secrets (sticks) - double the magic power of the whole system, double the casting speed, and attack the immune soul. With the skill "breaking the domain", there is a chance to ignore the opponent's magic defense or immune body. Show once every hour. Automatic repair of damage, must be recognized.

The latter three are armor, and the drawings are priced at 20 million aura.

Overlord (Heavy A) - greatly increases strength and defense, weakens, absorbs damage and turns into physical strength. With the skills: "Overlord Unloading", greatly weaken the defense of all enemies in the range, can lock the target unit. It is limited to six hours, one hour for each action. Automatic repair of damage, must be recognized.

Xuan jade (light armor) - increase the speed of movement, reduce the damage by half, and automatically repair the damage. With the skill: "Hot Blood Halo", the speed of the friendly army rises within 100 meters, the attack power increases, and the auxiliary unit can be locked. It is limited to six hours, one hour for each action. Automatic repair of damage, must be recognized.

Magical feather gauze (clothing class) - Increases the speed of movement, quickly restores physical strength, mental strength and magical power, greatly increasing magic resistance. With the skill: "Follow the wind", when the fatal attack, it automatically triggers the teleport, out of danger, and is limited to two times per hour. Automatic repair of damage, must be recognized.

Each of these six artifact-level weapons and armor makes him covet, each of which has its own characteristics, especially the overlord and Xuan Yuxi even have aura skills. Although the price is expensive, his current aura has already been 160 million. The price of the drawings is not a problem. It only needs a lot of rare materials. It can't be done at the moment. Even one piece can't be made. I hope this trade meeting will be held. Can gain something.

In addition to the exchange center, the “spiritual link” related to the contract has also undergone new changes, but the functions such as strengthening also require the crystallization of belief. At present, we can only wait for the harvest of the tower of faith.

On this day, Chen Rui returned to the office building of the Ministry of Finance after handling some trivial matters from the Joint Chamber of Commerce. The accident is that Jiya is waiting for him in the office. At this time, Jiya should be the busiest time in Princess Square. And she also brought a person.

This person is tall and unfamiliar, but the kind of fierceness hidden in the eyebrows makes Chen Rui have a familiar feeling.

At this time, Ji Yazhen took a ceremony and said: "Master, Jiya has one thing to ask you."


Chen Rui and Jiya are already the closest relationship. Jiya is now somewhat overly polite. With the degree of mutual communication between the two, Chen Rui feels that something is wrong, and his mind has been opened.

Race: Bulimia, comprehensive strength rating: s-(s+)

Constitution: s-(s+) strength: s(s+) spirit: s-(s) agility: s-(s)

Analysis: soil properties.

Besib royal family! The peak of the emperor!

Chen Rui’s heart attack is in line with this condition, and Jiya is such an abnormal expression and title. The true identity of this Besib emperor is already coming out!

Jiya's father, one of the leaders of the **** organization, once in the Crystal Valley and Chen Rui had the intersection of the king of Besib - Azgalo. Besib!

Azgalo, actually came to the dark moon personally!

The sensory ability of the Emperor level is quite subtle. Although Chen Rui’s mood swings are only fleeting, it is captured by Azgalo, and his eyes are faintly confused.

"It turned out to be like this!" Chen Rui shouted, as if suddenly thinking of something like a business, shouted: "Glaza, immediately give me the layout of the trade meeting!"

The outside of Graça responded and hurriedly walked to another office. Chen Rui muttered something, seemingly just remembering something, said to Jiya: "Jiya, don't bother me first, I I just thought about the trade meeting."

"Yes, Master." Hearing Chen Rui's somewhat impolite tone, Ji Ya understood in her heart, let go of her heart and respectfully bowed.

Chen Rui turned a blind eye to Jiya and Azgalo, and he made a contemplative look while he was walking in the hall. This is just a cover-up of the shock, Azgalo came to the dark moon. What is the purpose?

Although Azgalo and Jacob, Manu besieged Catherine, the result was defeated, but the strength of the Emperor of the Peak is placed here, looking at the entire dark moon, the Emperor level only the earth element king and the clo Bei Rusi, the earth element king Moore, after the return of the earth element heart, the strength has improved, but only reached the apex of the middle emperor, there is still a line difference from the peak emperor.

Even if it is between the peaks of the emperors, the gap between them is not small. Even if the earth element king breaks into the peak of the emperor, it is not the opponent of Azgalo. Unless Pagliu can restore strength, there is no one in the dark moon. Can be the enemy of the king of Besib.

At the time of thinking, Graça had quickly taken over the layout of the trade meeting. Chen Rui seemed to be on the mark, and it took half a day to complete. He nodded with satisfaction and ordered some things in Graça. Jiya said: "Yes, Jiya, do you seem to say something?"

Jiya nodded and said, "I'm sorry, I am disturbing the work of the master. I brought a guest today and wanted to introduce it to the owner."

Chen Rui’s eyes fell on the disguised Azgalo. Azgalo had no doubts, and he had been waiting patiently. He did not show half-incompetent color and politely said: “The financial officer’s daily routine It’s really a busy person. Please forgive me if you are disturbed.”

"This guest is..."

Kiya inserted a sentence: "Master, he... is the father of Jiya who has been separated for many years."

“Father?” Chen Rui was shocked. I couldn’t think of Azgalo’s appearance as a “real” identity. He deliberately asked: “You are not telling me, has your parents been dead for a long time?”

There are tears in the eyes of Jiya, more for the mother of her death, Freya: "The thing is like this. When I met my parents with a thief group, my father and mother escaped to cover me, staying behind to drag the thieves. I thought my parents had sacrificed, and my father survived."

Azgalo’s eyes showed a cichlid color, and he said with a little excitement: "My name is Gallo. I have been looking for the whereabouts of Kia in these years. This time, the dark moon happened to have something, and the devil **** blessed it. I found a daughter who has been separated for many years."

Chen Rui's heart secretly sneered, can not see Azgalo and the talent of this performance, he is a good father of Kia, but the family is not much thicker than A Sheet of Azgalo. If necessary, he can kill his own daughter without hesitation, and Fatih is the best example.

"It turned out to be like this, but no matter what Jiya used to be, now she is the slave given to me by His Royal Highness Princess. Even if you are her father, I will not let her go."

Chen Rui deliberately bite the word of slave, deliberately opened the true distance between Jiya and him, emphasizing the relationship of honor and esteem - this is his bottom line, you can play tricks with blood, but never let Ji Ya ventured back to Azgalo’s hands.

"The adults misunderstood, and Jiya is much stronger here than following me. I still have to take care of the adults." Azgalo smiled and said: "I am here today, and I am acquainted with Jiya. Second, there is a big advantage, to be given to the financial officer."

"Benefits?" Chen Rui knows that the meat is coming, frowning and looking at Ji Ya, Ji Ya will know, in the face of Azgalo deliberately nodded to him.

Chen Rui looked at Azgalo's eyes and finally nodded: "Lord Gallo, please sit down."

Azgalo made a look to Jiya, and Kia said: "Master, I am temporarily coming out of the Princess Square. There are many things that can't be separated from the little princess. You and your father are here to talk, I I will retire first."

Chen Rui nodded and thought a little, letting the people in the office retreat, leaving only himself and Azgalo.

Azgalo used the line of Jiya to find him. For the time being, there should be no maliciousness. Otherwise, if the strength of the Emperor of the Peak is directly in the dark, even if the real strength has reached the level of the Emperor, Chen Rui also Unable to resist.

"Lord Gallo, there are no outsiders now. Anything can be said."

"Before this, I want to take the liberty to ask, is the adult from the human world?"

Chen Rui shrugged: "Yes, as I all know, I am a human being, but as far as I know, I am not the only human being in the devil world."

"Adults misunderstand, whether it is the human world or the devil world, talented talent is the real strong." Azgalo smiled. "The reason why the dark moon economy has today's brilliant situation, Chen Rui adults are absolutely the most critical The **** factor, just an auction house, is the first of its kind."

This is not a secret. Many of the Darkmoon's innovations are unprecedented in the devil world. Many people attribute this to human beings. This should be the real reason why Chia reuses humans so much.

The strength is weak, the mind is extraordinary, especially in the economic aspect, it is the external evaluation of human finance officials.

Have the ability, but the strength is not good, no need to worry about rebellion, such a person is the most ideal subordinate candidate. Therefore, even when Zhuo Che was in World War I in the town of Luis, he also publicly expressed his intention to recruit Chen Rui.

"Actually, I just copied some things from the ground world." Chen Rui shook his head gently. "I can't count on what I can, I can get the appreciation of the long princess, and I am satisfied with the status."

"The adults are too Azgalo looked at him deeply, and suddenly asked quietly: "Adult, haven't thought about it, go further? ”

Chen Rui brows a wrinkle: This is solicitation?

Azgalo personally came to the dark moon and appeared as the father of Jiya. The purpose was to dig the corner? This is too much to see his "zone" humans!

This father-in-law is not a general of George. Since this is coming, in any case, we must try to "entertain".

Ps: Friendlyly recommend the works of two friends.

1. The bureaucratic "Chenzhen pawnshop" - "My Leisure Royal History" after the new work, currently seeking collection and seeking fat.

2, the fat panda's "Dark Judgment" - "A stepping on the peak" after another masterpiece, seeking for the cultivation of love and sorrow in the unspoken rules.


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