Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 428: Crystal mine mystery

Full text without advertising 428th chapter crystal mine puzzle

Ji Ya heard that Chen Rui was going to Crystal Valley, and wanted to follow her to see where her mother died. But now Crystal Valley is obviously not peaceful, and Chen Rui is not easy to convince her. Full text without ads

Last time, Chen Rui used to cut off the spiritual link in Luping Town and banned the symbiotic contract with Pagliu, but adopted "truncation" instead of "cancellation."

Cancellation means elimination, truncation is to retain the attributes that have been obtained from the connection, forcibly interrupting the link, but the cost is higher than "cancel". Chen Rui spent a million reiki at the time and cut off the symbiotic contract.

It’s not because he wants to steal Paglieu’s life, but because he spent hundreds of years in the training ground, far exceeding the life of ordinary humans. If it is cancelled, it’s afraid that it will be consumed immediately. Killed, let alone Pagliu and Athena escape.

In this way, as in the last time Manu, the characteristics conferred by the symbiotic contract were preserved, including the powerful ability of the cockroach. In fact, even if there is no power given by the symbiotic contract, it is the return of the super system itself to the blue back infrared. The wretched nature of the double repair is enough for him to be hired on another battlefield. Especially the double repair, can help the dark will to deal with the special phagocytic qualities such as the succubus maid.

In the morning, Chen Rui slowly sat up, pulled the blanket, and covered the tempting of Jiya Bai.

Last night's slogan made the little maid a few degrees, almost soft, and now sleeps sweetly, he kissed the succubus's forehead gently, rubbed his hands and got up, dressed, and walked out of the door.

At the moment when Chen Rui turned and walked out of the door, Jiya's beautiful eyes opened slightly, and silently watched the disappearance of his back. The little maid understands that his strength is not enough to be his burden. The only thing he can do now is to pray that he will come back safely.

Chen Rui bid farewell to the sisters of Xia, took a bipedal dragon, left the blood Jinghua City, flew in the direction of the dark moon in the south, but actually took a circle and circled the north, the target is the north. Black iron mountain range.

The rule of the contract is that the same kind of contract can only be used once for the same object for life. Even if Paglieu wants to sign the symbiotic contract again, it is impossible to achieve it. However, there are still other equal contracts, Chen Ruiping. The number of places is now five, and after re-signing an equal link with Pagliu that does not hurt, there are four remaining. (full text e-book free download)

Because the temporary combat enhancement effect is quite obvious, two of the four places give the most powerful Lola and Krobe Ruth, and there are two temporary vacancies. Lomon is already signed with the afflicted tyrant. A certain spiritual contract can not sign a second contract, while Delia and Athena and others are self-supporting and do not want to waste a limited number of places.

Chen Rui is not reluctant. His idea is to wait for the crystallization of belief and then sign a contract with them one by one, and then use the star enhancement that can be permanently strengthened to enhance their strength, but that value is expensive, just The first level of one-star reinforcement requires 100,000 beliefs, and it is simply not the same as the one hundred crystals that are used to strengthen the time-limited battles.

After the establishment of Shura’s war beliefs, the speed of the formation of belief crystals has increased a lot. At present, there are more than 900, and it will take a long time to try the strongest "Yu Xing" skills.

The area of ​​the blood Jinghua territory is very wide, just slightly smaller than the dark moon. Chen Rui is going to the northernmost black iron mountain range. Even if it is a two-legged dragon, it takes five days to reach the misty swamp where the crystal valley is located. . This speed is already very fast. The last time I followed Manu was the mutated horned beast, which took seven days.

As Cafu said, the foggy swamps have been heavily guarded, and there are still many magical protection arrays, but this kind of defense is aimed at the "entry" that Catherine used to forcibly break open. Chen Rui knows that there is also a special passage in the Crystal Valley that uses the inscriptions of the dragon language. Sure enough, those hidden inscriptions were not destroyed, especially the three inscriptions in front of the water pool. Through the transfer of the pool, Chen Rui successfully circumvented the defense force and entered the Crystal Valley.

The scenery of the Crystal Valley is still beautiful, but the original museum of engulfing, the facilities such as the Nightmare Valley and the Crystal Nest are abandoned, and some have been transformed into mining facilities. Chen Rui remembers the past in the Crystal Valley “undercover”, as if still Yesterday, the death of Freya and Rafael has always been the pain of his heart.

Power is still the need for stronger power to protect important people.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and set his sights on the entrance of the mining area, which was the original site of the crystal lair of the original Crystal Dragon Jacob. The miners here had long been removed by General Kafu, except for the army that was heavily guarded outside. There is no one in the entire crystal valley.

Chen Rui is still dressed in a cloak. According to the map of the mine provided by Kafu, he entered the pit and sneaked through the light of the mine.

This underground pit is quite spacious and extends in all directions. It is a fight between Xiqi and Xiqiao. Strictly speaking, it is not built by Kafu or Catherine, but the original Crystal Dragon Jacob. Because the crystal dragon was not healed by the injury caused by Paglio, because of the special constitution, the medicinal and the like can not function, you need to use the magic array to absorb the power of the crystal ore to repair the body. However, before the poor crystal dragon was fully restored, he encountered a wretched Arthur dampness. As a result, he was fortunate to have a friendly "cutting" with the first beauty of the devil world. He was hurt and wounded.

Unsurprisingly, the magic map was disturbed by some kind of power, and soon lost its usefulness. Chen Rui continued to advance through the physical map provided by Cafu. Of course, this map also has considerable errors, especially These magical arrays interfere with the illusion, but Chen Rui is no longer a rookie of Xiqiao Mountain. While groping forward, he marks and corrects the map. Although the speed of this kind of carpet search is slow, it often goes to a dead end, but it can avoid mistakes to the greatest extent. The revised map has considerable value for the **** flower territory.

Sure enough, after a long journey, Chen Rui was keenly aware of the existence of the magic array, and it was also mixed with the inscription of the dragon language. Perhaps it was the organ left by the crystal dragon. It seems to be a set of quite complicated organs.

It is not so easy to solve the inscriptions in the dragon language. It is like a mine sweeping by a construction engineer. Even if there is corresponding knowledge and facilities, there is a great danger. With the help of the super system, Chen Rui has already achieved the true biography of Paglio. When the Crystal Valley was in the Crystal Valley, the crystal dragon also gave a part of his own experience. Later, with the powerful inscription knowledge of Lola, now Chen Rui’s dragon language Inscription level, but also exceeds Paglieu, second only to Rolla. He did not spend a lot of time and psychology to crack the inscription, but carefully walked around the past, trying not to alarm or induce those inscriptions, just in case, just by the way, search for the whereabouts of Master Rumenig.

About three hours later, Chen Rui finally figured out the law of the change of the inscriptions in the dragon language. It turned out to be a large and very advanced inscription magic array. He followed the source and carefully approached the source.

The size of this pit is bigger than Chen Rui's imagination, and it seems to be endless, and the terrain and arrangement do not seem to be a pit, but a huge underground labyrinth.

What surprised Chen Rui was that, after passing a few inscriptions on several chain inscriptions, he even felt a hint of the ancient accent. He knows very well that the crystal dragon is not familiar with the ancient slang. When he first grabbed the slate of Rolla, he only used the mysterious power of the slate itself to recover the injury. Moreover, now six slabs have been stolen by Chen Rui, with the crystal dragon. Level, certainly can not lay the ancient accent of this degree, is there any **** way in this blood?

Chen Rui was surprised, suddenly exposed the color of vigilance, the body to avoid the shadow, and soon, in the faint light in front, a figure appeared.

The action of this figure is a bit stiff, and it is all crystal clear crystal, which reflects the strange light under the magic light.

Race: Crystal Man (傀儡), comprehensive strength rating: c. Constitution c, strength c, spirit f-, agile d. Attribute: Anti-magic.

Devil-level... Crystal Man? This familiar crystal 傀儡 makes Chen Rui finally understand, the original strange event happened here is the ghost of the "old friend"!

Although there are still some doubts about the ancient idioms, Chen Rui did not think much more. As the crystal squats forward, the crystal 傀儡 has no sense of autonomy, and only listens to the master's command, despite certain perceptions. Ability, but still can not detect the trackers who have reached the level of the emperor.

The light began to brighten up, and the crystal man came to a place to stop. There were several identical crystals in the and many of the demons were carried out from the surrounding mines from time to time. ore.

These demons are languid and seem very exhausted, but after a pause, they will be beaten or even killed by the crystal people. From their costumes, they should be the miners who disappeared from the previous pit. The role of the crystal scorpion seems to be patrol and supervision. .

Chen Rui thought of a move, secretly approached the past, quietly turned into a miner's costume, and then walked forward in a big way, took a basket of ore, followed the miners who were moving forward.

The mined ore was transported to a place by the miners. It is a hall with a circle of crystal cymbals in the hall. It is tightly guarded, with a transfer port in front of it, and the ore is poured into the transfer port.

In the vicinity of the transfer port, there is a middle-aged man in his forties who is very handsome. He is directing the miners to paint a magical mark on the ground.

Chen Rui’s eyes are bright, this middle-aged man is one of his goals, Master Rummenigge!


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