Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 433: First general

Chapter 143, the first general

Watching Chen Rui take a two-legged dragon to leave, Paglieu took out a bottle of green y ù 咕噜咕噜 咕噜咕噜 灌 灌 灌 灌 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿 拿~~

The division of a vampire with a certain cockroach is only a change of numbers. Anyway, the sī room money of the poisonous dragon is stored in the vampire human being, and I don’t know if it will be collected.

However, these don't seem to matter. What's important is that Grandpa Paglieu is not a dragon now fighting. He has a sly human being around him. He has a small betty that is barely a positive palace, and several other credible. Associate.

It feels that these tens of thousands of years of life and memory seem to have become extraordinarily clear only this year, although at birth, all he sees is the eggshell.

By the way, I have to go back as soon as possible to protect the woman of the guy. Paglieu finished the bottle of wine in one breath and vacated. The huge black shadow fluttered with wings and instantly made a little black spot and disappeared. In the middle of the night.

Chen Rui drove the two-legged flying dragon all the way. Under the guidance of the magic map, it took four full days before he crossed the Black Iron Mountain Range and came to the territory of the **** empire.

Despite the black iron mountain range, the **** empire still built the Molo Fortress on the other side of the Black Iron Mountain Range. I don't know if it is a warning to the yīn Shadow Empire.

Chen Rui successfully passed the fortress as a disciple of the apprentice “Li Cha”, because at the level of the makers, the badges obtained were unique and could be displayed through the special inspection props of the Master Division. Not paying attention to it, the identity of the missing genius master "Arthur" is quite bad.

Chen Rui’s goal is the earth element king Moore said, the land of the Woyuan in the Syraced Mountains in the far north. This treasure not only helps Moore to advance to the peak of the Emperor, but also is one of the materials lacking in the creation of the magical wand of the artifact.

The secret image can double the magic power of the whole system, double the casting speed, and immunize the soul-like attack. It also has a chance to ignore the magical defense or immune body's "breaking domain". It is the strongest tailored for Rolla. arms.

However, so far, the "shadow" that infiltrated the **** empire has not yet found the whereabouts of the Sercoed Mountain, as if the mountain was not known at all.

Of course, the time when the "Shadow" was established was too short. At present, the main energy is placed in the country of the Angel Empire. In the other two empire, no matter the manpower or strength, it is only enough to master some common news. There is no way to access some core confidential information.

Since I came to the **** empire, I naturally didn't want to go back empty-handed. Chen Rui thought about it and decided to go to the **** emperor to see what useful news. If there is no gain, try to explore north again. It is not too late to find.

Through the fortress of Moro, Chen Rui came to a small town and took the carriage all the way to the west. After a few days, he finally reached the place where he had to go to the imperial capital, the town of Essie.

The town of Essie was originally unknown, and after thousands of years of World War I, it became a household name for the devil.

At that time, the **** empire of the Mamen royal family invaded the wrath of the King of Samuel, and had been attacking before. In this last place of the imperial capital, it encountered dozens of times more than the former fortress or the city. Tenacious resistance.

The first general of the violent royal family, Serray, led 10,000 old and weak, and miraculously blocked the attack of 300,000 **** main forces. However, due to lack of backup, the army was killed after ten days.

Although the **** army captured the town of Essie, it paid four times the price of the enemy. Then the **** army rushed straight into the emperor, and the emperor died. The angered king empire became history.

However, the general Serre won the respect of everyone, including the enemy, and the **** emperor even personally shaped the bronze statue for him.

In order to commemorate the heroicity of Serre, the descendants wrote a song "The Song of Aixi" that has been circulated so far. Last time, when the blue melted land faced a desperate situation, Athena sang this song to Chen Rui. .

Desolate and unyielding, representing her mood at the time.

That scene, like the confession in the flames of Xiqiao Mountain, has been deeply in the heart of Chen Rui. Athena charming Mei is not as good as Jiya. The strength and knowledge are not as good as Lola, nor the beauty of Xia or Catherine. However, there is no doubt that she is her, she is unique and is his most loved woman.

Then, continue to become stronger, not for power, not for fame and fortune, only for guardianship.

Chen Rui took a deep breath and his eyes looked firmer.

The carriage did not reach the station directly, but stopped at the town of Aixi, and the people in the car went on. It is not that the service is not in place, but there are a large number of troops in the town to check the population entering the town, and there are several staff members who are responsible for registration.

Chen Rui feels awkwardly different. In the previous towns and even the fortresses, there was no such thing as a wait-and-see. What happened?

The check was quickly turned to him, and the surrounding soldiers looked at him, and the registered devil did not lift, and asked: "Name, race, identity, destination."

"Richard, the great demon, the apprentice apprentice, intends to go to the Imperial City to assess the qualification of the maker."

The servant was to go to the appraisers, and he couldn’t help but look up and gave him a look: “If you don’t have a special thing to stay here, it’s best to go to the capital by Essex as soon as possible.”

"Why?" Chen Rui asked curiously, but the servant waved his hand impatiently, indicating that he would pass quickly.

Chen Rui was suspicious in the heart, followed the people in front, and walked into the town of Essie.

In the eye, it was a huge bronze statue. It was the **** emperor who personally cast it for Serre Samuel. The sculpture was square and full of expression, wearing a broken armor and supported by a long blade with a blade. body. It is said that when General Serre died, it was this posture that did not stand out and stood still, and the **** soldiers did not touch his body alone, and detoured detourly.

In front of the statue, there are a lot of fresh huā. It seems that there are many people coming to pay homage. There are many people in the town, and the guarding power of the town of Essie is several times more than that of the ordinary town. There are patrols from time to time. Walk around.

Chen Rui wants to find a pub to inquire about the news. I know that all the pubs in the town have been closed down. Later, with a little money, I learned from the mouth of a little evil spirit that it was today General Serre 2,370 years. The taboo, that is, the day of Ezekiel.

Originally, this kind of jealousy did not require the army to make a big move, but since the **** empire invaded the angered king empire, the forces of resistance encountered were endless.

The wrath of the royal family is the most brave and warlike king of the devil. Although the emperor has fallen, he has never really surrendered, especially in the sacredness of General Séré, and many violent rumors in the name of Sele make the **** empire extremely headache. By this time, the country will urgently martial law, check and search for suspicious elements.

This situation has been maintained to the throne of the contemporary **** Emperor Lei Zen. Lei Zen used **** suppression at the beginning, and the little emperor Teres changed all this. More than a hundred years ago, Teres did not know what means. Actually convinced the Emperor Lei Zen, please come out but the violent royal family chief Gustaf became the first general of the empire, and named the generals of General Séry as the day of the Ezekiel, every ten years will organize the mourning in the name of the official The conference allows anyone to come to the town of Essie to mourn the hero general.

Sure enough, with this kind of Huairou policy, the **** empire's movement dàng finally gradually stabilized, and Lei Zen the Great also showed extraordinary strength, and he took the heavy responsibility of Gustav and became the first general in the true sense.

Chen Rui nodded secretly. Tries’s hand was “useless” and used beautifully. Today is exactly the “official” memorial meeting held every ten years. No wonder there are so many “maintaining order” troops. As for the stop-selling of the wine, it was to express the commemoration of Serre, and the second was to prevent some accidents caused by alcohol.

At this time, many people quickly concentrated on the street. Chen Rui heard someone whisper: "General Gustav is here!"

Is the wrath of the first general of the empire? Chen Rui curiously followed the crowd and walked to the mouth of the town. He saw a tall, thin man wearing a armor, riding a black horse, surrounded by a small team of red cavalry, passing the level, and then Qi Go down the horse and walk towards the direction of the statue of Serre.

Chen Rui’s eyesight is extraordinary. He has already seen Gustav’s appearance, his body is long and thin, his brow is high, and his facial features are like a knife. It gives a cold feeling.

It's him! Chen Rui was taken aback. Gustav was not someone else. It was the last time in the dark moon auction that he followed the **** little emperor Teresi.

At this time Gustav had already come to this side. Many of the crowds onlookers came to the violent royal family who came to attend the memorial. Qi Qi was greeted by Gustav, and many of them followed the Gustav guards. Behind him, he followed the statue.

Chen Rui’s heart was moving, and he was also in the crowd. He always had a question in his heart, or guessing. Now it’s just the eyes of the analysis to confirm it.

Gustav came to the bronze statue and stopped. He took the fresh huā in the guard's hand and placed it under the statue. Then he fell down on one knee and closed his eyes. Many people followed him. The same movement, the guards did not stop these followers, it is already commonplace.

Chen Rui slowly approached the past and squeezed into the front row of the crowd, finally entering the effective range of the analytical eye.

Race: Fury the royal family.

Comprehensive strength assessment: a+(s-). Constitution a (s-), strength a + (s), spirit b + (a-), agile a (s-).

Analysis: Fire properties.

Sure enough, the data is exactly the same.

This "identical" object is the mysterious demon powerhouse who was killed in the blue-melt territory of Lupin Town, who almost killed Chen Rui and later gave Athena a legendary wristband - Bridget!

This explains why Bridget "liked" Athena's voice.

The song of Ezekiel.

The first general of the **** empire, actually a **** person!

The water element king Blue Bobst said on the same day that the sacrifice of so many lives in Luping Town was not only for the restoration of the dark element king Hegel, but also for a person who needs dark power to break through the bottleneck.

Dark power... Dark mastery?

Also, break through the bottleneck... Devil's fruit?

Looking at the violent royal strongman who had been aliased "Bridget", a new bold speculation gradually became clear in Chen Rui's heart. At this time, Gustav had already finished his silence, stood up and suddenly looked back. At a glance, the gaze is the direction of Chen Rui. It seems that this strong emperor has been keenly aware of the gaze behind him.

Chen Rui was taken aback. After confirming the identity of "Bridget", his gaze was involuntarily brought a bit of hostility. It was discovered by Gustav in so many people, the mentality of this opponent. The ability is amazing. You must know that the eyes of the analysis show that Gustav is a power-type practitioner, and the spiritual power is only the magic level of the district!

Perhaps this is not only the induction of spiritual power, but also a subtle induction of instinct.

Sure enough, it is a bad enemy.

Gustav’s gaze, the people around him suddenly cast their eyes on it. Soon, Chen Rui was “discovered” and became the focus of attention.

The guards immediately caught Chen Rui, and Gustav looked at Chen Rui: "Who are you?"

Although this sound is different from Bridget, the feeling makes Chen Rui more certain - the sound can be changed with a certain skill or prop, as if the true face is covered, but the intuition is not wrong, that is, he !

Chen Ruil took out a very nervous look: "The general is forgiving! I am an apprentice of a mechanic. I am going to the Emperor's assessment system. I happened to come here to commemorate General Reiser and be curious about the general..."

Gustav did not give him the opportunity to explain, said coldly: "Tell the people behind you, don't affect my mood in this day, otherwise..."

Chen Rui only felt that the two sharp-eyed light went straight through the heart and spleen. It was indeed a little nervous. The heart immediately slammed with it. It seems that Gustav misunderstood that he was some kind of surveillance person.

Gustav, the first general of the empire, was afraid that the days were not as good as the imagination of outsiders.

Chen Rui immediately bowed his head and did not open it This just shifted the line of sight to avoid doubt.

Many eyes around the contempt, anger, and hatred suddenly cast in, making Chen Rui feel uncomfortable.

"Throw him out of town." Gustav made an order to the guards, did not pay attention to Chen Rui, and continued to turn around to face the bronze statue.

The guard violently grabbed Chen Rui’s neck and dragged it toward the entrance of the town. Chen Rui naturally did not resist, but only screamed unfortunately: just came in from here and was thrown out, you are going The exit of the emperor is thrown...

After Chen Rui’s smooth “landing”, the town’s direction sounded a song, and the tragic and singular song of Essie’s song was over the sky, and it was bleak.

Feeling the kind of mournful atmosphere, Chen Rui’s heart touched, as if he was still in Lupin, and he could not help but slowly close his eyes, just like Bridget.

(ps: Suddenly I really want to write a poem, that is, "The Song of Aixi", but it is too good inspiration at present, and the time is too late. If you have a book, you may wish to create a song. ......)


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