Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 435: Light is dark! The magician girl in a special store (five thousand words)

The 345th chapter is dark! Special store of the Emperor less nv (5000 words)

Two days later, the business conference of the **** emperor was held as scheduled. TXT e-book download

Chen Rui used a pseudonym and became a trader in the trade fair. Only this trader is special, concentrated in a single small store, which is said to sell very rare special items, only guests with special status can visit this store.

Tess huā did not have the strength to find out the news, Chen Rui originally wanted to use this opportunity to find the soil of the Wo Yuan, as well as some materials for making artifacts, naturally will not let this good opportunity. Only Tess's current ability is not enough to let him join the ranks of special guests, so Chen Rui smartly chose to become a seller.

Despite the help of Tess, it is not an easy task to enter this store. There must be rare goods that are different from each other. Chen Rui took out some of the gadgets that were previously made in the Rainbow Valley. The material or value of the child itself is not very high, but the special sè of this store is not to value the value, the most important thing is "special", the more special, the more weird the better, finally Chen Rui's gadgets finally passed. "Audit", successfully "enter" the store.

Before the sale, all the merchants of this independent store were concentrated in training, and the content of the training was about some special rules of the store. One of the things that has been highlighted is that at a certain time, a distinguished nvxìng guest will come to this independent store, and it will take 12 points to enjoy the hospitality, no matter what the guest looks at, Must be sold to her, in terms of price, it is ok, not too high or too low.

If the nv customer successfully purchases a certain item, then the price of the item will be won five times after the event. If the customer is satisfied, he will receive ten times the reward afterwards!

A small number of people are businessmen who have participated in the trade fairs of the **** emperors in the past. It is said that there were such special rules at the time, and they also fulfilled ten times the rewards afterwards, so there is no doubt that they are reliable.

That nv guest, probably a very noble and noble royal family, Chen Rui is curious about this, but only curious, and not too much in mind. At this moment, his attention on the goods of the "peer", he really found some of the materials needed for the artifacts and some rare good things, but unfortunately did not see the biggest target of the Woyuan, and did not from these people I heard about Sercoed Hill and related news.

As a seller's peer, Chen Rui has been accustomed to those few favorite businesses. If there are no customers to buy those materials and goods, they can exchange the goods they need or sell them at the right price, but they are fancy. It must be bought with money, because Chen Rui’s “commodities” are too eccentric, which makes it difficult to raise interest.

In a separate venue, the sale of special stores began silently, contrary to the lively atmosphere of the fire. The merchants in the store are effectively isolated by the ingenious design space, orderly, spacious, and at a glance, the business and goods are not at all crowded.

According to the rules, the sellers of special stores can't sing and sing. There is a sign in front of each stall, which lists their own goods details and prices. Only when those customers look at certain goods can they speak out, once they violate the rules, Will be expelled from the store.

The number of guests coming here is not particularly large. From the point of view of clothing or conversation, most of the people are very ordinary, and the shots are very generous. They rarely bargain. In just one hour, several businessmen earned a lot of money and smiled.

Unlike the well-received sellers, there are very few strange goods on Chen Rui’s stalls. Even the old man who sells the strange World of Warcraft has sold two little guys, and Chen Rui has not opened mén. red.

The old man looked at him like a demonstration, and began to carefully check the magic cage, lest there was any problem, let those fat babies slip away.

At this time, there was a nv child in the special store. This nv was light and wearing a white sè short-sleeved skirt with silver edges. The skin was fair and the body was very well-proportioned. The face is méng with a veil, and I can't see the nose and mouth. It adds a bit of mystery. From the eyes of the smart and bright eyes, it should be a beautiful nv.

This nv appeared in this time period, and it is very similar to the noble nv guest described in the previous "ventilation meeting". At one time, almost all the merchants played the god, eager for the "wealth nv god" I can visit my booth. If it is not strictly regulated, I am afraid that someone has started to sell it.

Chen Rui also glimpsed the nv far away, and he did not agree with it. He was not rushing for money this time, and now Chen Rui’s property only needs to come up with a part to buy the entire trade conference. How can the little money that rewards be put in the heart.

As for the beauty of this nv, I am not interested in anything, even if it is beautiful, it doesn’t matter to him. Some beautiful tigresses in the house are fighting against each other. From time to time, there are some small competitions and small contradictions, which is enough to cause headaches. Still cherish life, stay away from the beauty of the sè.

(Note: This "beauty sè" does not include nv man + demon nv + dragon nv + nv boss + hidden angle sènv emperor)

That nv seems to be very curious about everything, all the way to see the West, take a look at the huā, pick up a commodity from time to time, but put it down in the eager eyes of the stall owner, seeing it is going to Chen Rui is coming in this direction.

Perhaps other businessmen have performed too diligently and Chen Rui seems to be in a cold relationship. The eyes of NV have passed through the great demon of Chen Rui’s incarnation, the pile of weird things that fell in front of him, and his eyes moved, no more. Look at the rest of the booth and walk straight toward Chen Rui.

The merchants on the side regretted it. They knew that the big devil in the school was indifferent. Right, it was the ancient saying that the ancient Mozu passed down, called... unconventional!

The nv picks up a simple countdown timer made by Chen Rui with the ancient rune, looks at it for a while, and picks up another wrist ring that automatically lights up according to the time. He asks: "Is this your own?"

Listening to the sound seems to be a little nv, and soft and pleasant, Chen Rui did not speak, just nodded.

On the side of the old land jīng jealous eyes must be highlighted, the "wealth nv god" along the way, although watching a lot of things, but did not say a word, actually opened to this **** big demon! This means that you may be interested in this guy's merchandise and even buy this guy's merchandise!

Jealousy is not only the old man, but also the surrounding merchants, but no one knows the horror of Chen Rui’s heart. At this moment, he is forced to use his power to suppress the mood of the heart, because if he is not careful, he will be The other side perceives.

Race: Greedy royal family.

Comprehensive strength assessment: c+(s)

Constitution: c-(s-) strength: c(s-)jīng god: c(s) agility: c(s)

Analysis: Dark is xìng, light is xìng.

It is also a strong emperor, and it is also the nvxìng of the maén royal family!

From the first seven empire of the devil world to the three remaining empire now, bloody, yīn shadow, 堕 angel can stand in the devil world for so many years, certainly have their own strong card, that is, the magic emperor and the emperor level By. From the last dark month auction, the black scorpion will be able to see two emperor-level assassins. It’s no wonder that even a **** organization like this has always been secretly crouching, using yīn’s tricks to subvert the regime, not Directly seized by force.

The strongest of the **** empire, in addition to the strongest Lei Zen the Great, Chen Rui has seen the first general Gustav (Bridget), two emperors Aunts, Ed Méng, plus this Mysterious nvxìng, is five people, do not know how many terrible strengths are hidden.

Originally in the Darkmoon Territory, which was suppressed by the Emperor, the highest one that Chen Rui saw was the Grand Devil of Xia (now raised to the Emperor). As his knowledge grows and his level increases, his vision The strong began to gradually increase. When he himself became a "high-level" powerhouse and hoped to take it to the next level, the peak powers that he had only hoped for before were no longer unattainable.

Having said that, if the demon in front of you is really a young nv, those "old age" magic emperors can only go to the corner to circle.

What makes Chen Rui feel incredible is that the genus xìng of this nv is in addition to the inherent darkness of the maén royal family, and there is even light.

Devil is the most active world of dark elements. The dark elements of the dead elements will be suppressed to a very low level here. The human combat power of Samuel and Nero will naturally drop a lot. Of course, in a certain The degree is also a better hone.

However, this greedy royal family's nvxìng actually appeared to be incompatible with the dark genus xìng, what does this mean? variation?

If it is not the super system that shows her identity as a demon king, Chen Rui will think that this is a human nvxìng entering the devil world.

Nv did not notice Chen Rui's abnormality, or the attention was not on him at all, but picked up those little things one by one and couldn't help but nod: "Wow! Although the highest is only two yuan, these ideas are so interesting! Where did you learn from?"

These words fall in Chen Rui’s ear, and it’s a surprise. This “two yuan” is not a convenience store like the two yuan, but the level of the ancient accusative used by the gadgets. This nv child can see through at first glance, I can't think of a strange nv person in addition to the roller, the devil world has such a jīng pass the ancient rune!

Chen Rui thought about the electric turn and immediately compiled a story: "This is what I gave to me in an old man in the village when I was a child. It is wonderful, but he didn't know how to go. I have spent a lot of effort over the years and can only arrive. This level..."

"In the two yuan, you are already very good..." Nv said, and asked curiously: "What does the old man look like?"

"I don't remember clearly, it seems to be wearing a black sè headscarf, with a white sè beard, no name, people call him a white beard, I vaguely remember that he left the premise to the Sercored Hill, I don't know. Isn't he going to go. Later I was looking for the old man and the Sercoed Hill, but unfortunately there was no whereabouts."

This white beard is borrowed from the image of a famous card that I have seen before. Chen Rui almost uttered the words of the four emperors, domineering, and fortunately closed in time.

"Seccoed Hill?" Nv's gaze flashed slightly, then shook his head. "There is no white beard there, you don't have to work hard."

Chen Rui was just a move, and he tried to ask for the psychological treacherous stone. He couldn’t think of the real “crash” of the whereabouts of the Syraced Mountain. The heartbeat could not help but speed up and blurted out: “Miss knows the Sercored Mountain?”

Nv seems to be aware of his own words, hurriedly slammed his mouth and shook his head, a pair of silver-free three hundred and two, this feeling more and more like a cute embarrassing naive less nv, how and the emperor level The terrorist strength does not match.

Chen Rui asked a few times around the bend. There was still no result. In the heart, the topic was transferred to the ancient rune: "This distinguished lady, you seem to know this magic rune? If you can, I hope to ask the lady." two."

Less nv just shook his head, was asked anxious, turned and left, Chen Rui how to give up this important source of information: "Miss, wait a minute, I have a strange special special thing here, keep you never I have seen it."

This sentence makes the less nv stop. Looking back, Chen Rui has a piece of strange things about two palms in his hand. It seems to be a flat spar, which is smooth and flat outside, and has a mysterious brilliance.

Less nv turned around and curiously asked: "What is this novelty?"

"This is an extremely mysterious magic prop. It contains boundless wisdom and philosophy. It tells us through a fun game that the mistakes made will accumulate and the success will disappear."

Chen Ruiyi deputy philosopher's deep appearance, unfortunately purely làng fee expression, less nv other did not listen to, "fun game" five words but clearly heard, the scorpion suddenly sparkling.

The so-called "the mysterious props containing this boundless philosophy" is actually the Tetris game made by Chen Rui using the idioms and the mechanics. The handyman + chef + experimental product + deputy valley owner who was unbearable in the Rainbow Valley During his career, this temporary "game machine" accompanied him through a round of difficult days, and finally passed through the difficult time, ushered in the life of the beautiful Guzhu adults.

This one is already an improved game console. Unfortunately, the ancient runes are too complicated to simulate such a small simple game. Otherwise, Chen Rui also wants to open an online game company and use the free way of the world. An unscrupulous gamer who is a circle of money in the devil world.

"This is the moving position, this is the direction of rotation, so that a horizontal arrangement can eliminate..."

"The next one is the next box to be released, that number is my highest record..."

“There are additional scores for two rows and more in a row...”

Less nv rushed over and watched him play for a while, his eyes began to flash a little star: "Can you give it to others..."

Therefore, under the guidance of Chen Rui, less nv began an in-depth discussion with "philosophy", the results were out of control, unconsciously, two hours passed, less nv still holding the piece of spar intently, I didn't mean to leave, I saw that the eyes of those businessmen were almost red.

"Miss Tiffany, I still have to do business, it is better, that..." Chen Rui has already asked the name of this less nv in the conversation, but it is limited to this. Now Tiffany is obviously in the game, The ear has not heard anything extra.

"Press the red sè mark above!"

Tiffany subconsciously pressed the mark, and the game paused. She seemed to react. She said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, West Méng, this magical item is very much liked, how much can I sell?"

West méng is the pseudonym used by Chen Rui. In the āo talk, he has already tried to find out that this less nv belongs to the gentle and reasonable type. It should not rely on the identity of his own royal family and the strength of the emperor. If you change the Lola, I am afraid that this game machine has long been named "Miss Ben".

"This is the only and most precious souvenir that the white beard left for me. It is not for sale..." Seeing Tiffany's disappointing eyes, Chen Rui seized the opportunity to say: "Just, but white beard I have said that if you want to find something called Wo Yuan Zhi, if Miss Tiffany can give me the Yuanyuan, I am willing to take this most precious souvenir as a change."

"Woyuan's soil!" Tiffany seemed a little surprised, then shook his head and stared at the "game console" reluctant to move.

In fact, Chen Rui’s words are leaky. First, I only remember that White Beard said that Serco Red Mountain, and now there is another Wo Yuan’s soil, but Tiffany is obviously not the kind of deep-hearted person, plus the game machine. Attracted, and did not pay attention to so much, just no matter how Chen Rui yòuhuò, less nv always refused to spit l ù 科 C C C C C C C C C

Chen Rui knows that the other party has the power of the emperor can't do too much, and immediately sighs: "I met Tiffany today, it is also a rare opportunity, so, this precious game crystal The board will be given to the lady, as a gift between friends."

"Thank you, West méng!" Tiffany was overjoyed. If he received the treasure, he would see Chen Rui shaking his head and sighing. He only felt overwhelmed. "Sorry, some people really can't tell you, that Wo Yuan. The soil... I remember that there should be records in the database of the Imperial Metropolis League. If you have the chance, you can go and have a look. However, that kind of thing is really not something you can touch. People are leaving now, I hope next time. We still have the opportunity to meet. In order to express our gratitude for your precious gift, amount... I will buy all the things in your booth."

Chen Rui did not reject Tiffany's kindness because he is now a "businessman".

No matter what, things are finally a little eyebrows, and that the division of the masters seems to be really going to go.

Ps: The update is temporarily one day, probably on the August 23rd. It will burn the small universe again, and it will happen for a few days. In the period before this time, please support us a lot. If you have the conditions, please subscribe to the genuine.


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