Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 442: Rebel

Full text, no advertising, forty-fourth chapter, sect

Following the emergence of the "Magic Eyes" genius Richard, the "news" of the masters of Turia and the masters of Master Mavina, the Union of Controllers once again shakes the explosive news - only after the discovery of the teacher Get out of the teacher's door and worship at the door of the Master of the Masters of the Masters, the master of the demon world, Niet Mammon!

This news has aroused the attention of the entire emperor. For a time, contempt, envy, and jealousy emerged endlessly.

Chen Rui clearly remembers that when he said that he was going to leave the door of Turia, the disappointment expressed in the eyes of Master Turia, and that Bellul’s sorrow was more lost, and there was a slight faintness in this loss. The meaning of Chen Rui faintly understands some, but can only be confused.

When you are just a little budding, cut it off in time. He already has Athena. They should be content and can't afford too much. Moreover, his current identity is an undercover.

Contrary to the father and daughter of Turia, the two brothers and sisters are more angry. The anxious Rogge even jumped up and yelled at Chen Rui, but was stopped by the new master Ma Weina. Ma Weina just gave Chen Rui a sentence. Words: "Remember your choices today, in many cases, people can only choose once."

If Chen Ruizhen is the little master of the instrument, "Li Cha", he will definitely not leave this small circle that feels warm, but unfortunately, he is not.

In this way, the new "Li Cha" under the Niet Masters became a newcomer to the **** empire's ally, which is almost the only magical talent in the whole devil world, which makes people almost ignore his ordinary craftsmanship. Many of the masters who were close to the masters of Turia immediately changed their faces and turned to the master of the Knights who was the president.

Both Turia and Mavina are not rookies who have been involved in the world. The reality of this kind of cold and warmth is also dull. It is as if "Licha" left the door and chose a more powerful Niet. Speaking of conscience, for the combination of Chen Rui, the two masters are still very grateful. If there is no such ghost idea, I am afraid that the relationship between the two masters will not last for many years, but the daughter The dejective behavior of Bellue’s death after Chen Rui’s departure made the two, especially Master Mavina, more grateful.

Although Bellun is not her biological daughter, the feelings of mentoring and apprentice for more than a decade may not be comparable to ordinary mothers and daughters.

After Chen Rui was placed under the door of Niet, he was very active. The special talent of the magic eye made Niet full of praise. It was only in the rest of the field of mechanics that poor understanding and slow progress made the first master of the devil brow wrinkle. .

This is naturally the result of Chen Rui's efforts to suppress, because in the face of the top masters of Niet, it is easy to reveal flaws, so understanding ability is the best camouflage, and as far as possible without making.

This kind of disguise is quite successful at present. For the poor performance of "Li Cha", Niet, who is used to genius, quickly loses patience. He simply does not force Chen Rui, but only cultivates his magic eye ability.

Chen Rui got the opportunity to read the materials on the third floor of the library. Originally, only the masters could enter. This is the privilege of the disciples of the president. As for the contribution points, in addition to the part given by Niet, Chen Rui can now I earned it myself. The main source is to help those masters to identify and analyze the materials. (full text e-book free download)

Since playing this role, naturally do not waste this rare learning opportunity, and the collection of the Bloody Masters League is the first in the devil world, far from the shadow empire and the 堕 Angel Empire. Many of the precious materials are recorded in the magic books that will change, to see the original more profound understanding. It is completely different from the quick search for the search for Wo Yuan. With the help of in-depth analysis, Chen Rui, who is engaged in learning, has benefited a lot. Combining the knowledge of ancient slang, I feel that the original stagnant system has a faint layer. The trend of the building.

In the view of Nate, after reading this period of time, with the accumulation of knowledge, the disciples have obviously “improved” the material identification, which is satisfactory. It seems that there is indeed a strong advantage in equipment production in this respect. Talent, specialization training is a correct choice.

With the gradual "improvement" of the magic eye, Chen Rui just pushed the boat to the requirements of the fourth floor. At this time, the dark magic forces of the **** emperor came to the new news.

After Tess died, Isabella quickly made adjustments and appointed a new head, Teren. Under the orders of Chen Rui, Tren tried all the time to thoroughly investigate the "fire" of the Tess Hotel. The truth, finally got a look.

Chen Rui came to a small and famous pharmacy store on the outskirts of the city. This is the new stronghold of the Dark Lord.

"The third general Adelaide sent the hand? The monitor of the entire special store is Adelaide? Are you sure?" After listening to Troon's report, Chen Rui frowned.

"Yes, ok." Teren is a silent dark elf. His face is a pharmacist. He is eccentric on weekdays, but he is extremely calm. Once he is said, it is the information that has been repeatedly verified and concluded.

Chen Rui thought of the scene when he first met Tiffany, and also thought that the head of the **** hidden part of the drug suicide, Meng Tila, first determined that he did not make the value of the "game crystal plate", and then he intended to kill it. The "touched the taboo of a big man", the heart could not help.

Judging from this situation, there is a big man who sees Tiffany as a taboo or even a ban on "touching", so it is so violent to kill everyone who is in close contact with her, not so much. Protection is more like an avid jealousy.

Although Adelaide is also a royal family, but Tiffany is a magician-level powerhouse, Adelaide is only a demon emperor, I am afraid that there is no such qualification, then Adelaide is only a knife in the hands of this big man. Perhaps they have not received direct instructions, just to cater to the likes and dislikes of this big man, and to please the innocent people.

The big man who can make Adelaide do this, the whole **** empire is one of the few, the ruler of the royal family is one, but the most suspected is Adelaide's top boss, the second emperor Edmund.

Regarding Edmund, when Chen Ruigang came to the **** stage, he also suffered assassination. He did not know whether the biggest opponent, Ayi Si, had acted, or the thief shouted to catch the thief’s bitterness. The **** palace battle was unpredictable. It is difficult for outsiders to say.

For a territory like the Dark Moon, there is basically no obvious interest in the blood of the **** empire, but the ambition of the **** empire is not small. If it was not Catherine’s planning and promotion of the Three Kingdoms League, The **** scorpion has already invaded the Angel Empire when the White Night Emperor was in the body. In these years, the border Warlock Fortress has been constantly rubbing, and it can further confuse the blood of the **** empire, which has a very positive significance for maintaining the status of the Three Kingdoms. At the very least, Tess can't die in white.

Chen Ruiyi read this and immediately ordered Troon to collect information from Adelaide and pay full attention to the every move of the newly appointed third general. Edmund is the strong emperor, and Chen Rui’s strength can’t be shaken for the time being, but the Adelaide of the demon level can be a breakthrough.

"Right, and then investigate the hidden part of the **** as much as possible, mainly..." Chen Rui whispered a few words to Telun, and finally stressed: "With Adelaide's intelligence and movements, mainly The Ministry does not need to be involved too deeply. The power of the Dark Devils is just getting started. The other side is much stronger than us and cannot cause them to pay too much attention."

Tren nodded: "Adult, there is an intelligence, Nate's nephew Epp bought a psychedelic pharmacy here yesterday. I just received a message that Epp has already brought the daughter of Turia's daughter, Bellu, to the vicinity. Whispering manor."

This information made Chen Rui's brow wrinkled. Epp had been coveting Bei Luan's beauty. He had asked his uncle Niet to recommend him to the master of Turia, just to get close to Bellun, but by Turia. The master refused, and now he must have lost patience and want to use what despicable means to succeed.

After buying a few bottles of pharmacy in disguise, Chen Rui left the pharmacist and quickly went to the whispering manor.

Whispering Manor is a famous leisure and eating place in the suburbs. It is characterized by a large number of silent and soundproof magic arrays. It is extraordinarily quiet, even if it is a very intense sound, it will not be transmitted. Therefore, it has the name of “whispering”. It has become a treasure place for many couples to date.

In a room in the whispering manor, Belluan looked at Epp in front of her eyes: "How is you? Where is Richard?"

"There is no such thing as Richard here. I borrowed him from his name." Epp sneered: "There is nothing good about the temperamental villain. Now it is not for the future and power at the feet of my uncle. Hey shoes?"

"I have nothing to say to you!" Belean was about to leave, suddenly felt dizzy, his body began to soften, almost standing still.

"It’s rare that you waited for so long, and the psychedelic potion in the room finally worked." Epp’s sneer was a bit more cumbersome. “Soon, you will be unconscious and let me be at the mercy.”

Belluan's body showed a red flame, and it recovered a bit of sobriety, but it was still top-heavy. She was not a type of battle. The talent of the big devil just awakened the magic fire, and even the teleport would not be hard. It must not be the opponent of Epp, and he was shocked and angry: "You dare to do this! My father and teacher will not let you go!"

"What about that! My uncle is the president of the Maker League! Devil's first master! As long as you become my woman, I propose to your father afterwards, either for you or for your own controller. The future of the division, your father of the drunkard only promised." Aipu seems to have a well-thought-out, thinking that it has been planned for a long time.

"You dream! Father and teacher will never promise you!" Belluan said with a grin, immediately opened a magical prop, a protective cover to protect her, but this time to protect magic is limited, must be separated as soon as possible The clutch of this shameless villain.

"I am a royal family, and my uncle is the first person in the world of craftsmanship. Isn't it worthy of you?" Epp also knows that the protective cover is unlikely to last, his eyes become more sinister, and he is getting closer and closer. "Smart words, now Just remove the magic and wait for me, otherwise I will make you very uncomfortable..."

"Get out of the way, or I will call someone!"

"Here is the Whispering Villa. You didn't come to shout the throat! You still have to give it to me for a while!"

The color of the magic hood is gradually thinning, and it seems that it will soon be invalid. Belluan feels that his strength has disappeared, the magic fire has become dim, and the desperate color in his eyes is more intense.

At this time, the door was slammed open, and then Epp saw a figure flashing in front of him, it seems to be the most annoying Richard, not looking carefully, a wind rushed to the head Come, perhaps because of the sudden relationship between the incident, the strength of the high-level demon of Aipu is too late to make any reaction, even the blood talent of the royal family can not be used, a solid hit, suddenly turned over and fell down Unconscious.

Bei Luan’s nerves had already been tightened to the extreme because of fear and despair. Now, when Chen Rui, who suddenly appeared in Epp, fell to the ground, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The magic fire and the magic shield disappeared at the same time. Losing the strength of support, shaking two swaying, is about to fall down, has been quickly held by Chen Rui's eye, gently placed on the chair.

"Licha..." Somehow, although Belluan has no resistance at all, it is power, but seeing Chen Rui is an incomparable peace of mind, as if knowing that this person will never hurt himself.

Although the man turned his back on his father and chose a more promising teacher, he was able to come at the most critical time and save her from the mean and shameless guy. For a time, the girl’s glasses and the back The pupil is the shadow of this man.

"Rogge and Truth are already on the way, don't be so stupid in the future, this simple trap." Chen Rui avoided the kind of strange look released the help Hand, the voice said almost indifferently, grabbed the stunned Epp, turned and left.

Aipu used his name to deceive Belluan to be fooled. He also wanted to make the overlord **** the bow. He must give this guy an unforgettable lesson, so that he would not dare to play Bellue’s idea in the future.

"Wait a minute!" Beluan didn't know where the strength and courage came from, and propped up his body. "You... don't you just want to say this?"

Although it is only a simple question, it already contains more things. The feelings of the young girl seem to have undergone some changes again because of the timely rescue of the gods.

Chen Rui had a physical meal and did not look back: "There is no need to say too much, we are not a person of the world."

When the voice fell, the person had strode forward, and Bellu’s mouth squirmed a few times. Finally, nothing was said. It was just a drop of tears that slowly fell from the face, and the misty and vomiting glasses were far away. It quickly became blurred.


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