Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 447: world! The mystery of the fourth floor of the library

Full text without advertising 447th chapter world! The mystery of the fourth floor of the library

Chen Rui was sleeping for two days and two nights. After waking up, he found two more maids in the room to take care of him. After seeing him wake up, a maid immediately ran out of the room. (full text e-book free download)

Soon, Niet appeared in front of Chen Rui.

"Richard, what's wrong with you? Suddenly slumber for so long, even shouting and shouting." Niet's tone with a blame-like concern, before the maturity of the prey, naturally has to be well maintained.

Chen Rui took the rice porridge handed by the maid and looked at the two maids. He just ate the porridge and did not make a sound. Niet would like to know, and immediately let the maid retreat. Chen Rui said this: The first sentence is: "Teacher It seems that my hunch is accurate, and the magic eye is indeed changing!"

"Is it true?" Niet's eyes passed through the extremely excited light, and this excitement seemed to carry a strange blaze.

Chen Rui looked in his eyes and said with a look: "Drowsiness is one of the symptoms. Like the last time, I don’t know how the teacher’s preparations are. If I can go to the fourth floor of the library, I will ingest a lot of new ones. Information should be an opportunity to induce mutation!"

"The preparation is almost the same. You have to tell me about the last variation of the magic eye. See what conditions are needed. We must succeed this time!" The word "we" of Nate is very tight. It seems like a family. If Chen Rui didn't know his details, he might have been touched.

"Amount... I think, after meeting the requirements, you need some rare magic materials. After the materials are absorbed, the variation should be completed. The more complete and rare the materials, the higher the success rate of the change. The more powerful the ability after the change." Chen Rui's object of thinking is not limited to the four layers of the mystery, but also the material of the **** instrument division alliance. According to his plan, the "magic eye" is about to mutate. The special mentoring script is also coming to an end, this should be the last vote, naturally it is not fishing.

"You used to... is this the same?" Nate heard that he needed a lot of precious materials and was somewhat suspicious.

Chen Rui had already prepared: "My former teacher helped me this way. Originally, due to lack of materials, several variations failed, and there were some dangers to life. Later, I lost my life and spent a lot of effort to make up some. The material was finally mutated successfully."

Nate thinks that Chen Rui is just a small apprentice who has just become a master. It is also a respectable teacher on weekdays, and the division of the division is his territory. Even if Chen Rui wants to play, he can’t play. What a ghost trick, immediately suspicious, nodded: "Magic material is not a problem, the preparation for entering the fourth layer is almost the same, now look at your physical condition, as long as you restore physical strength, you can go in."

"I probably... It will take about three days to get back to the best state." Chen Rui wanted to say that he could go right away, but he changed his mind and changed his mind. (full text e-book free download)

"Well, talent change is a big thing, you must be cautious, then you are now recuperating, and you will adjust your physical strength to the peak state. After three days, I will take you to the fourth floor of the library." A few words, then left the room.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed.

In the past three days, Chen Rui sometimes took a rest in the room, sometimes went out to breathe, went shopping, and adjusted his status.

"Are you sure you are getting ready?" Nate looked at Chen Rui, who was suffocating in front of him, and asked again without hesitation.

"Well, teacher, let's go."

Nie handed Chen Rui a cloak, a pair of glasses, and he must wear it before entering the fourth floor, otherwise he will encounter terrible danger.

Chen Rui saw that Nate was so cautious, but he did not dare to support the big one. The two directly passed through the first three layers of the magical array of the library, and came to the entrance of the fourth floor. This is a thick door, drawn There are countless quaint patterns that seem to be locked, just this door, and there is no such thing as a keyhole.

There was a bright red on the fingertips of Niet, and the virtual door was pressed to the door. The blood flew out automatically and landed at several specific positions on the gate. The patterns began to change strangely and eventually became eighteen. A circular illuminating mark, the sound of the rumble sounded, and the door slowly opened.

Chen Rui's pupil shrinks slightly. These 18 marks may not be understood by others, but he is familiar with it. This is the basic character engraved by the 18 ancient slate slate in the hands of Rolla!

The fourth floor of the library is actually related to the ancient slang? Chen Rui’s thoughts immediately reminiscent of the ancient magic tower of the Shadow Empire, which has never had a chance to go. It seems that the two empires are the foundation of the division of the division of the division. In contrast, the angelic empire appears to be dwarfed.

The door opened, and there was a large hall inside. However, except for the aperture on the central ground with a blue light, there was nothing left in the air.

Chen Rui knows that the fourth layer that has been passed down to God is absolutely not so simple. He did not ask or incite, and he was honestly behind Niet.

"Fast, wear those two things and walk in, otherwise the symbol light on the door will disappear, the door will close, and it will not be able to open again within seven days."

Chen Rui quickly put on the cloak, put on his glasses, walked into the door, and then Niet took out some materials and set it into the groove around the aperture. The aperture began to become dazzling, and a blue space appeared in the center. Door, this should be the real entrance.

After stepping into the door of space, a burst of swaying has already appeared in another place.

To be precise, this is a world.

There are countless small worlds in the world, constantly changing images or luster, as if they were one entrance.

Chen Ruiming is suspended in the air and has no foothold, but every step of the way, there will automatically appear translucent steps, let him step on it, very wonderful.

“Li Cha, this space contains countless mysterious knowledge and strength. You can choose these entrances to browse or comprehend. No matter what you see, you can benefit from remembering or comprehending the slightest subtleties. But there are also great dangers in it. The cloak and glasses on your body are protective. Remember, no matter what time, you can't take them off! And these two items have time limits, once the glasses give a warning red light. When you don't hesitate, you should immediately crush the jade lock on the cloak and you can directly send you to the entrance to the outside door. There are more than one master who died here. You must remember this!"

After that, Niet chose an entrance, and I didn't know what method was used. The image of the entrance to the world suddenly settled in a scene, and Niet immediately entered it, and the image resumed a quick "refresh".

The "teacher" adults apparently went to their own feelings. It seems that before the retreat of Niet, "the power of private use" was carried out on the fourth layer of this mystery.

Chen Rui used his analytical eye to identify his cloak and glasses. He found that there is no special attribute, but the material is quite special. There are some strange patterns in the inside. It seems to have a mysterious effect. For example, the material of the glasses has some kind of " Filter the effect, but for the sake of safety, be careful.

Before he curiously came to those small worlds, he chose to go in at random, and he felt that a space distortion had already entered a new world.

This is an endless ocean, beautiful and mysterious. From time to time, strange fish jumped out, gliding at low altitude, falling into the water and splashing a splash of water. The wonderful thing is that when Chen Rui’s consciousness falls on the kind of fish, he feels that he has suddenly changed his perspective and turned into this fish, gliding in the air and swimming in the water.

At the same time, there are some information in Chen Rui’s mind. The flying fish, the special sea fish of death, have a life span of 50 years. Characteristics: bouncing, low-altitude gliding.

This discovery made Chen Rui amazed, and then saw half-length female Kraken, water elements and other rare marine life, and even a huge horror deep sea Warcraft.

Chen Rui not only acquires information about every kind of creature, but also uses consciousness to treat these species, playing and feeling their habits and living in the sea in a first-person perspective.

This "small world" is a database about the sea of ​​death. Although it is not particularly comprehensive, some of them will have "unknown" tips, but Chen Rui has been greatly impressed. This kind of knowledge or information is acquired for the first time. This kind of learning is much stronger than the ordinary book reading. If his world study can be carried out in this substitutive way, it may produce education. A qualitative breakthrough in the world.

Although Chen Rui likes the world of "the sea of ​​death" very much, he knows that the business thing that comes today is to find the land of Wo Yuan, especially the cloak and glasses of the body have time limits, so they did not stay too much and retreated.

For the second time, Chen Rui entered a world of lightning and thunder. There are actually palaces with strange styles in the clouds. Here are a creature with a whirlwind in the lower body.

The element of the wind, the elemental person condensed by the force of the wind element, lives somewhere in the ground world, and the nest is called the palace of the cloud. The wind element is good at flying, characterized by rapid movements, weak constitution and defense, and powerful lightning and thunderstorm attacks.

What surprised Chen Rui was that the thunder and lightning dancing near the Palace of Clouds did not feel like an illusion, but it had a real damage effect, but when the lightning hit the body, it slipped without rubbing hands. However, it should be the effect of the special cloak on the body.

Chen Rui’s interest in the elements of the wind was small, and he immediately left the world of the Cloud Palace and began to look for the journey. The world of the fourth layer of space is by no means superficially seen. Every world's entrance will change its image. Each image represents a new space, and some even have not been repeated until now. How many "worlds" does this fourth layer have?

Fortunately, Chen Rui has a deep understanding of this skill, those world-changing images or gloss is actually a kind of "preview", although the change is rapid, in the "eye" which is equivalent to the depth analysis of computer high-speed operation, slower than playback Not much faster, Chen Rui remembered the changes in various worlds, and then began to quickly screen, after repeated trials and again, finally, in a "world", Chen Rui found a mountain.

Although it seems to be just an ordinary white mountain range, there are words in the consciousness that make Chen Rui's spirit vibrate.

Sacred Mountain: Secored ~ ~ text 3260, the following words are free) This time the work is quite busy, at night, staying up late at night, not paying attention to the book review area, today found that there are birthday wishes (remember I didn't have this two years ago).

Here to report to everyone, "point elf" is registered with the wife's information, once was mistaken into the female frequency (not really intentional). August 22... The amount is the birthday of my wife. My birthday is the time of the book upload at the end of November. I am especially grateful to everyone for your blessings. Hey, in fact, you are wrong and wrong. Once your wife and adults are happy, the family disharmony caused by the code of the day and night should be alleviated.

Starting at 2:30 pm tomorrow, this book has a cover recommendation for “Home Today's Focus”. This position is a very powerful cover. Thanks to the editor-in-chief and the editor of the Lan Elves. Although the business and family affairs are busy during this time. It’s faint, but it’s going to break out.

If you have anything to be embarrassed, just come over, hehe.


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