Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 453: Sergerid! Suspended mountain

By relying on the rescue of the action of the young birds and the communication of the analytical eyes, Chen Rui successfully achieved the good feelings of the violent birds. Very literary

Since there is a violent bird, the Syraced Mountain should be nearby, and the wisdom of the violent bird is not high, and the information that can be provided is limited.

In the communication, Chen Rui learned that there is a strange "mountain peak" here. At the moment of breeding, many violent birds fly out from the "mountain peak" here. The temperature and toxic plants here are quite conducive to the breeding of violent birds. There are not many natural enemies. Today's black eagle is an accident, because the number of violent birds is small. Generally speaking, if it is a large group, it is not a black eagle.

After breeding to a certain number, the violent birds will fly to the "mountain peak", but it is easy to come out. It is much more difficult to enter. Only by accidental circumstances can they enter again, so there are hordes of violent birds in the place. Shuttle back and forth.

In fact, there are more powerful natural enemies in the “mountain peak”, which is much more dangerous, but the instinct tells the violent birds that there are forces in the “mountain peaks” that allow them to evolve more powerfully, so they still insist on entering them. After entering, due to the relationship of the stronger Warcraft predation, the staff will be greatly reduced, then fly out to breed, then enter, and so on and cycle, forming a strange migration and food chain relationship.

Under the lead of the violent bird, Chen Rui found the place where the "mountain peak" was located. It was a towering mountain peak. You can see hordes of violent birds circling in the air, seemingly wanting to get into a certain An invisible entrance.

There are so many violent birds in it, even those who are like World of Warcraft don't dare to approach. From a distance, the black violent birds are like a cloud around the peak.

its not right? Why is it not like that? But in appearance, the color and shape of the mountain are completely different. Chen Rui reveals the color of doubt, and his eyes are on the violent birds that are flying in the air.

The height of these violent birds flying far exceeds the top of the mountain, and it is higher than the height of the general flying birds. Is it true that the mountain peaks are not in the mountains, but in the air?

Chen Rui’s mind was moving, and his body gradually flew up. His powerful atmosphere and some “harmony” signals released by the violent birds around him caused him not to be attacked by “black clouds” and soon flew to the top of the mountain.

Chen Rui did not stop, and he always flew away, but it was empty, nothing, and looking down, he could only see Yunshan. But the more he went, the stronger his feeling in his heart, just like the feeling of being outside the Rainbow Valley for the first time.

At that time, he still did not understand the ancient runes, the magic array and the dragon inscriptions did not have the realm of today, however, when Chen Rui’s magic array has reached the highest level of the devil world, the basic knowledge of the ancient runes is basically integrated. Next to the fairy dragon, in the face of this empty sky, it is still the kind of ambiguity and even ignorance. .

It seems that a primary school student with excellent mathematics has not yet entered junior high school, and suddenly came to the world of high numbers.

Chen Rui faintly "sniffed" a breath of ancient accents, the more so, the more surprised, suddenly thought of an old saying, there are mountains outside the mountains, people outside.

In terms of strength, because of the large number of strong people, Chen Rui has always positioned himself very low, and has set himself one goal after another as the driving force for progress and strength. From the beginning of Aroks, to the present Gustav, in such a short period of time, his power is soaring, not only with the help of a super system, but also his own understanding and opportunity. More importantly, he is a strong and constantly advancing self. heart of.

But what about the rest of the field?

The three-line masters of genius masters, magical geniuses, ancient geniuses, economic geniuses, curated geniuses, masters of black pharmacy, and artifact makers in these fields are indeed few people can match. It also makes Chen Rui have a complacency mentality without knowing it.

This kind of complacency is not just self-confidence, but more of pride. In many cases, "compassion" and "stagnation" are equal.

Chen Rui suddenly turned back and found out that once upon a time, he had become so complacent. The three-line masters and magical geniuses are more focused on the deep analysis function of the super system; the black pharmacy and the artifact are simply the products of the super system; the economic and planning aspects, based on the plagiarism of the world, put it bluntly, he Chen Rui only However, it is a lucky, a little clever passer, if it is out of the super system?

In fact, even with the help of the super system, he still encountered the situation like today.

With this in mind, Chen Rui has a feeling of sweating and swaying, and there is also a feeling of suddenness and openness. It is good to be able to clearly recognize himself and to have further improvement. To know ourselves and know each other, you must first "confess yourself."

In a short thought, Chen Rui seems to have experienced a thousand years of thinking and awakening, and the mood has undergone some subtle changes. Although the strength has not risen significantly, I feel that my own road is broader and clearer. Strength can be grown by hard work, but the improvement of this state of mind is mainly based on the word "enlightenment". More opportunities are needed, and it is impossible to meet.

Chen Rui's state of mind has been refined, and people have become calmer. They have begun to use their knowledge to try and test and magnify the "feel" of the ancient accus.

After he calmed down completely, the feeling became more and more intense, and the more intense the more he could feel the mystery - the original ability of Chen Rui could not be cracked as if he had treated the Rainbow Valley, but because of the violent bird The relationship between the entry and exit leaves a "flaw" that may be deliberately flowing out in order to maintain a certain kind of biological chain, so the original "entry" has become faint.

However, in order to solve this "flaws" into it, it is still impossible to do it.

Chen Rui Ling machine, summoned Zou several violent birds close to him, and simulated the flamingo test for the "first person" method, and finally made a breakthrough.

If it is an ordinary magic emperor, this is suspended in the air, I am afraid that I have already felt the difficulty, but Chen Rui’s flying skills are not comparable to the general magic emperor. After repeated trials and tests, finally, Chen Rui feels a while. Dizzled, the transparent "air" in front of the eyes was replaced by another completely different scene.

Although psychological preparations have been made, the feeling of "jumping" still creates a strong visual impact, not only for abruptness, but also for the power of mystery.

A white mountain looks like the rest of the mountain. However, the mountain was suspended in the air.

Chen Rui’s first-eye feeling is not familiar, but the kind of imposing, ancient and desolation that comes from the face. This kind of momentum can’t be felt in the small world on the fourth floor of the Tibetan temple. Then, the second feeling is familiar, Sergeford Hill!

The Sacred Mountain, known as the Sacred Mountain in the fourth floor of the main hall, is such a mysterious mountain that floats in the air!

The violent bird around Chen Rui saw the Sacred Mountain, screamed with delight, fluttering forward and flew forward, and soon fell into the lingering woods.

Chen Ruichao flew away from the white floating mountain, and when it landed, there was a strange feeling in the soul. No matter in which corner, no matter what the disguise, he was a "outside" of the whole mountain. "In the element," every move, it seems extremely dazzling, if someone in the mountains, can find him without any effort.

This is somewhat similar to the feeling of being in the House of Teres, but Teres relies on ingenuity and skill, and here is the real mystery - the rules and rules.

The scope of this mountain is far more than the area seen by the outside. Chen Rui has been away for a long time, but it is only a mountain foot. Chen Rui has a kind of premonition. Its real range is more than the entire huge Sasfir Mountain Range! It is like a "world."

field! The entire Secrid Mountain is a field that blends ancient slang!

The ability to cover such a huge mountain range, and the strange feelings, is no longer the scope of the power of the magician.

Is it the site left by the semi-god-level powerhouse?

Among the materials he has, he only knows that there is a land of Wo Yuan, but the specific location is not known, and it can only be explored step by step.

Chen Rui walked for a long time, finally found a white step, always leading to the front, this step is clean and tidy, even the moss is not, I do not know that some people are often the magical effect of the field.

Chen Rui walked up the steps and walked away, suddenly stopped.

Empty, a ghostly black shadow swooped down.

Race: Gargoyle.

Comprehensive strength assessment:

Strength, physique, spirit E, speed

Attribute: Dark attribute. ,

Chen Rui’s brain immediately reveals information. The gargoyle-old alchemy works have the ability to fly. Some of the variants have independent thinking, strong defense, immune mind magic, and magical damage halved.

Accurately speaking, the gargoyle is a kind of semi-"mechanical" semi-biological is a bit similar to the crystal man, completely ignoring the threat of the demon emperor that Chen Rui body exudes, still straight down.

However, it was only a demon-like gargoyle. Chen Rui’s hand was volleyed. The gargoyle was controlled by a force across the three-meter range. The gargoyle had the same appearance as the four-layered material. The head is red, the eyes are red, the hands and feet are sharp claws, the back is a pair of bat wings, and the material of the whole body seems to be some kind of stone.

Although the gargoyle was controlled, he still fiercely danced his claws in this direction, seemingly not dead.

Chen Rui suddenly frowned, and saw that there was a large black shadow in the air, showing a huge circle, surrounded by his position, and the number of shadows is still increasing.

Looking at the current number of shadows, there are tens of thousands. If they are all devils or even more advanced, even if Chen Rui is a demon, if he fights hard, he will definitely be killed, and suddenly there will be a burst of creeps.

"If you are hacked into the mountain, you will die."

This is a cold female voice, the sound is actually familiar, but the tone is full of strange cold and murder.

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