Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 466: gift

Chapter 646 Gift

About a day and a half later, the two finally arrived at Xiqiao Mountain. After the overnight attack, Alice did not add any more, and there seemed to be a little tacit understanding between the two. Device: no ads, full text, more

Alice knows that "only the most intimate and trustworthy people can know" some small secrets, such as Chen Rui's "extraordinary ability" possessed by the "big master inheritance", is quite exciting.

In fact, these "secrets", with Alice's cleverness, and the increasing experience, will sooner or later know, Chen Rui's situation makes her pay attention to the "story" and other aspects of confidentiality, Xiao Loli naturally nodded.

Xiqiao Mountain is now quite a big change. The original West Road Guards expanded into the Darkmoon Third Army Corps Moon Shadow Corps. Under the efforts of the Army Chief Tim, the scale and strength have been faintly combined with the other two major regiments, red blood and flame.

The Moon Shadow Corps successfully built a large-scale military fortress in Vale Mountain, and opened up and built a small town named War Blue Town. Although there are not many residents, the town is the yīn shadow empire leading to Darkmoon City. The only way to go, with the transformation of the "magic dust" and the construction of the "direct road", the population growth and the development speed of the town are quite gratifying.

In terms of personal strength, under the influence of the black sèyào agent and the devil's fruit, Tim 愣, who has a low level of qualification, is supported by the demon king, and is considered to have the basic qualifications of the head of the army.

The fastest progress is Tim's wife, Liao Sha, who has reached the middle of the Great Devil. The overall strength of the Medusa tribe has also risen by the help of the devil's fruit. It is also equipped with the most powerful weapons and armor. For his own shackles, Chen Rui will not be embarrassed. The Medusa tribe has become the strongest bow and arrow army in the dark moon, enough to become the demon of the magician army on the battlefield.

"This is Medusa?" The little Lolita who followed Chen Rui secretly into the fortress was surprised to see a few jīng heads and heads of the United States, led by Liao Sha, who were hiding behind Chen Rui’s body. Moving curious eyes.

"His Royal Highness Alice, please don't worry, this is my wife, Liaosha, the patriarch of the Medusa tribe." Tim is the heir to the Dark Moon Safari family, and Xiao Loli is naturally an old acquaintance.

"His Little Princess." Liao Sha gave Alice a ritual. Her devil genre with a snake's "squeaky" sound, but still can understand, now Medusa is training, basic I have mastered the language of the normal and the devil. The real reason for Liaosha’s salute to Alice is not only the identity of Alice’s princess, but more importantly, the “main”, and the relationship seems to be very close.

"Hello." Alice walked out under the encouragement of Chen Rui. She also gave a ritual and chatted a few words. The courage gradually grew bigger. Liao Sha knew that Chen Rui and Tim had something to talk about and found a reason to bring Little Loli walked out of the room.

Tim immediately began to report to Chen Rui: "Master, the magic lizard, the earth dragon and the wildebeest secretly purchased from the yīn shadow empire have begun training, the cavalry brigade can be said to have begun to take shape. Arms, the batch of weapons and All the cockroaches are in place and are ready to be transported to the Warlock Fortress. Also, the tyco is a true ordnance genius. Now it is the chief technician of the Moon Shadow Corps, and the hand-held shackles can be continuously sent six times. The magic heavy-duty car has also been successfully developed, and it can send out the poisonous bursting bullets. Although the lethality is inferior to the magic crystal cannon, the machine power, the frequency of the shè and the production difficulty are far superior to the magic crystal cannon. Mass production..."

Chen Rui did not expect that the corner magical iron that was saved by cháo could reach this height, and nodded with approval. "Weapons and armor are not in a hurry. When the magic heavy car and the shackle are finished, they are transported to the tile. Locke Fortress, but this group of ordnance is of great importance. It must pass through the Red Sea, the Emperor and the White House along the way. Be sure to pay attention to safety and not make mistakes."

"I understand, Master." Tim asked again: "Please excuse me, the master will come to Xiqiao Mountain, do you want to go to the land of the earth elements?"

"Yes, the most important purpose of my visit this time is to meet with the earth element king."

Tim smiled slightly: "Master, there is just one thing to report to you. I got the inspiration from the earth element king. Based on the spring of life in the land of the earth element, I sent a magician to secretly build the underground of the fortress. A water system transmits mén, which can reach the land king court at the shortest speed. If there is any emergency in the future, it can directly seek refuge from the earth element."

"Transfer mén?" Chen Rui l sighed out sè, when he had asked the earth element king to take care of Tim and the Medusa tribe, it seems that the earth element king pays great attention to this, even at the expense of opening up the land of the outside world, such a Come, he will not have to enter the underground from the Xitun mine, and he will not be able to travel from the Walan Fortress directly.

"Good, you are going to call Alice, I will take her to the land court now."

"Little princesses go together?" Tim was a little surprised, but didn't ask much - he was able to go to the land with the owner, Wang Ting's certainly quite intimate people, formerly Athena, then Jiya, now small Princess Alice.

It seems that the relationship between the master and the dark moon little princess is not simple, the master is really too powerful, even the little princess of this ancient spirit can be nòng to the hand...

If Tim knows that the "master" really nòng is the sister of "the ancient princess", that is, the dark moon nv boss iceberg beauty princess Chia, I am afraid that the golden dog eyes will be bright.

In fact, Alice listened to Athena in the early days and chose to talk about the adventures of the underground world, including Medusa, Tauren and Earth.

Alice once met the Tauren in the Blue Pool Mountains. This time, she deliberately asked Chen Rui to take her to see Medusa and the earth elements. Considering the rules of the little Lolita after the night attack, Xia once again Deliberately want to make her sister happy, Chen Rui finally agreed to her request.

In general, Xiao Loli is not a big mouth. When he was fainting mí, he kept the secret well.

"Sister Liaosha, I tell you, Tim has had a dozen nv friends before." Alice’s voice fell into Chen Rui’s ear. "Remember that there is a special publicity called Sona, which I made special. Spicy spicy powder is brewed in her lipstick, and, oh..."

"Good job, His Royal Highness Princess," Liao Sha gave Tim a look. "Are you saying? Is it a lover of ten nv people... Lord Tim?"

Tim's fragrant yàn was told by Alice that he could only make a careful smile. Chen Rui shrugged his shoulders: it seems that this black belly is only a little bit tight at some point...

After the little chā song, Tim came to a basement with Chen Rui and Alice, there is a small pool, and a mirror-like empty mén, Tim used the magic stone to open the transmission, that empty mén suddenly It became a blue b in the water bō, which appeared to be dàng漾. Chen Rui took Alice's hand and walked in. Only the feeling of coolness came, the body shape was distorted, and Russia disappeared.

After the feeling of transmission disappeared, the figures of the two appeared in a scene shining with all kinds of light. It was the land of the earth elements, and the front was a clear spring.

The transmission array is two-way. On this side, there is a special element of mén. When I see Chen Rui, I immediately respectfully perform a ceremony, and at the same time, the guards go to Wang Ting to report the King Moore.

Xiao Loli took Chen Rui’s hand and looked at this strange underground world in amazement, as well as the strong elements of the five senses, the body is like a rock.

"Chen Rui, my friend, we met again." A figure appeared in front of the ground, it was the earth element king Moore, and Alice was shocked.

"Moore, my friend." Chen Rui was slightly stunned. "This is Alice, the little princess in the Darkmoon Territory, my..."

"Fiancée." Xiao Loli suddenly boldly chā a sentence, in the eyes of Chen Rui's stunned gaze, he gave a big ceremony to Moore. "Alice. Lucifer has seen the King of the King."

When did you become a fiancée? This loli is too arrogant! Actually in the face of the earth element king...

Moore's voice has already rang: "Alice Princess, since you are Chen Rui's fiancee, then the closest friend of the earth element, my Moore represents all the elements of the earth to the highest respect and warmest to you. Welcome."

Alice saw Chen Rui, who was not good at her face. She quickly said: "Thank you for your hospitality, I think, you should have important things to talk about, then, let me visit this amazing land. area."

Xiao Loli is worthy of seeing the big world. When she speaks politely, she shows her demeanor. At least, this superficial camouflage is very successful, just the identity of the "fiancée"...

"Of course," Moore nodded. "Taog, you take Alice's Temple and walk around."

Tao Ge is a member of the British element. Now he has mastered the genre of the devil world, and now leads Alice away.

Moore smiled slightly: "A pretty and understanding young beauty is less nv, isn't it? My friend."

Chen Rui vaguely responded with a sentence, secretly turned a blind eye: Perhaps the understanding is one of the hidden genus of this loli, but just... it is definitely black!

Chen Rui’s hand has a stone with a faint radiance: “Today, I have one of the most important gifts to give to you, Moore.”

"Woyuan's soil!" When Chen Rui took out the stone, Moore's eyes glowed with ecstasy. "You... actually found it!"

"Now it is yours, my friend."

Moore's hands took over the soil of the Wo Yuan, and then held up high, the steady stone hand actually moved a little trembling. The soil of Wo Yuan suddenly burst into a dazzling light in the hands of the earth element king. The entire land of the earth was méng on a layer of color, and all the earth elements had a faint glow.

In the eyes of Chen Rui's analysis, the data of the earth element king began to change, and the comprehensive strength rating changed from s to s+, and the rest of the earth elements also changed.

Sure enough, the soil of Wo Yuan is only the real thing in the soil elemental people. If it falls in the hands of Miss Hei Long, it is only the pearl of the pearl.

Chen Rui was taken aback and said: "It's so good! So fast to reach the peak of the emperor!"

"Your eyesight is really admirable. In fact, this is just the power to restore the loss. It can be further advanced and stabilized." There is a kind of uncontrollable joy in Moore's voice: "Three months! As long as there are three In the month of the month, the strength of the Woyuan soil will be fully exerted, and my strength will be completely stabilized, and the entire ethnic group will also undergo a real qualitative change, and there will be a demon-level earth element."

Chen Rui nodded and suddenly thought of one thing: "Moore, I have a small request, can you give me a little bit of Woyuan, it is one of the essential materials for an important weapon."

The soil of Woyuan is an indispensable material for the artifact "secret shadow". Before the fear of affecting the recovery of Moore, Chen Rui did not dare to learn the black dragon, but now it is just in the face of Moore.

"My friend, your frankness and sincerity touched me. This is the treasure you brought." Moore sighed with excitement and gave a little color to his hand: "This is part of the origin of the Woyuan." The soil has been used by me to use the power of earth elements. It can regenerate the depleted plants and double the growth rate and yield of the crops. As long as you leave half of it, you can slowly regenerate it completely every time. I accept you. Give a little reward for a precious gift."

Chen Rui’s eyes lit up and he quickly picked it up. He felt that the breath in his hand was completely different from the original source of the original. A surprise in his heart could make the plant die and resurrect, and it can continue to regenerate. It is indeed a treasure that cannot be found. The special doubling of the output should be applied to the star huā garden, so that the spiritual huā spirit inside can be doubled again. After the heart of the earth element was taken out, the star huā garden once again ushered in the "tailor-made" treasure. .

It is obvious that only the earth element king can live and separate the source. If Chen Rui first swallowed the land of the woyuan, he would not get the origin of this special effect, which can be said to be a drink.

"In addition, there is another gift, it is for your fiancee." Moore looked at the little Lolita who was coming to this side, and there was a crystal in his hand. This crystal is divided into black and white. It seems to contain powerful energy.

"This is the power that Grofen sent to me after the detonation of ròu. It should be a strong enemy left on him. This power is the light and dark power of the Lucifer family, and the strength of the exhibitor is my place. The most powerful peak emperor I have ever seen has even been faintly close to the existence of the demon level. This power of light and dark has always limited my strength, even after he died, he still stubbornly exists. Now it is finally utilized. The power of Woyuan’s soil has been rid of the and refined into crystals. If the power of this crystal is completely absorbed, the light and dark heart of the Lucifer royal family can be mutated, even the direct progress of the whole strength. Order, even if you do not awaken this talent, you can awaken talent, but unfortunately, can only be used once."

Moore said, he handed the crystal to the surprised Alice. Just now, he had deliberately let Alice hear clearly: "Please accept this gift, Chen Rui's fiancee, the forever friend of the earth element."

Alice stunned and seemed to think of something. If she received the glory of the glory, she even forgot the thank-you. I found the surprise: "I finally found the best gift for my sister!"

Chen Ruiyi, the devil's most admired power, even the low-powered people will not miss any opportunity to improve themselves, and this one should be derived from the darkness of the White Night Emperor contains a powerful force that can make Xiaoluo Li, such a Lucifer family directly advanced, I can't think of the first time that Lolly thought of it was not her own, but her sister.

Seeing the excitement of Alice from the heart, there is absolutely nothing to do. Chen Ruilian’s “fiancée” did not explain to the earth element king, gently mōm her head, smiled and said: “Really, the best gift.”


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