Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 506: plan

"The strength of the Lord's adult is really admirable. I just deliberately leaked a hint of breath and I was discovered." Chen Rui slowly came out, and now it is a strange face.

Sikari intuitively felt that the strength of this mysterious man did not seem to be under him, secretly condensing his strength, preparing to launch a special magical array in the lounge, and asked in his mouth: "Who are you?"

"The adult does not need to open the magical array. I have changed its genus in the morning. If it is inciting, I am afraid that there will be unimaginable consequences." This made Sikari frown. He just paid those players. In order to prevent the magic array from being disturbed, it is now broken by the other party, but the hands are not hesitating to make a show - sure enough, the magic array does not react at all

Sikari began to really start to be surprised. I didn’t expect this person to change the magic array silently.

In fact, due to the time relationship, Chen Rui only had time to move a little bit of hands and feet. If Sikari tried again and again, he would wear it.

"Please rest assured that I am absolutely not malicious." Chen Rui did not give Cicardo the reaction or test time. He stunned and said: "My name is Legal, and I came to visit Sikari from afar... ...I am a more anxious person, so I chose a more arrogant way. In order to express my apology, there is a negligible gift here, please accept it."

Chen Rui’s hand showed a space ring, which controlled the soft power and slowly flew toward Sikari.

Sikari jǐng stunned the state of the ring, determined that there was no abnormality and then took a look, slightly moving: "Although I don't know your true intentions, but this imaginative gift makes me unable to think of rejection immediately. Reasons

"If you really want to say something, then you want to make a little impression in the hearts of adults in a different way." Chen Rui’s smile on his face, "If adults can forgive me today, please Take the liberty, I will go to the city hall to visit the adults in a time of no sham, according to the formal etiquette, as the beginning of a precious friendship."

“Your lord’s intention is just a ‘a little’ impression?” Sikari shook his head. “No, the generosity and enthusiasm of Lord Fuke gave me the impression that it was too deep.”

Chen Rui said in his heart that he was fascinated by the law, and said in a light voice: "I will not ask if there are many people who have shown an impressive move in front of the Lord. I just want to say, I will be the most The one that is Philip

"Oh?" Sikari’s face finally showed a smile. "So I look forward to the official visit of Lord Fache."

"I can guarantee that the adults will never be disappointed." Chen Rui walked slightly toward the door. When passing through Sikari, it seemed that the empty door was open and undefended, but Sikari just kept a smile and his eyes flashed. Did not shoot, until the eyes of Chen Rui opened the door to leave, the smile with a smile became deep

The conversation between the two just seemed to be friendly and smooth. If the "legal" is only a weak and weak, it has been killed or won trials by Sikari. The basis of the equivalent conversation is strength.

What makes Sikari puzzled is that this uninvited guest and him have been smearing for a long time, but they have not revealed a little real intention, but the wealth in the space ring is true and true.

Really for "a little impression"? Sikari smirked and shook his head, y took the first, there was no big interest, the other party could not afford such a huge wealth out of thin air.

Speaking of it, this impression is really deep before the "Falco", there is also a strong organization that left a deep impression on Sikari, is it...

In any case, before you have a huge use value, this "legal" should not be too dangerous, at least to rule out the possibility of an assassin, otherwise, will there be such a move, Sikari made in mind I came to a conclusion, just to hear the buzzing sound of "the lord's appearance", the corner of my mouth, go to the stadium.

Chen Rui does not know Sikari’s thoughts. His actions are mostly sane and contingent. The real plan still requires careful consideration and comprehensive information. If you have enough time at hand, you can plan slowly, but the time is very low. Urgent, we must use certain co-ordination methods to maximize the efficiency of work

After leaving the arena, Chen Rui found the stronghold of the dark demon in the Baiji territory. After the arrangement, he did not stay in Baijicheng. He took the horned beast from the dark magic in the suburbs and flew north.

This horned beast is a mutated blood, and the endurance is particularly strong. Chen Rui uses the analytical eye to motivate the horned beast to go all out, thinking about the plan in the brain. With the help of the magic map, it takes only three days to arrive. It is the town of Istta in the northern part of the White Corridor. This is the closest town to the southern part of the Warlock Fortress. It is also the main victimized area of ​​“grab”. There are a large number of defensive troops in the Baiji territory, plus nearby The two towns, the total number of people has exceeded 100,000

In the town of Istar, Chen Rui heard rumors about the atrocities of the Warlock Fortress garrison, including looting of property and food, ānyín women, killing the rebels, etc., all of them showed strong indignation and now have a defensive defense The army was stationed, and the garrison of the Warlock Fortress did not dare to "invade"

Facing the 100,000-year-old Baidi territory army, General George of the Warlock Fortress did not dare to slack off, dispatched the deputy head of the Red Dragon Army, and the competent general Francis led the army in the north of the Iowa town. Fortifications, fortifications, etc.

After learning the news, Chen Rui did not move through the town of Istar, and continued to head north, to the area around Brucek Canyon.

"Who are you?" Faced with the strangers who suddenly appeared in the forward-looking post, the guards of the Red Dragon Legion were like a big enemy, and this person could pass through the magic trap and the scout's eyes and ears silently. Absolutely not an ordinary enemy

"Please don't misunderstand, I am the old friend of General Francis, please send someone to inform the generals, and say that when the RJ Weizhu Valley once armed with the lion's teeth, there is an urgent military situation to see the general."

At the beginning, Chen Rui had once rescued Francis in Weizhugu and led the remnants of the **** ambush. He gave birth to the emperor Pamir and also ruined the **** army leader Bubowa and Mechek at the time. Name of the Quartermaster

The guardian captain saw that the guy in the cloak didn't seem to be malicious. Otherwise, the opponent did not alarm any strength to come here. It was not difficult to destroy the post. He immediately ordered a scout to go to the canyon and secretly launched. The magic communication of jǐng ring, inform other guards to be fully prepared

Chen Rui looked in his eyes and did not stop it. Soon after, the little captain was surprised to see that the deputy head of the army, Francis, came with a team of people.

When Chen Rui took off the cloak on his head and revealed the face that Rì Francis had seen before, Francis was surprised and happy to go up two steps, first marching a military ceremony: "We met the ‘military officer’ adults again.”

Francis is the deputy head of the Lucifer family and the Red Dragon Army. General George General’s love will now salute this little “military officer”. Many of the pro-Branches brought by Francis have participated in the rì In the battle of the valley, Chen Rui showed his sincere respect to the sè, which made the small captains and soldiers of the outpost look at it.

Chen Rui also gave a ceremony, and gave Francis a hug. He came straight to the point and said: "I have urgent responsibilities, I have to meet General George."

"I will accompany you right away." Francis knew that Chen Rui’s identity was not simple. He was once awarded the Lions sword by General George. It was definitely the most trusted person of the general who immediately promised to go down. The two returned to the canyon’s fortress and took two fast horses. , Xun arrived at the Warlock Fortress

General George had already advanced Francis’s message and ushered Chen Rui into the command center of the fortress in the first place.

"General George, Mrs. Gloria" was present without an outsider. Chen Rui regained his true colors and gave a gift to the father-in-law and the red dragon lady.

More than rì, George’s eyebrows have a little more sighs, and even the generous Gloria is worried.

George did not have a guest, and asked directly: "Chen Rui, how is the battle of the Darkmoon? Are you here to ask for help from the Warlock Fortress?"

Chen Rui did not speak, Gloria angered and said: "Black 曜 that shameless bastard, if the dad hurts the aging mother's baby daughter Athena a hair, the old lady led the Red Dragon Army to level dìdū"

"Mrs. Don't worry, when I left, the dark moon was still stable. Before that, we also slammed the black morale..."

Chen Rui said the situation of the two battles in the dark month. George heard a slight decapitation. Gloria is clapping his hand: "Chen Rui, there is really our family, Athena, who did not read the wrong person and learned the black scorpion. After the dark moon, I want to reinforce you several times, but George just doesn't let it."

"I didn't let it, but I couldn't move it." George shook his head. "At present, the 100,000-strong army in the Baiji territory is approaching the fortress, and it is a slap in the face. This is not the case. The key point is that the iron fist territory of the **** empire has also begun to gather a large number of troops. Despite the so-called alliance agreement, the **** empire is not a day or two for our country, especially now that the situation cannot ignore the possibility that they will tear up the agreement and march into the invasion. Once it happens, the Warlock fortress is in danger of being attacked by the enemy. Once the fortress is lost, not only may we be completely annihilated, but the **** empire will drive straight in, threatening the security of the entire Angel Empire, so at this time we have no way to move."

Chen Ruicai knows that the situation of the Warlock Fortress has been severe enough to this level.

"Chen Rui, although you have won two small wins, but for the black army of millions of troops, it is not a slap in the face, the real test is still behind, the current situation, I can not give you more substance. With the help of xìng, everything can only depend on your own."

"I know" Chen Rui nodded. "The general please rest assured that I can use my life commitment. Even if the dark moon is finally defeated, I will protect the safety of Athena."

George and Gloria looked at each other and they were so pleased.

"Right, the general, is the problem of the lack of food in the Warlock Fortress?"

George sighed: "It is really serious. The last time you provided a lot of black crystal coins, there was no problem with the military. Later, you received a large number of equipment and ordnance sent by the Moon Shadow Corps, but the food is still in short supply. The lord Sikari not only delays the military food, but also prohibits the people from selling food to us. Although Sikari is a man of this kind, he does have a set of driving people. Now almost all the people in the Bailu territory have hatred for the Warlock Fortress. A **** empire is really a big offensive fortress. In the absence of logistical support, it’s hard to stick to it."

"After hearing this news in Baiji City, I asked the Dark Magic to try to raise some food. This time, I brought it together. Although the number is limited, how much can play a role. I also brought two improved magic crystal cannons. The drawings are from the hand of the alchemist. We have tried it on the Devils of the Dìdū. The power is very powerful. If it is used together with the rest of the ordnance, it will play a terrible role. Chen Rui took out the drawings and handed them over to them. George

"Too good," George's eyes lit up and looked at it. "It's just that this kind of improvement is very complicated. We don't have a warrior. We must have a large number of professional craftsmen to complete it. The human resources in this area are the most empire." , just now..."

"According to the current situation, no matter which step, we must first solve the problem of the Baiji territory. This person is not easy, but I have already started to contact him and hope to achieve the goal." Chen Rui slightly sinks and said: "Actually, I came out from the dark moon this time for the most important planning. If it succeeds, the dark moon will be able to achieve the real victory of this war."

"Real victory?" George shook. "You mean..."

Chen Rui smiled slightly: "The empire will be ruled by a real queen, not the regent."

George took a deep breath, but calmed down: "I want to hear your plan first."

Chen Ruiyan succinctly said a rough framework, the look of George’s eyes is getting more and more prosperous, not to beheaded

"So I am ready for the Warlock Fortress, I am looking forward to your good news." George’s face suddenly showed anxiety: "There is only one thing I am worried about now."

Chen Rui sighed: "I am also worried"

A little red lady, Gloria, asked strangely: "What are you worried about?"


"dark moon"

Chen Rui and George all said it together. Although they are two different answers, they all have the same meaning.

At this time, the dark moon territory on the other side finally ushered in the biggest test.

The mighty army, led by the Regent King Black Skull, crossed the Modo Town and the Black Mountain Forest, all the way south, and came to the first line of the Darkmoon, the front of the Moonlight Fortress.

PS: Things are too busy, just finished this chapter, a bit late, please forgive me (to be continued)

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