Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 514: Undead town

Under the dark moonlight, the dark sky around the town of Dicco gradually drifted away. In the thin black mist, the hidden tooth decay gradually became clear.

In all directions, dense and numb, all are undead, as if the ocean is endless. Seeing that the Emperor's army scalp was blown up, the original number was one of the advantages of the Imperial Army, but now it has become a disadvantage.

Pallot understood a bit. The reason for the explosion of the house was not only to kill his soldiers, but also to clear up a large piece of open space without cover, to facilitate the tactics. He suddenly thought of the report of the previous soldiers. All the houses were empty. Could it be that all the townspeople were turned into undead?

Rao was Pallot and he was so ruthless that he couldn’t help but shudder.

"Don't panic! It's just a bunch of garbage bones! Their fragile skeleton can't resist the sharpest edge in our hands. The poor rust knife can't even leave a trace on our strong armor!" Palo specific Definitely, began to loudly boost morale. "We are the strongest elite of the emperor. How can we fear these wastes that are only used as cannon fodder on the battlefield? Soldiers, the enemy of the dark moon has escaped with the tail, we have no place. Earn more credit and use your strength to crush these bone shelves!"

I have to say that these imperial generals have a morale, and the soldiers’ morale is high. Although most people have no experience in fighting the undead, everyone knows that the most common use of the undead is the Bohai tactics. The use of the number of squadrons when the cannon fodder consumes the enemy ~ people, 骷髅 is the lowest level of undead creatures, their combat power is not worth mentioning, with the strength of the Imperial Army, defense or even counterattack should not be a problem.

Under the command of Pallot, the Imperial Army formed a huge phalanx, facing a large number of enemy forces slowly moving over.

The dark sky has completely disappeared. Although the moonlight is not very bright, the soldiers have seen the appearance of the undead army by the fire of the house and the role of the lighting ball. Many people have taken a breath of cold breath.

It’s really the Bohai Sea, it’s just these sacred, — it’s too unexpected.

Cannon fodder on the battlefield? Fragile skeleton? Poor rust knife?

Our helmets and armor are only equipped with heavy infantry called turtle shells. The hands are equipped with thick round shields and bright knives, Nima! The equipment of the regular infantry regiment is just that!

Pallot is also shocked. Is this still the weakest soldier? All the donkeys are equipped with uniform weapons and armor. How much does it cost?

Now is not a mockery or a feeling of dark moon when the money is stupid, so many well-equipped undead soldiers, I am afraid that will become the biggest nightmare tonight!

"Ha ha ha ha!" The strange laughter echoed in the town of Dicco. The laughter seems to come from dozens of people in all directions, but the voice and tone are one person, revealing the trepidation and horror. "Many die." The special ingredients of the spirit are just too good! The servants, help your future companions to get rid of the extra flesh and blood!"

Our speed is gradually accelerating, and we are pouring into the square of the Imperial Army from all directions.

For a time, the sound of weapons and bumps was endless, mixed with the roar and screams of the soldiers, and the outermost edge of the square had been cut. The pressure brought by the Bohai Sea far exceeds the imagination of the soldiers. It is not only equipped with powerful equipment, but also weak in strength. What is even more terrifying is the nature of undead creatures. They don’t know fatigue or fear at all, and they don’t feel pain unless they feel pain. The core of the head is defeated, otherwise the damage of the rest of the head does not have much effect. Even if the broken hand is broken, as long as the machete in the hand is still there, the person can be hacked without being affected.

These elite soldiers are well-trained. Although they face the terrible impact of the undead army, they still maintain a high level of mental state and combat effectiveness. When a casualty occurs, someone immediately fills it up. Although the loss is not light, it always maintains the defense. Formation.

In the center of the phalanx, the deputy general Du Rui constantly mobilized and commanded, and gradually turned the square that could be attacked and defended into a purely defensive circular array. Pallot was a dignified face and paid close attention to the situation in all directions.

"General Pallot, do you need me to take the shot now?" Pegasus, who has always been protected by Palotte, spoke up.

"Not for the time being." Pallot is not a mediocrity. After a moment of indulging, he shook his head. "The dark moon is indeed hidden. It is much harder to deal with than imagined. There are not only two powerful demons, but there are still so many horrors. The army of the undead, this time I was out of control. It is obvious that the enemy has been planning for a long time, and now they have been led by the adults of Sterber, and the only Emperor of the Emperor who stayed here is the only Pegasus. I know that adults are the strongest of the royal family. They can also master martial arts and magic. They can challenge the peak of the emperor with the strength of the middle of the emperor. However, the current situation is unclear. I don’t know if the enemy has any other means, so adults should not be moved. If it consumes power in vain, or is managed to contain it by the enemy, it will only make our army's situation more dangerous. These undead souls must be controlled by the magician who just made a sound. The necromancer is generally very cunning and will be hidden somewhere. For the time being, let's take a look at it and try to find out where the magician's hiding place is. Then please try your best to destroy the enemy's head in one fell swoop. As long as the magician dies, Support undead will automatically collapse. "

Pegasus showed his approval: "The general is doing a good job and can drive so many embarrassment. The strength of this person is at least close to the level of the emperor. I will gradually extend the power of the field and try to sense and search each other. The controller is in place. Because there are too many enemies, it takes a lot of mental effort and time. In the short term, it is impossible to help the generals."

"Da Rentao is relieved to exert his strength, don't worry about disturbing, and our army is still able to withstand it."

Pegasus nodded, sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes.

The formation of more than 100,000 people is not so good, and it is still in the battle. Fortunately, Du Rui’s command is very good, and it has changed in the shortest time. It’s just under the attack of the undead, the circle has shrunk a little, within the circle. Although the soldiers used bows and arrows to shoot, they did not have a good effect on the undead.

There is an 80-person magician squad in the Imperial Army. The magical attack on the undead is much greater than the bow and arrow, but for a large number of squadrons, it is only a drop in the bucket. After releasing a few magic spells in a row, the magicians can't cast magic again in a short time because of the magic exhaustion.

Just as the magicians had just stopped, the strings of the bows of the undead army continued to flow in the direction of the sky, causing a lot of casualties, and also shot a few magicians who could not defend themselves, commanding the battle of Du Rui. Scared, the undead army actually has archers?

These undead archers use powerful and powerful arrows to make up for the shortcomings of the prospects. Speaking of the heads... The undead are not afraid of accidental injuries. Those arrows shoot their own people and it doesn't matter, they still live and jump.

A soldier's spear accurately penetrated the heart of the squadron with the arrow in the opposite direction. However, this conventional fatal attack has no effect on 骷髅, and the skeleton of the squadron is crushed by spears. The speed rushed forward and fell on the shoulders of the soldiers.

The sharp blade cut the leather armor and set it on the shoulder bone of the soldier. The blood suddenly soaked the clothes. Before the knife was pulled out, a soldier struggling to cut the arm of the arm. The shackles that lost the scimitar were still fierce. A shield hit the head of the injured soldier on the shoulder. Before the soldier woke up from the dizziness, another scimitar came again, and the soldier’s head was cut off. The blood and brains poured on the soldier’s face. The soldier’s line of sight was blocked. He was busy with the shield to protect the body. Under his feet, he was hurt by a half-body shackles and cut his right leg. He suddenly screamed. The fall has been broken into several segments in the eyes of the ground. The companions in the back row just made up, and they were shot down to the ground by the arrows that were attacked by the air raids. The soldiers who were behind the arrows shot from their own families were unaffected and continued to rush forward.

This scene is just a small microcosm of the battle. These crickets do not have independent consciousness. The movements on the hands are very monotonous. There are only two kinds of knives and shields. Even the defense will not, but it is this simple "Baidu Post Bar. The attacking action and the undead characteristics of the Hanghang scripts have caused the Imperial Army to suffer huge losses. According to this consumption, the first to be destroyed is definitely the Imperial Army.

At this time, a group of figures appeared in the embarrassing team, these figures are similar to ordinary people, the body looks thin, the parts below the knees seem to have no physical, floating forward, it is very strange.

"what is that?"

"Why didn't the knife cut a little bit of damage?"

"Bow arrows are useless! Is it invincible?"

"Be careful! This is a ghost! It will greatly reduce physical damage!"

"Damn, so many ghosts!"

The ghost is an undead creature transformed from a dead man with a strong spiritual power. It is highly exempt from physical damage and sometimes fully immune. For the ordinary army, it is definitely an undead nightmare. The best way to deal with the ghost is the magician attack, but now only a few dozen magicians are close to the end of the oil, a magician barely issued a post-thunder, because of mental exhaustion fainted.

In the front row, a captain on the captain of the magic and martial arts demon level inserted a lot of arrows, and saw the soldiers under his armage exhausted, screaming angrily, and the weapons in his hand glared into the enemy line. Remembering the big tricks, the ghosts and cockroaches within ten meters have disappeared and shattered. However, the "blank" eyes that have been cleared in this circle have been refilled by the undead souls who have come from behind, and the generals who are not able to retreat have tried to kill a few The enemy was quickly submerged in the tide of the undead ocean.

In the battlefield of this scale, even if you have the power of the big devil, it is difficult to be a car. Only the high-level strength of the field can truly ride a thousand.

On the outer edge of the round array, the demon-level general, Toro is the head of the Second Army. He is brave and fierce. He is currently leading the army in the front row and resisting the undead. The strength of the top-ranking strong is indeed strong. Toro is riding a head. The mutated land of Yalong, the knives in the hand illusion of the volcanic arc, each shot can cut a large area of ​​the undead, even if it can reduce the physical damage of the rabbit, can not resist the absolute power of the field , have turned into ashes.

Torosi drove the mount in the undead army and rushed to the left. He was smashed and killed a large circle and returned to the round array. The soldiers of the Second Legion shouted the mighty, invigorated, and defeated many undead. .

Seeing the morale of the soldiers, Torosi raised the sickle high and rushed toward the enemy. In fact, his impact on the power consumption is relatively large, but only in this way can the morale that has begun to decline begin to rise. The soldiers of an imperial capital are all trained and rigorously trained, but over time, there will be emotional fluctuations, which directly reflect the fighting power. In contrast, the undead themselves have no morale factor, even if they are eliminated by Toro, they still go forward and the fighting power remains unchanged.

Just as Toroth waved a sickle and drove the dragon to tear the formation of the undead again, the undead team in front suddenly gave up a passage, and a black figure appeared in front of him. This is a knight in the black armor, riding a black ghost horse, the horse armored armor, the eyes faintly revealing the light, in the moonlight, it is very strange.

Horror knight! Toro's pupils contracted slightly. If you are a soldier, then the terrorist knight is the king. They are the highest class of undead creatures. They are made of special dead souls and bodies. They were powerful knights because of some kind of thought or curse. The soul can't dissipate. They are born with the weight of the undead. They use resentment and killing as the source of strength. Terrorist knights are not those who are unconscious, not only retaining the independent will, except for obeying the control, but also possessing powerful strength and combat skills during their lifetime.

The black knight of the Horror Knight reveals a bright red light, which locks the presence of Toro, a huge knight spear in his hand, a horse-shaking, a ghost horse and four hoofs, as if Black lightning, rushing toward Toro.

Torothy did not show weakness, and urged the dragon to greet the horror knight. The two riders swayed in a blink of an eye, and the sound of "squeaking" even covered up the sound of shouting. The soldiers at the rear only vaguely saw a slip of Mars, and the two riders had been separated and they jumped to the mount again and again.

The black armor behind the fear knight cracked a long mouth, and the black smoke was leaking inside, but the smoke was quickly taken into the body, and the silver shoulder of Toro was broken, and there was a terrible scar on the shoulder. The pieces were even squeezed into the flesh and blood, and there was no pain in the face of Toro, but the black knight looking at the opposite side.

Just a cross-attack, Toro's mind understood a few things.

First, this horror knight is not under him in terms of strength level, combat skills and riding skills. Second, the equipment on the other side, including the vest, is not inferior to him, at least it is also a legendary grade; third, horror The Cavaliers seem to have a mental disturbance similar to fear, which makes the dragon in the ground feel fearful. He just hesitated when he sprinted, causing him to be heavier than the other.

This is a strong opponent! Toro's body burned a red flame, and the human face became the strongest form of the devil. The flame wrapped the mount and the dragon, and suddenly the fear of the dragon was shrouded. As if a dazzling flame, once again greeted the black lightning that sprinted. Ps: It’s a bit early to come back this afternoon. Last time I promised to thank the book friend “Little Wolf Rebirth” and add it. I’ve been working hard to finish the second one. Later, there’s one more, about the point.

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