Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 537: 3rd nocturne

In the moonlight, the music is gradually becoming inaudible.

Xia slowly opened the purple sable and took a deep breath: "Isabella, the song is very nice."

Isabella gently put down the piano from the veil: "The name of the song is called "The End of the World". When a man taught me, he said that even if the end of the world comes, it will accompany me. By the side."

"Is it?" The blonde princess smiled coldly, and the coldness that was dispelled by the music began to solidify quickly. "Then you should also know that he said the same thing in my arms every time before he sweetly talked to you." ""

The implication of this sentence is that you are only eating the leftover soup. Isabella’s beautiful eyebrows can’t help but pick it up. It seems that the Princess of the Long Princess is not confused. On the contrary, Much better than you think.

Miss Alien, the head of the intelligence, sighed and said: "How can I compare with the noble Princess of the Royal Highness? The Royal Highness of the Princess is the winner regardless of victory or defeat. At the very least, he can also find the position of His Royal Highness."

"Only the princess who died in battle, there is no queen who lives." Shia Zijing passed a ruthless decision, but did not retreat to counterattack the enemy: "When it comes to death, come to life... The death of the flower of the mandala is resurrected. It’s really good news for the Emperor’s mad bees.”

You come to me, the tip of the needle on the mang, the two women seem to be fighting high spirits, there seems to be an invisible electric flower between the purple and the tourmaline.

"It’s already so late. If you don’t go to sleep, there will be dark circles. How can you seduce that man?” Isabella yawned and snorted: “Then I will retire first, the spirited princess. Your Royal Highness."

After all, I did not pay attention to Xia, and turned around and left.


The footsteps wrapped in the cloak stopped.

"The song is very nice."

But the Royal Highness Princess has to add another sentence: "I will let that guy play me dozens of times a day."

After the veil, the purple lip corners curled up a slight arc, and did not look back, walking forward with the lotus step.

The sound of the piano in front of the military account is over, and the music of the emperor is nearing the end, and in the western part of the dark moon, another nocturne is quietly kicking off.

For a vast territory, the phenomenon of "different days in ten miles" is not uncommon. There is no moonlight above the Xiqiao Mountains, but a dense cloud.

In the dense clouds, there is a flash of lightning, occasionally breaking through the darkness of the night, and the cold sweat is dripping down.

Under the leadership of Gerant, the army of 5,000 people entered the territory of the Dark Moon through the cover of night and rain.

This army is the elite of Jerant’s strength from the Tequila Fort Saber-toothed Tigers. In addition to outstanding combat effectiveness, it is more important to ban the line and completely obey the command of Jerant, the son of the second general Dornulus. Erga is also among them.

Sergey had originally held a senior position in the Red Devils. At the young age, he reached a high-level demon. Because of Athena’s relationship, the "wrong hand" killed the contemptuous son of the Minister of Finance, Alan, and was dismissed from the post to Teku. Pull the fortress and become a guardian of His Majesty. After Sergei came to the fortress of Tekula, he started from the beginning and, under hard work, has reached the middle of the high-order demon. This time, the team went to the dark moon, and also took the determination to make a fortune and to overthrow the body. It has not played before, and now finally has the opportunity to perform, naturally it is a rejuvenation.

The raindrops are getting bigger and bigger. Most of the rain in the Devils is a bit acidic. Even if the body of the Mozu is stronger than humans, it is not suitable for rain for a long time. However, the heavy rain in front of the sword is the most for the Saber-toothed Tigers. Good cover.

"Through this hillside, the front is the tile blue fortress!" Gerant put away the magical map of the light, and the hand holding the bloodshot gun tightened. "The warriors of the saber-toothed tiger, the magical power of defeating the dark moon is in In front of us! Give a real nightmare to those enemies who are still asleep! Before dawn, the flag of the Saber-toothed Tiger will be inserted in the city of the Blue Fortress!"

The Walan Fortress is a medium-sized fortress built on the Lushan Mountain. It stands on the road to the dark moon avenue. The front is a wide and narrow open space. The terrain is like a pocket that gradually shrinks. The time of this construction is not long. The rear of the fortress is the same newly built Hualan Town. In view of the fact that the dark moon is in the north and the enemy is a powerful imperial coalition, many merchants in the Darkmoon City have withdrawn, but they are not completely Leaving the dark moon, but the attitude of special observation moved to the town of Walan, which accelerated the development and construction of Walan Town, and has become one of the most important hubs for trade and business in the western region.

Over the hillside, Jerant wiped the rain on his face and looked at the fortress in front of the soft light. This time it was a blessing of the demon. The rainy weather not only covered the whereabouts, but also the horror of the dark moon. The magic crystal can be greatly weakened either by the head or the power.

Jerant’s **** gun pointed out that 3,500 infantrymen tried to converge and sneaked toward the fortress. The cavalry carefully kept the distance behind. Jerant has always been wary of whether the other side set up, silently calculated the distance, until the army passed the effective range of the magic crystal cannon safely, the heart was only wide, ordered the soldiers to speed up, ready to attack the city.

At this time, in the ear of Gerant’s ear, I suddenly heard a strange sound of “winning and grabbing” in the rainstorm. My heart suddenly burst into a bad feeling and shouted: “Defense!”

It is a pity that the unknown murder has already passed through the darkness to the infantry of the Saber-toothed Tigers. When it came to the screams, at least 300 people were damaged.

Then, the illuminating **** of light were thrown out by some sort of circlip, scattered, and the entire battlefield in front of the fortress was suddenly illuminated. This is a magical prop that is used in night wars, and the light source can stay for a while.

Jerant’s heart is tight, and the enemy is ready to fight!

It seems that some of the powerful arrows have been killed by the soldiers who have just killed themselves, but this distance is not the most powerful elf shooter in the ground world. The answer was immediately revealed, and the second round of launch of the Blue Fortress has begun. This time, Gerant clearly saw the true face of that terrible weapon.

This is a giant "arrow" like a spear. Whether it's range, power or speed is extremely amazing, the infantry's shield is so fragile in the face of this horrible "arrow". A soldier was shackled with a shield and nailed to the ground. Immediately, the spear burst open and burst into numerous small arrows. The nearby soldiers screamed, and many fell to the ground, seemingly bursting arrows. The vector is also very poisonous.

What kind of weapon is this! The power is terrible! Is Jaland very shocked? No, it is not an ordinary car!

Due to the complexity of filling and the slow speed, the brakes have gradually faded out of the battlefield, and the weapons that have been replaced by the magic crystal cannons and appear in the Walan Fortress today have exerted far more than the imagination, and almost subverted. Today's armor common sense of the devil!

Jerant’s face is full of water drops, not only rain, but more cold sweat: this terrible car has not been used in the battle with the Imperial Army! How many cards do you have in the dark moon?

"The infantry is spreading! The cavalry is with me!"

Although the brakes were powerful but not enough to affect the determination of Jerant to win the Walan Fortress, they immediately issued an order. The cavalry quickly rushed toward the fortress and another round of whistling sounds. The time for adjustment and launch was quite fast, but the casualties caused by this time were smaller, and there were not many direct hits, but the poison arrows that burst open. Still powerful, many soldiers fell down one after another.

The distance gradually narrowed, and the arrows in the fortress flew out, mixed in the heavy rain and poured down. From time to time, cavalry and horses fell down in the water and were trampled in the rain. The cavalry took the bow and returned in the hand, attracting a batch of firepower, behind The infantry followed.

The deputy of Jerant’s side rushed to the front of Lakatos’s sword and ignited a strong blue flame. He screamed at the whirlwind of the spell and rushed to the fortress. The rain brought by the whirlwind became cold and cold. Many of the boasted arrows condensed into ice in the air that flew out, falling into the ground.

After a whirlwind, the walls of the fortress were frozen with a thick layer of ice, and many of the defenders became ice sculptures. If you change to another world, the ice city will be more difficult for the attacking party, but here is the world of magic. After the storm, there is a ladder of ice solidified in front of the wall.

Laktos is a mutated **** dark elf who combines martial arts and magic. He is proficient in water and wind, and has the strong strength of the first stage of the demon. The amazing effect in front of him is mainly based on the weather advantage of heavy rain. The infantry of the saber-toothed tigers are wearing special gloves, and the bottom of the boot also has the same auxiliary facilities, which are prepared in advance for the city.

It is a pity that the infantrymen who did not wait for the saber-toothed tigers approached, and the ice ladders began to melt rapidly, turning into a jet of water. The water column seemed to be attached with toxins, and the smoked soldiers were screaming green smoke. Even again.

Laktos frowned, this enemy who used the ice ladder to turn into venom was actually very poor, but the ability to control the water element was still above him. There are such enemies, and it is very afraid to rely on magic to climb the city. Difficult.

The sound of the spring of the heavy-duty car began to ring again, and the soldiers of the Saber-toothed Tiger Legion fell one after another. The closer the radial terrain is to the space of the fortress, the more unfavorable the attacking side.

In the heart of Jaland’s heart, a flash of thoughts, the enemy’s defenses are extremely strict, and the pertinence is extremely strong, as if the situation of the Saber-toothed Tigers’ surprise plan, staffing and strength is clear, can it be said that...

Inside rape! Someone must have disclosed all the information about the surprise attack to the enemy!

This is simply a pre-set trap! Waiting for the trap of the Saber-toothed Tigers.

Only three people, including Jayrant himself, who know the whole plan, know that one is Regent Wang Yaoyao, another...

Gerant couldn't help but shudder, never had the extravagant hope of taking down the blue fortress. Now I just want to do one thing, that is to escape! Even if you are defeated by a defeat, you must expose the most terrible traitor!

"Withdraw! Immediately withdraw to Leia town!"

Just as Jerant took a remnant of the remnants of the troops, a group of black-pressed figures suddenly appeared, blocking the way.

Seen from the light of the lighting ball, these enemies are tall and strong, wearing chain armor, holding heavy weapons such as axe, hammer, and flail in their hands. The head is the most strange, it is the bull's head.

"The Tauren!" Jerant was shocked. These Taurens have at least two thousand, equivalent to a large ethnic group. It is by no means accidentally present here. Is it the Darkmoon besides Medusa and the Wyvern of the Wyvern? Is there a Tauren Legion?

The Tauren and Medusa are both high-smart Warcraft. They can't be tamed like a two-legged dragon. Even the entire Angel Empire has no such special arms. I don't think there is a dark moon!

At this time, the gate of the Walan Fortress opened, and a large group of people shouted and rushed out. Obviously, they had to be surrounded on both sides, and the Saber-toothed Tigers were all here.

Jerant’s heart sank, knowing that he was in a desperate situation, stunned his blood, and turned into a battle of the devil. He shouted: “Get out of the way!”

The cavalry raised their spears and bravely rushed toward the Tauren who had blocked the way. The Taurens were all screaming and drinking, and there was a strange red glow under their feet, stalking the cavalry in the footsteps of the monks.

The cavalry rushing to the front is about to spur the enemy with a spear. Suddenly a huge wolf hammer appears on the top of the head, and there is a bang, and there is no time to scream. The whole person, together with the horse, is smashed into a smash, similar. The scene was played in the following moments fighting power of these Taurens is amazingly strong, and their equipment is incredibly well-behaved. The cavalry can not penetrate through the spears of horsepower. Silver shiny chain on the Tauren.

"Laketos! You try to open the breakthrough! I will drag the enemy behind me!" Gerant snorted, shaking the reins, and rushing toward the rear with the guardian cavalry.

"Understand!" Laktos jumped up from the mount and floated in the air. The long sword in his hand leaned against the stormy sky. The air suddenly dropped several lightnings, and the strange force was absorbed on the sword. Laktos held up. A long sword entwined with lightning, flew toward the head of the bull, and slashed with a sword.

About 20 meters, all the bullheads only saw the blue electric light flashing. When they couldn’t resist, they were hit by high-voltage currents. The strong defense chain became an excellent conductor in the face of lightning. The flying head of the bulls fell to the ground, trembling and losing their fighting power. This is also because the Tauren people have anti-magic physique, if it is replaced by the ordinary Mozu, it has turned into coke.

Laktos hit a hand and landed. He was about to use his magic again, and he gave birth to dangerous feelings and returned to the cross sword! Blocked, Mars splashed, and took a few steps back. Behind it is a taller Tauren than the ordinary Tauren, holding a big axe and a giant shield in his hand. From the breath, it seems to be the mutant leader of the first stage of the demon.

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