Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 544: Approaching blackbird

No matter in which plane, there is always a kind of endless disparity in the life of wisdom. From a certain perspective, it is this history written with the same kind of blood that drives the so-called civilization.

Almost all of them lost their extra feelings when the two torrents of people converge, leaving only the most primitive and instinctive killings.

The mad corps in the right wing of the Imperial Capital rushed to the front of a mutated horned demon, which has reached the level of the big devil king, which is almost the highest of the horns. The power is very violent, the hammer in the hand is thrown every time, and there are dozens of flesh and blood in front. fly. However, under the continuous bombardment, the action of the horned devil is getting slower and slower. It is because of exhaustion, and he is slashed on the knee by a demon-level general of the other side, and is crumbling. The dark moon soldiers behind the red-eyes swarmed and quickly crossed the corner of the horns. Only one body was wounded on the ground, just like a tiger was smashed into white bones by countless eater.

In a large charge of more than a million in total, the power of the individual appears to be so insignificant. Only those who understand the power of the field can have better self-protection ability in this environment, and the most inferior can also escape. The precondition is that the enemy does not have the opponent of the emperor level.

The battlefield is full of blood and violent, hesitant, jealous, and evasive will often die faster, the soldiers on both sides are red-eyed, only some experienced generals can stay awake, and the soldiers are tried to exchange the least for the least. Killing.

The only ones who can maintain the "cool" state of the whole army are the undead, except for the individual controllers. They simply don't know what excitement or fear, especially the bombardment of the sorcerer's sorcerer on the back of the undead, and the first joint legion and the second legion suffered the same, if not a magician army. I am afraid I can't support it anymore.

The Magician Legion's magic is very sharp, but once there is no increase in the range of the other's bones, and secondly, it must be cast behind the heavy protection, and dare not be as fearless as being pushed forward to attack. They all know that the best way to destroy these undead is to destroy Guladam. It is a pity that the legendary undead magic master is not only powerful, but also very incomparable. He has been at the farthest corner of the building. There were two demons of the emperor level who ventured to kill and barely broke into the front of the building. The vampire hidden near the bone building was torn into pieces.

The magic of the Magician Legion is not endless. It can only be restored and attacked in turn. A bottle of rejuvenating pharmacy is even a white medicine that increases magic in a short period of time and is consumed at no cost, maintaining the intensity of the battle. However, the power of the pharmacy will become lower and lower after multiple uses. And the lower the purity of the drug, the more negative the body will have. If you rely on the medicine for a long time, it will even form a depression. The effect of the medicine will become weaker and weaker, causing permanent damage to the mind or body.

Unless it is a 100% purity agent in the Chen Rui Super System. In order to avoid damage, even if the medicine is redeemed, the reduction in efficacy is still unavoidable. In particular, advanced pharmaceuticals have greater potential for overdraft, such as increased white medicines and black medicines, which must be taken at regular intervals. Otherwise it has no effect.

What made the Emperor's left wing more disadvantaged was the undead flying corps above the head, and the Dragon Cavalry Corps was not present in the commander Sarga. The scene has been completely controlled by the other side, and the magical corps of the magical power is getting harder and harder to defend against the air. The front melee soldiers are brave, but they are difficult to support under the upper and lower pinch, and the formation is uncontrolled. The area is retreating, and the area of ​​the undead are gradually expanding.

Contrary to the advantage of the Dark Moon right wing, the left wing of the Dark Moon, the blue melted lord Sumen is the deputy head of the original Zhan Blue Army. Although the soldiers used their lives, the strength is still worse than the Emperor Jingdi. The forefront of the general commander is the former coalition deputy commander Pallot. The fiasco of Deco town has caused Pallot to be hit hard. Although he has not recovered, he insisted on playing as an ordinary general. Today, Pallot wants to use the blood of the dark moon to wash the shame, so it is very desperate. If it is not the red blood army led by the brothers and sisters of Kagulong, the left wing of the dark moon has been killed by the enemy.

The most important part of the entire regiment is the Chinese army lineup, and the battle situation is also the most intense. There are 50,000 of the most elite garrisons around the black scorpion, and there are five elite corps, numbering about thirty-five or sixty thousand. They have never been used in previous wars. This time, the final battle finally brought the main force to the squad. It was used up, and the army in the dark moon opposite was under tremendous pressure.

Under the command of Xia, only the Moon Shadow Corps and the Flame Light Legion have less than 200,000 troops. The number is in absolute disadvantage. However, the strength of the Chinese military is very different. The soldiers of the Yanguang Legion are Ashina’s Chen Rui. The elites that have been trained by the training methods, and who have undergone the transformation of the devil's fruit, both personal strength and overall cooperation, have surprised the opposite emperor, and have been able to withstand each other with less and more. Strong impact.

The Moon Shadow Corps does not have the strong melee strength of the Flames Corps. It is mainly located behind the Flames Corps. Tim has trained a large number of excellent archers in the Waslan Fortress in Xiqiao Mountain, and mixed with Medusa. It has powerful remote shooting capabilities.

In the center of the archer is the magician corps commanded by Monroe, the son of Kafu, the lord of the Blood Emperor of the Shadow Empire. These magicians are not dead creatures, but Cafu was originally thanked for the dark moon to help solve the problem of the crystal valley vein. Reward. Monroe and Tim, the combat power is not strong, but the command can be outstanding, the magician army is not eager to launch a large magic that consumes magic, but for the time being the main force of the friendly. Originally, this kind of long-range defense is relatively fragile and vulnerable to air strikes. However, the flying dragons led by Lomon in the air have made up for this deficiency. The air power of the Imperial Capital has been suppressed by the right-wing undead. In the world of Lomon, the emperor's army rang from time to time the sound of magical bombs thrown by the two-legged dragon.

These are still within the scope of conventional operations, and the most "things" that the Emperor is eager for.

The first is the strange metal people in the front row, there are hundreds of them, the strength is about high-order demon to the devil, the characteristics are amazing defense, magic is basically useless to them. Even more terrifying is that they have already fallen underground to "death", and after a while they begin to resurrect and kill, unless they completely destroy their bodies.

—— These are the golden people made by Rolla. They were originally used as “housekeeping robots”. After being inspired by Chen Rui, they were made into battle machines like crystal cymbals. The golden man is slower, has strong anti-magic properties, and is an excellent meat shield as long as it does not destroy their core and recover for a while.

The second type of fear that the emperor army was horrified was the ghostly black robe magician hidden in the flames of the army. These magicians had no attacks like thunder and lightning, using an unpopular magic— - corpse explosion. The corpse blast is one of the undead magics. It can use the strange dark elements to induce the corpse to explode and damage the surrounding enemies, but the power is small. However, the corpses created by these magicians are much more powerful. Not only will the explosion itself harm nearby soldiers, but the explosive body will also emit a poisonous poison, causing a large number of soldiers to be poisoned. Of course, the poisoned ones are regarded as the Imperial Army. The first gold people are not afraid of this toxin.

This is not a traditional corpse explosion, but a blasting technique!

The ability to cast this kind of magic is naturally only the projection of Guladam... The five magicians are the projections of Guladam. The level of strength is only the big devil, but the improved poison. The power of the blast is quite impressive. The only thing that is lacking is that it is too laborious and cannot be used continuously. This is the case, there is a magician in the position, the Imperial Army still does not dare to get too close.

Despite this, the Imperial Army still has the upper hand on the advantage of the number of people, and more importantly, the central core of the black scorpion has not yet shot.

The war situation between the two armies is in a stalemate state, and the two wings are strong and weak, and one step backwards. As time goes by, except for the position of the Chinese army, the angles of the two wings have rotated, and the number of both sides has also In the **** battle, the sharp decline is not only a struggle between the individual and the overall combat power, but also a contest between endurance and will. Who can't support first, who is the loser.

Despite the Dark Moon Army and its bravery, in the case of a weaker overall strength, the number of disadvantages gradually manifested, especially in the Chinese army, the number of gold people is now less than one hundred, Gu Ladan The five avatars of the murder were destroyed three, and the magician corps under Monroe had begun to take a two-legged flying dragon in the air was reduced by nearly half, and the magic bombs were all warned, even Medusa. And the archers began to suffer casualties, and the situation was in jeopardy.

Xia knows that once the Chinese army is killed, the entire dark moon army will collapse without any suspense. At the moment, it will not be dangerous, and it will come to the front to supervise the war. Under the encouragement of her predecessors, the morale of the Dark Moon Army has greatly improved.

I don't know why, as time went by, the imperial army's momentum gradually weakened. Many soldiers in the Chinese army, the left wing, and the right wing began to experience unexpected fatigue, and the hands of the wielding weapons also slowed down. The Dark Moon Army naturally will not let go of the flaws revealed by the enemy forces, step up the attack, and pull back the previous crisis.

The core of the Imperial Army has been observing the situation, and the black scorpion has finally moved. It has already appeared in the forefront of the front, and the savage eyes are locked in the shape of Chia not far away, completely ignoring the dark moon that swarms. military.

The black scorpion lifted the black cloak and slowly stopped it in front of him. Then he saw the blood and the rain. The soldiers in front of him had turned into pieces of broken meat and bones in the blink of an eye. Even the strong golden people were broken. In dozens of pieces, empty a **** fan shape of about 30 meters.

The sound of Sensen sounded through the battlefield: "Xia. Lucifer! Dare to commit rebellious! Can dare to fight with this king!"

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