Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 596: Exchange condition

Under the influence of the strong water element, the damage of the deep blue island gradually recovered, and the whole sea area also restored the tranquility and beauty of the past.

In the dark blue palace, the water element king Blue Bobst sat on the top, sitting on the left side of the earth element king Moore, Chen Rui, and on the right is the dark element king Hegel.

At this time, Hegel’s eyes on Chen Rui’s eyes are still full of murder and hate, but compared with before, there is more taboo. In the previous battle, the power shown by this enemy is really surprising, especially in the end, even surviving the three kings alone has reached an incredible degree.

"Hegel." Blue Boss spoke up: "I believe that you have a certain understanding of Moore's strength now. The recovery speed after his rebirth is far faster than we expected. As long as it can fuse the elements, Can completely revert to the old look."

Hegel sneered: "The words are correct. The problem is that our earth element, the King of the Kings, seems to have doubts about re-associating the elemental alliance for this outsider."

"There is no absolute enemy in the world, Hegel." Lan Boster glanced at Moore. "There is no absolute friend."

Moore smiled lightly and did not explain it. However, Chen Rui’s brow slightly wrinkled. In this battle, the power of Yuxing became full, and the sequelae were far greater than the previous ones. Now I feel a strong exhaustion.

In this battle, he was a big show, and he exerted the power of the three elements of the king to devour the stars. Later, he also applied his own way to the three kings to eat a lot of losses. However, in addition to launching the star in front, the strong performance behind is not dominated by his will, but Shura.

Shura is a mythical silver scorpion derived from the heart of the devil, from the beginning of the refining of the heart, has been lingering, always exists in his consciousness. In the battle of the town of Massimo in the day of the day, in the battle with Sikari, Shura did not hesitate to damage himself, forcibly broke through the will of Chen Rui and swallowed the wheel of the Hera. Then fell into a deep sleep, now. I finally woke up.

This kind of waking is not an accident. Chen Rui has a hunch that I am afraid that some of the biggest tests will come.

In fact, it was just when the star was used. He is under the pressure of the three elements of origin. It seems to have entered a wonderful mood, but only because of the emergence of Shura, broke the sentiment of this artistic conception.

Blue Bobst smiled at the dark element king: "Hegel, do you understand what I mean? I think you need to make a more correct choice."

Hegel's tone is a bit more sorrowful: "Blue Bobst, it really surprised me, you will be biased towards this guy! Even if he has a belief, a little special ability, it is only a semi-god servant or Followers can't be compared to our elemental king!"

"He is not a servant, but a inheritor." Moore finally spoke. "And not a god, it is a false god."

Hegel and Blue Bost are all surprised. The inheritor of the false god!

The strange power that almost reaches the source of destruction... Even in the false gods, it is quite a horrible existence, or it is quite close to a certain peak.

Hegel's fierce atmosphere gradually converges, and his attitude is still proud. He said: "Even if it is the existence of a false god, you can't control the life and death of the element at will, let alone he is only a inheritor, and now he has not reached the false god. Ster. You don't want to say anything first, you were in Luping Town. He was killed by his own hands, and there are countless dark elements in his hands. If it is a water element, what would you do? kind?"

"The life and death of the elemental person is nothing but the conversion of energy. It is born from the element and annihilates the return element. If the water element is dead... I will choose the most important thing, such as the elemental covenant, such as... the source fragment? ”

When it comes to the source debris, Hegel suddenly shocked.

Blue Bobst showed a strange smile, and the crown of the head began to shine with brilliance: "You still haven't noticed it? Hegel, or can't you confirm? In the battle just now, why can I easily press you? This is still the power that I have not fully realized the source debris."

Hegel's eyes braved the hot red light, staring at the crown of the otter on the top of the blue Bobst, and the breath of the air became fierce: "The water system is the source of debris! Where are you coming! I remember you and No……"

"Yes, it wasn't when you came some time ago." Lan Boster smiled and glanced over Moore and Chen Rui: "Accurately, before Moore arrived, I was still searching for it." whereabouts."

Hegel immediately responded and looked at Moore. Moore shook his head and his eyes fell on Chen Rui’s body. The dark element of the king’s blood was suddenly rounded up, intertwined with surprise and ecstasy, and finally understood why Lan Bost Will tend to "Agulie" side, "Agulie" actually found the source of the water system debris, handed over to Blue Boss!

Moore’s calm voice sounded up: “I have encountered strong enemies, fighting for hundreds of years, and the earth elements are almost dead and wounded. Three years ago, Agulie appeared, helping me to kill the strong enemy and save the whole earth. Elemental people. At the time, my heart was broken, and then Aguly found the source of the earth and the soul of the soul within a year. It repaired the heart of my elements. Otherwise, I have already annihilated, and I don’t know when. It can be reborn again. Although the heart of the element has been repaired, the power that has been damaged for hundreds of years cannot be restored. Agulie has found the soil of the Woyuan, which has made the soil elements of the entire land area reborn, so I can In such a short period of time, the strength of the Emperor of the Peak was restored, and the territory of the Wo Yuan also gave the elite elements of the Emperor level in the realm of the earth."

Moore's words seem to explain the relationship with Akulie. Hegel has heard the extraneous sound: "Agulie" has a very strong thing besides having a strong heritage, that is luck.

Don't underestimate this "attribute". When the strength reaches a certain level, luck is a very important factor. Whether it is the source of the earth, the fruit of the soul, or the soil of the woe, it is an extremely rare treasure. In such a short period of time, it is quite a terrible fortune to get what you are looking for in such a short period of time.

"Right, remember when he first saw him three years ago, his strength is still a high-end demon." Moore quietly added another sentence, let the dark element king and the water element king move again.

Both Hegel and Lambert understood the meaning of Moore. In just three years, they reached the peak of the Emperor from the high-end demon, precisely. The combat power is the middle of the emperor, then three more years? Have a false **** strong heritage. And what kind of level will this person who has the anti-天运道 reach?

Should I choose such a person as an enemy?

Hegel finally began to seriously think about it, half a sigh, and said: "I can no longer pursue the affairs of the black and dark elements. But I have a condition."

"Please say." Chen Rui tried to control the extremely exhausted mind and asked.

"Take me to the black sea to find the source of the dark source." The dark element king showed a strange smile. "Do you have a strong fortune? If you can help me find the source debris, then I can agree otherwise." You are a condition."

"Black seas?" Moore consulted and looked at Blue Boss.

Blue Boss hand, a three-dimensional scene appeared in front of everyone, this is a black sea, there are islands of various shapes, it seems to be covered with fog, can not really cut.

"This is the black sea, starting from the deep blue island. The fastest time is about a month. The black sea is filled with wonderful power. It is extremely dangerous. The periphery is the territory of the Naga family. The fighting power of Naga is very outstanding. But it is not the most dangerous. There is a stronger presence in the middle, even if it is a water element, people dare not dare to get involved. Hegel, have you found any clues about this?"

"Hey! If there are clues, how can I come back?" Hegel said quietly. "The power there is very weird. The airship can't enter from the air. If you walk from the waterway, it's a maze. I am taking this time. The ships that went with the dark elements were missing in the waters."

Moore frowned: "Since it is so dangerous..."

"Well, dark element king, I promise you." Chen Rui looked at some of the familiar islands in the blue Bobst magical magic, and the eyes passed through the strange light.

Moore brows more tightly: "I am going with you."

"I'm afraid not, Moore." The words are the king of water. "You have just merged the mark of the earth, you must stay in the dark blue palace for three months, in order to fully fit. You can't go anywhere before."

Moore looked up at Chen Rui and shook his head: "This sea is too dangerous. If that happens, we can find another way."

"I have already decided," Chen Rui yawned, revealing a well-thought-out smile. "Just, His Highness Hegel, if this cockroach can find the original source of dark elements, you have to promise me two conditions."

Hegel sneered: "Although I don't know where your strange confidence comes from, I can listen to your conditions first."

"Compared with the original source debris, these two conditions are very easy for His Highness Hegel. First, help me to treat a friend who is in the shadow of the light. Second, give me a hint of dark source."

Hegel thought a little and nodded: "Yes."

"So... for the sake of I want to conclude an equal contract with you that does not hurt."

Hegel smiled disdainfully: "Do you want to use this incomprehensible trick to escape my pursuit? I can promise that on the way to the source fragments, I won't start with you. As for the contract, you haven't This qualification."

"So, swear by the heart of the element."

Moore’s words made Hegel’s arrogance, and Blue Bobst added slowly: “I don’t know why, I’m suddenly looking forward to this smashing source.”

The words "original debris" made Hegel's red light flash, and he snorted and finally made a vow with the heart of the element.

"Very good... wait for this awakening, we will set off."

After Chen Rui reluctantly finished this sentence, he could no longer control the kind of tiredness that was strongly attacked. He leaned back in the seat by the seat.

Ps: It’s late, it’s very tight, but I still want everyone to read more chapters, so I’m desperately coding, but I’m sorry to finish it. I am very sorry to say that those who have been waiting for a long time. (To be continued) rq! ~!

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