Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 605: contract

The Black Sea Goddess sees the change of Chen Rui's face in his eyes, revealing a deep smile: "I am suddenly interested in your previous compensation, or it can be the only way for you and your crew."

Facing the behemoths who have seen their own tricks, Chen Rui uses his procrastination tactics while he is thinking about countermeasures: "Adults are eye-catching people, and you should see the authenticity of the snake-shaped badge."

The smile of the black sea goddess has cooled down: "Don't think that I am really afraid of that Satan! If it is not this ghost place for my country..."

Chen Rui’s eyes turned, his expression became more and more humble, and he said: “The grown-up is really like a torch. Please forgive my abruptness... In fact, I have nothing to do with Satan. I don’t know what kind of compensation I have to pay, I can let adults. Satisfied?"

"Hidden Treasure!" Black Sea God shouted: "I don't know what is behind you, but you should be the heir to the Dark Dragon Emperor. I am not greedy. As long as half of the treasure is enough, and there are a few of them. I have to get something. We can sign a related equality contract, if your body can still carry the contract."

"Unfortunately, I can't sign a second contract... Yes, isn't the semi-god-level powerhouse able to cancel the contract?"

The black sea **** frowned: "The semi-god-level power can carry more than one contract, but it can not cancel the third-person contract, but can control its own contract. The contract with lower strength than itself can be eliminated. Can sign a copy. These are basic common sense, you don't know?"

"It turned out to be like this!" Chen Rui reveals a stunned color. "So my strength is far worse than that of an adult, even if I give up the original contract. Is it possible to be eliminated by the adult when signing this contract?"

"Tearing the contract requires a considerable price. If your compensation can satisfy me, it is a win-win situation. I naturally will not do stupid things." The black sea **** said: "This is already a generous for me." Condition. Reject or die, you can make a choice now."

"The generosity of adults is comparable to the glory of two months." Chen Rui suddenly smiled. "Only, I am surprised that why do adults not let me sign a master servant contract? Are adults not even jealous of Satan? Will you care about the existence behind me? Perhaps... as the adult himself said. Can only sign one contract of the same type? Then can I understand that the adult has signed a master-servant contract with a certain existence, and Passive party?"

The expression on the face has finally changed. I only listened to Chen Rui and said: "Even if there is no such sentence... Since the country of the adult is restricted in this sea area, why haven’t you left for so many years? I boldly guessed In a sentence, adults are involuntarily? Or, adults need those things in the treasure. The same is crucial for you to get rid of some kind of restraint."

The face and the mouth of the black sea **** roared at the same time, and the surrounding waves burst into the water column dozens of meters high, and the whole sea was shaking.

Chen Rui tried his best to control the mind and resist this terrible power, but his heart became more and more calm. he knows. These speculations have already hit the key to the behemoth. Although it is unlikely that the other person is angry and turned into a face, it is still ready for the gods mask and the star-moving skills.

"Adult is a discerning person. Tell me the truth. I am actually a kind of relationship with Satan... I can understand it as a 'cooperation' relationship, so I can have a snake badge. But I don't really want to summon this trouble. The 'partners', because of the interests I don't want to share with others, but once my interests have been fundamentally affected, I can only bear the pain of cutting love. After reminding the adults, I have some small skills that are inconspicuous. Even if you don't summon Satan, it's not a problem to escape, even in the kingdom of adults."

After the words made the giant beasts become fierce, Chen Rui shrugged: "In fact. I have a real interest in the "win-win" that adults have said before. Perhaps this is the only basis for our equal cooperation. I believe At that time, I and the adults will have a satisfactory harvest."

These words implied coercion and lure, and almost returned the original words of the behemoth intact.

The behemoth gradually recovered its calmness. If it was before, Chen Rui threatened it and turned it over, but when everything was analyzed, it had to consider more things. This guy is wearing a pass of the Dark Dragon King Treasure. The special breath was discovered when he first entered the country of the field. Otherwise, it was only for the sacrifice of Naga, how could it be so popular?

"I can't do the treasure, but I have two conditions. First, I will promote the pillar of my contract. Second, find a purple soul crystal ball and hand it to me in good faith." Finally, I said my own conditions, "You must sign a contract with me, otherwise I would rather give up the hope of freedom, and now completely destroy you."

Chen Rui understands the worry of the black sea god, if you do not sign a contract, it is impossible for him to leave. In this way, the goal of this trip is not only the source of the dark source, but also the treasure of the Dragon Emperor. The good result is that the original source debris is in the treasure, and it can kill two birds with one stone.

In any case, it is a good result to be able to safely pass this foggy sea area.

"Okay! However, if I help you achieve these two things, you must promise me an extra condition. I haven't thought about this condition yet, but I am sure that it will not harm you."

The Black Sea Goddess agreed without hesitation. Anyway, if this condition is too harsh, he can completely tear the contract at a certain price. Chen Rui thought of a turn, the power of the spiritual link, a contract of light appeared in front of the black sea god, black sea **** looked at the contract, attached his soul to the brand, Chen Rui also concocted according to law, The contract is made into two golden lights, and it is not in the body of the two.

There is a level link in the equal link in the link, the name is "Red 鹨", followed by the contract content, the labeling prompt "can be truncated, can be lifted", which means that Chen Rui only needs to pay a certain amount. Aura can also unilaterally lift this contract.

The name of this big octopus is Akasaka? Instead of... a legendary octopus emperor Paul?

Chen Rui smiled slightly: "Hey, I think our cooperation will be very enjoyable."

The face of the behemoth seemed to be amazed: "How do you know my name?"

"These are just insignificant sections. Don't worry too much. What I want to ask is, since we have signed the contract, should I leave my crew? If I can, I hope that Akasaka can help guide the fog. The direction of the island."

Akasaka slightly sinks: "If you want to move on, you will face two challenges. Although those guys are far less powerful than me, but with your strength, it will not be easy. You are going to the fog hidden island is One of them, I can't tell you too much because of some restrictions. Just say one thing. Firm belief, not afraid of death. Of course, there is still some luck here, even if it is only a little bit, it is also important. From here to To the south, you can reach Fog Hidden Island in about three or four days. I can send you a ride. There will be no obstacles along the way. However, after arriving there, everything will depend on you."

The octopus said, the person looked at Adeline with a faint look, and the five eyes flickered. The seal of the Lord's sacrifice on Adeline's head gradually disappeared, and the crew of the fallen water was automatically sent to the Mandala, and then sailed by the wind and waves, sailing towards the South at an unprecedented speed.

When the mandala disappeared completely in sight, the face of the big man’s face showed a horror: "What kind of person is this guy? The rule's rule power... is completely above the demigod, even Still above the Dragon Emperor's contract. Is it..."

Chen Rui did not know that the spiritual link of the super system brought a powerful shock to the octopus. After this pass, his tight body suddenly relaxed. It was found that the clothes in the star armor had been soaked in cold sweat.

To be honest, negotiating with such a huge and powerful monster, the original world can only be described by the unscientific words, but in this world, it is really happening. Although equally unscientific.

Chen Rui’s eyes fell on Adeline: “Miss Adeline, remember what I said. Never give up hope.”

"Well! Thank you, Aguly Daren." Aidelin nodded, revealing a pure smile, her main sacrifice brand has been eliminated by the red ,, the burden that has been suppressed in the heart has disappeared, the whole person seems a lot easier.

All the Nagas who survived the rest of the robbery came to Chen Rui’s front, and even if they were Shih Tina, they put down the arrogance of the past – let alone the strength, just the calm and calm face of the semi-god-level powerhouse. Determined, Sterling admits that she is far from good.

Previously, the black sea **** claimed to leave Adeline and others, Chen Rui can give up all of them, but he did not do so, so the Naga people are sincerely grateful to Chen Rui.

Chen Rui did not have a custom or contrived, accepted the salute of the Naga, and said with a smile: "Our journey is still very long, the crew. Steiner, my strength is too high, I need to rest for a day or two, this paragraph In time, it is up to you to command."

Sterling knows that she has not been able to return to the Razer Islands for the time being, and if Chen Rui can complete the contract with Akasaka, it means that the enslaved Naga’s "Black Sea Goddess" for many years will leave this place where it is imprisoned, and Na The Gai will also gain true freedom, and this must be done regardless of whether it is public or private.

For the first time, the Naga female warrior appeared in a tribute: "This is my honor. Captain."

Chen Rui completely relaxed into the cabin, this time, still played the Royal Star to tide over the difficulties, one thing makes Chen Rui slightly uneasy, that is, the number of beliefs is not much left It is.

After Shura’s engulfing Hera’s wheel in the day, the power of faith seemed to be captured by a special force. The daily crystallization of faith was greatly reduced. In the battle of the deep blue palace of the water element, Shura reawakened again, and the belief crystallized. The speed has slowed down, and the recent implementation of the royal star has become more frequent. The accumulated crystallization of belief has been stretched, and it is only enough twice.

Obviously, it is the ghost of Shura. This stubborn and mysterious enemy exists for a day. Chen Rui can't live a day, but before the star evolution or the test of the heart, it is impossible to completely eliminate Shura. This time, Shura’s awakening was not simple. In particular, it also displayed the strange power of countering the three elements of the king, far above Chen Rui’s ontological power.

Chen Rui has a hunch that a big test is coming.

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