Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 612: naval battle

The world's sea-going vessels, especially large sea-going vessels, have magical elements in their design, but in general, they are closer to the Spanish galleons in Chen Rui’s impression. The main firepower is equipped with front and rear main guns and sides. The number of cannons.

The undead ships from the two waters appeared on the sides of a dark ship of the dark elements, sandwiching each other, and the corresponding side cannons were opened, and a row of black barrels quickly extended. "Booming..."

Such a close distance, such a fierce shelling, if it is a naval battle on the earth, this round of bang has already given a death notice to the ship of darkness. But here is the devil world. After a few shots in the ship of darkness, hundreds of diamond-shaped objects on both sides of the decoration began to expand rapidly, and they were combined into two huge spar wings, as if they were two-sided shields. The next shelling of the undead ship left only a lot of cracks on the wings and could not defeat this layer of protection.

After a round of artillery, due to the cooling of the artillery energy crystal, the side guns of the two undead ships stopped the shelling. At this time, the wings were instantly split into diamonds, and the hull was quickly recovered. Then the six sides on both sides of the dark ship The gun door fired at the same time, and a group of dark golden light wrapped in black electric awns spewed out to the enemy ship.

The two undead ships do not have the special protective ability of the dark ship, and the power of the dark ship's shelling is quite amazing. It is far superior to the general side gun. Even the mandala is willing to go down the wind, only to see the debris flying. The two enemy ships have been fragmented.

The hull of the left undead ship was the most damaged, and the hull was almost completely torn and decomposed. Many of the undead crews were crushed in the shelling, many fell into the water, and the whole ship began to sink at a speed visible to the naked eye. The boat on the right is a little better, dragging the wreckage and slanting towards the ship of darkness, quite a bit of momentum. However, those enemies are dead creatures, manipulated by a mysterious necromancer, and have no morale. There is no fear or grandeur at all.

The sideboat of the dark ship once again showed great power. The undead ship was slammed close to collapse on the way back, and the diamond wing on the side changed again and turned sideways. It became a huge blade, straight into the broken hull of the undead ship, and the last fatal blow to the undead ship by the power of the ship sailing forward.

This scene shows Chen Rui stunned: deformation? Cybertrons? How much is there a little charm.

The fragmented undead ship stepped on the trail of the previous ship, and the undead creatures had not yet had time to jump to help the melee and sank to the bottom of the sea.

The scene of the Dark Ship quickly defeating the undead ship witnessed the strength of the dark-element ship. For example, the function of the "Saibotan Star" is only the envy of the Mandala, but Chen Rui has no envy. Because the side of the mandala has emerged from the side of the undead ship, the distance is quite close. If it was not for his urgent command to turn left, the stern had been hit by the undead ship.

There are countless ropes on the mast of the undead ship, with a string of figures hanging on it, using the power of inertia to jump towards the mandala. The deck of the Datura is slightly shaking and trembles. It has fallen into dozens of figures, all of which are white skeletons. These crickets and Chen Rui saw most of them in Guladam, which are basically the skeleton of the sea, and there are many Naga people. The snake's torso with many arms made Sterling's eyes red. He sighed with anger and led the Naga people to greet them.

These Naga should be the victims of the sea sacrifice. Although it is not a high-combat group, the Naga family is a fighting race after all. Their strength basically reaches the high-level demon, and they are better than those of Naga. After Sterling’s training these days, both the mental outlook and the overall combat ability have been greatly improved, and equipped with the excellent weapons and armor provided by Chen Rui, the combat power is far from the comparable sacrifices in the old black sea.

Under the leadership of Sterling, the Naga formed a half-moon battle. The undead who rushed to the rushing rushed away. The special coordination of the snakes and the ability of the maritime warfare made them basically unaffected by the swaying deck. The half moon arrayed and brushed out the sharp cold light, and the squadrons were fragmented. The undead soldiers who had skipped were quickly cleared up, when Sterling smashed. Chen Rui has quickly ordered the sand man to control the distance of the mandala, and the undead who tried to help through the ropes jumped into the water.

The mandala quickly turned the hull, the side door gun door opened, and a row of special barrels stretched out.

Because the improved magic crystal cannon has high energy consumption and too long cooling time, the mandala's side cannon is not equipped, but Tetnes is also painstakingly designed. This side-boat is three tubes, and its shape is similar to Chen Rui’s other world-class rotary gun. When it is launched, it is rotated and bombarded, which is equal to the automatic three-stage shot, and when the third barrel is fired, The first barrel has been cooled by the magic array and the magic crystal. It is shot in three rounds and can be restarted in the second round. Until the "excess" heat accumulates to a dangerous level, it must stop and cool for a long time. a period of time.

Although inferior to the dark golden energy of the dark ship in terms of power, the three-barrel gun has a very fast launch frequency, and the continuous destructive power is particularly terrifying, which can quickly destroy enemy equipment and combat power.

The sideboats of the undead ship were just opened, and the three-barrels of the mandala began to be bombarded. In the bombing, dozens of huge holes were immediately added to the undead ship, and these holes were rapidly increasing and expanding. Soon, the undead soul ship sank slantingly.

The three dark ships solved their respective opponents, especially the main ship where the dark element king was located. The power of the artillery was particularly fierce. Without Hegel's hands, the enemy who wanted to get close to the attack was destroyed.

Just taking a breather, the sky suddenly thundered and thundered, and it began to rain. Rainwater not only interfered with the fighting to a certain extent, but the most important thing was that the power of sight and artillery was considerably affected, and more than a dozen undead ships appeared in the nearby sea.

The foremost dark ship was first attacked, the left wing was completely shattered, and an undead ship released a piece of clasp with a hook, which buckled the ship of darkness, and the undead passed through the board and The masts of the masts successively boarded the ship of darkness.

The commander on this ship was the black sark of the elite dark element of the first stage of the Emperor, commanding the dark elements to rush to the enemy, but the undead creatures on the undead ship were significantly stronger than those destroyed by the mandala. It should be an advanced undead creature. Although the dark elements are completely immune to the fear of the undead, the dark elements make the enemy's mad "hate" characteristics have no effect on the undead creatures, and the two sides are in a fierce battle.

The battle of dark elements is much higher than that of undead creatures. But the undead creatures fight is not afraid of death, and the rain of the sky seems to have a special effect on the undead creatures, as if the endless life is doubled.

When the war was glued, the undead ship simply ignored the people who were still in the battle. Directly launched a bombardment of the ship of darkness. Under this circumstance, the dark elements inevitably began to appear more and more casualties. Hesak tried his best to lead the dark elements to kill all the undead creatures boarding the ship. And destroyed the ship of the undead.

Hegel, who sensed the death of dark elements, screamed with anger, and the dark main ship floated three black clouds, covering the three undead ships around. The three ships had just launched a shelling on the dark main ship and did not cause too much damage to the target. This floating black cloud is extremely fast. The blink of an eye has already covered three ships in it. Only the sound of whistling and cross-talking is heard, and the dark clouds are gradually faded. The three large ships are like scorching. The black powder is scattered into the sea. None of the undead creatures on board was spared.

On the state, when the dark element king is the peak, it is absolutely necessary to press the head of the earth element that is still branded by the "digestion" element; on the elemental characteristics. The aggression of dark elements is far more than the earth elements of good deeds. In particular, the elemental kings have been able to manipulate and control the power of the actual combat. They can attack each other with horror attacks, so Hegel’s combat power is still above Moore. Completely annihilated three powerful undead ships.

The four ships have tried their best to eliminate the ten undead ships, both in terms of boats and personnel.

Chen Rui ordered the sand man to approach the dark main ship with the mandala. He used the power to gather the voice and asked the dark element king: "It is not a way to go on. I don't know how many enemies are there, His Highness. He can't perceive your perception. Into the deep sea to sense the enemy's trace?"

"Isn't it just called Hegel?" The dark element king sneered a sneer, and the dark element of the little belly chicken's vengeful character made Chen Rui secretly spit for a while, but the Highness gave the answer: "This sea area is weird, I The mental sensory is limited to a hundred meters, and it is constantly disturbed by some kind of force. I can feel that the position of the source debris should be relatively close, perhaps in this sea of ​​the sea. But can not be sensed The specific location is likely to be affected by the power of a strong country."

The source debris is in the middle of the sea? Chen Rui thought of a move, took out the treasure map, and called: "Throw!"

The amoeba, which had been hiding in the mast watchtower and turned into a flag in the battle, immediately "resurrected" and slid down from the mast. It didn't land yet, and the sound suddenly picked up: "Master, front, front..."

A large area of ​​unusual ups and downs began to appear in the distant sea. As expected, a ship of undead ships emerged from the water one after another, ten ships, twenty ships... more and more, in the blink of an eye, at least appeared Hundreds of ships, and this number is still increasing.

This is no longer a small embarrassment, but a huge fleet of undead, calculated by the kind of combat power just now, Chen Rui is not an opponent. Just if the enemy ships fire together, they can smash four ships into honeycomb coal. Even if the strong people such as Chen Rui and Hegel can survive, but on the sea where there is no land on the land, the flight alone is It is impossible to last, and the sinking of the ship basically declares failure and death.

There are still mysterious countries in the world, and even the existence of dark elements is likely to be difficult to survive, let alone Naga and ordinary elements. Chen Rui has the last choice, which is to use the door of the starry sky to escape the dark blue palace of the water element, but that is equivalent to giving up all the companions who fought side by side here, and gave up the only hope of treating Isabella.

The Undead Fleet formed a fan shape and began to drive towards it. The speed was not very fast, but it gave people a terrible pressure, as if watching death step by step approaching themselves. Before the big ship, countless boats were put down, carrying black-pressed soldiers, and the target was naturally four ships on the side of Chen Rui.

These seesaws are obviously used for melee boarding. It seems that the enemy has an attempt to catch it. This situation, Rao is Chen Rui has no wit, can not cope, then Hegel's voice passed to his ears: "Help me delay the time! At least ten minutes!"

Chen Rui did not have time to ask or guess what Hegel would use to solve the immediate crisis. Now, when they are in the same boat, they can only trust each other and immediately order: "The ship's main gun is ready!"

After the bow of the bow, the magic crystal cannon began to condense energy. With Chen Rui’s command, a strong white light beam was ejected. Although the distance of the undead fleet was far beyond the normal shot range, the mandala The gun of the number can not be described by the word "general". The foremost ship of the undead is swept by white light, and the entire hull is instantly torn apart by terrible energy.

Wherever the light column went, no matter whether the crew or the facilities were turned into particles, the white light destroyed the undead ship and did not stop. Then swept the past and hit a ship next to it, but the power was obviously weakened, but only The boat was cut a little, but it also caused the ship to lose its balance. It quickly tilted to one side and gradually disappeared into the This attack destroyed the two big ships of the enemy. It is reasonable to say that the morale of the other side should be greatly increased. Weakened, but unfortunately those are undead, no panic, no panic, no mood swings, just dead, and still keep the rhythm forward.

In the small battle just now, due to the attack distance, the mandala did not use the main gun. This improved magic crystal gun power made Hegel slightly surprised, and then continued to be ready.

"Turning the bow! The stern main gun is ready!" Chen Rui loudly ordered that although the attack was amazing, the cooling time of the main gun was the biggest flaw. Once the other large fleet approached the range and used the shelling, Then the Mandala has only one end, the disaster.

Just as the Mandala was transferred, Chen Rui saw that the three broken dark ships had been put together in a place, emitting strange light and wondering what was being prepared.

I hope that Hegel can really have a winning way of winning. Now time is life and must last for ten minutes.

Chen Ruiyi gritted his teeth: "The first officer paid attention to the rudder. After turning the bow, the main gun at the stern immediately fired! The side guns dealt with the seesaw near! Steiner, ready to attack with me!"

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