Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 632: Activation task

After solving the Griffin, Chen Rui left the fierce land with the newly received younger Lucio.

The lion's egg is in the hand, Lucio's original plan is to skip the mercenary union directly to the line of Mana priest, but even if you can catch Mana, Chen Rui, such as "unknown" people still need a mercenary A proof of identity such as a badge, otherwise the subsequent plans will be in trouble.

Chen Rui’s idea was to get the badge first. There was only one lion's egg in the reward of Mana's priest, and this time he got three, and he could complete the squad permission to reactivate Lucio's squad. Although this will cause a certain sensation, but with his current strength, it does not care about this, as long as it can save time, it will not affect the implementation of the plan.

Up to now, the two are also hungry. Chen Rui gave Lucio from the storage space. For those fresh and delicious foods that appeared out of thin air, Lucio was curious but did not dare to ask. The two men ate and walked, about three hours later, on a downhill, Chen Rui suddenly said: "Wait."

Lucio quickly stopped, and Chen Rui looked at the hill on the left: "The voice of someone there seems to be calling for help."

"Master, fore... Captain," Lucio changed his name in time and looked at the direction of the hill: "There is the iron dugger site, and the bee king of the iron drone is not only delicious, but also Quickly returning to the magic, the value is very high. However, the iron drake is a group of Warcraft, very aggressive, especially special, not immediately dead, but the pain is terrible, often attacked by the iron drake Will not be poisoned, but will be killed."

Speaking of this, Lucio couldn't help but shudder, and suddenly seemed to think of something: "The union has a long-term task of collecting honey, which is a free mission and can be delivered directly. This task is amethyst three, just before Was monopolized by the Sheng Yu mercenary group, will it..."

Chen Rui blinked: "Go, go see."

Lucio took Chen Rui to a forest under the hill on the left. Far away, I saw two people lying on the ground, making a painful roar, ambiguously mixed with the voice of "help". In front of the woods, a small cloud-like bee colony is slowly retreating.

Chen Rui and Lucio approached. I saw that the two men on the ground were covered with protective gauze. However, the gauze could not completely resist the crazy attack of the iron drone, and the skin under the gauze could be clearly seen. The whole body was red and swollen. Oh, it’s very awkward.

The bee venom was violently abnormal, and the two men sighed with sorrow and could not move. The muscles are automatically twitching, and from the distorted expression, it seems to be enduring tremendous pain.

"Captain, be careful! The bee venom of the iron drake is contagious and must be solved with the dragon's mustard plus fennel." Lucio reminded me: "I still come, I have a little herbweed here, but there is no Fennel should be able to alleviate the onset time."

Chen Rui is actually not afraid of any toxins. Seeing Lucio as active, he nodded and threw him a pair of leather gloves. Add another sentence: "With these gloves, your hands can basically be immune to all toxins. Right, it has the attribute of increasing attack speed by 35%."

Lucio was surprised to see that the pair of brown gloves were also faintly glazed, although it was not clear what level it was, but from the delicate seamless material and near-perfect programming skills, it was not a special product.

After putting on the gloves, the gloves automatically contract to the most appropriate size, and the touch feels like the skin of the body, without any feeling of stagnation.

The most surprising thing is Chen Rui’s sentence. Is immune to "all" toxins? And it can increase the attack speed by 35%!

This is this... What equipment is it?

"Thank you, the captain, I will give it back to you later." Lucio understood the value of these gloves and carefully held them, lest they be defaced.

Lucio’s appearance made Chen Rui a little funny: “You don’t have to pay it, it’s just a quasi-legendary armor. From now on. It’s yours.”

Quasi-legendary! And, it's all for yourself! Lucio rounded his eyes and immediately showed the ecstasy: "Thank you, Captain!"

The main material of this pair of gloves is Jacob's scales. There are still many Chen Rui there. Moreover, a pair of quasi-legendary gloves in the district is really nothing for Chen Boss and Master Chen, whose home production and potential assets are already incalculable. However, for the hard-working gunmen who are in the lower classes all the year round, even the superior equipment can't afford it, let alone the legendary level.

Lucio squatted down and opened the gauze with gloves. He searched on the two men. The two were caused by bee venom and could not move. They could only make screams, even Chen Rui and Lucio’s words. I can't hear it, let alone be struggling.

"It turned out that the two people had run out of the herbweed, only the fennel, this collection must have alarmed the queen, so it would be so miserable, hehe... what is this?" Lucio from a man's waist In the pocket between the pockets, I found a crystal bottle, and I opened it and smelled it. It showed the color of surprise: "The bee king of the iron drunk bee! It seems that the weight of this half-month is here, although it is less, but take a purple The evaluation of the crystal level should be no problem, we can just use it to complete the activation freeze task!"

Really want to sleep, someone will send a pillow, Chen Rui spirits, but fortunately E's bitter guns really transported? Is it because of the infection of the protagonist's halo?

"These two people have helped a lot, save them."

Lucio quickly took out the dragon's mustard, mixed the fennels of the two men, and fed them to eat. The formula of the detoxifying herbs worked, the convulsions of the two men gradually subsided, and the pain was disappearing. fade.

"Hey, I saved the lives of both of you. In return, the queen Wang Jing will be mine!" Lucio threw the crystal bottle in his hand and stood up.

"Wait a minute..." A man who barely regained his mind opened his mouth, and his voice looked very weak: "You can't take the queen Wang Jing away, we are the people of the Shengyu Mercenary!"

In the past, Lucio will certainly be afraid, and even choose extreme killing, but now he is behind a "sacred leader", naturally not afraid of the Shengyu mercenary group, disdain to say: "Sheng Yu What about the mercenary group? Don't forget, if I didn't save you, you are dead! And I can still get the queen Wang!"

After that, Lucio stopped paying attention to the two men, stood up and turned around. The two were affected by the poison and were still unable to act in a short time. They had to watch Lucio and Chen Ruiyang go long.

"Damn bastard! Actually robbed, this bee Wang Jing was robbed, a month of hard work, the head of the team will punish us, Josh, what should I do?"

"When I was chased by the bee colony, I had already sent out the help of magical communication. The people in the group would arrive in a few hours at the earliest." Josh said with a grin, "And, I seem to recognize this person, that one. What kind of rifle waste is called, such a big courage, hand reaching out to our Shengyu mercenary group! When our toxicity is completely relieved, we must not let him go!"

Lucio and Chen Rui did not stop again. After returning to the town, they immediately came to the mercenary union.

"Bee Wang Jing?" Xiandi looked at the crystal bottle that Lucio had handed over, carefully confirmed and confirmed, and finally revealed the color of surprise: "It is really the bee king of the iron drone!"

"Miss Sandy. This is a free mission, not limited to the completion of the object. Although the amount of these queen bees is somewhat insufficient, but the evaluation of the amethyst level should be there? Can you thaw my mercenary squad?"

The professional guidelines did not ask Xiandi how to get these queens. He nodded. "Yes, this purity and weight can be assessed by Amethyst. According to the trade union regulations, the squad squad is thawed and returns to normal. Permissions. Here are the rewards for ten black crystal coins, please accept them."

Lucio took the purse and put it in his arms under the direction of Chen Rui. He said, "Then my team member should be a formal mercenary."

"Of course." Santi took out the form that Chen Rui had previously registered. "Richard, you signed your name here, and then press a handprint, which will be branded on your mercenary badge."

Chen Rui did it one by one. Soon, "Li Cha" became a formal mercenary, and it also has a legal status that can be used in various countries.

The mercenaries who witnessed this scene began to whisper: "Is it strange, where is the iron drunk bee king crystal?"

"That waste has just gone out, what happened?"

"No, isn't the person who has always been Sheng Yu monopolized this task?"

"Is Lucio robbed from the hands of Sheng Yu? Isn't he dying? Dare to grab a meal in Daban's bowl?"

"Impossible, even if he had not had this ability before, let alone now... Lucio led Chen Rui to leave the mercenary immediately went to the bright church in the town and found Pastor Mana.

Although Pastor Mana is only a small leader, it is not so good. Lucio claims that it is necessary to meet the pastor of Mana for the big things and pay the price of ten black coins before seeing in the prayer room. To the priest of meditation.

However, from the nun who had just left in front of the door, the "meditation" of the pastor seems to find another assistant to help.

Pastor Mana is a short-skinned middle-aged man with a fat head and a big ear. His head is bare, with a triangular eye and a splayed character. At first glance, he has a little negative character. I really don't know how to mix it into the "light" church.

The fat priest’s eyes were a bit sharp and seemed to be annoyed because of some good deeds: “I know you, Lucio, the son of Tenival, watching the old friend’s share, I stopped specifically. The most important meditation to meet you, if your so-called 'machine big thing' can not satisfy me, even if you are the only blood left by Tenival, I will give you a severe punishment according to the fair and just church rules! ”

Lucio looked at Chen Rui and showed strong confidence: "Please rest assured, my answer will definitely satisfy the adults, and still, very satisfied." RQ

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