Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 639: Reunion

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A huge ray of light appeared in front of two men, as if they were overlapping and interlaced magical arrays, and the magic array floated out of countless light spots. 'Those spots are quickly connected in series in a mysterious way, producing powerful destructive power. The mark is centered and spreads out in an instant.

The strong light ruined the haze of the woods, and the two men were too screaming in the dazzling light, and they turned into ash and disappeared.

Those who lost control of the dark magic system gradually failed, and at the same time dissipated the strange power that binds everyone.

When the voice rang in the woods, all members of the Iron Shield Mercenary Group showed an exhilarating color.

In the woods, Chen Rui showed a sly smile. 'Even if there is no sense of spiritual connection', this light is the "morning extinction" that has already confirmed the body of the person.

This trick, he once saw it somewhere, and accurately said that he had personally received it.

That place... is the magic bell town in the red secret territory!

The man who had destroyed the two dark magicians was thin, a white half-body armor, a brown hair, holding a long knife in his hand. The man is about to move forward, and the pupil shrinks steadily because there is more than one person in front of him, and he is facing him.

When did this person appear, and there was no sign in advance! Although the breath emitted by the back is only the lowest level, but in his own true knowledge, the 'power is unfathomable' and the strong uneasiness in his heart feels the strength of this person, I am afraid...

The man clenched his long knife in his hand, and the power of his whole body swayed. At this time, the man had already turned his back and just met the man’s vigilant eyes.

The man’s fierce shock “has gone hosted and replaced with an incredible light” as if he saw something incredible.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, 'Samuel,'' Chen Rui's face smiled. 'Jaws first: "It seems that the practice in the Red Sealand is quite successful. 'Your strength really reached the level of the demon -..., amount, It should be called the holy level, and the weakness of the lack of endurance seems to have been enhanced, very good. ’’

This man is the first human being Chen Rui encountered in the devil world, that is, the Longhuang Empire silver knight who had sworn allegiance to him, Samuel Campotel.

At that time, Samuel was forced to regain the devil's arrival in the demon world. He met Chen Rui under the circumstance. Chen Rui also understood the glory and the prince's body. In the planning of the subsequent fund-raising gates, 'Samuel played a key role in the initial stage. Chen Rui used to deceive the human body of Blackbird and Zhuoqi, and it was Samuel's "brother," Charles.

In the end, Samuel was successfully upgraded from the Great Devil to the Emperor, and the living space seed, left the Devil World under the tempering of the Red Lord. After Chen Rui arrived at the ground world, he also thought about trying to contact Samuel during this time, but he did not expect to reunite so soon.

When Chen Rui and Samuel first saw it, they used this pair of earth otaku faces. But the people who looked like they did not have no 'Samuel did not dare to believe it.' However, these words are out. There is half a suspicion, moving one knee and kneeling down: "The light is on the top! It is really His Royal Highness! Your Highness is finally back!,'

Samuel’s ear seemed to sound the same words that the Highness had said with unwavering determination: “I’m not strong enough now to be able to control my own destiny.” When the power is enough, I will overtake it. The gesture above all appears in front of those enemies, and in their shuddering eyes, take back everything that belongs to me! You are the same 'understand?'

This passage was quite motivating to Samuel, and even in the most dangerous phase of his breakthrough bottleneck, he had reappeared these words in the subconscious mind, prompting him to finally break through the obstacles of the division--to reach the holy level.

"His Highness is in the midst of the dangerous world of the devil." Use the battle and strategy to constantly hone himself. Now that he has returned to the ground world, does it mean that... I want to make a blockbuster and take back everything I have?"

Looking at the burning look of the silver knight, Chen Rui’s heart was filled with no words. He certainly couldn’t say that the free return trip was actually a pothole accident, and he had to rush back to the devil world. He stayed for a long while and had to shake his head: “Others Things are put aside, you should call me a meal..."

In the woods, the dazzling light that annihilates the darkness gradually dissipates, and the warm sunshine scatters from the cracks of the canopy to form a beam of light.

A figure bathed in the light column and appeared in front of everyone.

The members of the Iron Shield Mercenary Corps were all excited to rush around and screamed.

"Deputy Head!''

"That's too strong." The **** dark power disappeared in the blink of an eye!,’

"There is no deputy head of the enemy who is strong again!"

Samuel greeted everyone with a slogan, "One turn" just met Ina's gaze and smiled: "I am coming, head."

Ina’s eyes flashed with a strange look. “Laughing: “It seems that your deputy head is much more popular than my head. You simply come to the head of the team.”

"I am only a temporary deputy head." 'Samuel shook his head in disapproval.' "Like what we originally agreed... Yes, what enemy did you encounter? I found the message of help on my way to the meeting, so I came soon.

Ina heard the words "temporary," and the hustle and bustle of the rushed over. Soon, the normal state was restored, and the 匕 ☆ first brotherhood was said.

Samuel looked at the fat man: "They are the target of this protection?,"

"Yes, Pastor Mana, you should know, and that..." ‘Ina nodded and suddenly saw Chen Rui’s side of the fat man’s slight surprise: “Lee? Where have you been? ’’

"I have been with you all the time." 'Chen Rui shrugged his shoulders' "The darkness of the darkness is really terrible." I almost deprived me of all my strength. Thanks to this..., the amount of your deputy head Yes, otherwise I am afraid that we will all be wiped out. ,’

"Yes?" 'Ina showed a color of suspicion. "How come I didn't see you? ’’

"Maybe this person looks more ordinary, lacks a sense of existence. And my position is relatively backward... and with it.," Chen Rui said, touched the head of the wind leopard, 'the fierce wind leopard is like warmth. The cat is licking his leg.

Ina thought for a moment before 'nodding'. If it wasn’t for "Lecha", the crowd had already died under the siege of the viper. This person’s whereabouts are a bit strange. But after all, it’s one of the employers, and everyone has their own The secret, so she did not ask again.

Mana on the side was surprised by Samuel’s demonstrated strength. The deputy head of the Iron Shield Mercenary Corps seems to be a new appointment soon, and the act has always been low-key. I can’t think of such a fighting force, I’m afraid than the Shengyu Mercenary. The length of the essay is not much worse.

The terrible feeling in the woods just made the fat man remember. I am afraid that this nightmare will be repeated again. I just want to get to the destination as soon as possible. I quickly asked: "We don’t have a carriage and mount now. The trip will definitely slow down." do?',

Although most people in the ground world believe in the light gods, but there are moons in the sun, there are nights in the daytime, even the bright church can not completely deny the existence of "darkness", especially the occupations such as assassins and thieves. Do not open the power of dark elements. The Church of Light has closed its eyes with one eye, 'just to degrade the darkness by advocating the light', making darkness synonymous with humble, shameless, resisted and despised.

The Light Church has only one of the most basic principles of prohibiting the beliefs related to the darkness, such as worshipping the dark church. Once found, the cult who will be regarded as a bright cult is killed on the firearms of the referee.

So even the 刺 首 首 首 刺 刺 施 施 施 施 施 施 施 施 施 施 施 施 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 首 施 首 首 施 首 施 施 施 施 首 首 首 首 首 只要 只要 ' 首 首 首A little life.

Ina took out the map's contemplation for a moment, and said: "The horse and the mount can't find it back. If you walk from the avenue, it's a fake for you. It takes about four or five days to reach Garton City. Night long dreams, 'we still take the route of Black Rock Mountain and directly into the city of Garton.' If it goes well, it should be able to reach Garton City in up to three days.''

“Black Rock Mountain?’’ The fat man was slightly hesitant: “That is the site of the hill dwarves.” For some historical reasons, the dwarves seem to be less friendly to humans...’’

Ina interface said: "Yes, because of this, so the chances of the first brotherhood to start in Heiyanshan will be greatly reduced. I think this is the safest and fastest way."

Samuel expressed his approval and the members of the Iron Shield have joined.

The fat man looked at Chen Rui in an inquiring manner. The latter shrugged and said that it didn't matter. The fat man glanced at Samuel again. Finally, he said, "Okay, listen to the head of Ina!"

The people immediately changed the route and walked through the woods and walked toward the mountains. That night, the team camped on a mountain.

Late at night, Samuel, who was in charge of the middle of the night, replaced the bearded man in charge of the middle of the night. At this time, Chen Rui’s voice was heard in the ear: "Follow me."

Samuel took care of it and silently followed Chen Rui’s figure.

The speed of the two was very fast, and they had already arrived in the mountainside on the other side in the blink of an eye.

Chen Rui stopped: "You can rest assured at the campsite." I have everything in preparation."

Chen Rui’s reliance on his body is outside his body. ☆ He has left Shura in the camp, even if he has an assassin, it is easy to solve.

Samuel nodded. Chen Rui smiled: "Before the time problem, many things are too late to say, now you can talk about it. Right, how do you join the Iron Shield Mercenary?"

"When I returned to the ground world from the Devil World, I wanted to return to the Longhuang Empire immediately, but I then heard the news that Paul defeated the little sword St. Follett." Actually, I, Paul, and Fred are now fake. is also the magic level of the devil world. Flett has been in the pseudo-Saint for five years. Paul can defeat him, and his strength can be seen. It seems that the last time I was hiding my strength from the sword. Although I have reached the level of pseudo-holy in the devil world, I am afraid that it is not his opponent. Therefore, I decided to continue to practice hard. ,’

"As for the Iron Shield Mercenary Corps, -...-," Seluelton paused: "That was six months ago, I was seriously injured in a coma because of the practice. Ion they saved me." In order to repay, I stayed. Iron Shield 'but most of the time I am practicing 'rarely directly involved in the mission. Just, - I recently inquired about a bad news, because Paul is going to the White Cliff to participate in the selection of the Knights of the Temple, so he asked to get married with Joanna within two months. This request has been approved by Joanna’s father. ! ’’

"So, you have to beat Paul in two months?" Chen Rui reveals the color, Joanna is Samuel's lover. The silver knight is for her to go to the devil to practice.

Samuel bowed his head: "This time Joanna accepted the invitation of her friend Elisa to go to the city of Garton. In fact, she wanted to use this opportunity to give up everything and run away with me. (To be continued )

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